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Imran writes letter to Brown, lashes out at Altaf


May 21, 2006
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ONDON: Imran Khan, the Chief of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf in a letter sent to Prime Minister Gordon Brown has alleged that a British citizen, Altaf Hussain, who styled himself as the leader of a Pakistani political party, Muttahida Qaumi Movement, sitting in London, sought to incite ethnic violence and vigilantism by calling on his supporters to arm themselves and fight ‘talibanisation’ – a label he tried to put on the two million Pashtun workers of Karachi.

‘As a result 36 people were killed over two days of violence. When the Sindh Inspector General of Police implicated the MQM in his inquiry, they demanded his immediate removal,’ the letter released to the press on Friday alleged.

The letter also charged that on Altaf Hussain’s call from London the MQM was involved in the 12th May 2007 carnage in Karachi where 48 people were killed and 200 sustained bullet wounds, including 10 workers belonging to the PTI. Mr Khan asked the British PM to refer to Britain’s Karachi Consulate’s report on the incident.

The letter said it was shocking to find that no investigation had been conducted into the activities of Mr Hussain despite his public criminal record in Pakistan, ‘considering that the British government has arrested people on mere suspicion in the Heathrow case and the recent Pakistani students’.

The letter said: ‘At the time of his arrival in London, he was facing 234 registered criminal cases against him, including 44 murder charges and 18 torture charges.’

‘His Party, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is controlled by Mr Hussain in mafia-style, with his word being the law. Detractors face the ultimate punishment – death – carried out through the private armed force maintained at his Karachi barricaded headquarters known as Nine Zero.’
DAWN.COM | World | Imran writes letter to Brown, lashes out at Altaf
Imran Khan should SHUT UP!

Pakistan is going through a very tough time and this is no time for this nonsense!

IK should come to Karachi and beg support from Karachites instead of begging Brown for help against MQM.

IK wastes every single opportunity to stand up and be counted.

Sometimes he is after Musharraf and sometimes he is after NS, he is completely confused and needs to set his priorities in order.

Pakistan need IK to become a leader and not a mouth piece of NS and JI!

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Seriously, this guy is obsessed with MQM and his belligerent attitude towards them is pure bigotry to say the least.

Instead of supporting our troops and the government on internal matters, he's busy preaching his unreasonable views to malign MQM (not that I'm fond of them) and Gen. Musharraf. His adamant nature is testament of his inability to lead Pakistan.
i completely agree with you guys, imran khan has no purpose in life except to cry. he talks about democracy, when he himself is running a one man party. the guy seriously needs to set his priorities straight.

i really felt disgusted, when he gave an interview to a reporter of CNN regarding the liberty attacks. this nincompoop was accusing our police of being incompetent when 12 of our men lost their lives saving the srilankans.

the only thing he's good at doing is raising objections, i have never seen him do something productive..
VERY TURE AND BRAVE thumbs up for Imran Khan

Rt. Hon Gordon Brown
Prime Minister of Great Britain
10 Downing Street
London, England
7th May 2009

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I want to urgently bring to your attention the activities of a British citizen, Mr. Altaf Hussain who was granted this status after he fled from Pakistan as a fugitive from justice. At the time of his arrival in London, he was facing 234 registered criminal cases against him, including 44 murder charges and 18 torture charges.

His Party, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is controlled by Mr Hussain in mafia-style, with his word being the law. Detractors face the ultimate punishment – death – carried out through the private armed force maintained at his Karachi barricaded headquarters known as Nine Zero.

On Mr. Hussain’s order, his Party was involved in the 12th May 2007 carnage in Karachi where 48 people were killed and 200 sustained bullet wounds, including 10 workers belonging to my Party, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI). You can refer to your Karachi Consulate’s report on this incident. The MQM then went on to physically disrupt court hearings of this incident.

Most recently, and at a time when the MQM is a coalition partner in the federal and provincial governments, Mr. Hussain (sitting in London) sought to incite ethnic violence and vigilantism by calling on his supporters to arm themselves and fight “talibanisation” – a label he tried to put on the 2 million Pushtun workers of Karachi. As a result 36 people were killed over two days of violence. When the Sindh Inspector General of Police implicated the MQM in his inquiry, they demanded his immediate removal.

In 2007, on two occasions, the Federal Court of Canada ruled that the MQM met the legal definition of a terrorist organisation and its members could not be given political asylum. In addition, the US State Department web site describes the MQM as a “violent organisation”.

Considering that the British government has arrested people on mere suspicion in the Heathrow case and the recent Pakistani students’ case, it is shocking to find that no investigation has been conducted into the activities of Mr. Hussain despite his public criminal record in Pakistan. Or does the loss of Pakistani lives through acts of terrorism incited by a British national hold no relevancy for the British government?

It is this duality of standards which is losing the US and Britain the war for hearts and minds in Pakistan and thereby undermining their efforts to combat terrorism. Now that your government has identified a list of persona non grata, I sincerely hope you will hold an urgent inquiry into Mr. Hussain’s activities in Pakistan in the light of British laws on terrorism.

