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In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

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i had no problems with Chinese ethnic Indonesian as long as he/she had red and white mentality

like our honorable member @Reashot Xigwin
Ratified after New Order Regime collapse.

But, We are Chinese people is Special.
We never lose our Identity, even with many years of Oppression under Stupid discrimination law.

Thanks to President Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Soekarnoputri to abolish that Stupid Discrimination law.

Gus Dur always looked like he was half asleep hehe.....but he accomplished a lot. Cant judge him by his cover thats for sure!

What is your opinion on the current leader joko?
When did I say most? it seems you are still not good at twisting someone's argument.
post #124
I said many if not majority of pribumi has sentiment toward chinese Indonesia, not all!

Read again my statement. Who is retard here.
post #128
Which assumption? I dont mention any figure here.

Many if not majority is not assumption.

Do you think only small percentage of muslim Indonesia doesnt believe in eramuslim or sort of?

I know that, I dont deny that.
Getting better yes, but do you understand the meaning of "bitter sweet"?

no i dont , can u tell me

I know.
Have you read my argument?
Hm... Okay but I think many of the Chinese Indonesians moved there during the 17th century so China doesn't really feel obliged to help them (?) They aren't recent immigrants and they have their own subculture and dialect with Indonesian accent and slangs, which isn't found in China. They even eat a special kind of food called Peranakan cuisine (or Chinese Indonesian cuisine), which includes dishes like "Nasi Tim Ayam".

Certainly I think if Chinese expats were killed, China would react. Expat meaning recent migrant, white collar professional worker in international company. But many of the Chinese Indonesians aren't "expats", they have been there for decades, some even centuries. Do they have any connections to China? Or what if they have connections to ROC (Taiwan) instead?

So I don't really know how to feel about this issue, but I'm just explaining why I think China may not feel responsible for them.

No, You are wrong.

Many of Overseas Chinese in Indonesia is also from recent years (1912-1950s)
Many of them, become Immigrants because Xinhai Revolution (1912) and Second Sino-Japan War (1931-1945).

Most of Overseas Chinese in Indonesia is from Mainland (People's Republic of China), just small portion from Taiwan (ROC).

Some of my friends still have Connection with their Family in China (Most of it from Beijing City, Shanghai City, Guangdong and Fujian Province) :-)
But, most of Overseas Chinese in Indonesia is not lucky enough to estlabish Connection again with their Families in China, because Indonesian Discrimination law (1965-1999).
Ahhh, that's your feeble mind playing trick on you. I only said good job, and keep up the good work Indonesia!
Who said i were commenting on riot? My statement was neutral.. and shouldn't be interpreted without any consultation with me.

Nah, embarrass you most likely. The antipathy is already there... Afterall it's the chinese troll that started all this threat. We're already immune to this kind of provocation.

Why should I? I know Chinese posters intention for trolling from the start. I don't give a damn about them.

This thread and article is about 1998 violence against ethnic chinese, suddenly you throw only several words: "Good job Indonesia" in the inital page without any other adverb or phrase that explain in what way you are saying good job Indonesia.That is blatantly a TROLL.

This "bad intention" of some chinese to start this page is simply your prejudice. You like playing with prejudice from the beginning.

You dont give a damn for your allegation of trolling thread is fine, but saying wise sentences is needed especially in the sensitive issue, regardless the intention of the thread starter.
Gus Dur always looked like he was half asleep hehe.....but he accomplished a lot. Cant judge him by his cover thats for sure!

What is your opinion on the current leader joko?

Mr.Abdurrahman Wahid is a Respected man. :-)
By the way, His family is Javanese Mixed Chinese-Arabic origins with some Native blood.

Mr.Joko Widodo? is a Good man.
He is in the middle.

But Prejudice in Indonesia is still High.
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This "bad intention" of some chinese to start this page is simply your prejudice. You like playing with prejudice from the beginning.

Prejudice my ***. I had already exchanged some fist and hook with them before. And most of the time, in the middle of the heat, the MOD bann them for their silly and stubborn trolling for a week. Over and over again.

