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In its dying days, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.


Mar 20, 2022
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Taiwan, Province Of China
🇨🇳 / 🇺🇸


This article by Chua Chin Leng summed up how I personally feel. The American Empire is now a rabid dog

In its dying days, this diseased dog, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.
Plagued with all the diseases that would end its life any moment, economy spiralling into the abyss, mountains of debt, internal disorder and injustice, poor leadership, covid infection and death, monkeypox, wild fires, loss of self esteem, loss of respect and support from the world, but clinging on its military might and the war industry, it is acting as if it has nothing to lose.
It wants to drag the whole world down in a ball of fire. Ukraine is not enough, dragging Europe and Russia to bankruptcy is not enough, China must also be pulled down and destroyed as well.

How should China deal with this rabid dog? Putin has had enough of its senseless barking and whacking it with a big stick, in Ukraine and Syria.
China has been avoiding this rabid dog all this while, trying to move away from its path. But the rabid dog keeps on coming at China, snarling, showing off its nasty teeth and attempting to bite at China at every opportunity.
China is thousands of miles from Ukraine, but the nasty rabid dog still insisting that China is the enemy and must be dragged into Ukraine by all means.

The latest trap set for China was to send a dying witch in her last few years of life, to dare China to burn her in her broomstick in the air. It would be so easy for China. The provocations were irritating enough for many in China to just want to do it for the good of human beings.
This evil woman has outlived her usefulness but still thinking of one last bitch to kill millions of human lives, to sacrifice herself in order to start WW3. She thinks she is worthy for China to trade the millions of Chinese lives for a worthless witch.
She thinks too highly of herself. She was ignored by China, not worth it. After all she would expire soon without China having to do anything.

The Americans have been baiting China to start a war.

Pelosi's wild and dangerous behaviour, also rabid like, in flying to Taiwan was an easy and obvious target for China, just like Russia lining up the road to Kiev with hundreds of tanks. She was inviting China to strike her. And that is all it needs to start WW3.
Sure, China would be destroyed, but US would not be spared either. Would any sane individual gamble with such high stakes, where millions of lives would go up in smokes?
Only the devils would indulge in such brinkmanship. Only the white savages or an old witch and a dementia old man trying to prove their manhood and womanhood would do such a silly thing.

They were forcing Xi to act. And Xi has all the reasons to act. His reputation and his extention for another term in office were at stake.
The pride and dignity of the Chinese people were at stake. Not acting, not shooting down Pelosi would have embarrassed China in the world stage.
China's leadership role would be compromised, China would lose its credibility in the eyes of the rest of the world that were looking up to China to take on the rabid American dog. They were disappointed.

In a way China has chicken out in the last minute. The stakes were very high, millions of lives were on the table.
Under such pressure, any leader would be compromised and forced to do it and risked it all. Without trying to find excuses, a lot of factors must have gone into the head of Xi not to engage. It was not worth it. There was no need to take on a rabid dog and risked being infected and go down with rabies.

There was no need to fight with a big bully, though very tempting when cornered. China chose to fight on its own terms, in a place and time where it has superiority over the enemy.
Fighting the rabid dog at the dog's terms and condition would destroy both parties and not worth the losses. Other than rabies, the rabid dog is dying in many ways. Time is on China's side.

But China cannot afford to walk away by putting its head down to avoid trouble like in the past. The Chinese people would not allow it.
The rest of the world are expecting China to stand up and fight. In China's interest, it must fight to win, not to die with the rabid Americans while being agitated.

China must fight the Americans not on Chinese soil, but in American homeland, or in Europe, far far away from China.
Ukraine is the perfect war zone and China can be expected to double down on its support for Russia. This is where it would hurt the rabid dog most, where it is weak, and where China can fight together with Russia with their combined strength.
The Americans would want to fight China alone with the support of the Japanese in East Asia, in Taiwan, in Chinese soil.

China would take down Taiwan on its own terms when it has the upper hand. Going forward, the blockade of Taiwan would be a permanent feature and daily affair.
China would be accused of raising tension against Taiwan if it were to conduct military exercises in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
But with Pelosi leading the way, providing the excuse, Chinese military exercises in these areas are being seen as a response to the provocation by Pelosi.
China would now have legitimate reasons to conduct military exercises all around Taiwan, close to Taiwan shores. A few more areas added and the blockade of Taiwan would be complete.
For this, China has Pelosi to thank for. Taiwan is now cooked effortlessly.

Now the bigger picture and bigger war with the Americans. China would choose where and when to hit the Americans where they are weak, the economy, American's underbelly like the Caribbeans, Latin America, Africa, Pacific Islands, the Arab countries etc etc.
China would increase its effort to win over these nations at the expense of American influence. China would work to bring down the American dollar hegemony.
War with the Americans need not be just military confrontation. This can wait while China builds up its arsenal in the PLA. It would come, it is a matter of time, to take on the Americans in war.

Sun Tsu's Art of War is not fighting blindly, act on emotions, but to consider all factors and resources, including the strength and weaknesses of the enemies.
Attack when the enemy withdraws, retreat when the enemy advances. Attack the enemy at their weakest to win. There is no need to go head on with the enemy and suffer big losses.
China would not be tricked into a war set up by the enemy, at the enemy's terms. The best victory is one that is won without fighting.