Yours sincerely

Imran Khan

Chairman PTI
i completely agree with you guys, imran khan has no purpose in life except to cry. he talks about democracy, when he himself is running a one man party. the guy seriously needs to set his priorities straight.

i really felt disgusted, when he gave an interview to a reporter of CNN regarding the liberty attacks. this nincompoop was accusing our police of being incompetent when 12 of our men lost their lives saving the srilankans.

the only thing he's good at doing is raising objections, i have never seen him do something productive..

& may i ask what has ALTAF HUSSAIN done besides blame Pathan,punjabi,sindhi for all problems of karachi people....he has blamed government for signing nizam-e-adal but he didn't resign from government as a sign of protest.....so i guess Imran and altaf BHAI are equally bad..both of them should never lead this country!! :pakistan:
i guess this altaf hussein is they guy who called the formation of pakistan as the 'biggest blunder in the history of mankind'??
do people still vote for him?
i guess this altaf hussein is they guy who called the formation of pakistan as the 'biggest blunder in the history of mankind'??
do people still vote for him?

No, Actually his guns do the talking, and he gets record votes in his stronghold seats..:enjoy:
lol smart one paritosh but let me ask you a similar double edged question....do people still vote for BAL THACKREY,MODI....ADVANI....after all they disgrace the SECULAR SHINING INDIA??

as for ALTAF i guess hasnain has posted a link that explains what ALTAF said...
This is what i understood from Mr Atlaf video
1)Creation of Pakistan is STILL a mistake.He beliefs it Philosophically.:crazy:
Thats means Allama IQbal philosophy was crap.Quaid-e-Azam wasted 20 years of his life.MUslims were crazy to divide.And he is smarter then our founding leaders.
2)HE has no clue abt economics.Bangladesh having a stronger currency then our does not mean there economy is better.Our currency is stronger then the japanese and the chinese.This must then mean we have a better economy then the chinese and japanese:rofl:
Inshallah we will:pakistan:
3)HE is living in london.One of the most expensive cities in the world and he is calling others rich elite.wat is he a beggar.
I would also say he should be most thankful that pakistan was made otherwise he would never have become a leader and MQM would not be alive.A benefit for him and a curse for us.
Disclaimer: i mean No disrespect to anyone political affiliations.
I admired Imran Khan as long as he kept himself to doing what he knows best, that is to play cricket. Later he strived to build first hospital in Pakistan dedicated to the treatment of cancer, very commendable indeed.

However, Imran mistakenly thought that his prowess in cricket would help him propel in the politics as well. In this venture he failed miserably. Since then Imran has tried to exploit ethnicity (his supposedly Pushtoon origins) as well he has flirted with right wing parties such as JI without success.

Initially Imran supported Musharraf (because he was anti BB as well as anti Nawaz Sharif) later he became anti Musharraf. His party only won one seat in 2002 elections (Himself from Mianwali) and he has none now because he boycotted the elections.

From his actions I conclude that Imran is a non entity in politics, he has no other option but to court controversy in order to remain in limelight. I quote below an article published in the News of today wherein there is a paragraph on what some columnists think about the ex son in law of Sir James Goldsmith.

Time to come out of the closet

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Majid Abdulla

If a person detonates a bomb tied to his chest in a public space, killing scores of innocent people, it is a terrible act. You can of course argue whether such an act of terror is justifiable in the circumstances in which it is committed. Let us be absolutely clear, in principle there is nothing stopping anyone from taking a defensive position on such matters. It is not uncommon to hear people argue that a disenfranchised group's terror is a sovereign army's war. Moreover people do after all argue that IRA, Palestinian, Sri Lankan, or Red Brigade bombings which have claimed innocent lives in the last century could be understood because of their national liberation cause. One could even claim that an historical assessment of at least some such situations shows that violence has not always been associated with adverse long-term outcomes. It all depends on the cause

For example the defenders of some acts of terror by the ANC perhaps stand vindicated in South Africa today. Other acts, say of the Baader Minehof in the 1970s in Germany, stand a lesser chance of passing the test of time. The invocation of distinctions between military and non- military targets, intentional or unintentional killing of innocents; collateral versus principal damage is conceptual sophistry that does not determine but succeeds the ideological or political cause which is being supported in a conflict that has turned to war.

It is customary to justify an act of violence by labelling it as inevitable and then predicating it with the phrase "regrettable as such acts are". However when such utterances are made it should leave no ambiguity in the listeners head if the speaker is emphasising the inevitability of such acts over their property of being tragic. And it is left to the audience to decide whether it gives primacy to the tragedy or to the inevitability. In times of war a politician must first offer reasons to justify his chosen side in a conflict. Pakistan's right wing politicians have evolved a crude technique of deception. This entails a contradictory wish of having it both ways. They think that in order to popularise their closet view on jihad, they need to trick listeners by doing two things. First, to separate the jihadi from his violence; and second, by exploiting a well grounded and infinitely more justifiable anti-imperialist sentiment that exists in large parts of the globe today.

