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Imran to Nawaz: Take stand on drones, we will support you


Sep 7, 2010
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nawaz sharif claims to take credit for nuclear explosions, he stood like a macho man against the american pressure.

now is the time to prove if it was really him :woot:
bohahaha he new if he dont submit to army demands he will be in adilya much sooner . ganjay have taken the credit for atomic explusions but dont take the blame for kargil war ... as i say Pakistan Munafiq League NAWAZ ... even his supporters knows he lied for votes ... hum 6 maah mei loadshedding ka katama kar deyin gay .. hypocrates

nawaz sharif claims to take credit for nuclear explosions, he stood like a macho man against the american pressure.

now is the time to prove if it was really him :woot:

You would kill one thousands would replace them you will thousands one hundred thousand would replace them but those who kill them will never remain safe they will be hunted Pakistani government has to shoot down drones and take stand and tell USA to get lost from Afghanistan they are the biggest source of trouble for this region and than talk to our own people and cool down their anger
NS will never ever take action against US drones. He has categorically stated this. The reason all this dandhli has taken place in the first place, and every so called protectors of this so called democracy in Pakistan have decided to keep quiet about it speaks volume about this whole game played at such a massive level. US wants to exist Afghanistan and so does not want any problems, NS fits in that role perfectly.
Despite being an N supporter, I openly say that the only solution to TTP cancer is their eradication through war. However, TTP alone is not the cluprit, there are at least 30+ extremist groups operating in FATA. For example, just besides the Bara, a local group like Lashkar-e-Islam operates with Impunity. Even TTP has started to strengthen their position before any dialogue by increasing attacks on forces and public. These people need to be dealt with an Iron hand, not a buquet of roses.
Stop attacks or shoot down drones, Imran asks Nawaz
Thursday May 30, 2013


LAHORE - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Thursday asked prime minister-designate Nawaz Sharif to either ask the United States to stop the drone attacks and in case Washington did not heed the warning, he should order shooting down the drones violating Pakistan’s territory.

“Drone attacks will not be tolerated inside Pakistan,” the PTI chief said in statement.

He said the people had voted those parties to power which promoted anti-drone policies. “The people have rejected the policies adopted and pursued by former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf,” he added.

Stop attacks or shoot down drones, Imran asks Nawaz | Pakistan Today

Simple. Three time would be Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should prove that he's a real man and that thora sara Islami khoon un ki tangon main dorr raha hai.

Not much to ask from the Atomic Prime Minister.
Why IK can't remain in his own boats? What is his problem? He is in no position to enforce anyone. Not even his own announced CM. He lost it, so keep quiet now. NS will do what ever He thinks is a priority. IK can't dictate Government to support his colleagues (TTP).

PS: It's one of NS promise that to stop Drone attacks by dailgoues. But IK should be worried about his own "New" KPK. and stop supporting those who are not in mood of peace.
TTP is India/Saudi/Qatar/US funded and armed just like the Syrian militancy.

It is all one big drama to fool us again into thinking drone strikes are ok. How opportune they kill a senior member of TTP days after Obama's drone speech. Something stinks. The US have perfected the art of deception, believe nothing they say.

Drone strikes must stop or shoot them down, they are being carried out to destabilize and create distrust amongst our population.

PMLN have been given a mandate by the people to stop these strikes, Nawaz said this in pre-election speeches.

Do as you say Nawaz or you might have to book another flight to Jeddah you Ghadar.
Actually unless drones are stopped, Pakistan will be in no position to deal with this problem in its own way. It will always be seen not just by Taliban but people at large to be a collaborator in this US war. After all, drones cant enter our airspace without our permission.

Fine a TTP man was killed, if its true. But army and government of Pakistan will be seen as collaborator in a war against its own people. This is a bad thing for long term stability of the region. If this perception holds ground, then even people of Pakistan will stop believing in army and government.

So our leadership has to decide if it wants to find a peaceful solution on its own term or be at the receiving end of attacks from TTP. If it wants a lasting, peaceful solution then no matter how attractive drone program seem to be, it has to firmly stop them.

Dont forget that America will go one day. Its the people of Pakistan who will suffer the long term consequences.
why this man did not made same request to Zardari? and what is Imran's opinion about transit aid?
It is sad, and, at the same time, illuminating, that Pakistan's leadership would spend even a nanosecond on the "problem" of US drone strikes. Drone strikes represent about 0.000001% of Pakistan's real problems. ANY time spent fretting and hyperventilating over them is a waste of leadership and societal energy. More "innocents" contract polio in Pakistan than are killed by US drone strikes.
well imo drones are productive to some extents but it will be much welcomed move if these drones are given to PA officially to operate against terrorist, I think public will understand it much more the usability then right now just because of US our people become judgemental and it's not at all wrong to judge USA.
The true freedom loving America died with John F Kennedy. That America was genuine, they invited us with open arms with an offer of friendship.

This is not the same America of the 50s. The military industrial complex has certain designs on this world and let me tell you a nuclear armed Pakistan does not figure in this plan. They have become masters of deception and manipulation.

They are scared that if the Pashtun community in Aghanistan and Pakistan are back on our side it will sweep away puppet Karzai.

How can we hold our heads up high in our own country when another country is bombing our land. It creates hopelessness, anger and suffering. We need to stop these drones to maintain our social fabric of our society.

End the drone strikes and we will take care of TTP ourselves with our Pashtun brothers.
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