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Imran writes letter to Brown, lashes out at Altaf

VERY TURE AND BRAVE thumbs up for Imran Khan

Rt. Hon Gordon Brown
Prime Minister of Great Britain
10 Downing Street
London, England
7th May 2009

Yours sincerely

Imran Khan

Chairman PTI

Would also be happy if he writes a similiar letter to Zardari asking him to hand over that idiot who killed Daniel Pearl to USA and Dawood Ibrhaim to Interpol.

i guss , IMRAN KHAN couldnt find any issue, after his last failed attempt to become a leader for "JUSTICE PARTY" nawaz kicked him & QAZI out of picture ?
also his failed army bashing over the , issue of talibans in fata ?
he is become a symbol of political madnes, nothing else ! i guss writting a letter , is gesture to increase his political value, which is - zero ?
i guss , IMRAN KHAN couldnt find any issue, after his last failed attempt to become a leader for "JUSTICE PARTY" nawaz kicked him & QAZI out of picture ?
also his failed army bashing over the , issue of talibans in fata ?
he is become a symbol of political madnes, nothing else ! i guss writting a letter , is gesture to increase his political value, which is - zero ?

It is quite alot and the ;long march has proved that as the case his offices were affected and I think that make him a person to be looked at. He can't just come to power tomorrow however his constituency want him back and all the Sindhs Sasta Tandoor scheme are putting him in good political light too.
SASTAA TANDOOR.... is seriously an amazing scheme!!!! i really hope other political parties follow his lead and do the same!!!!

all pakistan needs is 1 leader to set an example and then others willingly or unwillingly will follow.....so be it Imran,Nawaz,Wali or even ZARDARI....as long as someone can uphold the law and constitution and make sure corruption is decreased and the poor get their share....i guess there will be no stopping PAKISTAN....
SASTAA TANDOOR.... is seriously an amazing scheme!!!! i really hope other political parties follow his lead and do the same!!!!

all pakistan needs is 1 leader to set an example and then others willingly or unwillingly will follow.....so be it Imran,Nawaz,Wali or even ZARDARI....as long as someone can uphold the law and constitution and make sure corruption is decreased and the poor get their share....i guess there will be no stopping PAKISTAN....

Zob; dear sir!
i am astonished that you still belive that peoples like Imran,Nawaz,Wali & zardari can uphold the law and constitution !:lol:
the very peoples who were bieng tried , for hundreds of crouption cases?:azn:

sory to say that , even IMRAN isnt out of the list, yes he didnt had the crouption charges but still his sons are living in UK, he is trying to pose, himself as the most patriotic political leader in pakistan but, infact which he is not.

he tryied his best to get himself in a position , from where he can be seen a revolutionry leader but he, has failed because of his day dreaming, i think he need's to learn a lot from his god father , QAZI sahib , who tried everything to be seen as rightfull leader of ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, but he lost because peoples of pakistan always follow the waderass, chodries, maliks , mians & trible leaders who are the real power ,& absolute croupt ones.:wave:

he should stop , doing this cheap stuff, his own goverment doesnt think him good enough, how can he write a letter to the prime minster of UK, what answer he got from him, i guss nothing ! its all just a cheap try to boost his political standing on the international arena? nothing more.
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Imran Khan should SHUT UP!

Pakistan is going through a very tough time and this is no time for this nonsense!

IK should come to Karachi and beg support from Karachites instead of begging Brown for help against MQM.

IK waists every single opportunity to stand up and be counted.

Sometimes he is after Musharraf and sometimes he is after NS, he is completely confused and needs to set his priorities in order.

Pakistan need IK to become a leader and not a mouth piece of NS and JI!


I hate Altaf more than I not like Imran Khan. He's(Imran) better than Him anyway.

1st Muslim
2nd Pakistani
3rd (blank)
prove yor point please if you hate him tell people why they should support whoever you support and stop playing the hat game
prove yor point please if you hate him tell people why they should support whoever you support and stop playing the hat game

Actually, given all the current leaders of Pakistan's CVs, if I were looking to select a leader based on what they personally have done for Pakistan, Imran Khan would be at the top of the list.

He won a World Cup, he created a modern hospital without any government funding, but in order to help out the needy who could not afford it. I don't think any other politician, even though they have looted billions, has given that much back into the country. The near sighted people simply follow what the media churns out, the same media that is controlled by the crooks. Eventually, I think he'll do it though, but I don't know why he bothers. He's shouldn't waste his time imo.

i didnot mean that IMRAN is the best leader we got please go read what i wrote i said we just need 1 LEADER JUST 1.....who can set an example and others would have to follow willingly or unwillingly...

see Imran might have children and might be a ZANI might even drink... i DON'T CARE....because that doesn't affect PAKISTAN....how does a person's private life affect his sincereity towards PAKISTAN???

see schemes like SHABAZ scheme of 2rs for roti...and Imran's scheme of SASTA TANDOOR....these are things that the common opressed man of PAKISTAN WANTS!!!

you know SHEIKH RASHEED....well i like the guy its not because he ain't corrupt every politican we have is corrupt currently but that guy is less corrupt....look at the schools colleges he has made in PINDI people in PINDI adore him....

look at PML(N) during the 90s it set a benchmark...that PML(Q) had to follow....at the end the common man benefits from competition.....

look at karachi NAIMATULLAH started improving the infrastructure and MUSTAFA KAMAL took it further i am sure if someone else comes to power in KARACHI they would willingly or unwillingly have to work hard inroder to carry it further so that they get voted back into power....

so the bottom line is IMRAN,NAWAZ,ZARDARI,SHEIKH RASHEED,WALI....anyone who can work for the BETTERMENT of pakistan i don't care about his personal life!!!
Actually, given all the current leaders of Pakistan's CVs, if I were looking to select a leader based on what they personally have done for Pakistan, Imran Khan would be at the top of the list.

He won a World Cup, he created a modern hospital without any government funding, but in order to help out the needy who could not afford it. I don't think any other politician, even though they have looted billions, has given that much back into the country. The near sighted people simply follow what the media churns out, the same media that is controlled by the crooks. Eventually, I think he'll do it though, but I don't know why he bothers. He's shouldn't waste his time imo.

His ideology changes a bit too much he hasn't shown a settled direction in my opinion. He should set more examples and win neighbouring constituencies.
Here is a scenario IK thinking to himself in his palace .....shait man 6 years still no one buying me in Pak , Every thing is so quiet ....... Answers to him self : : Well how could they whole nation is supporting the Taliban and war ...... I cant really oppose Taliban they can whop my ***** ...sorry i wont lisk my life forget it ..... PPP hmmm..! well cant really take a "panga" with Zardari ... after all he is the president .....PML-N no man no .. Party supporters can come knocking on my door... they all live close by Bit MQM !! hmm ... let me think .....Yeah i think that might work .... atleast i wil have some presence in papers lets try the same old dirty tricks ..... Money isnt realy there so why not give em hard time.... Lets gain some cheap publicity..! Cheap but who knows might be effective !

Write a letter to Brown..! lol
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