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Incidents of Militant and Left Wing Extremism (LWE) violence during the last three years


Apr 8, 2014
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Ministry of Home Affairs
06-March, 2018 16:29 IST

Incidents of terrorist and Left Wing Extremism (LWE) violence have decreased in the country during the last three years. Data is as given below:




2018(up to 24.02.2018)




2018(up to 15.02.2018)





2018(up to 15.02.2018)











Most incidents of attack on Security Forces occur due to the routine and predictable nature of their work which makes them vulnerable. Such incidents that result in losses to Security Forces are enquired into and corrective measures instituted. The officers combating terrorism and LWE are considered for gallantry awards based on recommendations of concerned States/Heads of Organisations. Details of Gallantry Medals awarded to Police Officers over last 03 years is as given below:

Sl. No.
Name of States/Organisation

Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG)

Andhra Pradesh





Jammu & Kashmir









Uttar Pradesh







President’s Police Medal for Gallantry

Andhra Pradesh





Jammu & Kashmir










Uttar Pradesh







The Government also provides additional allowances/incentives to CAPF personnel deployed in such operations which include Risk Allowance, retention of Government accommodation at the last place of posting and HRA as admissible at the last place of posting.

The Government has a multi-pronged strategy to deal with Left Wing Extremism. This strategy is centered around security related measures, developmental interventions and ensuring rights & entitlements of local communities etc. Security related measures include assistance to LWE affected States by providing CAPF Bns, helicopters, UAVs, training assistance, construction of fortified police stations, funds for modernization of State Police Forces, arms & equipment, sharing of intelligence etc. On the development side, apart from flagship schemes of the Central Government in infrastructure, education, health, skill development, agriculture etc. several initiatives have been taken specifically for development of LWE affected areas. These include focused schemes for development of roads, installation of mobile towers, skill development, improving network of banks and post offices, health and education facilities, particularly in the 35 worst affected districts.

Recently the Government has approved the Special Central Assistance Scheme which envisages an outlay of Rs 1000 Cr per annum for three years for the 35 worst affected LWE districts to cover gaps in critical infrastructure and services. In addition, the Special Infrastructure Scheme has also been revived for providing support to the States for strengthening the Special Forces and SIBs and also for construction of additional fortified police stations. The Security Related Expenditure Scheme has also been extended with increased allocation and new features up to 2020.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir in a written reply to question in the Lok Sabha today.

Ministry of Home Affairs
06-March, 2018 16:28 IST
Rehabilitation and Development Package for Maoists Affected Areas

For holistic development of LWE affected areas, various schemes are being implemented by the line Ministries/Departments. Some of the major development initiatives, specifically taken/being taken, in the LWE affected areas are as follows:

Road Requirement Plan-I (RRP-I): Being implemented by MoRTH since 2009 for improving road connectivity in 34 LWE affected districts of 8 States. This Scheme envisages construction of 5,422 km roads, of which 4,537 km road have been completed.

Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas: The Government has recently approved this Scheme for construction of 5412 km roads and 126 bridges/culverts in 44 LWE affected districts with an estimated cost of Rs. 11,725 crore. The MoRD is the nodal Ministry to implement the Scheme.

Skill Development in the LWE affected districts: Being implemented by the MoSDE since 2011 for establishment of 01 ITI each in 47 LWE districts and 02 SDCs each in 34 LWE districts. So far, 15 ITIs and 43 SDCs have been completed.

Educational initiatives: DoSEL has sanctioned 8 new Kendriya Vidyalayas and 5 new Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalays in the most LWE affected districts, which did not have any KVs/JNVs. Under RMSA, 1,590 new/upgraded Schools and 350 girl’s hostels have been sanctioned in 35 most LWE affected districts.

Mobile Towers: Being implemented by the Department of Telecom. In the first phase 2329 mobile towers have been installed.

Special Central Assistance for 35 most LWE affected districts: The Government has approved this new Scheme on 27.09.2017 for providing public infrastructure and services in the most LWE affected districts. The Scheme will continue for 3 years i.e. from 2017-18 to 2019-20 with total outlay of Rs. 3,000 crore.

