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Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it​

8 August 2019

Pakistani men in Lahore chant slogans at a rally expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir
Image source, Reuters
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Kashmir has been a source of conflict between India and Pakistan for more than 70 years
Nuclear-armed neighbours India and Pakistan have fought two wars and a limited conflict over Kashmir. But why do they dispute the territory - and how did it start?

How old is this fight?​

Kashmir is an ethnically diverse Himalayan region, covering around 86,000 sq miles (138 sq km), and famed for the beauty of its lakes, meadows and snow-capped mountains.
Even before India and Pakistan won their independence from Britain in August 1947, the area was hotly contested.
Under the partition plan provided by the Indian Independence Act, Kashmir was free to accede to either India or Pakistan.
The maharaja (local ruler), Hari Singh, initially wanted Kashmir to become independent - but in October 1947 chose to join India, in return for its help against an invasion of tribesmen from Pakistan.
A war erupted and India approached the United Nations asking it to intervene. The United Nations recommended holding a plebiscite to settle the question of whether the state would join India or Pakistan. However the two countries could not agree to a deal to demilitarise the region before the referendum could be held.

In July 1949, India and Pakistan signed an agreement to establish a ceasefire line as recommended by the UN and the region became divided.
Kashmiri men walk by a river near the Line of Control, the de facto border between Pakistan and India
Image source, AFP/Getty Images
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Kashmir is known by some as India's Switzerland, due to its verdant fields and sweeping mountainscapes
A second war followed in 1965. Then in 1999, India fought a brief but bitter conflict with Pakistani-backed forces.
By that time, India and Pakistan had both declared themselves to be nuclear powers.
Today, Delhi and Islamabad both claim Kashmir in full, but control only parts of it - territories recognised internationally as "Indian-administered Kashmir" and "Pakistan-administered Kashmir".

Why is there so much unrest in the Indian-administered part?

An armed revolt has been waged against Indian rule in the region for three decades, claiming tens of thousands of lives.
India blames Pakistan for stirring the unrest by backing separatist militants in Kashmir - a charge its neighbour denies.

Now a sudden change to Kashmir's status on the Indian side has created further apprehension.
Indian-administered Kashmir has held a special position within the country historically, thanks to Article 370 - a clause in the constitution which gave it significant autonomy, including its own constitution, a separate flag, and independence over all matters except foreign affairs, defence and communications.

On 5 August, India revoked that seven-decade-long privileged status - as the governing party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), had promised in its 2019 election manifesto. The Hindu nationalist BJP has long opposed Article 370 and had repeatedly called for its abolishment.
Telephone networks and the internet were cut off in the region in the days before the presidential order was announced. Public gatherings were banned, and tens of thousands of troops were sent in. Tourists were told to leave Kashmir under warnings of a terror threat.

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Baramulla resident: 'Our livelihood is affected, nobody is at peace'
Two former chief ministers of Jammu and Kashmir - the Indian state which encompasses the disputed territory - were placed under house arrest.
One of them, Mehbooba Mufti, said the move would "make India an occupational force in Jammu and Kashmir," and that "today marks the darkest day in Indian democracy".

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.View original tweet on Twitter
Pakistan fiercely condemned the development, branding it "illegal" and vowing to "exercise all possible options" against it.
It downgraded diplomatic ties with India and suspended all trade. India responded by saying they "regretted" Pakistan's statement and reiterating that Article 370 was an internal matter as it did not interfere with the boundaries of the territory.
Within Kashmir, opinions about the territory's rightful allegiance are diverse and strongly held. Many do not want it to be governed by India, preferring either independence or union with Pakistan instead.
Religion is one factor: Jammu and Kashmir is more than 60% Muslim, making it the only state within India where Muslims are in the majority.