Imran Khan seems more of an apologist of the Taliban; just as Nawaz Sharif does. Of course they can and should change their mind on this matter. Even holy positions are not sacrosanct. For Sharif he seems to be doing so, perhaps because he is coming closer to office in Islamabad. His condemnation has recently become louder, and his apology for the killers somewhat softer. But strangely - now that we have a war situation in the Frontier - Sharif wants to focus on the disenfranchisement of the Baloch. Yes, as Ayaz Amir says- it is all connected; but the priority in a war situation ought to be the war, not regional inequality. The anti-imperialism of Imran Khan stems more directly from his orientalist soft corner for an imagined Taliban and perhaps because he is a Pashtun migrant settler in Punjab. He often asks, with a profoundly naïve expression, reminiscent of a child's discovery of arithmetic, the ahistorical question: Why were there no Taliban in Pakistan before 9/11? He should perhaps try to answer why was he not a brazen anti-imperialist before 9/11? I mean he was nearly 50 years old then, so he was definitely grown up. And presumably his vast scholarship on the Pashtuns with its astounding sweep from the times of Alexander, also existed then?

It is wholly invalid to suggest that since these men are politically popular, perhaps a large section of the population of Pakistan may shares their disguised views on jihadi violence. I think significant parts of the population that supports them would cease supporting them if they came out of the closet and actively stated a pro-jihad position. Sharif and Khan may well have a popular vote bank but their position on jihadi- terrorism seems to be deliberately ambiguous. There are deeper and more substantive historical reasons for this romance.

It would be curious, if after a bomb blast with civilian deaths, you either kept quiet or began to invoke the political conditions which led to the psychological state in which the killer acted. Such behaviour could be diagnosed as a deeply apologetic neurosis. In other words, you cannot bring yourself to condemn the murderers without qualification, precisely because you believe in the grand cause of the criminal. The mainstream right in Pakistan does not have the courage to embrace what the Taliban are doing in the Frontier and call it armed struggle for fear of losing public sympathy. They know that many amongst Pakistan's Muslim population may not vote for a person or party that consistently smokescreens jihadi killing by only talking about the reasons why Abdul became a suicide bomber.

It is like saying immediately after a US drone-attack that kills innocents in Pakistan's tribal areas: "reprehensible as it is, we must appreciate the pain that 9/11 has caused the US". The problem in public discussion in Pakistan is that as soon as one starts suggesting that there is a deep-seated problem of jihadist apologia embedded in the neuroses of sections of Pakistani political classes, you encounter hysteria and get labelled an agent of imperialism.

Let me illustrate. In a recent television talk show Pervez Hoodbhoy suggested to Imran Khan that he should perhaps be more forthright in his condemnations of jihadi violence. He also suggested that this was a distinct issue from condemning US wars and violence, on which many people would be in agreement with him. He raised a critical issue that goes right to the heart of the dithering that we observe in political parties in this time of war. And war time it is. Mr Khan, on being cornered tried to distract attention revealing precisely the logic that goes in to this apologetic makeup. He basically tried to accuse Mr Hoodbhoy of being in the pay of the Americans! The larger question put to Imran Khan is still a valid one and it is applicable to others too. And I repeat there is no shame in changing one's mind. Pride amongst the Pashtuns may well be proverbial but it is written nowhere that they are incapable of swallowing it in moments of truth.

The writer is a freelance contributor based in London. Email: drmohd. abdulla@googlemail.com

Time to come out of the closet
But strangely - now that we have a war situation in the Frontier - Sharif wants to focus on the disenfranchisement of the Baloch. Yes, as Ayaz Amir says- it is all connected; but the priority in a war situation ought to be the war, not regional inequality.

Sharif is a seasoned politician so he knows that if he is staying quiet on the Taliban atrocities then he need to pick up another battle hence the Baloch issue is raised.

This way dupporters say that NS is busy working on thew Baloch issue therefore he is not able to comment on the Taliban issue.

IK has yet to learn these tricks, IK saw people didn't like his stance so in order to find another topic he picked up his old affair with MQM.

Here is my suggestion to IK, he should stand up and demand a salary and benefit package for the Judiciary and demand the setting up of a committee. Along with that he should not shy from taking credit in the restoration of CJP.
Imran Khan lacks cutting edge to his politics he can gain support and sympathy but he needs to actually gain votes that is the main challenge for him he needs more experience and more charisma he is setting an example now he needs to further his cause in Mianwali make it amazing and then appeal to other towns but unfortunately at the moment confrontational politics won't help is future.
Sharif is a seasoned politician so he knows that if he is staying quiet on the Taliban atrocities then he need to pick up another battle hence the Baloch issue is raised.

This way dupporters say that NS is busy working on thew Baloch issue therefore he is not able to comment on the Taliban issue.

They have a better response one I hope would convince you more, Sharifs supporters and Sharif himself have said that they are always behind the army and when they are operating they wouldn't want to leave any comment positive or negative as for why N.S. is pursuing the Balochistan issue is because he believes that now that the army is doing it job in the Northern region it is time to start tackling another problem that has been their for a very long time.
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