A lot of Indonesian here have expereinced their constant trolling on Indonesian topic.
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I do understand your frustration. Prejudice is still more widespread but jokowi central government is trying his best to steer the country in right direction including the Chinese. Jarkarta has a mayor who is Chinese, right?

Yes, actually most of President after Gusdur has made good job related to the tolerance toward Chinese. Since Gusdur many Chinese can get position in govermnent, discrimination in government eradicated etc.

Yes, current Jakarta's Governor is Ahok (Basuki Tjahaya Purnama) he is chinese descendant.

In simple words: Indonesia has done good job for the tolerance improvement!

Only the "radical fascist" that keep doing harm to legitimate Indonesian goverment and also chinese ethnic.
When China had a massive famine in the 60s, PRC asked Malaysian Chinese tycoon for help to buy sugar. Robert kuok did not even hesitant and accep the request of PRC. He never make money from the process but just felt obliged as a Chinese to help China. What do u think? So when they are in trouble, China shall dump them?

Overseas Chinese 1.jpg

Overseas Chinese 3.jpg

China's fight took place both inside and outside the country. A large number of overseas Chinese made great contributions to the war effort. A group of them known as the Nan Qiao Ji Gong 南侨技工served as volunteer drivers and mechanics for the Chinese army.


These elderly people live in various places, many in China and Southeast Asia. Their average age is over 90 years old. 70 years ago, they were all part of the team of 3,200 overseas Chinese, who left their wealthy life in Southeast Asia for their motherland amid the flames of war. They worked as drivers and mechanics on the Burma Road to transport supplies to the Chinese army.

People called them Nan Qiao Ji Gong. 97-year-old Luo Kaihu remembers:" I believe that every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. When we heard the call of the overseas Chinese leader, Chen Jiageng, we came back immediately."

In 1938, all of China's ports were occupied by Japan. Supplies from overseas could only be sent in through the Burma Road which connects to southwest China. Under the call of the famous leader Chen Jiageng, the overseas Chinese community bought 1,000 trucks for the Chinese army. Chen also called on the young and able-bodied men, to return and join the war effort as drivers and mechanics.

20-year-old Luo Kaihu heeded the call and left his home in Malaysia. Driving on the Burma Road was full of bumps and dangers. By the end of the war, over half of the 3,200 drivers and mechanics had died from Japanese bombings, car accidents and malaria.

"The road was so dangerous. We had to pass tests. If you couldn’t turn the truck around in some places, you failed. Many of us had malaria. I did, too. When I felt sick, I stopped the truck and took a rest, then I kept on driving," Luo said.

"I'll never regret it. All overseas Chinese share the same passion for their motherland. None of us ran away when we were in the war."

Today, two monuments in the southwest province of Yunnan stand in honour of the Nan Qiao Ji Gong, one in Kunming and the other in Wanding.

This monument was built in 1989. It's the first in China to commemorate the overseas Chinese drivers and mechanics who took part in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Every year, thousands of people come here to pay their respects to those who served, and those who died.

Now, only about thirteen of these overseas Chinese are still around to tell their stories, with the hope that their spirit and memories will live on.











由于滇缅公路的繁荣,带动了滇缅公路的道路上的经济发展和西南大后方地区的经济发展,至今在原滇缅公路的干道附近,还依然能找到诸多食宿行业,有的著名的食宿商店面前的车辆络绎不绝,甚至能前后相连大约一公里。 根据介绍,当时大后方的运输业十分繁荣,车辆来往频繁,昼夜不停,很多商人纷纷购买汽车、卡车等前往国外购进棉、纱等相关大量生活或日常生产物资,回国销售,而赚取较多的利润。运输带动了当时经济的繁荣,却存在一定的畸形繁荣的趋势。