At its peak, the American Empire also controlled almost every corner of the world.
Today, China has carved away American influence and won over countries in Latin American, the Caribbeans, Africa, Central Asia and with several regions leaning more towards China than the Americans, like the Middle east, Asean and the Pacific Islands.

China would take back Taiwan without having to fire a shot. A simple blockade is on the card and is taking shape.
The war that China would fight the Americans ideally would be in Europe, from a position of strength, with allies like Russia, Eastern European and Central Asian as well as Arab countries against the Americans and western Europe.
China must dictate the battle field and when to fight, not to be decided by the Americans.

Superficially, the Pelosi trip may give the Americans and the West a lot to cheer about. But there is no tangible gains or advantage after the show.
On the contrary, China has made several incremental moves to contain Taiwan as a result. Taiwan is now in a worse position with the dragnet being tightened, with military exercises and PLA closing in on all front.
There is nothing to be happy about for Tsai Ing Wen with China more determined and advancing the date for reunification.
The trip was like a circus act with empty victory and more losses instead. China would no longer have any delusion about a peaceful reunification and the Taiwanese coming to their senses given time.

PS. No western countries think it right to condemn the highly provocative trip to Taiwan to taunt China and risk WW3 as expected.

Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 10:46 pm

The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.
🇨🇳 / 🇺🇸


This article by Chua Chin Leng summed up how I personally feel. The American Empire is now a rabid dog

In its dying days, this diseased dog, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.
Plagued with all the diseases that would end its life any moment, economy spiralling into the abyss, mountains of debt, internal disorder and injustice, poor leadership, covid infection and death, monkeypox, wild fires, loss of self esteem, loss of respect and support from the world, but clinging on its military might and the war industry, it is acting as if it has nothing to lose.
It wants to drag the whole world down in a ball of fire. Ukraine is not enough, dragging Europe and Russia to bankruptcy is not enough, China must also be pulled down and destroyed as well.

How should China deal with this rabid dog? Putin has had enough of its senseless barking and whacking it with a big stick, in Ukraine and Syria.
China has been avoiding this rabid dog all this while, trying to move away from its path. But the rabid dog keeps on coming at China, snarling, showing off its nasty teeth and attempting to bite at China at every opportunity.
China is thousands of miles from Ukraine, but the nasty rabid dog still insisting that China is the enemy and must be dragged into Ukraine by all means.

The latest trap set for China was to send a dying witch in her last few years of life, to dare China to burn her in her broomstick in the air. It would be so easy for China. The provocations were irritating enough for many in China to just want to do it for the good of human beings.
This evil woman has outlived her usefulness but still thinking of one last bitch to kill millions of human lives, to sacrifice herself in order to start WW3. She thinks she is worthy for China to trade the millions of Chinese lives for a worthless witch.
She thinks too highly of herself. She was ignored by China, not worth it. After all she would expire soon without China having to do anything.

The Americans have been baiting China to start a war.

Pelosi's wild and dangerous behaviour, also rabid like, in flying to Taiwan was an easy and obvious target for China, just like Russia lining up the road to Kiev with hundreds of tanks. She was inviting China to strike her. And that is all it needs to start WW3.
Sure, China would be destroyed, but US would not be spared either. Would any sane individual gamble with such high stakes, where millions of lives would go up in smokes?
Only the devils would indulge in such brinkmanship. Only the white savages or an old witch and a dementia old man trying to prove their manhood and womanhood would do such a silly thing.

They were forcing Xi to act. And Xi has all the reasons to act. His reputation and his extention for another term in office were at stake.
The pride and dignity of the Chinese people were at stake. Not acting, not shooting down Pelosi would have embarrassed China in the world stage.
China's leadership role would be compromised, China would lose its credibility in the eyes of the rest of the world that were looking up to China to take on the rabid American dog. They were disappointed.

In a way China has chicken out in the last minute. The stakes were very high, millions of lives were on the table.
Under such pressure, any leader would be compromised and forced to do it and risked it all. Without trying to find excuses, a lot of factors must have gone into the head of Xi not to engage. It was not worth it. There was no need to take on a rabid dog and risked being infected and go down with rabies.

There was no need to fight with a big bully, though very tempting when cornered. China chose to fight on its own terms, in a place and time where it has superiority over the enemy.
Fighting the rabid dog at the dog's terms and condition would destroy both parties and not worth the losses. Other than rabies, the rabid dog is dying in many ways. Time is on China's side.

But China cannot afford to walk away by putting its head down to avoid trouble like in the past. The Chinese people would not allow it.
The rest of the world are expecting China to stand up and fight. In China's interest, it must fight to win, not to die with the rabid Americans while being agitated.

China must fight the Americans not on Chinese soil, but in American homeland, or in Europe, far far away from China.
Ukraine is the perfect war zone and China can be expected to double down on its support for Russia. This is where it would hurt the rabid dog most, where it is weak, and where China can fight together with Russia with their combined strength.
The Americans would want to fight China alone with the support of the Japanese in East Asia, in Taiwan, in Chinese soil.

