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Imran Riaz Khan arrested from Islamabad toll plaza

I know the social media cell of Maryam that operates out of London and Birmingham under the disguise of IT company... ask Inam Ul haq who is his abu when it comes to social media....
looks like i pressed a nerve with this comment.... @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE is hiding behind the vpn coming up with spam accounts
We Pakistanis work differently, we rather give blood peacefully.
Turks are fighting nation. They made a country by conquering Anatolia, we Pakistanis got our country through a political movement . It is other thing military establishment cheated us and sat on our necks like leeches.
You might also want to mention Erdogan as a leader for whom the Turks stood united. Turkish Army also played its part in politics but lost before Erdogan.
How can the present military leadership be so stupid. They are maligning and dragging the institution in dirt. People who used to support Military’s actions no matter what are now brutally criticizing them.

Its high time for reforms in Military and its powers need to be checked. Military should remain in barracks.
Your negative perception of my post is really not my headache, you can deduce as you like however whatever you deduced is completely incorrect.

allegations again ? Provide proofs, start a legal action.
We all don't support IK, but we are united in wanting a prosperous corruption free Pakistan. Army has been playing politician for far too long. There is noone else to blame anymore. The same old song and dance is not going to work anymore.

Legal action? The courts are whores of establishment.
Legal action? The courts are whores of establishment.
or of money ? or of the rising sun ?

This law and order fiasco is another debate and how it cripples Pakistan. I saw some sections of advertised recruitment pamphlets of Australian Army. A part clearly mentioned that the Army officer needs to drive and travel freely across Australia so his license should be cleared from any demerit points, which means Australian Police can charge or cancel Australian Army officer's license. This is just one example. But then again, Pakistani Government officials take the same privileges from law, not just Army.

Either way, the country is divided. Logically, PMLN being in power currently shouldn't be supporting PTI or any scenario that develops against Military like this one created due to Imran Riaz, but if they do, then yes Pakistan has a chance of standing united. Same for religious political parties, but I think all are opportunists. Pakistanis living in rural areas of all provinces form a major section of population too.
You might also want to mention Erdogan as a leader for whom the Turks stood united. Turkish Army also played its part in politics but lost before Erdogan.
Erdogan doesn’t have 99% popularity. People came out in his support because they wanted to protect the democratic system. You don’t have to follow khan to stand up for Pakistan.

Anyone asking proof against army interference already made up their mind. Nothing will change their point of view.
He knew Bajwa was going while he himself needed to complete own term.
No. He knew Bajwa is going nowhere which is confirmed now by the shenanigans of Bajwa attacking / arresting anyone that ridicules him in the media. If he really is retiring in a few months, why worry what people have to say about him it, unless of course they are speaking the truth about that traitor who wants to stay in power by hook or crook
or of money ? or of the rising sun ?

This law and order fiasco is another debate and how it cripples Pakistan. I saw some sections of advertised recruitment pamphlets of Australian Army. A part clearly mentioned that the Army officer needs to drive and travel freely across Australia so his license should be cleared from any demerit points, which means Australian Police can charge or cancel Australian Army officer's license. This is just one example. But then again, Pakistani Government officials take the same privileges from law, not just Army.

Either way, the country is divided. Logically, PMLN being in power currently shouldn't be supporting PTI or any scenario that develops against Military like this one created due to Imran Riaz, but if they do, then yes Pakistan has a chance of standing united. Same for religious political parties, but I think all are opportunists. Pakistanis living in rural areas of all provinces form a major section of population too.

Did you really try to compare demerit license points to Pakistan Military constant interference?

It’s not against Military , it’s against corrupt individuals.
Alot of people are blaming US & Bajwa
Guys, it's not just the Bajwa it's the institution that has let down the Pakistani people for decades
The same drama being repeated by top brass what were the outcomes of these previous adventures.

1 Pakistan lost its Eastern Part.
2 Nawaz & Co were brought to power
3 Other institutions were weakened systematically
4 Democratic system was destroyed.

Now what will be the results of these adventures
1 Pakistan military is losing most of its support from the middle class, which was its main pillar of support.
2 If in this current scenario India, and other international media show that it was the Pakistan military that was sponsoring terrorism in India & Afghanistan heck even in Pakistan, what will be the majority response from own Pakistani people
3 Making KPK and IK the villains we are going the same into the 1970s General election phase, and at this moment I truly believe even if IK does WIN, the Military will try its best that he doesn't get power and we might even see another martial law.
Erdogan doesn’t have 99% popularity. People came out in his support because they wanted to protect the democratic system. You don’t have to follow khan to stand up for Pakistan.
That is not entirely true, it was a tussle between Erdogan and Gulen too. Foreign hands involvement was also pointed out. Turk Army was used as a tool. Anyways, point being IK could have generated that support from within Pakistan.

Anyone asking proof against army interference already made up their mind. Nothing will change their point of view.
For a legal action, proofs are required. Unless you depend upon just bark without bite.
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