滇缅公路运输的黄金时期,没有延续一个很长的时期,由于日军侵略的加剧,东南亚和中国国土的逐渐沦陷,日军已经可以对滇缅公路的全线进行空袭了。 一开始敌军就想方设法要将公路切断,断绝外界的援助和当时中国与外界的联系。为了有效的断绝公路的运输,日军重点在公路的咽喉要道进行轰炸,也对来往的车辆进行轰炸。道路两旁的居民们为了保卫滇缅公路也进行了一系列的保护措施。昌淦桥架设于澜沧江上、惠通桥架设于怒江之上,这两座桥梁是敌军攻击的重中之重,滇缅公路关系重大,一刻也不能停止运转,两座大桥几经破坏,在敌空袭之后,抢修队便马上开始修复工作。1941年1月,日军飞机第14次轰炸昌淦桥,这座满目疮痍的大桥被彻底炸断。得手之后,敌通过电台宣布,滇缅公路断绝,3个月内无通车希望,一时紧张的气氛开始蔓延,但在不久之后,滇缅公路即恢复了运输和通车,南侨机工们其他运输队伍立即投入了紧张的运输工作。


在运输过程中,车队经常也遭遇敌机的轰炸,南侨机工的司机们,要冒着敌机的轰炸在崎岖难行的上路上开车,便更难了。当时公路修建之后便立即投入使用,并非如现在的现代化公路一样。有的南侨机工便在空袭中壮烈牺牲。 高强度的运输任务和紧张的生活,加上汽车也有时穿行于气候条件恶劣的地区,南侨机工们也有些因为疾病而牺牲。


为了提高公路的通行能力,国民政府的交通部先后花费巨资,购买先进设备和物资,准备将滇缅公路铺设成柏油路面。1942年3月,正当公路的西面的路段进行铺设的时候,日军对缅甸发动了突然进攻,仰光港的大批没有来得及运输的物资被日军缴获,随后日军向北推进,并且打败了前来保卫的中、美、英联军,5月攻入云南境内占领了怒江以西的地区。1942年5月以后,滇缅公路的运输彻底断绝,公路上原本繁忙的司机和车辆变得多余了起来, 南侨机工们和众多司机则被解散。突然的失业,使得南侨机工们十分狼狈,在大后方举目无亲,再加上东南亚地区也基本被日军占领,无法再回去。所以在1942年的下半年,南侨机工们基本都度过了一段难忘的清苦的岁月。一些南侨机工们便是在那段日子中成了家。



1985年,云南省政府,在昆明西山为南侨机工们修建了一座“南侨机工抗日纪念碑”碑高9米,大理石贴面。以此来纪念那些毅然回国为祖国抗战服务的华侨赤子。纪念碑的碑文上这样写道“当年回国服务的南侨机工共有三千多人。有一千多人因战火、车祸和疾病 为国捐躯,另有一千多人在战后回到居住国,而剩下来的一千多人则一直留了下来。目前,幸存者不及百人……”。陈嘉庚先生生前一直对那一千多名南侨机工的牺牲感到不安,他嘱咐后人,每隔几年要去云南昆明代他祭奠那一千多名长眠于云南的华侨青年。2002年清明节,云南电视台拍摄了陈嘉庚先生的孙子陈立人先生来到昆明祭奠南侨机工,并且和南侨机工们的后人见面的情况。



* 词条由网民创作并享有版权,请保护版权归属
了解更多 南侨机工 的讨论 用百度知道
Source :Baidu, CCTV

Nice Quote :
"I'll never regret it. All overseas Chinese share the same passion for their motherland. None of us ran away when we were in the war."

We are brothers and there is no one can DIVIDE us.
@AndrewJin @Place Of Space @Beast
Mr.Abdurrahman Wahid is a Respected man. :-)
By the way, His family is Javanese Mixed Chinese-Arabic origins with some Native blood.

Mr.Joko Widodo? is a Good man.
He is in the middle.

Well good to hear that Indonesia is prospering, things are more stable and balanced for all its communities and you seem to be enjoying some good leaders in a row.