China would take down Taiwan on its own terms when it has the upper hand. Going forward, the blockade of Taiwan would be a permanent feature and daily affair.
China would be accused of raising tension against Taiwan if it were to conduct military exercises in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
But with Pelosi leading the way, providing the excuse, Chinese military exercises in these areas are being seen as a response to the provocation by Pelosi.
China would now have legitimate reasons to conduct military exercises all around Taiwan, close to Taiwan shores. A few more areas added and the blockade of Taiwan would be complete.
For this, China has Pelosi to thank for. Taiwan is now cooked effortlessly.

Now the bigger picture and bigger war with the Americans. China would choose where and when to hit the Americans where they are weak, the economy, American's underbelly like the Caribbeans, Latin America, Africa, Pacific Islands, the Arab countries etc etc.
China would increase its effort to win over these nations at the expense of American influence. China would work to bring down the American dollar hegemony.
War with the Americans need not be just military confrontation. This can wait while China builds up its arsenal in the PLA. It would come, it is a matter of time, to take on the Americans in war.

Sun Tsu's Art of War is not fighting blindly, act on emotions, but to consider all factors and resources, including the strength and weaknesses of the enemies.
Attack when the enemy withdraws, retreat when the enemy advances. Attack the enemy at their weakest to win. There is no need to go head on with the enemy and suffer big losses.
China would not be tricked into a war set up by the enemy, at the enemy's terms. The best victory is one that is won without fighting.

At its peak, the American Empire also controlled almost every corner of the world.
Today, China has carved away American influence and won over countries in Latin American, the Caribbeans, Africa, Central Asia and with several regions leaning more towards China than the Americans, like the Middle east, Asean and the Pacific Islands.

China would take back Taiwan without having to fire a shot. A simple blockade is on the card and is taking shape.
The war that China would fight the Americans ideally would be in Europe, from a position of strength, with allies like Russia, Eastern European and Central Asian as well as Arab countries against the Americans and western Europe.
China must dictate the battle field and when to fight, not to be decided by the Americans.

Superficially, the Pelosi trip may give the Americans and the West a lot to cheer about. But there is no tangible gains or advantage after the show.
On the contrary, China has made several incremental moves to contain Taiwan as a result. Taiwan is now in a worse position with the dragnet being tightened, with military exercises and PLA closing in on all front.
There is nothing to be happy about for Tsai Ing Wen with China more determined and advancing the date for reunification.
The trip was like a circus act with empty victory and more losses instead. China would no longer have any delusion about a peaceful reunification and the Taiwanese coming to their senses given time.

PS. No western countries think it right to condemn the highly provocative trip to Taiwan to taunt China and risk WW3 as expected.

Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 10:46 pm

The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.
In much of the Muslim World, after seeing the Afghan Taliban defeating USA in Afghanistan, this has emboldened Islamic parties and movements all over the world.

The David has defeated the Goliath.

🇨🇳 / 🇺🇸


This article by Chua Chin Leng summed up how I personally feel. The American Empire is now a rabid dog

In its dying days, this diseased dog, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.
Plagued with all the diseases that would end its life any moment, economy spiralling into the abyss, mountains of debt, internal disorder and injustice, poor leadership, covid infection and death, monkeypox, wild fires, loss of self esteem, loss of respect and support from the world, but clinging on its military might and the war industry, it is acting as if it has nothing to lose.
It wants to drag the whole world down in a ball of fire. Ukraine is not enough, dragging Europe and Russia to bankruptcy is not enough, China must also be pulled down and destroyed as well.

How should China deal with this rabid dog? Putin has had enough of its senseless barking and whacking it with a big stick, in Ukraine and Syria.
China has been avoiding this rabid dog all this while, trying to move away from its path. But the rabid dog keeps on coming at China, snarling, showing off its nasty teeth and attempting to bite at China at every opportunity.
China is thousands of miles from Ukraine, but the nasty rabid dog still insisting that China is the enemy and must be dragged into Ukraine by all means.

The latest trap set for China was to send a dying witch in her last few years of life, to dare China to burn her in her broomstick in the air. It would be so easy for China. The provocations were irritating enough for many in China to just want to do it for the good of human beings.
This evil woman has outlived her usefulness but still thinking of one last bitch to kill millions of human lives, to sacrifice herself in order to start WW3. She thinks she is worthy for China to trade the millions of Chinese lives for a worthless witch.
She thinks too highly of herself. She was ignored by China, not worth it. After all she would expire soon without China having to do anything.

The Americans have been baiting China to start a war.

Pelosi's wild and dangerous behaviour, also rabid like, in flying to Taiwan was an easy and obvious target for China, just like Russia lining up the road to Kiev with hundreds of tanks. She was inviting China to strike her. And that is all it needs to start WW3.
Sure, China would be destroyed, but US would not be spared either. Would any sane individual gamble with such high stakes, where millions of lives would go up in smokes?
Only the devils would indulge in such brinkmanship. Only the white savages or an old witch and a dementia old man trying to prove their manhood and womanhood would do such a silly thing.

They were forcing Xi to act. And Xi has all the reasons to act. His reputation and his extention for another term in office were at stake.
The pride and dignity of the Chinese people were at stake. Not acting, not shooting down Pelosi would have embarrassed China in the world stage.
China's leadership role would be compromised, China would lose its credibility in the eyes of the rest of the world that were looking up to China to take on the rabid American dog. They were disappointed.

