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In Praise of Musharraf - Jerusalem Post


Apr 24, 2007
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Oct 16, 2007 20:16 | Updated Oct 16, 2007 20:20
In praise of Pakistani Pervez Musharraf

There has been a flood of criticism of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in the United States in recent months. Caroline B. Glick's "Pakistani Nightmare" (Jerusalem Post, October 8) reprises many of the themes in these attacks on Musharraf.

As one who has developed a fairly close relationship with him over the past few years in my capacity as chairman of the Council for World Jewry of the American Jewish Congress, including hosting Musharraf's meeting with American Jews in New York in 2005 and visiting him in Islamabad several times, I have been dismayed by what I think is a lack of understanding of the very real dangers that would face Pakistan and the world if he were to be removed.

The Islamists in Pakistan are a well-armed and well-financed force that wields considerable influence within many parts of the government and has close ties with the Pakistani military and intelligence services. These ties grew in the 1980s when massive US and Saudi military assistance to Afghanistan's anti-Soviet mujahadeen flowed from the United States and Saudi Arabia through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

IN THE 1990s, Pakistani governments funded and trained Islamist "freedom fighters" for operations against Indian targets in the disputed region of Kashmir. US officials believe that by the time of 9/11, the influence of Islamist sympathizers in Pakistan's army, intelligence services, and government had reached a dangerously high level.

In addition, as former prime minister Benazir Bhutto recently said, Pakistan's military and intelligence services have, for decades, used religious parties for recruits.

The ISI, in particular, includes many key figures who have Islamist attachments. Part of their appeal is that the Islamists embrace strong nationalist symbols, positioning themselves as the protectors of Pakistan's nuclear deterrent capability and the champions of securing Kashmir for Pakistan.

When, after 9/11, the United States put much greater pressure on Pakistan to cut its ties with militant Islam, Musharraf made a momentous decision to join the war on terrorism. But Musharraf's personal commitment was not shared by many hard-line skeptics within his own army. Many of them doubted that the United States could be trusted as an ally, given the US commitment to India, and did not want to turn against longtime jihadi allies. In addition, the costs of confronting the well-entrenched mujahadeen in the border regions with Afghanistan were daunting.

This tension within the Pakistani national security establishment still exists today. If Musharraf, the strongest figure in the moderate wing, were removed, it is very possible that this balance would shift to the advantage of the Islamists and forces hostile to the West.

Musharraf's critics paint a rosy picture of what might happen if Musharraf were removed. But what if they prove wrong, as critics of the Shah of Iran were in 1979 when they predicted that moderate forces would take power after his removal?

RADICAL ELEMENTS in an unstable Pakistan could create a nightmare in the sphere of nuclear proliferation. What could happen is illustrated by the case of A.Q. Khan, who headed Pakistan's nuclear program until 2002. Khan admitted in 2004 that he transferred nuclear technology including gas centrifuges known as Pak-1's, to Iran between 1989 and 1991 and to North Korea and Libya between 1991 and 1997. In addition, the Pakistani government arrested scientists linked to Khan for suspected connections with the Taliban. Khan claims that the nuclear weapons technology transfers to Iran were authorized by a former Chief of Army Staff. The Army oversaw and controlled Khan's nuclear weapons development program, and Hans Blix, former chief of the IAEA, believes that Khan could not have acted alone without collusion from powerful elements of the national security establishment. Musharraf has brought this under control, and the threat is much smaller today. But pressures in the opposite direction still exist, and what would happen without Musharraf is a very open question.

Nor is a return to nuclear proliferation activities the only nightmare scenario. Only five years ago, in May 2002, a state of near-war existed between Pakistan and India, two nuclear-armed states, over the disputed Kashmir region. A million soldiers were facing each other across the India-Pakistan border, and daily clashes were occurring. Britain, which had historical ties to the two sides, warned that the clash could become "the most serious conflict in the world in terms of potential casualties and the use of nuclear weapons."

British intelligence thought the situation was so tense that just one provocation could trigger a bloody war that could lead to the first use of atomic weapons since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A terrorist attack by jihadists could lead Indian troops to retaliate against Pakistan, using their superiority in conventional forces to overwhelm the Pakistanis. Islamabad might feel compelled to use its weapon of last resort: a nuclear device.

India could survive the strike and hit back with its own atomic weapons. Were this scenario acted out, millions would die.