Besides, other Ministries/Departments like, MNRE, MoTA, MoWR, RD &GR, MoEF & CC, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of I&B, MoDWS, Ministry of A & FW, Ministry of Health, Department of Post, Department Financial Services, DoSEL, MoU & HD etc. are also implementing various schemes.

‘Police’ and Public order’ being State subjects and the State Governments have their own surrender and rehabilitation incentives to bring Left Wing Extremism (LWE) cadres into the mainstream. However, under the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme for LWE affected States approved by Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) in September, 2017, there is provision for reimbursement of expenditure of State Governments on the rehabilitation of surrendered LWE cadres of upto Rs. 5 lakhs for higher ranked LWE cadres and Rs. 2.5 lakhs for middle/lower rank LWE cadres. They will also be imparted training in a trade/vocation of their liking and shall be paid a monthly stipend of Rs. 6000/- for three years. In addition, incentives for surrender of weapons/ammunition are also provided under the Scheme.

NITI Aayog has launched an initiative for rapid transformation of relatively backward 115 districts including 10 districts of Chhattisgarh. A large number of LWE affected districts are also included in these 115 aspirational districts. One officer for each district has been designated as “Prabhari (in-charge), who are working in collaborative manner with the state and district teams to achieve effective convergence between various Central and State Government programmes. Each State has also appointed a Nodal Officer of Secretary rank for regular interaction. Strategy of this initiative includes leadership of states, setting up of real time monitoring mechanism and convergence of existing scheme of Central and State Governments. Focus of this initiative is empowerment in health & nutrition, education, infrastructure, water resources and financial inclusion etc.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir in a written reply to question in the Lok Sabha today.


Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
06-March, 2018 15:16 IST
One Million Solar Study Lamps Scheme successfully implemented

A new project for distribution of 70 lakh solar study lamps in the states of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand Odisha and Uttar Pradesh which was sanctioned by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in December 2016, is currently under implementation. The One Million Solar Study Lamps Scheme which was sanctioned in January 2014 for empowering underserved communities of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra has been successfully completed. Following this the Ministry sanctioned 5 lakh solar study lamps in various states in May 2016.

In Rajasthan a total of 3.06 lakh solar study lamps have been distributed and 927 persons including 360 women have been trained for local assembly and repair of the solar study lamps. The MNRE also has a separate skill development programme “Surya Mitra” for imparting training in the field of solar energy for installation and repair and maintenance of solar power systems.

This information was provided by the Minister of State (IC) for New and Renewable Energy and Power Shri R. K Singh in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.


Ministry of Power
06-March, 2018 15:05 IST
49 lakh LED street lights installed till date under the Street Lighting National Programme

49 lakh LED street lights have been installed till date, covering 28 states/UTs under the Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP). The Programme which was launched by the Prime Minister, on 5th January 2015, aims to replace 1.34 crore conventional street lights with energy efficient LED lights by March, 2019. SLNP is being implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture company of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under Ministry of Power.

EESL has conducted case studies on the implementation of LED street lights projects in Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. So far, no specific problems have been encountered in the implementation of SLNP.

This information was given by the Minister of State (IC) Power, Shri R K Singh in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to submit by July 18 its status report on its ongoing inquiry into caused a loss of about ₹1,000 crore to the exchequer by unauthorised payments to the subsidiary groups by Chinese . ISRO to place evidence before the investigating agency on its application to submit additional information in the matter.
Ministry of Home Affairs
14-March, 2018 17:33 IST
Districts affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE) Violence

106 districts in 10 States are included in the Security Related Expenditure Scheme of the Government for Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected States. However in 2017, only 58 districts in the country reported LWE violence.