In a way China has chicken out in the last minute. The stakes were very high, millions of lives were on the table.
Under such pressure, any leader would be compromised and forced to do it and risked it all. Without trying to find excuses, a lot of factors must have gone into the head of Xi not to engage. It was not worth it. There was no need to take on a rabid dog and risked being infected and go down with rabies.

There was no need to fight with a big bully, though very tempting when cornered. China chose to fight on its own terms, in a place and time where it has superiority over the enemy.
Fighting the rabid dog at the dog's terms and condition would destroy both parties and not worth the losses. Other than rabies, the rabid dog is dying in many ways. Time is on China's side.

But China cannot afford to walk away by putting its head down to avoid trouble like in the past. The Chinese people would not allow it.
The rest of the world are expecting China to stand up and fight. In China's interest, it must fight to win, not to die with the rabid Americans while being agitated.

China must fight the Americans not on Chinese soil, but in American homeland, or in Europe, far far away from China.
Ukraine is the perfect war zone and China can be expected to double down on its support for Russia. This is where it would hurt the rabid dog most, where it is weak, and where China can fight together with Russia with their combined strength.
The Americans would want to fight China alone with the support of the Japanese in East Asia, in Taiwan, in Chinese soil.

China would take down Taiwan on its own terms when it has the upper hand. Going forward, the blockade of Taiwan would be a permanent feature and daily affair.
China would be accused of raising tension against Taiwan if it were to conduct military exercises in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
But with Pelosi leading the way, providing the excuse, Chinese military exercises in these areas are being seen as a response to the provocation by Pelosi.
China would now have legitimate reasons to conduct military exercises all around Taiwan, close to Taiwan shores. A few more areas added and the blockade of Taiwan would be complete.
For this, China has Pelosi to thank for. Taiwan is now cooked effortlessly.

Now the bigger picture and bigger war with the Americans. China would choose where and when to hit the Americans where they are weak, the economy, American's underbelly like the Caribbeans, Latin America, Africa, Pacific Islands, the Arab countries etc etc.
China would increase its effort to win over these nations at the expense of American influence. China would work to bring down the American dollar hegemony.
War with the Americans need not be just military confrontation. This can wait while China builds up its arsenal in the PLA. It would come, it is a matter of time, to take on the Americans in war.

Sun Tsu's Art of War is not fighting blindly, act on emotions, but to consider all factors and resources, including the strength and weaknesses of the enemies.
Attack when the enemy withdraws, retreat when the enemy advances. Attack the enemy at their weakest to win. There is no need to go head on with the enemy and suffer big losses.
China would not be tricked into a war set up by the enemy, at the enemy's terms. The best victory is one that is won without fighting.

At its peak, the American Empire also controlled almost every corner of the world.
Today, China has carved away American influence and won over countries in Latin American, the Caribbeans, Africa, Central Asia and with several regions leaning more towards China than the Americans, like the Middle east, Asean and the Pacific Islands.

China would take back Taiwan without having to fire a shot. A simple blockade is on the card and is taking shape.
The war that China would fight the Americans ideally would be in Europe, from a position of strength, with allies like Russia, Eastern European and Central Asian as well as Arab countries against the Americans and western Europe.
China must dictate the battle field and when to fight, not to be decided by the Americans.

Superficially, the Pelosi trip may give the Americans and the West a lot to cheer about. But there is no tangible gains or advantage after the show.
On the contrary, China has made several incremental moves to contain Taiwan as a result. Taiwan is now in a worse position with the dragnet being tightened, with military exercises and PLA closing in on all front.
There is nothing to be happy about for Tsai Ing Wen with China more determined and advancing the date for reunification.
The trip was like a circus act with empty victory and more losses instead. China would no longer have any delusion about a peaceful reunification and the Taiwanese coming to their senses given time.

PS. No western countries think it right to condemn the highly provocative trip to Taiwan to taunt China and risk WW3 as expected.

Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 10:46 pm

The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.
In much of the Muslim World, after seeing the Afghan Taliban defeating USA in Afghanistan, this has emboldened Islamic parties all over the world.

The David has defeated the Goliath.

With the Taliban on the cusp of controlling Afghanistan once again, we owe it to our dead to ask, ‘Was it worth it?’​

by David ClimenhagaFebruary 16, 2021

A wrecked Canadian helicopter near Kandahar in 2011 as a U.S. Marine Corps helicopter hovers in the background (Photo: United States Marine Corps).
Yesterday morning, the New York Times reported the Taliban is on the cusp of total victory in Afghanistan.
The Times being the Times, of course, it didn’t put it quite that way.

Former Liberal prime minister Jean Chrétien (Photo: Jason Paris, Creative Commons).
“The Taliban Close In on Afghan Cities, Pushing the Country to the Brink,” said the American national newspaper of record in its eccentrically anachronistic headline style.
The Times explained that members of the Islamic political and military movement the United States drove out of power in 2002 and has been at war with ever since “have been encroaching on key cities around Afghanistan for months, threatening to drive the country to its breaking point and push the Biden administration into a no-win situation just as the United States’ longest war is supposed to be coming to an end.”

