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Incitement of Violence by Imran Khan

There is a reason why he is known as Taliban Khan..
bro as i said u deserved to be lead by bhutto and sharif family ... hang imran khan for violence which uptill now he never commit but dnt hang the person how murderer 14 civilians in model town .. bloody hypocrites .. did u hang ur master for attacking SC ??? i know u cant utter a word against him

jesa ker rehu ho 50 saal se wesa hi bhar rehy ho, yeh bhi ker ke daikh lo ta ke next 50 saal isey bhi bhartey raho.
when was the last time Pakistani public made a wise decision?
watch tv and you will see the real side of every Pakistani, full of hate and supporting violance, like leader like public, you leader is now inciting violence, is ko latka doon ga, us ko phansi pe charhaoon ga...chalo enjoy for now while it lasts
Nopes . Government offer somethng then back out .
same is the case with model town incident . Senior Police officer sent on leave, everyone know what happened ..still no action was taken .. even their a FIR is not registered ... when all the Provencal and federal institutions are being influenced by pmln ... who can they get justice .. police has chaned FIR twice.. nadra chairmen was made to leave home.. how can u get justice when they people involved in murder is using state machinery to protect them ...
That's wrong they had so many options but they wanted Syria style outcome
This guy need to be put in jail

Had he been in some proper country, he would have been put in already.
jesa ker rehu ho 50 saal se wesa hi bhar rehy ho, yeh bhi ker ke daikh lo ta ke next 50 saal isey bhi bhartey raho.
when was the last time Pakistani public made a wise decision?
watch tv and you will see the real side of every Pakistani, full of hate and supporting violance, like leader like public, you leader is now inciting violence, is ko latka doon ga, us ko phansi pe charhaoon ga...chalo enjoy for now while it lasts
as he said if we were attacked . PTI so far havent attacked anyone .. even after pmln attacked them on Gujranwala and attacked their leadership house in multan .. no step of violence by PTI ..
as he said if we were attacked . PTI so far havent attacked anyone .. even after pmln attacked them on Gujranwala and attacked their leadership house in multan .. no step of violence by PTI ..

incitement to violence, understand the words?
Nopes . Government offer somethng then back out .
same is the case with model town incident . Senior Police officer sent on leave, everyone know what happened ..still no action was taken .. even their a FIR is not registered ... when all the Provencal and federal institutions are being influenced by pmln ... who can they get justice .. police has chaned FIR twice.. nadra chairmen was made to leave home.. how can u get justice when they people involved in murder is using state machinery to protect them ...

This is what TUQ and Ik says but it does not mean that is the reality my friend.
There are reports that it was TUQ people who started firing in the first place .. and let me tell you that TUQ wanted this to happen and it was last thing GOV wanted as this was clearly going to benefit TUQ and his party ...

Why dont TUQ and IK says anything about the Rawalpindi case where TUQ people burned police station and used danda's with nails on it to injure alot of police people ???
This is what TUQ and Ik says but it does not mean that is the reality my friend.
There are reports that it was TUQ people who started firing in the first place .. and let me tell you that TUQ wanted this to happen and it was last thing GOV wanted as this was clearly going to benefit TUQ and his party ...

Why dont TUQ and IK says anything about the Rawalpindi case where TUQ people burned police station and used danda's with nails on it to injure alot of police people ???
yaar again what kinda hypocrate are u .. the whole media showed what happened ... report shahbaz daba k betha ha .. it clearly said no fire from inside ... rana sana said there was weapons no weapons found. they used excuse of barriers which they have court orders for .. come on man .. grow some balls

incitement to violence, understand the words?
why r u ppl so hypocrate .. same words were used against the President zardari .. but sharif family slaves never utter a word then ...
jesa ker rehu ho 50 saal se wesa hi bhar rehy ho, yeh bhi ker ke daikh lo ta ke next 50 saal isey bhi bhartey raho.
when was the last time Pakistani public made a wise decision?
watch tv and you will see the real side of every Pakistani, full of hate and supporting violance, like leader like public, you leader is now inciting violence, is ko latka doon ga, us ko phansi pe charhaoon ga...chalo enjoy for now while it lasts

when shahbaz sharif said he will hang president of pakistan ,tab tu ap ko inciting voilance yaad nhie aya ..

