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Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA


Jun 24, 2012
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Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA


The total cost for development of the light combat aircraft Tejas for the Indian Air Force, which includes project definition phase, full scale engineering development programme Phase-I and FSEDP Phase-II, is Rs 7965.56 crore, the Rajya Sabha was told today.

Project Definition Phase (PDP) for development of LCA was sanctioned in August 1983 at a cost of Rs. 560 Cr. After completion of PDP, Full Scale Engineering Development (FSED) Programme Phase-I was sanctioned in April 1993 at a cost of Rs. 2188 Cr (including PDP cost Rs. 560 Cr) with increased scope. FSED Programme Phase-I was successfully completed in March 2004 and technology was demonstrated. FSED Programme Phase-II was sanctioned in November 2001 at a cost of Rs. 3301.78 Cr to build 3 prototypes, 8 Limited Series Production (LSP) aircraft and establish infrastructure for producing 8 aircraft per year. Additional sanction of Rs. 2475.78 Cr was given to meet the financial requirements of FSED Programme Phase-II for induction into Indian Air Force by obtaining IOC and FOC. The total sanctioned cost for development of LCA, Tejas (PDP + FSED Phase-I + FSED Phase-II) is Rs. 7965.56 Cr.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri S. Thangavelu in Rajya Sabha today.
In a written reply, Defence Minister A K Antony said initial operational clearance for the LCA was obtained in January 2011.
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Aeronautical Development Agency and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) are working towards meeting planned schedules for conducting IOC-2 by the end of 2013 and final operational clearance (FOC) by the end of 2014 to make Tejas fully combat worthy, he said.

Link - Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA | idrw.org
Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA - What a bull ****!

Rupee is falling like IAF Mig 21. so what is the MMRCA operational cost now. No one cares about import cost going up. Entire Tejas program is less than 2 billion. This is penuts when compared to cost escalation in $30 billion PAKFA and $20 billion MMRCA.

IAF wants to ditch HPT, give some chance they will ask us to ditch tejas also.

HPT Deepak was inducted in 6 January 1977 ( wiki).. All of a sudden in 2013 IAF want to buy swiss trainer.

Why havent they asked HAL to plan for future . It seems they dont have any forsight to plan. I am blunt. I hate IAF , I belive PAF officers are better in planning with Limited resource. They are much capable than our IAF bosses.

Loook at how fast they got JF17. Karakoram trainer ,etc etc.When their economy is bad , they still want to produce in house. Our babus are negotiating with $ 20 billion for 124 jets for god know .

$20 billion for a nation of 1.2 billion people seems to be huge. i.e $20 on every person, it is eqvivalant to 1 Month food for every Indian. ( Rs 32 is the guideline value our congress govt has set).

Our jouralist like shivAror , and other take fancy ride in forign jets.. why.. those junk jounos never ever understand the suffering of commen indian due to these long term improts.. they will sing praise for the forign improts.

To save india we have just remove the "Central goverment Employee" protection from these lazy people in HAL and ADA. they should be paid based on progress .
Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA


The total cost for development of the light combat aircraft Tejas for the Indian Air Force, which includes project definition phase, full scale engineering development programme Phase-I and FSEDP Phase-II, is Rs 7965.56 crore, the Rajya Sabha was told today.

Project Definition Phase (PDP) for development of LCA was sanctioned in August 1983 at a cost of Rs. 560 Cr. After completion of PDP, Full Scale Engineering Development (FSED) Programme Phase-I was sanctioned in April 1993 at a cost of Rs. 2188 Cr (including PDP cost Rs. 560 Cr) with increased scope. FSED Programme Phase-I was successfully completed in March 2004 and technology was demonstrated. FSED Programme Phase-II was sanctioned in November 2001 at a cost of Rs. 3301.78 Cr to build 3 prototypes, 8 Limited Series Production (LSP) aircraft and establish infrastructure for producing 8 aircraft per year. Additional sanction of Rs. 2475.78 Cr was given to meet the financial requirements of FSED Programme Phase-II for induction into Indian Air Force by obtaining IOC and FOC. The total sanctioned cost for development of LCA, Tejas (PDP + FSED Phase-I + FSED Phase-II) is Rs. 7965.56 Cr.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri S. Thangavelu in Rajya Sabha today.
In a written reply, Defence Minister A K Antony said initial operational clearance for the LCA was obtained in January 2011.
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Aeronautical Development Agency and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) are working towards meeting planned schedules for conducting IOC-2 by the end of 2013 and final operational clearance (FOC) by the end of 2014 to make Tejas fully combat worthy, he said.