In order to bring Left Wing Extremist cadres into the mainstream, the State Governments have their own surrender and rehabilitation policies. The Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Governments in this regard through the Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme for Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected States approved by Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) in September 2017. Under the scheme, the Centre reimburses the claims made by the State Government in the rehabilitation of surrendered LWE cadres subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakh for higher ranked and Rs. 2.5 lakh for middle/lower ranked LWE cadres. Additional incentives given for surrendering with weapons/ammunition are also reimbursed to the States depending on the type of weapons surrendered. The surrenderees are also imparted training in a trade/vocation of their choice during which they are paid a monthly stipend of Rs 6,000 per month for a maximum period of 36 months. The Central Government does not have any scheme for rehabilitation of surrendered Maoists through rubber cultivation.

The question pertains to acquisition of operational technologies by the Security Forces, disclosure of which, may not be in the interest of security. The Government has a multi-pronged strategy to deal with Left Wing Exremism. The strategy is centered around security related measures, developmental interventions and ensuring rights & entitlements of local communities etc. Security related measures include assistance to LWE affected States by providing CAPF Bns, helicopters, UAVs, construction of fortified police stations, funds for modernization of State Police forces, arms and equipment, training assistance, sharing of intelligence etc. On development side, apart from flagship schemes of the Central Government in infrastructure, education, health, skill development, agriculture etc, several initiatives have been taken specifically for development of LWE affected areas. These include focused schemes for development of roads, installation of mobile towers, skill development, improving network of banks and post offices, health and education facilities, particularly in the 35 worst affected districts.

Recently the Government has approved the Special Central Assistance Scheme which envisages an outlay of Rs 1000 Cr per annum for three years for the 35 worst affected LWE districts to cover gaps in critical infrastructure and services. In addition, the Special Infrastructure Scheme has also been revived for providing support to the States for strengthening the Special Forces and SIBs and also for construction of additional fortified police stations. The Security Related Expenditure Scheme has also been extended with increased allocation and new features up to 2020.

The National Technical Research Organization (NTRO) is assisting the Security Forces in anti-Naxal operations by providing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.
Ministry of Home Affairs
16-April, 2018 10:30 IST
Government’s new policy paying dividends in containing Left Wing Extremism

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been implementing the ‘National Policy and Action Plan’ since 2015 to combat Left Wing Extremism (LWE). This envisages a multi-pronged strategy involving security and development related measures.

The significant features of the new policy were zero tolerance towards violence coupled with a big push to developmental activities so that benefits of development reached the poor and vulnerable in the affected areas.

MHA had categorized 106 districts in 10 states as Left Wing Extremism affected. These districts are covered under the Security Related Expenditure Scheme (SRE) of the MHA for the purpose of reimbursement of security related expenditure like transportation, communication, hiring of vehicles, stipend for surrendered Maoists, temporary infrastructure for forces etc to the states. Out of 106 districts, 35 districts which accounted for 80-90 % of country-wide LWE violence were categorized as ‘Most Affected Districts’. This categorization provided the basis for focused deployment of resources - both security and development related. Over the last few years, a number of districts have been carved into smaller districts. This has resulted in the geographical area of the 106 SRE districts to be spread over 126 districts and that of the 35 most affected districts to be expanded to 36 districts.

Over the last four years, there has been a substantial improvement in the LWE scenario. Incidents of violence have seen a 20% decline with a 34% reduction in related deaths in 2017 as compared to 2013. The geographical spread of LWE violence also shrunk from 76 districts in 2013 to just 58 districts in 2017. Besides, just 30 of these districts account for 90% of the LWE violence in the country. At the same time certain new districts have emerged as the focus of expansion by the Left Wing Extremists.

MHA recently undertook a comprehensive exercise in consultation with the States to review the affected districts in order to ensure that the deployment of resources is in sync with the changed ground reality. Accordingly, 44 districts have been excluded and 08 new districts have been added to the list of SRE districts.

In order to counter Maoist efforts to expand their influence in the tribal areas at the tri-junction of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, three districts of Kerala have been included in the list of SRE Districts. Despite the fact that there is hardly any violence in the new districts, the move is pre-emptive.

As a result of the exercise, 90 districts in 11 States will now be covered by the Scheme, down from 126. The list of ‘Most Affected Districts’ has been pruned to 30, down from 36. The revised categorization is a more realistic representation of the actual LWE scenario.


Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh once said India’s biggest internal security challenge was Maoist violence — a decade-long armed rebellion waged by several ideologically aligned outfits who draw strength from tribal and marginalised communities in some of the most backward regions of the country. In an acceptance of the problem, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon the Maoists to give up arms, at a rally in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur, on April 14.

Left Wing Extremism (LWE) — the term officially used to describe Maoist insurgency — was a challenge the Modi government decided to take head-on after assuming office in 2014. And the results started to show when incidents of violence came down to a three-figure number in 2017 — something that happened for the first time in a decade.

On March 13, an explosion ripped through a mine protected vehicle (MPV) in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, killing nine Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) troopers. It served as yet another reminder that the fight against Maoist rebels was far from over.

The Maoists threw the first challenge at the Modi government in December 2014 when they killed 14 CRPF personnel, including two officers, in Sukma. In 2016, 10 CRPF commandos belonging to its elite anti-Maoist force, the Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA), were killed when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off in the forests of Bihar’s Aurangabad district.

Last year, 12 more CRPF personnel were killed when they “walked into an ambush” laid by Maoists in Sukma, Chhattisgarh, while seven personnel of the Odisha police were killed when their vehicle was blown up in a landmine blast near Sunki in Koraput district.

The deadliest Maoist attack till date came on April 24 last year, when armed rebels killed 25 CRPF personnel and injured seven in Sukma district.

The government says it has upped its ante against the guerrillas, with home minister Rajnath Singh making a statement recently that Maoist insurgency in the country had entered its “last leg”.

The numbers might be on side of the government’s narrative.

Home ministry data puts the number of Maoist-affected districts at 106 in 10 states, out of which 35 are categorised as “worst LWE affected districts”.

A study of the numbers between 2009 and 2017 presents a clear picture (see graphic).

In 2009, the total number of LWE incidents reported across the country was 2,258, the number of civilians killed 591 and security forces killed 317. The same year, 220 Maoists were also killed.

In comparison, 908 LWE incidents were reported across the country last year. While 75 security personnel and 188 civilians were killed, at least 136 Maoists were gunned down.

Senior security advisor in the home ministry, K Vijay Kumar, says, “Maoists are certainly rattled (after the casualties in recent years).

“Their capability to strike at anytime has been seriously damaged and our forces have moved to areas considered Maoist strongholds. The Maoist attack in Sukma shows that it was a reaction to our success.”

Official data, however, shows that LWE started to dwindle even before the present government took charge, mainly due to sustained counter-insurgency operations launched by various paramilitary forces in 10 states that include worst-hit Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.

Internal security expert, Ajai Sahni, says a change in strategy in 2010-11 is “giving dividends”.

“Maoist movement witnessed a rapid rise from 2004-2009, but a change in government strategy altered the dynamics. The operations became more and more intelligence-based, and instead of carrying out area domination exercises where we lost a lot of personnel, we replicated the Andhra Pradesh model. Our strikes were based on hard intelligence,” Ajai Sahni says .

The operations had to be coupled with an effective development agenda for people vulnerable to join Maoist ranks and the current numbers from LWE areas are proof that the strategy is working, Sahni further adds.

A senior home ministry official says the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government sought to stem insurgency by earmarking development funds for revolt-hit areas and improving policing.

“One of the major initiatives of the government was clearing implementation of a Rs 25,060 crore umbrella scheme to modernise central and state police forces over the next three years,” a senior home ministry official said.

Private helicopter services have also been utilised for counter-insurgency operations, to ensure that there is a speedy movement of troops and evacuation of injured troopers. Out of Rs 6,000 crore earmarked for tackling left-wing insurgency, roughly Rs 5,196 crore would be spent on developing police, security and public infrastructure.

Completing a macademised road to one of the remotest areas in Chhattisgarh – work on which is ongoing – is one of the government’s top priorities.
Ministry of Home Affairs
16-April, 2018 10:30 IST
Government’s new policy paying dividends in containing Left Wing Extremism

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been implementing the ‘National Policy and Action Plan’ since 2015 to combat Left Wing Extremism (LWE). This envisages a multi-pronged strategy involving security and development related measures.