BUT THE worst did not happen, because Musharraf and cooler heads on the Indian side responded to intensive diplomatic efforts by other countries.

India and Pakistan began to withdraw troops from the international border in June 2002, and negotiations began. By November 2003, the two sides achieved the first "total cease-fire" in nearly 15 years. In December 2006, Musharraf told an Indian TV channel that Pakistan was willing to give up its claim on Kashmir if India would accept some of his peace proposals. Musharraf's spokesman stated that Kashmir was never considered an "integral part" of Pakistan. What the Times of London had declared to be an imminent nuclear threat on May 23, 2002, was by 2006 transformed by Musharraf and Indian leaders into a manageable regional dispute.

But here too, the pressures in the other direction still exist. Remove Musharraf, and you may be gambling with the stability of Indo-Pakistani relations, with all that implies for the United States and the world.

Keeping Musharraf there as a steady hand does not mean that no change in the status quo is possible.

New power-sharing arrangements may very well be necessary and inevitable. But a Pakistan without Musharraf could be a much more dangerous place. In fact, if you look across the world, it is hard to identify any single leader whose removal could open up greater dangers beyond his own country, than President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.

The writer chairs the American Jewish Congress-Council for World Jewry, the sponsor of the 25th International Conference of Mayors in Jerusalem.
Rosen makes valid points regarding the danger of instability were Musharaf to be removed - but that is more reflective of the lack of institutional development in Pakistan, and the perception that every single decision taken by the government comes from the Presidency. While that may be true for setting overall policy and some key issues, the PML-Q and MQM have played a very large role in governance, and Musharraf has not been able to get his way on a variety of issues. I would suggest that it is the perception that he has absolute power that would possibly cause chaos, were he to be removed suddenly.

In that context, his retirement from the COAS post is extremely important - it sets into motion the "normal" working of our institutions, and disperses the power that currently is concentrated within him. At that point his removal will not carry with it the perception that the "entire government" has collapsed, though it would be ideal if we could use his presence to continue implementation of his economic, domestic and foreign policies for the next few years.

A peaceful transition, through the new elections, is extremely important for Pakistan. This could well be another defining moment in history.
Oct 16, 2007 20:16 | Updated Oct 16, 2007 20:20
But here too, the pressures in the other direction still exist. Remove Musharraf, and you may be gambling with the stability of Indo-Pakistani relations, with all that implies for the United States and the world.

Indeed that is good for only India. She had got too much leverage while they had never resiprocate in the same.

We had got nothing from that rather India cheated again over Siachin
While I am an anti zionist muslim, I am not anti Jewish and respect views of the many Jewish intellectuals. The article by Jack Rosen is well thought out and based on many realistic assumptions. I fully agree about ISI links with the Islamists and find it hard to believe that LM mob was able to accumulate all the arms and gas masks without any covert support from the
agencies. The poison of extremism cultivated by Zia ul Haq and later allowed to continue its infection during BB and Nawaz regimes runs very deep.

However, regardless of what US, world Jewry or Al-Qaeda would like; ultimate decision must rest with the Pakistani joe public. I believe, for the sake of credibility, Musharraf must hold fair and free elections and then get himself re-elected as president from the new electoral college.
Musharaff is definitely the best pak can get at the moment. The article was very correct in saying that had Musharaff not kept a cool head in 2002, it would have been a nuclear disaster, or at the very least, a very bloody conventional war.

I am no Musharaff fan (thanx to kargil), but i want musharaff to stay in power coz he's much better for India and pakistan than BB or NS.
I am no Musharaff fan (thanx to kargil), but i want musharaff to stay in power coz he's much better for India and pakistan than BB or NS.

Its the TINA factor--"There is No Alternative"

Not my phrase of course. I heard it from an Indian politician when the Congress and BJP were engaging in their usual mud-slinging fests.
I think this article, unlike other conventional exaggerated antiPakistan article written by some journalist, outlines reality very decently. I think Jews have also started to respect Pakistan. And i think the credit again goes to mushy implementing a rule "Give respect and earn respect".

I personally feel that it would not have been possible to establish some back doors decent connections with jews if mushy wont have initiated it. Its the way of life. Its the need of today to live and survive.

You cant just disconnect your self as per say of radicals and start living in caves.

Good work mushy.

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