Critics of the BJP fear this move is designed to change the state's demographic make-up of - by giving people from the rest of the country to right to acquire property and settle there permanently.
Ms Mufti told the BBC: "They just want to occupy our land and want to make this Muslim-majority state like any other state and reduce us to a minority and disempower us totally."
Feelings of disenfranchisement have been aggravated in Indian-administered Kashmir by high unemployment, and complaints of human rights abuses by security forces battling street protesters and fighting insurgents.
Mehbooba Mufti pictured at a podium in July 2019
Image source, EPA
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Former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti has accused India of betraying Kashmir
Anti-India sentiment in the state has ebbed and flowed since 1989, but the region witnessed a fresh wave of violence after the death of 22-year-old militant leader Burhan Wani in July 2016. He died in a battle with security forces, sparking massive protests across the valley.
Wani - whose social media videos were popular among young people - is largely credited with reviving and legitimising the image of militancy in the region.
Thousands attended Wani's funeral, which was held in his hometown of Tral, about 40km (25 miles) south of the city of Srinagar. Following the funeral, people clashed with troops and it set off a deadly cycle of violence that lasted for days.
More than 30 civilians died, and others were injured in the clashes. Since then, violence has been on the rise in the state.
kashmir map

Presentational white space

More than 500 people were killed in 2018 - including civilians, security forces and militants - the highest toll in a decade.

Weren't there high hopes for peace in the new century?​

India and Pakistan did indeed agree a ceasefire in 2003 after years of bloodshed along the de facto border (also known as the Line of Control).
Pakistan later promised to stop funding insurgents in the territory, while India offered them an amnesty if they renounced militancy.
In 2014, India's current Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power promising a tough line on Pakistan, but also showed interest in holding peace talks.
Nawaz Sharif, then prime minister of Pakistan, attended Mr Modi's swearing-in ceremony in Delhi.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif shakes hands with Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the swearing-in ceremony of the NDA government in New Delhi on Tuesday, May 27, 1014
Image source, Getty Images
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Pakistan and India's prime ministers promised peace in 2014
But a year later, India blamed Pakistan-based groups for an attack on its airbase in Pathankot in the northern state of Punjab. Mr Modi also cancelled a scheduled visit to the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, for a regional summit in 2017. Since then, there hasn't been any progress in talks between the neighbours.

Are we back to square one?​

The bloody summer of street protests in Indian-administered Kashmir in 2016 had already dimmed hopes for a lasting peace in the region.
Then, in June 2018, the state government there was upended when Mr Modi's BJP pulled out of a coalition government run by Ms Mufti's People's Democratic Party.
Jammu and Kashmir was since under direct rule from Delhi, which fuelled further anger.
The deaths of more than 40 Indian soldiers in a suicide attack on 14 February, 2019 have ended any hope of a thaw in the immediate future. India blamed Pakistan-based militant groups for the violence - the deadliest targeting Indian soldiers in Kashmir since the insurgency began three decades ago.
Following the bombing, India said it would take "all possible diplomatic steps" to isolate Pakistan from the international community.
On 26 February, it launched air strikes in Pakistani territory which it said targeted militant bases.
Pakistan denied the raids had caused major damage or casualties but promised to respond, fuelling fears of confrontation. A day later it said it had shot down two Indian Air Force jets in its airspace, and captured a fighter pilot - who was later returned unharmed to India.

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Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman was handed over to Indian officials near a border crossing with Pakistan
Kashmir remains one of the most militarised zones in the world.

So what happens next?​

India's parliament has now passed a bill splitting Indian-administered Kashmir into two territories governed directly by Delhi: Jammu and Kashmir, and remote, mountainous Ladakh.
China, which shares a disputed border with India in Ladakh, has objected to the reorganisation and accused Delhi of undermining its territorial sovereignty.
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has vowed to challenge India's actions at the UN security council, and take the matter to the International Criminal Court.
In an ominous warning, he said: "If the world does not act today... (if) the developed world does not uphold its own laws, then things will go to a place that we will not be responsible for."
But Delhi insists that there is no "external implication" to its decision to reorganise the state as it has not changed the Line of Control or boundaries of the region.
US President Donald Trump has offered to mediate in the crisis - an overture that Delhi has rejected.

There is one lie in this BBC article.

The Maharaja never signed the instrument of accession to India. That's India's narrative on the matter.

The Pakistan's narrative is that the Maharaja never signed the Instrument of Accession to India.
Any specific reason you didn't even do a basic wiki search before declaring that there's no instrument of accession?