The significant features of the new policy were zero tolerance towards violence coupled with a big push to developmental activities so that benefits of development reached the poor and vulnerable in the affected areas.

MHA had categorized 106 districts in 10 states as Left Wing Extremism affected. These districts are covered under the Security Related Expenditure Scheme (SRE) of the MHA for the purpose of reimbursement of security related expenditure like transportation, communication, hiring of vehicles, stipend for surrendered Maoists, temporary infrastructure for forces etc to the states. Out of 106 districts, 35 districts which accounted for 80-90 % of country-wide LWE violence were categorized as ‘Most Affected Districts’. This categorization provided the basis for focused deployment of resources - both security and development related. Over the last few years, a number of districts have been carved into smaller districts. This has resulted in the geographical area of the 106 SRE districts to be spread over 126 districts and that of the 35 most affected districts to be expanded to 36 districts.

Over the last four years, there has been a substantial improvement in the LWE scenario. Incidents of violence have seen a 20% decline with a 34% reduction in related deaths in 2017 as compared to 2013. The geographical spread of LWE violence also shrunk from 76 districts in 2013 to just 58 districts in 2017. Besides, just 30 of these districts account for 90% of the LWE violence in the country. At the same time certain new districts have emerged as the focus of expansion by the Left Wing Extremists.

MHA recently undertook a comprehensive exercise in consultation with the States to review the affected districts in order to ensure that the deployment of resources is in sync with the changed ground reality. Accordingly, 44 districts have been excluded and 08 new districts have been added to the list of SRE districts.

In order to counter Maoist efforts to expand their influence in the tribal areas at the tri-junction of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, three districts of Kerala have been included in the list of SRE Districts. Despite the fact that there is hardly any violence in the new districts, the move is pre-emptive.

As a result of the exercise, 90 districts in 11 States will now be covered by the Scheme, down from 126. The list of ‘Most Affected Districts’ has been pruned to 30, down from 36. The revised categorization is a more realistic representation of the actual LWE scenario.

Ministry of Home Affairs
25-April, 2018 19:13 IST
MoS (Home) Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir reviews mobile connectivity issues in LWE areas

Shri Ahir directs bandwidth upgradation in 35 Worst-Affected Districts on priority

Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir chaired a high-level meeting here today to review the mobile connectivity issues in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts of the country. Out of total 2,355 mobile towers approved under the LWE Phase-I project, 2,329 mobile towers have been installed.

States like Maharashtra, Odisha and Jharkhand highlighted bandwidth issue because of which they face call drops and limits connectivity. It was informed the Telecom Commission has already approved upgradation upto 2 mbps at the Phase-I satellite towers which are on VSAT at a cost of Rs.89 crores.

Shri Ahir directed the BSNL to expedite the bandwidth upgradation in 35 Worst-Affected Districts on priority and ensure upto 2 mbps capacity within one month. It was also decided the BSNL will conduct study of the existing mobile towers and switch over to Micro-Wave where Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) has reached the gram sabhas and submit its report within a month.

Stressing upon connectivity in these 35 districts, the Minister said mobile connectivity is important for the Jawans to remain in touch with their families and it will also help in addressing stress related issues among the CAPF personnel.

It was informed that under the LWE Phase-II project, the Telecom Commission has approved 4,072 mobile tower locations with 2G and 4G connectivity at a cost of Rs.7,330 crores including operation cost for five years.

The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir chairing a review meeting with the senior officials on mobile connectivity issues in LWE areas, in New Delhi on April 25, 2018.

The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir chairing a review meeting with the senior officials on mobile connectivity issues in LWE areas, in New Delhi on April 25, 2018.
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
27-April, 2018 16:04 IST
Our aim is to ensure one ITI in every block of the country by end 2018 and up-grade our skill institutions with market relevant skills – Dharmendra Pradhan

“Industrial Training Institutes played a vital role in economic development of the country, especially in terms of supplying skilled manpower to industries. We have focused extensively on modernization of our institutes. It is our endeavour to establish at least one ITI in each block of the country by end of 2018”, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan has said.

