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In Vietnam, Calls for US-led Naval Initiative in South China Sea

do you know what Ho said in regard to China?

do you know the difference between our former enemies and china?

let ignore all others for a while, just take the three´s: the french, japanese, americans. the people of VN know they are our one time enemy, they will never become our enemy again. but china? you are our arch enemy. on/off friend and enemy. you are a die-hard hooligan.
I would like to borrow Justin Bieber lyric "Never say never" LOL
Sorry, CN is too cheap &weak to be our threat. Try to survive on your barren land and sand storm in your desert instead of talking nonsense,dude.:coffee:
Hehe, whether China are cheap & weak to be your threat, it is not depend on you mouth, above your comment, your compatriot have different answer, I don't care whether we are threat to you, I just know, In Chinese eyes, you are negligible, history and fact talk :coffee:

Surviving of Chinese is not you worried, even it is barrent, there are many female Vietnamese go to China, you think you talking nonsense can change the fact, you are far behind China? you are negligible :coffee:
Hehe, whether China are cheap & weak to be your threat, it is not depend on you mouth, above your comment, your compatriot have different answer, I don't care whether we are threat to you, I just know, In Chinese eyes, you are negligible, history and fact talk :coffee:

Surviving of Chinese is not you worried, even it is barrent, there are many female Vietnamese go to China, you think you talking nonsense can change the fact, you are far behind China? you are negligible :coffee:
I dont care what you said, Im cheering the warmer relationship btween VN-US, and suddently u jumped in, boasting abt CN blah blah blah

....seem like sand storm,smog, toxic food, losing job due to bad CN economy make some bad effect to you,dude:coffee:
I dont care what you said, Im cheering the warmer relationship btween VN-US, and suddently u jumped in, boasting abt CN blah blah blah

....seem like sand storm,smog, toxic food, losing job due to bad CN economy make some bad effect to you,dude:coffee:
I also don't care whether you care, you of course can keep cheering:coffee:

I don't know and care how much these thing you listed effect on me, I just know, even with such "hostile" situation, you female Vietnamese still flock in China, :coffee:
I also don't care whether you care, you of course can keep cheering:coffee:

I don't know and care how much these thing you listed effect on me, I just know, even with such "hostile" situation, you female Vietnamese still flock in China, :coffee:
Lots of CN steel worker just have been fired, and soon you will join the Cnese jobless group due to TPP.

So, good luck to u, try to survive instead of talkinh nonesense here.:coffee:




Vietnamese military shipwreck near the Chinese Chigua Island


Lots of CN steel worker just have been fired, and soon you will join the Cnese jobless group due to TPP.

So, good luck to u, try to survive instead of talkinh nonesense here.:coffee:
Hehe, I am waiting, only you idiotic Vietnamese see TPP as god :coffee:

I said, whether we can survive, it is not you cared, idiot know that Chinese are much richer than poor Vietnamese, whether I talking nonsense, hehe, you say it is, so it is, what you should I say to a nut?:coffee:




Vietnamese military shipwreck near the Chinese Chigua Island



Vietnamese were killed brutally by Chinese when PLAN invaded in to South Johson Reef of Vietnam in 1988.


Painting for honoring our soldier were killed by Chinese in Apratly.
next, we will fight back with same size canon bullets


We have been waiting for this day to come!!! Next time, please don't say something like "our soldiers killed brutally by Chinese". Do you know how sissy you sounded? If you can't stand the heat, get out of kitchen. :enjoy:

We have been waiting for this day to come!!! Next time, please don't say something like "our soldiers killed brutally by Chinese". Do you know how sissy you sounded? If you can't stand the heat, get out of kitchen. :enjoy:
Not that brutal, 9 captives were returned.

We have been waiting for this day to come!!! Next time, please don't say something like "our soldiers killed brutally by Chinese". Do you know how sissy you sounded? If you can't stand the heat, get out of kitchen. :enjoy:

Chinese opened fire first, with canon on unarmed Vietnamese logistic soldiers, when you are respectually looking up to Uncle Sam who has controlled Taiwan until now.

Cowdirce Chinese doesn't feel as shameful about your big mouth on that truth.:pleasantry:
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