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16 Typical Pakistani Nashta / Breakfast Foods
Halwa Puri with Chanay

A sweet suji ka halwa with lots of nuts in it with deep-fried puri. Yum yum!



A slow cooked beef stew with green chilies, coriander leaves, ginger and fried onions as a garnish.

Photo Credit: Miansari66


The slow cooked mixture of lentils and meat with garnish of green chilies, coriander leaves, ginger and fried onions is a perfect treat to start your day!

Photo Credit: Miansari66

Siri Paye

The most beloved nashta for Lahoris – the “siri paye” – which literally translates into “head and feet” is exactly what it translates into! Well, it’s processed the head and feet of a goat slowly cooked into a delicious stew which is fit for a king!

Photo Credit: Miansari66

Pathooray and cholay

Pathooray are small flatbreads of flour and lentils which are deep fried. These are traditionally eaten with chick peas known as cholay.

Photo Credit: Miansari66

Naan Chanay

Naan is a oven-baked flatbread that is popular all over the world now because it is totally delicious. It’s just like pizza, only without the topping. Naan is can be eaten with various different things just like bread but its perfect match is chanay i.e. chick peas.

Photo Credit: Miansari66

Anda Paratha

Paratha is a wheat flatbread cooked with oil or ghee and anda is egg and their combination is just perfect. Anda can be omelette or half-fried.

Photo Credit: Miansari66

Chai paratha

Another awesome paratha combination is with chai (tea). What is better than salty paratha with sweet milk tea to begin your day with?

Photo Credit: Asim Bijarani

Jam and butter on toast

Easy, quick, but totally delicious. Jam and butter were made for each other.

Corn Flakes

Corn Flakes are quicker and easier than toast but equally delicious. Juts put some milk in a bowl (or corn flakes if you want – it doesn’t really matter), add sugar to taste and add the corn flakes and viola!

Aaloo/Qeema paratha

Aaloo wala paratha is the favourite food of half of the Pakistanis. This flatbread filled with mashed potatoes is not only delicious but really filling too!


Aaloo/Chicken Naan

Another flatbread made with aaloo or chicken, but this time it’s a naan!

Bun chai

Many Pakistanis like to start their day with a simple treat: bun with chai!

Rusk chai

While some prefer bun and chai in the morning, others go for rusk chai. The crunchy rusk and smooth sweet milk tea complement each other perfectly.



Phainiyan, the traditional breakfast in Ramadan, are known as vermicelli in English. Just put them in warn milk, add some sugar if you want and enjoy!


Chicken/ Aaloo Pura

This is a puri which is filled with aaloo or chicken and then deep fried. It’s the older and fancier brother of puri.


No tourism infrastructure though. Lots of countries have scenic areas but the ones that really benefit from tourism have a) security b) decent tourism infrastructure including hotels and fast transportation c) marketing to promote it all. We don't even have security as demonstrated yet again by the recent attack in Quetta. Foreign tourism is a non starter in Pakistan. The only people who visit here are the ones that have some link to the country i.e. expatriate pakistanis and their children. Non-muslims would not dare visit. To promote tourism we first need to clip the general's wings and crackdown on our terrorist proxies. It starts there.

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