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Incursions in Ladakh, a prelude a coming war with China, says analyst Bhara

True, some of the lighter skin Indians were descendants of Aryans who invaded India and brought Hinduism to India. They tried to separate themselves from native India by creating caste. But there were still gene mixing that created today's north Indian. The native Indians are more related to Australian natives and they formed the first wave of people that left Africa. They are genetically different from Indo Aryans that originated in Southern Russia today.

half of what your statement is correct. the other half, not as much. but you will get there
half of what your statement is correct. the other half, not as much. but you will get there

So you are pick and choosing facts? Fact is fact, you can't pick and choose them. Or you prefer fiction base on true history? Such as historical novel.
So you are pick and choosing facts? Fact is fact, you can't pick and choose them. Or you prefer fiction base on true history? Such as historical novel.

:lol: i live in india. who do u think will know more about it you or me? you have many errors in your statement starting from the first sentence: "lighter skin Indians were descendants of Aryans". almost 1/3rd of pakistan is light skinned. does that make them "aryan"? you need to learn south asian history before making such statements
:lol: i live in india. who do u think will know more about it you or me? you have many errors in your statement starting from the first sentence: "lighter skin Indians were descendants of Aryans". almost 1/3rd of pakistan is light skinned. does that make them "aryan"? you need to learn south asian history before making such statements

The biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste. Northern India turned into Indo European speaking areas while Dravidians retreated to the south. This is the foundation of India subcontinent's history.
Aryan Invasion Theory? - Nice! Only that it does not exist. All Indians belong to more or less a similar gene pool.

Sources are as follows -

1. All Indians have the same genes - Times Of India

2. New research debunks Aryan invasion theory - India - DNA

3. Solid Evidence Debunking Aryan Invasion

4. Debunking Aryan Invasion Theory - I - IBTL

True, some of the lighter skin Indians were descendants of Aryans who invaded India and brought Hinduism to India. They tried to separate themselves from native India by creating caste. But there were still gene mixing that created today's north Indian. The native Indians are more related to Australian natives and they formed the first wave of people that left Africa. They are genetically different from Indo Aryans that originated in Southern Russia today.

"biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste"

Please read by previous post. A simple counter logic - if what you said had been true, all South Indians would have been of 'lower caste'. It is not so. In any case a person, a politician, a think tank guy, a bigot can say all things like these. But genes don't lie.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/central-south-asia/266097-incursions-ladakh-prelude-coming-war-china-says-analyst-bhara-15.html#ixzz2a8CBhS3s
The biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste. Northern India turned into Indo European speaking areas while Dravidians retreated to the south. This is the foundation of India subcontinent's history.
The biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste. Northern India turned into Indo European speaking areas while Dravidians retreated to the south. This is the foundation of India subcontinent's history.


but let me make a few corrections. first of all, the native australoids are present all over south asia and more concentrated to the east(you probably dint know that). aryans fight the dravidians(who are basically dark caucasoids) in epic battles described in the hindu scriptures, defeat them and drive them south. over time aryans mix with australoids in the north(violently), and dravidians mix with australoids in the south(somewhat peacefully).

over the next 2000 years. many other races from arabia,central asia to south europe come to both north and south india (from the west, by land or sea) and gradually mix. this is the story of india in a nutshell. today the australiod gene pool is the max(50%) due to higher reproduction.
Aryan Invasion Theory? - Nice! Only that it does not exist. All Indians belong to more or less a similar gene pool.

Sources are as follows -

1. All Indians have the same genes - Times Of India

2. New research debunks Aryan invasion theory - India - DNA

3. Solid Evidence Debunking Aryan Invasion

4. Debunking Aryan Invasion Theory - I - IBTL

"biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste"

Please read by previous post. A simple counter logic - if what you said had been true, all South Indians would have been of 'lower caste'. It is not so. In any case a person, a politician, a think tank guy, a bigot can say all things like these. But genes don't lie.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...hina-says-analyst-bhara-15.html#ixzz2a8CBhS3s

If you look at linguistic study, it prove that Indo Europeans spread from Southern Russia. That is why Indian Indo-European languages is closer with each other and with Persians languages. If Indo European language originated from India, the diversity of the languages within the language family would be greatest in India and all the languages outside of India would be more similar with one another. But that is not the case.


but let me make a few corrections. first of all, the native australoids are present all over south asia and more concentrated to the east(you probably dint know that). aryans fight the dravidians(who are basically dark caucasoids) in epic battles described in the hindu scriptures, defeat them and drive them south. over time aryans mix with australoids in the north(violently), and dravidians mix with australoids in the south(somewhat peacefully).

over the next 2000 years. many other races from arabia,central asia to south europe come to both north and south india (from the west, by land or sea) and gradually mix. this is the story of india in a nutshell. today the australiod gene pool is the max(50%) due to higher reproduction.

Thanks for sharing this with me. This is something I learned today.
The biggest event in Indian history is the Aryan invasion. They created Hinduism and separate people of India into castes. With lighter skin Aryans in the higher caste and darker skin natives in the lower caste. Northern India turned into Indo European speaking areas while Dravidians retreated to the south. This is the foundation of India subcontinent's history.