With the characteristic purblindness of those close to the imperial centre, the Times called Taliban encirclement of Kandahar and other Afghan centres a “brazen offensive.”
There is nothing brazen about it, of course. It is merely the final act, or next to it, in a 20-year resistance to the American invasion in the fall of 2001, which was supposedly mounted in response to the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001.
Kandahar fell to American special forces and their Afghan allies that year on Dec. 7, already a significant date in U.S. military history.
The first Canadian soldiers got involved that same month. The Liberals were in power in Ottawa and would be for another two years. Jean Chrétien was prime minister. We need to remember that when we condemn Stephen Harper, quite rightly, for his Conservative government’s enthusiasm for Canada’s long, costly and doomed participation in that war.
Canadians would fight and die there until March 2014.


Former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper (Photo: Centre for International Policy Studies).
And for what? We owe it to the 40,000 Canadian soldiers who served in Afghanistan, 158 of whom were killed along with a half dozen Canadian civilians, and the thousands who were maimed physically, mentally and spiritually, to ask ourselves this question.
We were told our soldiers were risking their lives to achieve rights for Afghan women, education for girls, creation of a real Western-style democracy, and other “nation-building initiatives.”
Mr. Harper told Canadians our soldiers were “helping rescue Afghanistan and its long-suffering people from violence and oppression.” Did he really believe that?
Who can forget how in 2008 Mr. Harper’s Conservatives mocked NDP leader Jack Layton as “Taliban Jack” for daring to suggest we should talk to the Taliban? Conservative Peter MacKay, then the minister of finance, sniped, “is it next going to be tea with Osama bin Laden? This cannot happen.”
Mr. Layton, who died in 2011 after leading his party to within sight of government in Ottawa, was remarkably graceful about the serial defamation he endured. When another of Mr. Harper’s forgettable foreign affairs ministers, Lawrence Cannon, admitted in 2010 the Taliban had a role to play, Mr. Layton resisted the temptation to gloat. “As long as the right thing gets done,” he said, “I don’t really care.”

Alexander the Great of Macedonia, founder of Kandahar, pictured in mosaic tile in the House of the Faun, Pompeii (Image: Public Domain).
Were any of our soldiers’ tactical gains ever sustainable? History – as if anyone pays attention to history – suggests they were not.
Are the people of Afghanistan better off? This seems highly doubtful. But if they are, will they be next month, or next year?
Will we welcome refugees driven out by Taliban rule to Canada?
Importantly, should we be in a hurry ever again to join American military adventures abroad? Because, for all the blood and treasure we spent, the “new Afghanistan” sure looks a hell of a lot like the old Afghanistan.
And very soon, it will look even more like it.
Yes, even yesterday the Times was pushing U.S. President Joseph Biden to reverse the Trump Administration’s policy of swiftly leaving Afghanistan at last.
“If the Biden administration honours the withdrawal date, officials and analysts fear the Taliban could overwhelm what’s left of the Afghan security forces and take control of major cities like Kandahar in a push for a complete military victory or a broad surrender by the Afghan government in the ongoing peace negotiations,” its story warned.
But if they stay, that will only put off the day.
The Afghans – skilled fighters, patient and tenacious, motivated by religious faith, and inheritors of a long martial tradition – drove out Alexander the Great (who is said to have founded Kandahar), the Mongols under Genghis Khan, the Mughals, the Persians, the Sikhs, the British, and the Soviets, among others.
What other than second-hand imperial hubris made us think that we could be any different?
Ccp supports separatists in Ukraine.

So why complain when the US supports separatists in China or Taiwan?
The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.
After I made a WhatsApp request. I was fwded this and posted about a month ago.
But did not keep this as record.

[07/08, 17:53] S Special request if anyone here got the Japanese lineages of Taiwanese politicians, please post that again for me
[07/08, 18:13] J C: The truth of taiwan's official government, I can't imagine that the entire group of high-ranking officials are ghosts!

Lee Teng-hui, not surnamed Lee
Original name: Noboru Iwasato, of Japanese descent
Ancestral home: Mizawa, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Tsai Ing-wen, not surnamed Tsai
Original name: Umehara English, Ancestral home of Japanese ancestry: Nihe, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Chen Jizhong, not surnamed Chen
Original name: Tozuka Jizuka Japanese ancestry
Ancestral home: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan

Lai Qingde, not surnamed Lai
Former name: Kiyotoku Teraoka, ancestral home of Japanese ancestry: Tamura, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Chen Ju, not surnamed Chen
Original name: Kikuto Tsukasa, of Japanese descent
Ancestral hometown: Kuroishi, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Chen Shui-bian and not surnamed Chen
Former name: Shimabukuro Mizuhira, Ancestral Home of Japanese Descent: Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Xie Changting, not surnamed Xie
Original name: Oka Minister Ting, Japanese ancestry: Ono, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Su Zhenchang, not surnamed Su
Original name: Honda Sadamasa, Ancestral home of Japanese descent: Minami Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Lin Yixiong, not surnamed Lin
Original name: Yoshio Kojima, of Japanese descent
Ancestral home: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan

It turns out that those who rule Taiwan now are all Japanese devils!
[07/08, 20:41] S 🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌
No wonder why China is popular all over the Muslim majority countries.

lol, the fvcking rednecks said that it will passed from generation to generation in Saudi Arabia.
🇨🇳 / 🇺🇸


This article by Chua Chin Leng summed up how I personally feel. The American Empire is now a rabid dog

In its dying days, this diseased dog, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.
Plagued with all the diseases that would end its life any moment, economy spiralling into the abyss, mountains of debt, internal disorder and injustice, poor leadership, covid infection and death, monkeypox, wild fires, loss of self esteem, loss of respect and support from the world, but clinging on its military might and the war industry, it is acting as if it has nothing to lose.
It wants to drag the whole world down in a ball of fire. Ukraine is not enough, dragging Europe and Russia to bankruptcy is not enough, China must also be pulled down and destroyed as well.

How should China deal with this rabid dog? Putin has had enough of its senseless barking and whacking it with a big stick, in Ukraine and Syria.
China has been avoiding this rabid dog all this while, trying to move away from its path. But the rabid dog keeps on coming at China, snarling, showing off its nasty teeth and attempting to bite at China at every opportunity.
China is thousands of miles from Ukraine, but the nasty rabid dog still insisting that China is the enemy and must be dragged into Ukraine by all means.

The latest trap set for China was to send a dying witch in her last few years of life, to dare China to burn her in her broomstick in the air. It would be so easy for China. The provocations were irritating enough for many in China to just want to do it for the good of human beings.
This evil woman has outlived her usefulness but still thinking of one last bitch to kill millions of human lives, to sacrifice herself in order to start WW3. She thinks she is worthy for China to trade the millions of Chinese lives for a worthless witch.
She thinks too highly of herself. She was ignored by China, not worth it. After all she would expire soon without China having to do anything.

The Americans have been baiting China to start a war.

Pelosi's wild and dangerous behaviour, also rabid like, in flying to Taiwan was an easy and obvious target for China, just like Russia lining up the road to Kiev with hundreds of tanks. She was inviting China to strike her. And that is all it needs to start WW3.
Sure, China would be destroyed, but US would not be spared either. Would any sane individual gamble with such high stakes, where millions of lives would go up in smokes?
Only the devils would indulge in such brinkmanship. Only the white savages or an old witch and a dementia old man trying to prove their manhood and womanhood would do such a silly thing.

They were forcing Xi to act. And Xi has all the reasons to act. His reputation and his extention for another term in office were at stake.
The pride and dignity of the Chinese people were at stake. Not acting, not shooting down Pelosi would have embarrassed China in the world stage.
China's leadership role would be compromised, China would lose its credibility in the eyes of the rest of the world that were looking up to China to take on the rabid American dog. They were disappointed.

In a way China has chicken out in the last minute. The stakes were very high, millions of lives were on the table.
Under such pressure, any leader would be compromised and forced to do it and risked it all. Without trying to find excuses, a lot of factors must have gone into the head of Xi not to engage. It was not worth it. There was no need to take on a rabid dog and risked being infected and go down with rabies.

There was no need to fight with a big bully, though very tempting when cornered. China chose to fight on its own terms, in a place and time where it has superiority over the enemy.
Fighting the rabid dog at the dog's terms and condition would destroy both parties and not worth the losses. Other than rabies, the rabid dog is dying in many ways. Time is on China's side.

But China cannot afford to walk away by putting its head down to avoid trouble like in the past. The Chinese people would not allow it.
The rest of the world are expecting China to stand up and fight. In China's interest, it must fight to win, not to die with the rabid Americans while being agitated.

China must fight the Americans not on Chinese soil, but in American homeland, or in Europe, far far away from China.
Ukraine is the perfect war zone and China can be expected to double down on its support for Russia. This is where it would hurt the rabid dog most, where it is weak, and where China can fight together with Russia with their combined strength.
The Americans would want to fight China alone with the support of the Japanese in East Asia, in Taiwan, in Chinese soil.

China would take down Taiwan on its own terms when it has the upper hand. Going forward, the blockade of Taiwan would be a permanent feature and daily affair.
China would be accused of raising tension against Taiwan if it were to conduct military exercises in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
But with Pelosi leading the way, providing the excuse, Chinese military exercises in these areas are being seen as a response to the provocation by Pelosi.
China would now have legitimate reasons to conduct military exercises all around Taiwan, close to Taiwan shores. A few more areas added and the blockade of Taiwan would be complete.
For this, China has Pelosi to thank for. Taiwan is now cooked effortlessly.

Now the bigger picture and bigger war with the Americans. China would choose where and when to hit the Americans where they are weak, the economy, American's underbelly like the Caribbeans, Latin America, Africa, Pacific Islands, the Arab countries etc etc.
China would increase its effort to win over these nations at the expense of American influence. China would work to bring down the American dollar hegemony.
War with the Americans need not be just military confrontation. This can wait while China builds up its arsenal in the PLA. It would come, it is a matter of time, to take on the Americans in war.

