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Imran shares 'prophetic' excerpt of Khushwant Singh's 'The End of India'

Read your post again, you have inadvertently accepted that Modi is deprived of intellect, wisdom and knowledge :woot: :omghaha:
Well, what can I say about your poor cognitive skills? Read and think again.

Whoever that Indian might be, it like a rat squealing from its hole, cant hear anything.
Yeah, when rats squeak from hole we use exterminators, not the CEO come down to deal with it.

This is mostly for intl' audience in the west and elsewhere...not meant for Modi and Andhbhakts, least for Sanghis.

Yes for some English leftist press in India and some liberandus(Oops!!).
Do you think the international audience is always tuning in on Imran Khan and what he says about Modi and India, he's another Pakistani Prime Minister, that'll mostly be his tweets about. There's a breakdown of UN speech of what Modi (and most Indian PMs) and Imran (Most Pak PMs) said and see who speaks relevant things.

Actually he can't speak English and neither he can tweet itself
He can speak English with an accent of course like many non-English speaking Presidents or Prime Ministers, who cares about speaking English maybe in Pakistan it may cheer your gullible folks who mostly don't get much education or literacy for that matter.
He can speak English with an accent of course like many non-English speaking Presidents or Prime Ministers,

He can't take the name of esteemed US prez. calling him Dolaan Trum, what an insult to you know who???

Anyways this thread is not about Modi's intellect or his English.

Yeah, when rats squeak from hole we use exterminators, not the CEO come down to deal with it.

You are sending a lightweight to fight a heavy weight, no wonder getting knocked out so easily. Sadly, your heavyweight's 56 inches artificially enchanced breasts have been punctured. Doesn't help either when on mute due to limited abilities. Heard Du-lun Trump is not very amused to be associated with male private part.
Since when cognition has become a skill ?
Spoken like a true Pakistani. It became a skill when there are people who lack that skill starts to show up who can't figure out the meaning of two-line sentences.


He can't take the name of esteemed US prez. calling him Dolaan Trum, what an insult to you know who???

So, saying Trump's name correctly or wrongly is what? Again, he is non native speaker, I don't have a problem if an American pronounce my name wrongly. As far as I know, Modi speaks fine. Giving a full interview with Putin.

Spoken like a true Pakistani. It became a skill when there are people who lack that skill starts to show up who can't figure out the meaning of two-line sentences.

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So, saying Trump's name correctly or wrongly is what? Again, he is non native speaker, I don't have a problem if an American pronounce my name wrongly. As far as I know, Modi speaks fine. Giving a full interview with Putin.

You obviously belong to a highly intellectual desh.

Your Modi Jee commands IAF to fly jets above the clouds to escape radars :woot:
Imran shares 'prophetic' excerpt of Khushwant Singh's 'The End of India'

Over five years after his death, prolific journalist and writer Khushwant Singh is back in the news. And it's because of one of his most contentious books, the provocative The End of India. First published in 2003, a year after the Gujarat riots, the book has been described by its publisher Penguin Books as a "wake-up call for every citizen concerned about his or her own future".

Since the agitation over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act started a week ago, social media users have shared excerpts from it, including a particular portion referring to the nature of "Fascist" regimes. The daughter of BCCI chief Sourav Ganguly shared the excerpt on Wednesday (and deleted it). Now, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is the latest to share this excerpt from The End of India.

In a tweet, with an image of the excerpt, Imran wrote, "Prophetic words of Khushwant Singh who foresaw where India was headed with its racial supremacist ideology”. Ever since the passage of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, Imran has tweeted about the Narendra Modi government having traits of “Nazi” ideology and warned about the threat of nuclear war.

“Every fascist regime needs communities and groups it can demonize in order to thrive. It starts with one group or two. But it never ends there. A movement built on hate can only sustain itself by continually creating fear and strife... No one is safe. We must realize this if we hope to keep India alive,” reads the excerpt from The End of India.

Given the emotive nature of the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, several social media users have shared the aforementioned excerpt to present a sense of gloom.

When it was written, The End of India had evoked outrage among sections of people for its provocative nature. The book was published during the tenure of the BJP-led government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

In its overview of the book, Penguin Books notes The End of India was written in the backdrop of various acts of communal unrest. Penguin Books notes, “Analysing the communal violence in Gujarat in 2002; the anti-Sikh riots of 1984; the burning of Graham Staines and his children; the targeted killings by terrorists in Punjab and Kashmir; Khushwant Singh forces us to confront the absolute corruption of religion that has made us among the most brutal people on earth.”


The RSS seen in media and on ground is very different and confusing, we recently saw RSS send team of Doctors and volunteers in Dharavi to screen door to door searching for patients with covid symptoms, Their volunteers even helped my company distribute food packets to 10k families in Dharavi, at same time I also read some RSS guy in Kolkata claim Gomutra for Covid.
The RSS seen in media and on ground is very different and confusing, we recently saw RSS send team of Doctors and volunteers in Dharavi to screen door to door searching for patients with covid symptoms, Their volunteers even helped my company distribute food packets to 10k families in Dharavi, at same time I also read some RSS guy in Kolkata claim Gomutra for Covid.

They, the RSS will certainly play this 'social service' services to the community irrespective of Muslims and Hindus card to their advantage.

But if one read the RSS ideology of the founding father like Savarkar, Golwalkar and others, the hate ideology gets manifested.
They, the RSS will certainly play this 'social service' services to the community irrespective of Muslims and Hindus card to their advantage.

But if one read the RSS ideology of the founding father like Savarkar, Golwalkar and others, the things gets cleared.

There is no doubt they divide the community, there is no action taken by BJP members who give provocative statements, that shows their intention. But on topic westernized youth etc I see different things on ground, Since lockdown they are arranging webinar on various topics for community where I live, this Sunday topic for science kids was Brain machine Interface- Spinal cord simulation taken by Indian origin Doctor in Duke.. pretty rich coming from RSS if you ask me :D
Modi doesnt even give a fck to imran....while IK is always busy in tweeting about india and Modi.
Imran, you are the head of a country...protect the dignity of that position...

It's the other way around. Modi waited for Iman in SAARC corona video conference. Imran does not give a flying **** to lowly modi
Donaaaaal Tamp:coffee:


Spoken like a true Pakistani. It became a skill when there are people who lack that skill starts to show up who can't figure out the meaning of two-line sentences.

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So, saying Trump's name correctly or wrongly is what? Again, he is non native speaker, I don't have a problem if an American pronounce my name wrongly. As far as I know, Modi speaks fine. Giving a full interview with Putin.

Don't twist things. He talked about cognition. You copy pasting cognitive skills from old friend google (without which you are never able to perform a mental function called thinking).
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