Did the JNU jokers tell you this?

Mate, the bullsht theory has been proven wrong already.

Arya in Sanskrit means noble.

Nobody came to India except the Greeks who tried and failed, the Khiljis, Mughals, Abdalis and other gods of the Secularists.

Colonial Europeans first time saw India only when Portuguese landed in Goa.

all this "all indians are one" is probably govt funded nonsense to promote harmony. anyone with eyes can figure out that indians have different origins. arent you part mongloid yourself?
glad to help
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Nope. Not funded by the Government of India. These are funded privately or some German Universities(their age old obsession with the 'Aryan race')
The Government promotes the Aryan Invasion stuff.

all this "all indians are one" is probably govt funded nonsense to promote harmony. anyone with eyes can figure out that indians have different origins. arent you part mongloid yourself?
glad to help

BTW let's come back to the topic. How many of us believe that war with China is inevitable?
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Nope. Not funded by the Government of India. These are funded privately or some German Universities(their age old obsession with the 'Aryan race')
The Government promotes the Aryan Invasion stuff.

i seriously doubt that. :lol:

by the way you can call it aryan invasion theory or whatever you want, the fact is, some fair skinned caucasions came here a long time ago and fu#ked the rest of the population. we see the effects of that even today. just switch on the TV. you will probably see shah rukh khan advertising fair and handsome in the next 5 minutes
"you will probably see shah rukh khan advertising fair and handsome in the next 5 minutes"
Ha ha. :toast_sign: That's the famous Indian inferiority complex. Gora hain to behtar hain. And besides looks are just one trait of genetics. A Mongoloid person of India can have more similarities with a Caucasoid in Iran than another Mongoloid in Mongolia. You are close though. Latest research does suggest some mixing of fairer skinned and darker skinned people. But they were not from Central Asia. That gene pool is different.

What is speculated is that some fairer skinned people may have been from the high mountains of India(which includes the Hindu Kush). Even this theory has counter logic. Fairer skinned people are there in the South as well. Still under research. But the Aryan Invasion theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Sources -
Aryan invasion debunked | Down To Earth
Responses | The Story of India - Ask Michael Wood | PBS

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...hina-says-analyst-bhara-15.html#ixzz2a8NEIWdz
i seriously doubt that. :lol:

by the way you can call it aryan invasion theory or whatever you want, the fact is, some fair skinned caucasions came here a long time ago and fu#ked the rest of the population. we see the effects of that even today. just switch on the TV. you will probably see shah rukh khan advertising fair and handsome in the next 5 minutes
China will soon be having camp fires in Delhi...

all this "all indians are one" is probably govt funded nonsense to promote harmony. anyone with eyes can figure out that indians have different origins. arent you part mongloid yourself?

I do have oriental features but isn't this common on the NE and other eastern bordering states of India?

Even in ancient times, when we were a part of some or the other empire or its tributary, when was race even looked at?

It is a new creation of the Europeans to give them the infatuation that they are genetically superior.

A race doesn't have to be homogenous copies of each other completely to be called a single 'race'.

The Slavics and Europeans are technically of the same 'gora' class but they look different and so they call themselves different.

There was never a division in our culture on the basis of how we look.

Forget that, even genetically to satisfy the egos of race theorists, it has been proven that even the Tibetan gene ancestrally originates in eastern India rather than the other way around as most idiots profess.

So when the genetics are same, what are we to talk of just because of different looks?

China will soon be having camp fires in Delhi...

While you're wetting yourself in this exciting dream, please care to contribute something valuable.

I know it is very frustrating to see your country crumble like a packet of biscuits (only held by one wrapper called the Pak Army), but please let's not dwell to that level now.
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"oriental features"
Like I said - genetics is not determined by looks alone.
By the logic of Invasion theories - Mongoloids should have invaded and occupied all the Northern and East States of India. We are a mix - yes. But we are unique and on our own. And yes - all South Asians are more or less similar to us.
I do have oriental features but isn't this common on the NE and other eastern bordering states of India?

Even in ancient times, when we were a part of some or the other empire or its tributary, when was race even looked at?

It is a new creation of the Europeans to give them the infatuation that they are genetically superior.

A race doesn't have to be homogenous copies of each other completely to be called a single 'race'.

The Slavics and Europeans are technically of the same 'gora' class but they look different and so they call themselves different.

There was never a division in our culture on the basis of how we look.

Forget that, even genetically to satisfy the egos of race theorists, it has been proven that even the Tibetan gene ancestrally originates in eastern India rather than the other way around as most idiots profess.

So when the genetics are same, what are we to talk of just because of different looks?

While you're wetting yourself in this exciting dream, please care to contribute something valuable.

I know it is very frustrating to see your country crumble like a packet of biscuits (only held by one wrapper called the Pak Army), but please let's not dwell to that level now.

But then how will Radio Pakistan Delhi come into being? :hitwall:
And oh btw come out from under my bed
China will soon be having camp fires in Delhi...
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