Sun Tsu's Art of War is not fighting blindly, act on emotions, but to consider all factors and resources, including the strength and weaknesses of the enemies.
Attack when the enemy withdraws, retreat when the enemy advances. Attack the enemy at their weakest to win. There is no need to go head on with the enemy and suffer big losses.
China would not be tricked into a war set up by the enemy, at the enemy's terms. The best victory is one that is won without fighting.

At its peak, the American Empire also controlled almost every corner of the world.
Today, China has carved away American influence and won over countries in Latin American, the Caribbeans, Africa, Central Asia and with several regions leaning more towards China than the Americans, like the Middle east, Asean and the Pacific Islands.

China would take back Taiwan without having to fire a shot. A simple blockade is on the card and is taking shape.
The war that China would fight the Americans ideally would be in Europe, from a position of strength, with allies like Russia, Eastern European and Central Asian as well as Arab countries against the Americans and western Europe.
China must dictate the battle field and when to fight, not to be decided by the Americans.

Superficially, the Pelosi trip may give the Americans and the West a lot to cheer about. But there is no tangible gains or advantage after the show.
On the contrary, China has made several incremental moves to contain Taiwan as a result. Taiwan is now in a worse position with the dragnet being tightened, with military exercises and PLA closing in on all front.
There is nothing to be happy about for Tsai Ing Wen with China more determined and advancing the date for reunification.
The trip was like a circus act with empty victory and more losses instead. China would no longer have any delusion about a peaceful reunification and the Taiwanese coming to their senses given time.

PS. No western countries think it right to condemn the highly provocative trip to Taiwan to taunt China and risk WW3 as expected.

Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 10:46 pm

The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.
Americans very happily call themselves 'the last superpower' which means they will destroy the world on their way out.
Citizens of the world don't understand what it means for them.
After I made a WhatsApp request. I was fwded this and posted about a month ago.
But did not keep this as record.

[07/08, 17:53] S Special request if anyone here got the Japanese lineages of Taiwanese politicians, please post that again for me
[07/08, 18:13] J C: The truth of taiwan's official government, I can't imagine that the entire group of high-ranking officials are ghosts!

Lee Teng-hui, not surnamed Lee
Original name: Noboru Iwasato, of Japanese descent
Ancestral home: Mizawa, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Tsai Ing-wen, not surnamed Tsai
Original name: Umehara English, Ancestral home of Japanese ancestry: Nihe, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Chen Jizhong, not surnamed Chen
Original name: Tozuka Jizuka Japanese ancestry
Ancestral home: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan

Lai Qingde, not surnamed Lai
Former name: Kiyotoku Teraoka, ancestral home of Japanese ancestry: Tamura, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Chen Ju, not surnamed Chen
Original name: Kikuto Tsukasa, of Japanese descent
Ancestral hometown: Kuroishi, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Chen Shui-bian and not surnamed Chen
Former name: Shimabukuro Mizuhira, Ancestral Home of Japanese Descent: Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Xie Changting, not surnamed Xie
Original name: Oka Minister Ting, Japanese ancestry: Ono, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Su Zhenchang, not surnamed Su
Original name: Honda Sadamasa, Ancestral home of Japanese descent: Minami Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Lin Yixiong, not surnamed Lin
Original name: Yoshio Kojima, of Japanese descent
Ancestral home: Hokkaido, Abashiri City, Japan

It turns out that those who rule Taiwan now are all Japanese devils!
[07/08, 20:41] S 🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌
The sad part is they’re not even real Japanese, their parents/grandparents were race traitors that served the Japanese imperial government and changed their last names to show allegiance. They are wannabe prostrating eunuchs to the Japenis.
🇨🇳 / 🇺🇸


This article by Chua Chin Leng summed up how I personally feel. The American Empire is now a rabid dog

In its dying days, this diseased dog, the evil American Empire, is desperate and losing all its senses of decency and rationality.
Plagued with all the diseases that would end its life any moment, economy spiralling into the abyss, mountains of debt, internal disorder and injustice, poor leadership, covid infection and death, monkeypox, wild fires, loss of self esteem, loss of respect and support from the world, but clinging on its military might and the war industry, it is acting as if it has nothing to lose.
It wants to drag the whole world down in a ball of fire. Ukraine is not enough, dragging Europe and Russia to bankruptcy is not enough, China must also be pulled down and destroyed as well.

How should China deal with this rabid dog? Putin has had enough of its senseless barking and whacking it with a big stick, in Ukraine and Syria.
China has been avoiding this rabid dog all this while, trying to move away from its path. But the rabid dog keeps on coming at China, snarling, showing off its nasty teeth and attempting to bite at China at every opportunity.
China is thousands of miles from Ukraine, but the nasty rabid dog still insisting that China is the enemy and must be dragged into Ukraine by all means.

The latest trap set for China was to send a dying witch in her last few years of life, to dare China to burn her in her broomstick in the air. It would be so easy for China. The provocations were irritating enough for many in China to just want to do it for the good of human beings.
This evil woman has outlived her usefulness but still thinking of one last bitch to kill millions of human lives, to sacrifice herself in order to start WW3. She thinks she is worthy for China to trade the millions of Chinese lives for a worthless witch.
She thinks too highly of herself. She was ignored by China, not worth it. After all she would expire soon without China having to do anything.

The Americans have been baiting China to start a war.

