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Imran's massive power show causing import gov to wet thier shalawars..

even dawn news is blasting these jokers

the ground is rapidly changing, IK is rapidly gaining dominance....

they win by cheating.. as cheaters only know one thing... cheat.

however, if they rig the election, there will be anarchy on a scale never seen before.

Bhai if they win then there will be anarchy and if they don't agree on early elections then there will again be anarchy. Which middle path one should follow so that anarchy does not happen.
Bhai if they win then there will be anarchy and if they don't agree on early elections then there will again be anarchy. Which middle path one should follow so that anarchy does not happen.

you are being an indian are rightly fully confused
Debated to death...bajwa never "condemned" russia like reported in media.he used the words "do not condone" very different.. also bajwa clearly said that Russia has valid security concerns but invasion cant be condoned..later he told a western journalist that they will buy stuff from "anywhere " if west doesnt sell themm..

Question isn't what Bajwa said but why he said it. He is not FM or PM of Pakistan. It is not his role to make foreign policy statements.
You know it’s bad when even Dawn (lol) is lambasting the “chosen ones” jetting off to London when the nation is in crisis.

Crisis management skills =zero
Accountability = zero
Public trust = -9000
Bajwa was never agaisnt imran khan like it has been propagandaized.
The differences were there but imran Khan and pti is a wild card for our military it would never want to waste.... Those with extreme positions have have no clue about leading role of courts in all this as well civil bureaucracy that have properties and families in west.
IK and PTI are here to stay. Their disagreements will be resolved soon. Regarding Russia its fairly obvious that Bajwa gave that statement to please the west/Usa. I understand it was Russian aggression but did Usa condemn Indian aggression on Pakistan when they killed trees? Did Usa condemn Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan? If not then why should we condemn Russian when the west is plotting against Russia?

IK made the right call, all problems should be resolved peacefully, this was a decent statement and Pakistan should not be taking sides.
Imported government want to run away from this chaotic mess but cannot, they are now deeper in the quagmire, like caught between the devil and the deep sea.

Can't get more close to 'man proposes, God disposes'. And Allah plans the best.

If not for this conspiracy, regime change and subsequent chain of events, people would still be under deep slumber.

The awareness, the hope and passion, the united stance is already a victory for the people, more important than an election victory.
End of this current political phenomenon is not clear. Most probably, IK would be eliminated, and then the Establishment would take its time to control the situation, and bring Pakistan back to it's old course.
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