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In Vietnam, Calls for US-led Naval Initiative in South China Sea


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
In Vietnam, Calls for US-led Naval Initiative in South China Sea

Trung Nguyen
March 09, 2016 4:00 PM

Vietnam's social network users have welcomed a plan to establish an informal naval coalition led by the United States, expressing hope it will contain China's expansion in the South China Sea.

The chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr., proposed last week to join the navies of Japan, Australia and India in preserving freedom of navigation in contested waters.

The call was made as China expands land reclamation efforts in an assertive push that worries Vietnam, one of the South China Sea's maritime claimants.

Social media user Vo Tan Hung told VOA's Vietnamese service that Beijing "must reconsider its aggressive moves in the contested waters if the coalition is born."

Some go further by likening members of the prospective naval quartet to "quadrilateral pillars," a reference to the four top jobs in Vietnam's political system.

Earlier plan

Japan, which disputes Beijing's role in the East China Sea, floated a similar proposal in 2007, but the idea was dropped in the face of Chinese protest.

While Australia is reportedly considering Harris' idea, the positions of India and Japan are unclear.

Responding to the suggestion, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Beijing had "no objection to normal exchanges and cooperation between relevant countries, but such cooperation shall not target a third party."

Meanwhile, Duong Danh Dy, an expert on China-Vietnam relations, said the birth of the group "will benefit Vietnam."

"Beijing cannot disregard its smaller neighbors like Vietnam in the presence of regional powers," he said. "China cannot do whatever it wants."

While top Vietnamese officials say they are sticking to their foreign policy of not siding with other countries to counter any third nation, the Southeast Asian country has been strengthening defense ties with a number of countries, including the Philippines, which is among the most vocal claimants to the disputed waters.

FILE - The USS Curtis Wilbur, a 8,950-ton Aegis destroyer of the U.S. Navy, arrives at a naval base in Busan, South Korea, June 4, 2010.

After the USS Curtis Wilbur, an American destroyer, sailed near an island controlled by Beijing, but also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying Hanoi respected "innocent passage" of ships through territorial waters in accordance with international law. Some observers said Hanoi's statement appeared to support regional freedom-of-navigation exercises by its former foe.

More military spending

Apart from expanding its relations with world powers, Vietnam has also boosted military spending, becoming the world's eighth-largest arms importer from 2011 to 2015, according to a recent report published by the Stockholm-based International Peace Research Institute.

Tran Bang, veteran of the Sino-Vietnam border war, said the move shows Vietnam's clear awareness of its foreign threats, China in particular.

"Beefing up defense capability is necessary for Vietnam to defend itself," Bang said. "It is right to do so as its giant neighbor [is] ready to make aggressive moves at any time."

In related news, Vietnam opened Cam Ranh, its strategic port facing the South China Sea, on Tuesday, with President Truong Tan Sang saying it "would play a part in stabilizing regional peace."

Two Japanese warships are expected to make a port call there after escorting a submarine in a visit to the Philippines next month, Vietnamese media reported. Tokyo and Hanoi agreed last year to conduct their first ever joint naval exercise.

This report was produced in collaboration with VOA's Vietnamese service.
Collaborating with the Japanese,never forgive,Heavier punishment.
Who pay it? Vietnam?


For F-35 and F-22, one flight hour equals to yearly salary of one job in United States.

Ignorant Vietnamese think that United States is their free guard.
I think that a cooperative initiative by China and United States to end VCP is much more reasonable.
you are too delusional. go home boy.
by the way, Barack Obama will visit Vietnam in May.
you are too delusional. go home boy.
by the way, Barack Obama will visit Vietnam in May.
Naive boy. do you know all color revolutions start with peaceful evolution?

Through this visit, Obama will ask for more freedom of NGO activities, and show support for pro-USA divisions.

A color revolution with the end of VCP is clearly also welcomed in China.
Naive boy. do you know all color revolutions start with peaceful evolution?

Through this visit, Obama will ask for more freedom of NGO activities, and show support for pro-USA divisions.

A color revolution with the end of VCP is clearly also welcomed in China.
well, I place my bet on this: Obama will ask if US aircraft carriers and nuclear subs can dock at Cam Ranh Bay.
as for color whatever, you may rather take care of China. terrorists and separatists can run amok there. oh I forgot, they run amok already.
well, I place my bet on this: Obama will ask if US aircraft carriers and nuclear subs can dock at Cam Ranh Bay.
as for color whatever, you may rather take care of China. terrorists and separatists can run amok there. oh I forgot, they run amok already.
If Vietnam allows US to have aircraft carriers and nuclear subs in Cam Ranh Bay, that's a great news. With SCS bases and DF missiles, China is not afraid of US aircraft carriers and nuclear subs. Also the increase of bases doesn't mean the increase of carriers and subs. US budget can only support limited carriers and subs.
But it can be a big bomb on VCP foundation. This just means that VCP's war against United States is meaningless. With its poor sense on business and bad record on economy, its date can be counted.

For those terrorists and separatists, their impacts are limited. They are just giving Chinese army some reality training.
Who pay it? Vietnam?


For F-35 and F-22, one flight hour equals to yearly salary of one job in United States.

Ignorant Vietnamese think that United States is their free guard.