Pelosi's wild and dangerous behaviour, also rabid like, in flying to Taiwan was an easy and obvious target for China, just like Russia lining up the road to Kiev with hundreds of tanks. She was inviting China to strike her. And that is all it needs to start WW3.
Sure, China would be destroyed, but US would not be spared either. Would any sane individual gamble with such high stakes, where millions of lives would go up in smokes?
Only the devils would indulge in such brinkmanship. Only the white savages or an old witch and a dementia old man trying to prove their manhood and womanhood would do such a silly thing.

They were forcing Xi to act. And Xi has all the reasons to act. His reputation and his extention for another term in office were at stake.
The pride and dignity of the Chinese people were at stake. Not acting, not shooting down Pelosi would have embarrassed China in the world stage.
China's leadership role would be compromised, China would lose its credibility in the eyes of the rest of the world that were looking up to China to take on the rabid American dog. They were disappointed.

In a way China has chicken out in the last minute. The stakes were very high, millions of lives were on the table.
Under such pressure, any leader would be compromised and forced to do it and risked it all. Without trying to find excuses, a lot of factors must have gone into the head of Xi not to engage. It was not worth it. There was no need to take on a rabid dog and risked being infected and go down with rabies.

There was no need to fight with a big bully, though very tempting when cornered. China chose to fight on its own terms, in a place and time where it has superiority over the enemy.
Fighting the rabid dog at the dog's terms and condition would destroy both parties and not worth the losses. Other than rabies, the rabid dog is dying in many ways. Time is on China's side.

But China cannot afford to walk away by putting its head down to avoid trouble like in the past. The Chinese people would not allow it.
The rest of the world are expecting China to stand up and fight. In China's interest, it must fight to win, not to die with the rabid Americans while being agitated.

China must fight the Americans not on Chinese soil, but in American homeland, or in Europe, far far away from China.
Ukraine is the perfect war zone and China can be expected to double down on its support for Russia. This is where it would hurt the rabid dog most, where it is weak, and where China can fight together with Russia with their combined strength.
The Americans would want to fight China alone with the support of the Japanese in East Asia, in Taiwan, in Chinese soil.

China would take down Taiwan on its own terms when it has the upper hand. Going forward, the blockade of Taiwan would be a permanent feature and daily affair.
China would be accused of raising tension against Taiwan if it were to conduct military exercises in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
But with Pelosi leading the way, providing the excuse, Chinese military exercises in these areas are being seen as a response to the provocation by Pelosi.
China would now have legitimate reasons to conduct military exercises all around Taiwan, close to Taiwan shores. A few more areas added and the blockade of Taiwan would be complete.
For this, China has Pelosi to thank for. Taiwan is now cooked effortlessly.

Now the bigger picture and bigger war with the Americans. China would choose where and when to hit the Americans where they are weak, the economy, American's underbelly like the Caribbeans, Latin America, Africa, Pacific Islands, the Arab countries etc etc.
China would increase its effort to win over these nations at the expense of American influence. China would work to bring down the American dollar hegemony.
War with the Americans need not be just military confrontation. This can wait while China builds up its arsenal in the PLA. It would come, it is a matter of time, to take on the Americans in war.

Sun Tsu's Art of War is not fighting blindly, act on emotions, but to consider all factors and resources, including the strength and weaknesses of the enemies.
Attack when the enemy withdraws, retreat when the enemy advances. Attack the enemy at their weakest to win. There is no need to go head on with the enemy and suffer big losses.
China would not be tricked into a war set up by the enemy, at the enemy's terms. The best victory is one that is won without fighting.

At its peak, the American Empire also controlled almost every corner of the world.
Today, China has carved away American influence and won over countries in Latin American, the Caribbeans, Africa, Central Asia and with several regions leaning more towards China than the Americans, like the Middle east, Asean and the Pacific Islands.

China would take back Taiwan without having to fire a shot. A simple blockade is on the card and is taking shape.
The war that China would fight the Americans ideally would be in Europe, from a position of strength, with allies like Russia, Eastern European and Central Asian as well as Arab countries against the Americans and western Europe.
China must dictate the battle field and when to fight, not to be decided by the Americans.

Superficially, the Pelosi trip may give the Americans and the West a lot to cheer about. But there is no tangible gains or advantage after the show.
On the contrary, China has made several incremental moves to contain Taiwan as a result. Taiwan is now in a worse position with the dragnet being tightened, with military exercises and PLA closing in on all front.
There is nothing to be happy about for Tsai Ing Wen with China more determined and advancing the date for reunification.
The trip was like a circus act with empty victory and more losses instead. China would no longer have any delusion about a peaceful reunification and the Taiwanese coming to their senses given time.

PS. No western countries think it right to condemn the highly provocative trip to Taiwan to taunt China and risk WW3 as expected.

Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 10:46 pm

The pro Chinese Taiwanese must start investigation of those Japanese who had taken Chinese names after World War 2 that remains in Taiwan and published it in the internet for all to know.

The intention is to prevent those fake Taiwanese to become traitors to undermine the Chinese people.

Dear, kindly change the title, decency was/is never part of the USA DNA. So what they don't have, how could they lose it?

Arrogance, rude, rouge and savage are more relevant and appropriate.
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