Indonesian food is one of my favourites hehe....and I remember the friendly indonesian people smiling when I speak slow malay to them. Bahasa indonesia is so fast spoken hehe.

Does jakarta still have those bajaj running around?
View attachment 325430
View attachment 325431

China's fight took place both inside and outside the country. A large number of overseas Chinese made great contributions to the war effort. A group of them known as the Nan Qiao Ji Gong 南侨技工served as volunteer drivers and mechanics for the Chinese army.


These elderly people live in various places, many in China and Southeast Asia. Their average age is over 90 years old. 70 years ago, they were all part of the team of 3,200 overseas Chinese, who left their wealthy life in Southeast Asia for their motherland amid the flames of war. They worked as drivers and mechanics on the Burma Road to transport supplies to the Chinese army.

People called them Nan Qiao Ji Gong. 97-year-old Luo Kaihu remembers:" I believe that every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. When we heard the call of the overseas Chinese leader, Chen Jiageng, we came back immediately."

In 1938, all of China's ports were occupied by Japan. Supplies from overseas could only be sent in through the Burma Road which connects to southwest China. Under the call of the famous leader Chen Jiageng, the overseas Chinese community bought 1,000 trucks for the Chinese army. Chen also called on the young and able-bodied men, to return and join the war effort as drivers and mechanics.

20-year-old Luo Kaihu heeded the call and left his home in Malaysia. Driving on the Burma Road was full of bumps and dangers. By the end of the war, over half of the 3,200 drivers and mechanics had died from Japanese bombings, car accidents and malaria.

"The road was so dangerous. We had to pass tests. If you couldn’t turn the truck around in some places, you failed. Many of us had malaria. I did, too. When I felt sick, I stopped the truck and took a rest, then I kept on driving," Luo said.

"I'll never regret it. All overseas Chinese share the same passion for their motherland. None of us ran away when we were in the war."

Today, two monuments in the southwest province of Yunnan stand in honour of the Nan Qiao Ji Gong, one in Kunming and the other in Wanding.

This monument was built in 1989. It's the first in China to commemorate the overseas Chinese drivers and mechanics who took part in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Every year, thousands of people come here to pay their respects to those who served, and those who died.

Now, only about thirteen of these overseas Chinese are still around to tell their stories, with the hope that their spirit and memories will live on.











由于滇缅公路的繁荣,带动了滇缅公路的道路上的经济发展和西南大后方地区的经济发展,至今在原滇缅公路的干道附近,还依然能找到诸多食宿行业,有的著名的食宿商店面前的车辆络绎不绝,甚至能前后相连大约一公里。 根据介绍,当时大后方的运输业十分繁荣,车辆来往频繁,昼夜不停,很多商人纷纷购买汽车、卡车等前往国外购进棉、纱等相关大量生活或日常生产物资,回国销售,而赚取较多的利润。运输带动了当时经济的繁荣,却存在一定的畸形繁荣的趋势。




滇缅公路运输的黄金时期,没有延续一个很长的时期,由于日军侵略的加剧,东南亚和中国国土的逐渐沦陷,日军已经可以对滇缅公路的全线进行空袭了。 一开始敌军就想方设法要将公路切断,断绝外界的援助和当时中国与外界的联系。为了有效的断绝公路的运输,日军重点在公路的咽喉要道进行轰炸,也对来往的车辆进行轰炸。道路两旁的居民们为了保卫滇缅公路也进行了一系列的保护措施。昌淦桥架设于澜沧江上、惠通桥架设于怒江之上,这两座桥梁是敌军攻击的重中之重,滇缅公路关系重大,一刻也不能停止运转,两座大桥几经破坏,在敌空袭之后,抢修队便马上开始修复工作。1941年1月,日军飞机第14次轰炸昌淦桥,这座满目疮痍的大桥被彻底炸断。得手之后,敌通过电台宣布,滇缅公路断绝,3个月内无通车希望,一时紧张的气氛开始蔓延,但在不久之后,滇缅公路即恢复了运输和通车,南侨机工们其他运输队伍立即投入了紧张的运输工作。