Link - Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA | idrw.org

So when it will reach the production in 2018 then it will cost IAF about $55 Million per piece...???
Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA...........:enjoy:

Forget about the cost,first check that its going to be operational or not................ its heavy rain in Mumbai,which make impossible for Tejas to Fly. :dance3: :crazy_pilot: :crazy_pilot:
Increase in Operational Cost of Tejas LCA...........:enjoy:

Forget about the cost,first check that its going to be operational or not................ its heavy rain in Mumbai,which make impossible for Tejas to Fly. :dance3: :crazy_pilot: :crazy_pilot:

It flies in Bangalore not in Mumbai. Sorry if I busted the balloon of your Ignorance.
There is flood in Karachi which makes impossible for JF-17 Thunder to land :chilli:

aby wo peshawer or kamra air bases per hai dhakan :P

BTW i think its not cost increase it rupee value .

BTW i think its not cost increase it rupee value .
Naahh,,,,we can use some JF 17 here as a boat in mumbai floods ,,

We need more private companies getting in here ,,& may the best win ( like competitions between boeing & Lockheed )

Every1 ll be on their toes..

Why do we need another private companies which have null experience in aerospace. GOI could disinvest its share from HAL & NAL to make them corporation like L&T not one family or handfull people's company neither its affects badly because corruption.
Currently GOI has plan to disinvest 10 % share of HAL in public which should increase to minimum 51% to take good position in company's board of directors.
What i meant is We lack competition inhouse ,, Yes u rightly said we need corporations with co's like L&T..

As we Hope ,,Hope GOI also Hope !

Why do we need another private companies which have null experience in aerospace. GOI could disinvest its share from HAL & NAL to make them corporation like L&T not one family or handfull people's company neither its affects badly because corruption.
Currently GOI has plan to disinvest 10 % share of HAL in public which should increase to minimum 51% to take good position in company's board of directors.
What i meant is We lack competition inhouse ,, Yes u rightly said we need corporations with co's like L&T..

As we Hope ,,Hope GOI also Hope !

Yes because if we have company's like Reliance in defence production then situation gonna more worse with cartel, bribery etc. to sell their third rated product in high price on quality stuff.
Set up a deadline or loose tender,,,,
Need some stringent measures....

Yes because if we have company's like Reliance in defence production then situation gonna more worse with cartel, bribery etc. to sell their third rated product in high price on quality stuff.
Why do we need another private companies which have null experience in aerospace. GOI could disinvest its share from HAL & NAL to make them corporation like L&T not one family or handfull people's company neither its affects badly because corruption.
Currently GOI has plan to disinvest 10 % share of HAL in public which should increase to minimum 51% to take good position in company's board of directors.

Sir we need competition. HAL had a free run till now. And i dont agree with your nill E
xperience part too . Private companies will use money and 51% FDI to over come technology . More over in the case of MMRCA Rafale can out perform HAL in India with private player too . We seen this proved many times in Ship building industries of India.As a result Indian Navy will be the best of all Armed forces in next decades .

Yes because if we have company's like Reliance in defence production then situation gonna more worse with cartel, bribery etc. to sell their third rated product in high price on quality stuff.
There will be or There should be riders to over come what ever u mentioned above . This cant be a reason to stop our Home Grown Defence estabishments
Sir we need competition. HAL had a free run till now. And i dont agree with your nill E
xperience part too . Private companies will use money and 51% FDI to over come technology . More over in the case of MMRCA Rafale can out perform HAL in India with private player too . We seen this proved many times in Ship building industries of India.As a result Indian Navy will be the best of all Armed forces in next decades .

Thats why I want to corporationalize HAL & NAL. They would become LM & Boeing of India.
This article has no value when India need home grown weapon and when India is largest defence importer of Arms in the World . Even if it is 100 million per Tejas MMRCA with two engines its a every good move . We should go ahead . Rafale will take 4 more years to deliver its 1st batch ith this time we can create our own MMRCA if we have a WILL . We can import systems from abroad and assenble it as one single machine . Later we can make it 100 % Made in India . We need a good leadership thou

Thats why I want to corporationalize HAL & NAL. They would become LM & Boeing of India.
Sure Hal must be made as you said . But we have to stop other players entering Aircraft making ? I dont know the reason . Dont you think HAL is highly corrupted to its core sir ?
Small example is artillery guns . DRDO cant come up with good Indian guns ? When private players already made one and waiting for test bed ? They are crying for Testing Ground for many years now .
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