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In strategic shift, India building its Navy to become maritime power: US expert

Pakistan and Chinese navy will ensure counter balance..no worries..!

Most probably Pakistan Navy will survive for one day against Indian Navy .
Perhaps our Coast Guard would be enough for you .

Chinese Navy is a problem.Yet out here we will decide .
So you are not eligible to bracket with us .
Let me give you a hint, we are the largest shipbuilder on earth. Our ships are almost completely indigenous, and our turnaround time for ship production is nearly half of yours.

Btw, you need to learn math, you can't strike deep into China using Brahmos, it's range is 400km at most. You seem ignorant of what we have. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Don't know in which world are u living in when China literally bought designs from Russia which is now ur best warship. And nooooo u are not completely indigenous in ship building. I let u to get some real idea by doing research.

And on brahmos missile. India already started upgrading missiles to 600km plus. Tested successfully. Now plan is to expand the strike envelope to 850 km. And u can do nothing about it. Just to pray lord and meet him in heaven. Yes India Warships are that deadly. 16 missiles in each destroyers. When fired in two missile per target u got no chance. Let me. Tell you that for sure.

Funny part is that now India will start work on 6 new submarines armed with brahmos. Making sure enemy will be destroyed. Now you add US fire power lol. China can do nothing in Indian Ocean. Well it's Indias ocean buddy.
Don't know in which world are u living in when China literally bought designs from Russia which is now ur best warship. And nooooo u are not completely indigenous in ship building. I let u to get some real idea by doing research.
Can you tell me which ship design we bought from Russia? :enjoy:Our best warship is now 055 and no ship on earth looks like it. OTOH, your numerous ship design require 'consultancy' from Russians to Frenchs to Italians. Tell me how we are not completely indigenous, the propulsion is made in China, the radars are made in China and yes the steel is made in China.

As for India, the radars are imported, the missiles are imported, the steel was imported until recently, the propulsion is imported, hell basically the whole ship is an import.

And on brahmos missile. India already started upgrading missiles to 600km plus. Tested successfully. Now plan is to expand the strike envelope to 850 km. And u can do nothing about it. Just to pray lord and meet him in heaven. Yes India Warships are that deadly. 16 missiles in each destroyers. When fired in two missile per target u got no chance. Let me. Tell you that for sure.
Do you know geography and math, genius? :lol:. We can do nothing? We have longer range missiles 20 years ago while you were still wearing diapers.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Btw, since when a Russian missile i:partay:s Indian? And you really think the same technology is not sold to China discreetly?

Funny part is that now India will start work on 6 new submarines armed with brahmos. Making sure enemy will be destroyed. Now you add US fire power lol. China can do nothing in Indian Ocean. Well it's Indias ocean buddy.
Will can should, your 6 subs are French subs, how are you gonna put in your 'Brahmos' which is nothing more than a watered down Russian missile? Btw, your crappy french subs have no AIP....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It's America's ocean, you really think you are a supa powa? First learn to feed your people.:enjoy:
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This must be the joke of the decade.

Modi is cancelling program after program and here we are talking about building a power?
The term Indo-Pacific has been coined for a reason (my view).
1. If China manage to get entry to warm waters through Gwadar/ CPEC it will bypass Straits of Malacca which is perceived as choke point by US and allies, for china. With Indo-pacific, alliance will include the Indian ocean in picture and will take care of Gwadar, Gulf of Oman/Strait of Hormuz from where China gets it's oil supplies and is its' sea trade route.
2. By increasing area of exposure to counter china's string of pearls strategy by further encircling ports which would be used by China to encircle India with primary purpose of containing China and secondary to demonstrate support to India (as ally) against China.
With all the blessing from the Big Brother, Indian Navy should put its act together and not to let down the high hope from the West. Try to keep self explosion, capsize, flooding and fire accidents to minimum level, after all they count on you to counter China, and you can't do that with all your nuclear subs sitting on the dock badly damaged.
With all the blessing from the Big Brother, Indian Navy should put its act together and not to let down the high hope from the West. Try to keep self explosion, capsize, flooding and fire accidents to minimum level, after all they count on you to counter China, and you can't do that with all your nuclear subs sitting on the dock badly damaged.
Everytime, you just say the word power after the word India, the Indians would get an orgasm. So the Americans can just say India is a maritime power, you don't even need to pay them, and they will be your pawn in South Asia. Hell, they will even import your stuff in return. That's how gullible these Indians are, the SUPA POWA 2012 mantality.
Everytime, you just say the word power after the word India, the Indians would get an orgasm. So the Americans can just say India is a maritime power, you don't even need to pay them, and they will be your pawn in South Asia. Hell, they will even import your stuff in return. That's how gullible these Indians are, the SUPA POWA 2012 mantality.

Yap, They are recognition seekers.
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