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India 6th most liked, Pak 3rd most disliked nation for Americans: Poll

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India is the sixth most favourable nation for Americans, while at least eight out of 10 do not like Pakistan, making it the third most unfavourable nation after Iran and Korea, according to a latest poll.

According to the GallUP Polls, nearly seven (68%) out of every 10 persons
interviewed for the poll favoured India, thus ranking it sixth after Canada (91%), Great Britain (88%), Germany (85%), Japan (81%) and France (73%).

In fact Israel, the traditional American ally ranks seventh after India with 66% while Mexico get only 47% favourable votes.

Opinion about Russia is equally divided among favourable and unfavourable rating while 52% of the Americans put China in the unfavourable category.

Nine out of 10 Americans have an unfavourable view of Iran, making it the worst rated country out of 22 surveyed.

Seven other countries - Libya (72%), Iraq (76%), Afghanistan (80%), the Palestinian Authority (77%), Syria (75%), Pakistan (81%) and North Korea (84%)-- also receive unfavourable ratings of 70% or more.

"Eight countries with the most negative ratings are currently or over the past decade were involved in wars, disputes, or turmoil -- in a number of instances, in ways that are hostile to the US," GallUP said.

It said the currently "hostile" category includes Iran and North Korea. Libya was hostile toward the US under the government of Muammar Gaddafi and more recently Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed there.

"The US-Pakistani relationship is beset with rockiness despite the strained cooperation between the two on military matters. Americans also strongly favour Israel's enduring conflict with Palestinian Authority," the survey said.

India 6th most liked, Pak 3rd most disliked nation for Americans: Poll - Hindustan Times

LOL - I bet the 23% of Americans who have an "unfavorable" view of India have had to deal with Dell or Microsoft customer support reps in India.
US never attacked India neither it was important enough.Will repeat again that dislike between US-Muslim world is mutual.
US never attack strong nations. Just Iraq, Vietnam, fill in the blanks. :lol:

BTW US is ally of Gulf countries where Islam started and spread first. :lol:
India and Us would top the list of most hated countries/nations in any such Pakistani Poll.
Muslim Majority countries lead the way in unfavorable opinions for the US -- Coincidence?? Not at all, US and Muslim majority countries have discovered a mutual dislike and hostility - long may it work it's magic:cheers:

While nothing is coincidence, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are about the median in that list - Islamic countries, not just Muslim majority.

Of the seven you quoted, the one in the bottom is North Korea, not a Muslim majority country.

Among the rest of them - Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan feature not because they are Muslim majority countries, rather for reasons that are most talked about in this, and many other forums. So only one country is left - Libya... where their ambassador got killed.

The reasons behind the likes and dislikes, if traced, go to the foundations that do not have anything to do with religion, rather with other geopolitical and economic issues such as communism/oil.
While nothing is coincidence, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are about the median in that list - Islamic countries, not just Muslim majority.

The reasons behind the likes and dislikes, if traced, go to the foundations that do not have anything to do with religion, rather with other geopolitical and economic issues such as communism/oil.

Ok, if you say so --
I think behavior of US based foreign citizens is also important deciding factor. Indians are liberal, mixed in the society, not orthodox fools and not remotely supporting terrorism on US soil. If you see Apu in the Simpsons, the Indian characters in the big bang theory and archies its one sign that local americans have accepted Indians as part of their society. Indian democracy is other big factor. About Pakistan on these fronts? Less the talk , better.

India and Us would top the list of most hated countries/nations in any such Pakistani Poll.

I am afraid my friend your opinion is not important. Not even for your politicians.
Party thread for the Weekend....Thanks OP...:cheers:
ahhah its undersood...:D

Pakistan still dont bow down to american orders on gas pipeline & Gawadar projects, unlike india who did every thing on one phone call:omghaha:

Drone strikes ............:wave:
Ok, if you say so --

No sir, not I. It is the history books that show us how powerful ones have waged wars less for religion and more for resources.

50 years ago, Americans loved Shias. They so much respected and appreciated Pakistanis coming to their country. And all those who favored a change in this were driven for the power and economic gains. The backward/spiritual Hindus of yesteryears appear as smart computer programmers and modern entrepreneurs today only because India has a market to offer... not that Americans opened their eyes to the some strange Vedic sense or found some flaw in the Shia ideology :lol:
Not me, the actions of 15 Saudi are clear reflection of the Muslims of the world - Go USA, get what you have earned and deserve:usflag:

Logically speaking the actions of a few cannot express the beliefs of the majority. This being said, we must remember man is but an animal. When animals encounter a stimuli, they generalize it. For example, they say not to feed wild bears because they lose their fear of man. They don't just stop fearing the people who feed them, but everyone. We are no different.
Who cares? Most Americans are ignorant of Pakistan, many think it's in the Middle East, they can't even name the President of Pakistan, don't know Pakistan's role in WoT, and many of them are short-sighted in their view of foreign relations.
us afraid iran may nuke thm,,, if us people see any competitor they start hating thm ,,, typical us :hitwall:
Indians like to consider getting liked or approval from the white man a badge of honour. In our culture, we don't have this. Whenever a western country does something, the first people you will find defending them will be Indians. You never see any Chinese going around defending western imperialism. Even if there are, they are a tiny minority. As I said before, it's because we don't consider other races to be superior to ours. We consider ourselves equal to the white man, thus never seek their approval. Whereas Indians have the white man on a pedestal and above the Indian race, thus it makes you very happy whenever any western country likes you. You wave that around showing everyone 'look at us, these white people like us'. It's almost a badge of honour for you guys.

Very true, in fact India is ruled by an Italian woman behind the scenes.
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