As far as plebiscite goes, it has been shared multiple times that one of the pre-conditions there is that Pakistan needs to vacate entire Kashmir (even referred to in the article that you have quoted) & that there should be no demographic change. Since, both of these aren't possible anymore, there's no so called legal path to plebiscite.

Lastly, rarely would any country hold a plebiscite unless it's forced to in its own land as results are unpredictable. Can Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan (let's say just to morally quell the demands of organization's like BLA)? Can China hold a plebiscite in Xinjiang or in Tibet (just to show to the world that the local population is happy with its rule)?
Kashmir issue would never ever be resolved by peaceful means; but by war, whenever it happens. The circumstances, for such armed conflict, may got created, even by some unrelated event, like a full-scale war between China and India, or some other thing.
Before looking at Baluchistan how about you stop civil war between your states with Mizoram attacking Assam and visa versa.

Lol is this the whole thing you managed to find about India ? It happened for once and there is so much animosity between the two states. Balochistan or FATA should be something you should look at rather than dreaming about Indian Kashmir.
Lol is this the whole thing you managed to find about India ? It happened for once and there is so much animosity between the two states. Balochistan or FATA should be something you should look at rather than dreaming about Indian Kashmir.

Glad you find it funny , your two states going to war. The rest of your post makes no sense.
FATA and Baluchistan are terrorist attacks not state forces going to war, logic isn’t your strong point. You’ve also got insurgencies e.g. Nagaland their people on mass attacked your army lol.
We don’t need to dream about Kashmir it’s you lot who are the piggy in the middle.
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Glad you find it funny , your two states going to war. The rest of your post makes no sense.
FATA and Baluchistan are terrorists attacks not state forces going to war, logic isn’t your strong point. You’ve also got insurgencies e.g. Nagaland their people on mass attacked your army lol.
We don’t need to dream about Kashmir it’s you lot who are the piggy in the middle.

In "Bhakton" ka asal ilaaj China he karay ga. Hum saath saath "jamaal ghota" dain gay. :lol:
Glad you find it funny , your two states going to war. The rest of your post makes no sense.
FATA and Baluchistan are terrorists attacks not state forces going to war, logic isn’t your strong point. You’ve also got insurgencies e.g. Nagaland their people on mass attacked your army lol.
We don’t need to dream about Kashmir it’s you lot who are the piggy in the middle.
I meet lots of Muslims of occupied Kashmiri, I see no spark, they have been extremely oppressed. Only Pakistan can do something otherwise, slowly Kashmiri Muslims will face the same fate as Palestinians, who sold their land and are now refugee on their own land.
Any specific reason you didn't even do a basic wiki search before declaring that there's no instrument of accession?

As far as plebiscite goes, it has been shared multiple times that one of the pre-conditions there is that Pakistan needs to vacate entire Kashmir (even referred to in the article that you have quoted) & that there should be no demographic change. Since, both of these aren't possible anymore, there's no so called legal path to plebiscite.

Lastly, rarely would any country hold a plebiscite unless it's forced to in its own land as results are unpredictable. Can Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan (let's say just to morally quell the demands of organization's like BLA)? Can China hold a plebiscite in Xinjiang or in Tibet (just to show to the world that the local population is happy with its rule)?
No, The Maharaja never signed the Instrument of Accession to India.

Go tell your Indian government government to produce that document.
They say they cannot, or they say it is lost.

Any specific reason you didn't even do a basic wiki search before declaring that there's no instrument of accession?

As far as plebiscite goes, it has been shared multiple times that one of the pre-conditions there is that Pakistan needs to vacate entire Kashmir (even referred to in the article that you have quoted) & that there should be no demographic change. Since, both of these aren't possible anymore, there's no so called legal path to plebiscite.

Lastly, rarely would any country hold a plebiscite unless it's forced to in its own land as results are unpredictable. Can Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan (let's say just to morally quell the demands of organization's like BLA)? Can China hold a plebiscite in Xinjiang or in Tibet (just to show to the world that the local population is happy with its rule)?
Although the Maharaja of Kashmir never signed the Instrument of Accession to India,
even if he did it showed he was being fraudulent, because he signed a standstill agreement with Pakistan before doing any
communications with India.