Addressing the State representatives, Pradhan said, “Vocational Training is a concurrent subject and thus it is imperative that Centre and State governments work closely to ensure a paradigm shift in addressing the issues relevant to skill development and identify the gaps in skill development, so as to achieve the objectives in terms of quantity, quality, outreach, and mobility while building this largest human resource exercise that we have undertaken. The States should align themselves to reforms being done to our central initiatives like Pradhan MantriKaushalVikasYojana (PMKVY), Pradhan MantriKaushalKendras (PMKK), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS).”

Emphasising on the need for strengthening institutional mechanisms for skill development at the State level and bringing in a more robust framework, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship,and Petroleum & Natura Gas and Shri Anantkumar Hegde ,Minister of State for Skill Development today launched an array of initiatives at a day long State Skill Development Ministers Conference in New Delhi. The workshop saw a participation from more than 90% of the States, discussing the skills agenda.

The conference witnessed the launch of new courses for ITIs for India’s youth, as an endeavour to promote emerging skill areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Robotic Process Automation, Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data Analytics, 3D Printing, etc. which would be in high demand globally in the coming days. Keeping this in mind an MOU was signed today between Director General of Training(DGT)&National Association of Software Services Companies(NASSCOM) for enabling Skill Development & Continuous learning for ITI trainees & trainers.

Recognising the concurrent nature of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), the conference marked the launch of new Affiliation Norms 2018 for ITIs is which restores the primacy of State Government in the ITIs Affiliation process. Affiliation Norms 2018 aims at establishing high quality Institutions for Skill Training in all parts of the country especially the un-served blocks. To ensure transparency in the affiliation process, a Portal has also been designed and was launched at the event.The portal has a three-stage processwhich simplifies the overall affiliation process.

MSDE also today announced a Self-Grading exercise for ITIs to provide “Star Rating” to each institute,to ensure quality assessment of ITI and a healthy competition between them.

MSDE also today commenced its partnership with Ministry of Home Affairs which has "Surrender-cum-Rehabilitation Scheme for Left Wing Extremists", where surrendered Left-Wing Extremistscan take admission in an institute and they are supported with stipend amounting uptoRs. 6000/- per month for a period of uptothree years. It has been found that most of such people do not have requisite qualification for getting admission in Industrial Training Institutes. MSDE has realized this situation and accordingly relaxed the entry qualification by tweaking the existing Craftsmen Training Scheme, so that they may secure gainful wage or self-employment after acquiring skill in ITIs. Shri Pradhan today presented the offer of admission to two such beneficiaries at the event.

Urging the States to take the mission to the last mile, Shri Hedge said, “We have introduced an array of schemes and initiatives today, but the real results will only be seen when they reach the masses. Our endeavour both at the Centre and State level should result in transforming the life of the person living in the last mile. Only Skill development can change the future of the country.”

A common portal under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) at http://apprenticeshipindia.orgwas also launched to integrate all apprenticeship training under both designated and optional trades. The new portal will provide all the stakeholders a uniform user experience with customized dashboard to respective user requirements. It will have more automated modules with minimal outside intervention.

Skill Development Ministers from Bihar, Maharashtra,Manipur, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and other states participated.

The conference witnessed discussion between the Central and the State Governments on the critical need for scaling up concerted efforts to enhance skill development in India, in the context of the country's transition to a knowledge-based economy, through the creation of a professional skilled workforce. Governmental efforts, especially in the recent past, in the arena of skill development through various schemes and programmes, management structures and processes, and the challenges encountered within these initiatives were discussed at the day- long session held with the States.

The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh chairing a high level meeting to review the Left Wing Extremism (LWE) situation in Chhattisgarh, in New Delhi on May 18, 2018. The Director, IB, Shri Rajiv Jain and Senior Officers of MHA and CRPF are also seen.

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