"Incitement of violence, Incitement of violence , Taliban khan, bla bla bla"
Till now the only violence was perpetrated by PMLN supporters and people like the Butt trilogy (Gullu, Pomi and Billu).
Its the government's fault, why didn't they negotiate when PTI was demanding a simple investigation?

All Imran Khan wanted was to make sure there is no rigging in the next elections. When the government refuses to even lift a finger, what should he have done? He could have kept quiet and joined the corrupt politicians but he did not. If he wanted to be PM so badly, why didn't he just do what every other politician has done?

So basically, according to Noon logic, anyone who is not corrupt is a terrorist.
So essentially, even when the whole tirade of Imran Khan was full of pointless bravado and threats; his supports agree with it.
I wonder where the PTI supporters morality will stand up? When he asks to butcher policemen? innocent bystanders?
The question is not of whether IK is capable of such or not, one should have the moral courage to call an incorrect gesture wrong rather than trying to sheepishly defend it via calling it "selective quoting" or "not the whole picture".
So essentially, even when the whole tirade of Imran Khan was full of pointless bravado and threats; his supports agree with it.
I wonder where the PTI supporters morality will stand up? When he asks to butcher policemen? innocent bystanders?
The question is not of whether IK is capable of such or not, one should have the moral courage to call an incorrect gesture wrong rather than trying to sheepishly defend it via calling it "selective quoting" or "not the whole picture".

I, personally, believe that Imran Khan should have settled for Shahbaz's resignation and a proper investigation of the rigging. This would have kept him politically strong and maybe, the next elections wouldn't be so rigged.

His recent speeches were like that to keep his supporter's morale high, every politician has made such claims. It appears that he has become obsessed with trying to get rid of the corruption and cheating in Pakistani government, which is a noble cause in itself but his methods are a bit extreme. Now, his extreme measures are also justified because the government refused to resolve the issue by investigating it and blocked every way PTI had, except for protest.

There is no denying that Nawaz Sharif is corrupt and hasn't done much good for the country during the time he ruled it.
Pakistan has no better option than Imran Khan and PTI. Every other party has had their turn and the country is still a total mess.
He was talking about accountability. He said that he will do naked aihtasab of such people.

If some tinhats want to take it as they WANT to hear it rather than what it is, its no one else's but their own problem.
I, personally, believe that Imran Khan should have settled for Shahbaz's resignation and a proper investigation of the rigging. This would have kept him politically strong and maybe, the next elections wouldn't be so rigged.

His recent speeches were like that to keep his supporter's morale high, every politician has made such claims. It appears that he has become obsessed with trying to get rid of the corruption and cheating in Pakistani government, which is a noble cause in itself but his methods are a bit extreme. Now, his extreme measures are also justified because the government refused to resolve the issue by investigating it and blocked every way PTI had, except for protest.

There is no denying that Nawaz Sharif is corrupt and hasn't done much good for the country during the time he ruled it.
Pakistan has no better option than Imran Khan and PTI. Every other party has had their turn and the country is still a total mess.

That is the issue of ego. I do not disagree with Khan's agenda. Except that now was not the time nor the methods for it.
the Country had just come out of economic doldrums, there is a deathly conflict going on...and for all its worth.. the PTI's government in KPK has not yet borne fruit to its plans. Had it been 2017...I would be have been out with Imran Khan. Because by then one would have his performance in KPK and the country and its economy may have stabilized by then.
Right now, all that IK is doing is for his ego and a last hurrah for his party. Nawaz will lose, but its the boots I hear thumping on the ground that I feel is the death knell for any positive future for this country. That IK could not see due to his own vanity.

He was talking about accountability. He said that he will do naked aihtasab of such people.

If some tinhats want to take it as they WANT to hear it rather than what it is, its no one else's but their own problem.

I heard him with my own ears.. " Mein I aaker tumhein maar dun ga". Are you telling me that threatening to "maar" which qualifies both as beating and murder is about accountability??
I heard no such thing, but if he did then its obviously wrong and indefensible.
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