Had Kashmir been a normal province of British Raj Empire it would have gone to Pakistan automatically
according to the Rules of partition, Muslim majority areas should go to Pakistan.
Kashmir region is 75% Muslim.

Even today Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir is 67% Muslim majority.

Lol is this the whole thing you managed to find about India ? It happened for once and there is so much animosity between the two states. Balochistan or FATA should be something you should look at rather than dreaming about Indian Kashmir.
Balochistan and FATA are not disputed territory according to the United Nations.

Kashmir is disputed territory according to the United Nations.

What about Naxalite terrorism in India and the North East states of India where they keep fighting among themselves? ;)
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What about Naxalite terrorism in India and the North East states of India where they keep fighting among themselves?

Be honest to yourself. Do you see the Naxalites doing the same thing which Baloch insurgents or TTP does ? NorthEast had a issue where Assam and Manipur police got into a little fight. The way a Mod pointed it out shows he knows little about that part.
Any specific reason you didn't even do a basic wiki search before declaring that there's no instrument of accession?

As far as plebiscite goes, it has been shared multiple times that one of the pre-conditions there is that Pakistan needs to vacate entire Kashmir (even referred to in the article that you have quoted) & that there should be no demographic change. Since, both of these aren't possible anymore, there's no so called legal path to plebiscite.

Lastly, rarely would any country hold a plebiscite unless it's forced to in its own land as results are unpredictable. Can Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan (let's say just to morally quell the demands of organization's like BLA)? Can China hold a plebiscite in Xinjiang or in Tibet (just to show to the world that the local population is happy with its rule)?
Stop spreading lies. The Maharaja signing the Instrument of Accession is the Indian narrative. This is what the Pakistani government says:


Ensconced in the lap of the Himalayas, the State of Jammu &; Kashmir with an area of 84471 square miles, is surrounded by India, Pakistan, China and Afghanistan. The valley of Kashmir, a region of the State, is 85 miles long and 25 miles wide. Called a “Paradise on Earth, its serene, picturesque and bewitching beauty has entranced the prince and the pauper alike over the centuries. However, the history of its people is a sad story of sobs and woes. Their life remained a saga of poverty and oppression as the famous scholar Vincent Smith wrote: “Few regions in the world can have had worse luck than Kashmiris in the matter of government”.

The Kashmir issue, the oldest on the agenda of the United Nations, is an unfinished agenda of the partition of the Sub-Continent of India. The people of Kashmir, still groaning under the yoke of India, have a much longer history of struggle for freedom than the peoples of other parts of the Sub-Continent. The Kashmiris, who have been victim of suppression and were exploited by various despotic alien rulers, revolted in the 1830s. The Raja of Jammu, Gulab Singh, a warlord of the Sikh empire, crushed the revolt and skinned alive the Kashmiri leaders. Gulab Singh, who purchased Kashmir from the British Indian Government in 1846 for a paltry sum of 75,00,000 rupees added his own brand of barbarity in Kashmir. Similarly, his descendants were also no less cruel. However, the ambers of freedom, simmering in the hearts of Kashmiris, burst into flames in the 1920s and the 1930s also.

The State of Jammu & Kashmir was one of the 584 princely States of the Indian Sub-Continent. At the time of independence in 1947, Rulers of these states were advised by the then Viceroy to either join India or Pakistan, keeping in view the wishes of their peoples and the geographical location. The Kashmiri Muslims had two strong reasons to join Pakistan: their numerical preponderance (80% of the population) and geographical contiguity. However, the Indian leaders coerced the Non-Muslim Ruler of the State to accede to India (doubtful). The Kashmiri Muslims revolted, liberating a large tract of the State and established Azad (free) Government of Jammu & Kashmir. India ran to the United Nations for intervention, which rejected the Indian claim on the State and passed various resolutions, supporting the Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. The resolution of January 5, 1949 reads:

“The question of accession of the State of Jammu & Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.

The UN Security Council reiterated the right of self-determination of Kashmiris in various resolutions, including of 1951 and 1957, as reproduced below:-

“Observing that the Governments of India and Pakistan have accepted the provisions of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan resolutions of 13 August, 1948, and 5 January, 1949, and have reaffirmed their desire that the future of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nation.