在运输过程中,车队经常也遭遇敌机的轰炸,南侨机工的司机们,要冒着敌机的轰炸在崎岖难行的上路上开车,便更难了。当时公路修建之后便立即投入使用,并非如现在的现代化公路一样。有的南侨机工便在空袭中壮烈牺牲。 高强度的运输任务和紧张的生活,加上汽车也有时穿行于气候条件恶劣的地区,南侨机工们也有些因为疾病而牺牲。


为了提高公路的通行能力,国民政府的交通部先后花费巨资,购买先进设备和物资,准备将滇缅公路铺设成柏油路面。1942年3月,正当公路的西面的路段进行铺设的时候,日军对缅甸发动了突然进攻,仰光港的大批没有来得及运输的物资被日军缴获,随后日军向北推进,并且打败了前来保卫的中、美、英联军,5月攻入云南境内占领了怒江以西的地区。1942年5月以后,滇缅公路的运输彻底断绝,公路上原本繁忙的司机和车辆变得多余了起来, 南侨机工们和众多司机则被解散。突然的失业,使得南侨机工们十分狼狈,在大后方举目无亲,再加上东南亚地区也基本被日军占领,无法再回去。所以在1942年的下半年,南侨机工们基本都度过了一段难忘的清苦的岁月。一些南侨机工们便是在那段日子中成了家。



1985年,云南省政府,在昆明西山为南侨机工们修建了一座“南侨机工抗日纪念碑”碑高9米,大理石贴面。以此来纪念那些毅然回国为祖国抗战服务的华侨赤子。纪念碑的碑文上这样写道“当年回国服务的南侨机工共有三千多人。有一千多人因战火、车祸和疾病 为国捐躯,另有一千多人在战后回到居住国,而剩下来的一千多人则一直留了下来。目前,幸存者不及百人……”。陈嘉庚先生生前一直对那一千多名南侨机工的牺牲感到不安,他嘱咐后人,每隔几年要去云南昆明代他祭奠那一千多名长眠于云南的华侨青年。2002年清明节,云南电视台拍摄了陈嘉庚先生的孙子陈立人先生来到昆明祭奠南侨机工,并且和南侨机工们的后人见面的情况。



* 词条由网民创作并享有版权,请保护版权归属
了解更多 南侨机工 的讨论 用百度知道
Source :Baidu, CCTV

Nice Quote :
"I'll never regret it. All overseas Chinese share the same passion for their motherland. None of us ran away when we were in the war."

We are brothers and there is no one can DIVIDE us.
@AndrewJin @Place Of Space @Beast

I know all that history. The appreciation is always in my mind. I once met a Chinese back to tour in China 10 years ago, I gave him my warmest embrace.
Well good to hear that Indonesia is prospering, things are more stable and balanced for all its communities and you seem to be enjoying some good leaders in a row.

Indonesian food is one of my favourites hehe....and I remember the friendly indonesian people smiling when I speak slow malay to them. Bahasa indonesia is so fast spoken hehe.

Does jakarta still have those bajaj running around?

Bajaj, No. too polluted.

I know all that history. The appreciation is always in my mind. I once met a Chinese back to tour in China 10 years ago, I gave him my warmest embrace.

It's nice to meet you @Place Of Space
Hope someday, we can eat from same table together, bro :smitten:
Well good to hear that Indonesia is prospering, things are more stable and balanced for all its communities and you seem to be enjoying some good leaders in a row.

Indonesian food is one of my favourites hehe....and I remember the friendly indonesian people smiling when I speak slow malay to them. Bahasa indonesia is so fast spoken hehe.

Does jakarta still have those bajaj running around?

You check the fotos of prison camp, a lot of pitiful guys are Indian face waiting for torture or shot.
Indian guys experienced even worse damage in Indonesian regime, if not similar with Chinese damage. Just because India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh kicked responsiblity to each other, or defined them as British Indian, no one cared about them.
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