Camranh bay is services center, who would like to use it, pls pay for us.:-)
In Vietnam, Calls for US-led Naval Initiative in South China Sea

Trung Nguyen
March 09, 2016 4:00 PM

Vietnam's social network users have welcomed a plan to establish an informal naval coalition led by the United States, expressing hope it will contain China's expansion in the South China Sea.

The chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr., proposed last week to join the navies of Japan, Australia and India in preserving freedom of navigation in contested waters.

The call was made as China expands land reclamation efforts in an assertive push that worries Vietnam, one of the South China Sea's maritime claimants.

Social media user Vo Tan Hung told VOA's Vietnamese service that Beijing "must reconsider its aggressive moves in the contested waters if the coalition is born."

Some go further by likening members of the prospective naval quartet to "quadrilateral pillars," a reference to the four top jobs in Vietnam's political system.

Earlier plan

Japan, which disputes Beijing's role in the East China Sea, floated a similar proposal in 2007, but the idea was dropped in the face of Chinese protest.

While Australia is reportedly considering Harris' idea, the positions of India and Japan are unclear.

Responding to the suggestion, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Beijing had "no objection to normal exchanges and cooperation between relevant countries, but such cooperation shall not target a third party."

Meanwhile, Duong Danh Dy, an expert on China-Vietnam relations, said the birth of the group "will benefit Vietnam."

"Beijing cannot disregard its smaller neighbors like Vietnam in the presence of regional powers," he said. "China cannot do whatever it wants."

While top Vietnamese officials say they are sticking to their foreign policy of not siding with other countries to counter any third nation, the Southeast Asian country has been strengthening defense ties with a number of countries, including the Philippines, which is among the most vocal claimants to the disputed waters.

FILE - The USS Curtis Wilbur, a 8,950-ton Aegis destroyer of the U.S. Navy, arrives at a naval base in Busan, South Korea, June 4, 2010.

After the USS Curtis Wilbur, an American destroyer, sailed near an island controlled by Beijing, but also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying Hanoi respected "innocent passage" of ships through territorial waters in accordance with international law. Some observers said Hanoi's statement appeared to support regional freedom-of-navigation exercises by its former foe.

More military spending

Apart from expanding its relations with world powers, Vietnam has also boosted military spending, becoming the world's eighth-largest arms importer from 2011 to 2015, according to a recent report published by the Stockholm-based International Peace Research Institute.

Tran Bang, veteran of the Sino-Vietnam border war, said the move shows Vietnam's clear awareness of its foreign threats, China in particular.

"Beefing up defense capability is necessary for Vietnam to defend itself," Bang said. "It is right to do so as its giant neighbor [is] ready to make aggressive moves at any time."

In related news, Vietnam opened Cam Ranh, its strategic port facing the South China Sea, on Tuesday, with President Truong Tan Sang saying it "would play a part in stabilizing regional peace."

Two Japanese warships are expected to make a port call there after escorting a submarine in a visit to the Philippines next month, Vietnamese media reported. Tokyo and Hanoi agreed last year to conduct their first ever joint naval exercise.

This report was produced in collaboration with VOA's Vietnamese service.

I thought is VCP stance. End up it social network :lol: So much of these despot vietnamese agenda

VCP is happy to have more trade with China :D
Vietnam Must Better Manage Trade Imbalance With China: Economist

Who pay it? Vietnam?


For F-35 and F-22, one flight hour equals to yearly salary of one job in United States.

Ignorant Vietnamese think that United States is their free guard.
Sorry, dont know who use my accout to post something "Aa"...

Btw:its good to see VN-US have a closer relationship. VN is not and never be a threat to US:cheers:

Sorry, dont know who use my accout to post something "Aa"...

Btw:its good to see VN-US have a closer relationship. VN is not and never be a threat to US:cheers:
At least, this time, you see your ability clearly:coffee:

Yeah, VN will not be threat to US, but US also can't keep you safe, your biggest advantage and disadvantage both are too close to China.:coffee:
I thought is VCP stance. End up it social network :lol: So much of these despot vietnamese agenda

VCP is happy to have more trade with China :D
Vietnam Must Better Manage Trade Imbalance With China: Economist
boy, nobody is against increasing trade with China. just everybody of us is against your increasing arrogance.

No. You made a false impressive of our thought process. We look down on Asian who kowtow for foreigners to station their troops on their land. That speak volume to their inability to defend themselves and their women. So you have to understand that what he said may hurt your "Vietnamese" but it is important for us to say that so we want to remind the Vietnamese comrades the reason Uncle Ho wanted to fight the Revolution War was to get rid of imperialism and military bases. But now the Vietnamese don't seem to understand their Uncle Ho's "dream". He must be crying in his grave.
do you know what Ho said in regard to China?

do you know the difference between our former enemies and china?

let ignore all others for a while, just take the three´s: the french, japanese, americans. the people of VN know they are our one time enemy, they will never become our enemy again. but china? you are our arch enemy. on/off friend and enemy. you are a die-hard hooligan.
At least, this time, you see your ability clearly:coffee:

Yeah, VN will not be threat to US, but US also can't keep you safe, your biggest advantage and disadvantage both are too close to China.:coffee:
Sorry, CN is too cheap &weak to be our threat. Try to survive on your barren land and sand storm in your desert instead of talking nonsense,dude.:coffee:

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