“....... the convening of a Constituent Assembly as recommended by the General Council of the “All Jammu & Kashmir National Conference” and any action that Assembly might attempt to take to determine the future shape and affiliation of the entire State or any part thereof would not constitute a disposition of the State in accordance with the above principles”. (No: 91 – March 30, 1951)

“The final disposition of the State of Jammu & Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations”. (No: 122 – January 24, 1957)

India agreed to hold plebiscite in the State and its leaders made commitments at least more than forty times to this effect. However, they just wanted to gain time and were not sincere in this regard. They started talks on Kashmir whenever pressure was put on India and that again as a dilatory tactic. Pakistan and India fought three wars on the issue and in the wake of each, India promised to resolve the issue, but did nothing on the ground.

An inordinate delay in implementing the UN resolutions on Kashmir, repeated farcical, sham elections in the State as well as the wave of democracy, which swept the globe in 1980s, brought the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) on the streets, agitating for their right of self-determination. Since India endeavoured to kill their spirit for freedom by force, Kashmiris were compelled to take up arms. To break the will of Kashmiris, India has deployed over 7 hundred thousand soldiers fully armed and with unlimited powers under the draconian Kashmir specific laws. They have wreaked havoc there. The atrocities inflicted on the hapless Kashmiris have been documented by Indian and international human rights organisations, like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and others.

The delegation of the European Parliament, which visited IOK, called it the most beautiful prison in the world. In its report, the delegation condemned in unequivocal terms the state terrorism against Kashmiris, urging the need for international human rights organisations to be given access to IOK and called upon the Indian government to allow better monitoring of all detainees. The delegation also recommended appointment of a Rapporteur by the European Parliament on Kashmir.

The Indian leaders usually make devious statements to hoodwink the international community. Some time the Indian leaders accuse Kashmiris of terrorism but, in fact, the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and other UN declarations permit people to fight for their right of self-determination. Therefore, the freedom movement of Kashmiris can’t be dubbed as terrorism. As far as the allegation of the cross border terrorism is concerned, Pakistan has repeatedly proposed to enhance the role of the UN Observers on the Line of Control (LOC), but India didn’t agree. The respectable burials and ever expanding graveyards in the occupied territory also speak volumes in support of their indigenous movement. Moreover, a foreign sponsored movement cannot sustain for such a long time as 18 years with equal zeal and unflinching commitment. Various analysts, Indian and international, have also repudiated the Indian claim.

India is also against third party intervention, stating that the issue can be resolved bilaterally under the Simla Agreement. The Agreement was signed on July 2, 1972, but India has done nothing to resolve the issue in the last 34 years, rather it has rebuffed all the overtures made by Pakistan to this effect. Moreover, the Agreement neither alters the disputed status of Kashmir nor precludes the role of the United Nations, as explained below:-​

  • Para 1 (i) of the Agreement – states that the UN Charter shall govern relations between the parties.
  • Para 1 (ii) – does not exclude the UN for a peaceful settlement.
  • Para 1 (iv) – refers to the Kashmir issue as the basic issue and cause of conflict between the two nations.
  • Para 5 (ii) – protects the recognized positions of both Pakistan and India and differentiates the “Line of Control” from the international borders.
  • Para 7 – describes the Kashmir dispute as one of the outstanding issues.
  • Articles 34 and 35 of the UN Charter – empower the Security Council to investigate any dispute, without subservience to any bilateral agreement.
  • Article 103 – obligations under the Charter take precedence over obligations under a bilateral agreement.

The issue is on the UN agenda. The presence of the UN Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan also confirms the UN involvement in the dispute.

Unprecedented atrocities perpetrated by the Indian security forces in IOK as well as the ever swelling military power of India have made the Indian Sub-Continent one of the most dangerous places in the world, as described by quite a few world leaders including former US President Bill Clinton.

India, which is jockeying for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council should remind itself about the UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir, which it has persistently defied with impunity. Similarly, the world community should also recognize its responsibility under the UN Charter to resolve the Kashmir issue. If the UN resolutions on Iraq, Kosovo and East Timor can be implemented, why not the resolutions on Kashmir?

The world has shrunk and a regional conflict can engulf the whole world, especially because India and Pakistan are both nuclear powers. Therefore, the world community should not ignore the plight of the Kashmiris, who are writing their tales of woe in blood. It should come forward and stop the injustice meted out to them at the hands of the Indians. Dr. Martin Luther King very aptly remarked: “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people”.

Be honest to yourself. Do you see the Naxalites doing the same thing which Baloch insurgents or TTP does ? NorthEast had a issue where Assam and Manipur police got into a little fight. The way a Mod pointed it out shows he knows little about that part.
Naxalite insurgency is worse than what is happening in Balochistan. More honest than you are.
No, The Maharaja never signed the Instrument of Accession to India.

Go tell your Indian government government to produce that document.
They say they cannot, or they say it is lost.

Although the Maharaja of Kashmir never signed the Instrument of Accession to India,
even if he did it showed he was being fraudulent, because he signed a standstill agreement with Pakistan before doing any
communications with India.

Had Kashmir been a normal province of British Raj Empire it would have gone to Pakistan automatically
according to the Rules of partition, Muslim majority areas should go to Pakistan.
Kashmir region is 75% Muslim.

Even today Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir is 67% Muslim majority.

Balochistan and FATA are not disputed territory according to the United Nations.

Kashmir is disputed territory according to the United Nations.

What about Naxalite terrorism in India and the North East states of India where they keep fighting among themselves? ;)
This case is old and this issue was never resolved through table talk, Pakistan already did many times from UN to OIC everyone failed and disappointed us ..... only solution .... you know very well .... otherwise in the next few years, Kashmir will be gone and become another dead horse like Palestine.
Be honest to yourself. Do you see the Naxalites doing the same thing which Baloch insurgents or TTP does ? NorthEast had a issue where Assam and Manipur police got into a little fight. The way a Mod pointed it out shows he knows little about that part.
You are intellectually dishonest.

Had Kashmir been a normal province of the British Raj empire, it would have automatically gone to Pakistan.
Fact 1: Kashmir is 75% Muslim majority.

Yes or No?

This case is old and this issue was never resolved through table talk, Pakistan already did many times from UN to OIC everyone failed and disappointed us ..... only solution .... you know very well .... otherwise in the next few years, Kashmir will be gone and become another dead horse like Palestine.
Thats why I couldn't give a damn for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, because the Arabs themselves are not united on Kashmir dispute.

China has been a much better ally. Only Saudi Arabia rivals China on who has helped Pakistan.
You are intellectually dishonest.

Had Kashmir been a normal province of the British Raj empire, it would have automatically gone to Pakistan.
Fact 1: Kashmir is 75 Muslim majority.

Yes or No?

If that is the case then why did not it go ? It was independent after partition for almost a year until your tribals attacked it. India did not send its forces until Raja hari Singh agreed it to be with India. It was your short sightedness which led the Kashmir to fall on India's lap. If you want to have plebiscite then why don't you ask your forces to leave Azad Kashmir as the first step to have a plebiscite ?
This case is old and this issue was never resolved through table talk, Pakistan already did many times from UN to OIC everyone failed and disappointed us ..... only solution .... you know very well .... otherwise in the next few years, Kashmir will be gone and become another dead horse like Palestine.
Since India used time to delay or stop the Plebiscite, I do not see time as a factor in the Plebiscite matter.

Plebiscite is a mandatory part of the Partition Plan. Personally I do not care if this conflict is for another 100 years.
Justice cannot never be compromised.
If that is the case then why did not it go ? It was independent after partition for almost a year until your tribals attacked it. India did not send its forces until Raja hari Singh agreed it to be with India. It was your short sightedness which led the Kashmir to fall on India's lap. If you want to have plebiscite then why don't you ask your forces to leave Azad Kashmir as the first step to have a plebiscite ?
You forgot some details: The Local Kashmiris also revolted themselves against the Maharaja who was being dishonest.
Secondly India has to withdraw as well for a free and fair plebiscite to happen.
Pakistan cannot only withdraw.

The fault is with India.

Do you want us to believe what GOP say ?
And why should I believe what the Government of India says which is full of lies and what not.

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