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Imran ready to file case against Altaf


Apr 2, 2008
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Monday, May 12, 2008
ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan has finalised preparations to file a formal case with a British court against MQM chief Altaf Hussain, The News learnt here on Sunday. However, a senior MQM leader made it clear that his party and its leadership had nothing to do with violence and had always worked for the supremacy of parliament and strengthening of democracy.

"Both Altaf Bhai and the MQM are victims of political expediencies and are themselves looking for justice," he maintained. Sources in the Tehrik-e-Insaf told this correspondent that legal experts of the PTI had given final touches to documents to be filed along with the case against the self-exiled leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Apparently, there is now hardly any chance of Imran getting cooperation from the ruling coalition government on the application the party chairman had filed against Altaf Hussain mid-last year, sources said.

"In the given situation, the chances of the ruling coalition's survival appear bleak what to talk of the government allowing the Scotland Yard to visit Pakistan for a probe," these sources pointed out.

This correspondent tried to contact Imran Khan, but he was not available for comments. However, PTI Central Information Secretary Omar Cheema confirmed that the party was ready to file a case in a British court against the MQM leader.

In reply to a question, he said that Imran was optimistic initially that the new government would not impede the investigations by the British police but the persistent differences between the PPP and the PML-N had compelled him to pursue the matter through a London court.

He recalled how the former PML-led government had twice not allowed his party leader to land in Karachi and the caretaker government of Sindh once, for his stance against the MQM and its leadership.

Omar Cheema contended that the MQM's inclusion into the Sindh cabinet and its expected representation in the federal government, if everything went well in the coming weeks, could ultimately leave the PTI chairman with no other option but to leave for London to push for a probe into Altaf Hussain's role in violence.

The PTI information secretary, however, noted that Imran Khan had been requested by the party not to leave Pakistan at this critical juncture as his presence here was more important than leaving for Britain.

"The party leader is also convinced and has, for the moment, shelved the London visit, but preparations have been completed to file a case against Altaf," he said. Last year, Imran Khan had filed an application with the British police against Altaf Hussain and had charged that the MQM leader had masterminded the May 12, 2007 massacre. In order to further investigate his allegations against the MQM leader, the Scotland Yard had wanted to visit Pakistan but was not allowed to do so.

Playing down the issue, a senior MQM leader, who did not want to be named, made it clear that his party and its leadership had always worked for the supremacy of parliament and strengthening of democracy.

"Both Altaf Bhai and the MQM are victims of political expediencies and are themselves looking for justice," he maintained, saying the party leader had nothing to do with violence of any kind.
THESE are the actions... which clearly! means political immaturity or underexperince kind of politics BY MR, IMRAN KHAN... i dont, know .. why.. IMRAN KHAN can get JAMIEMA to back his political support and for his freedom from prison, even they are not husband and wife.......... what is the relationship between JAMIEMA & IMRAN?
A BOYFRIEND & GRILFRIEND..... i guss! i dont , understand why very openminded people, like IMRAN keep showing, themselves as a symbol of resistance against DICTATORSHIP, against.. USAs IMPIREALISM... & A PRO-ISLAMIC person etc?

although... IMRAN is also, trying for supposed impeachment of PRESIDENT MUSHARAF... for uncountable reasons, i dont understand his style of HAWKISH and unrealistic kind of politics?
NOW, about the issue.. certainly, IMRAN knows that he, couldnt do much more than !what he have done already? fristly, BRITISH COURTS are more concerned about islamic fundamentlsts or ISLAMIC INSURGENTS in all around the world,& i think that... british establisment isnt worried about the fact, WHO IS ALTAF HUSSAIN or what was and is his role in pakistani politics in particullar.i guss , what IMRAN is tryng in his efforts to counter MQM and its founder were politicly motivated and IMRAN wants to put MQM on its feet !politicly...for more voilent political activities from karachi..... ? there is question comes in my mind WHY???....WHY... IMRAN KHAN wants to put KARACHI as a center of his and LAWYERS voilent MOVEMENT?

I GUSS ! deep down inside , IMRAN already knows that PUNJAB PROVINCE is already fadup with this all overreacted , over heated... voilent LAWYERS movment for the instalment of kicked out selfish... judges! IMRAN doesnt had much public support left in PUNJAB & lawyers movment in punjab already on decline.

most of our 3rd rated politicains like , IMRAN .. QAZI... & AITAZAZ, became very popular at the begining of judicial crisis back to last year and they... think that its their!!! struggle which brought the DEMOCRACY in pakistan+ they have a right to become PILLARS OF POWERS IN PAKISTAN, but their all efforts were hijacked by the political heavywhts ( PPP + PMLn) IMRAN & QAZI+ AITAZAZ &co, feel dejected and find no active role in pakistani political arena. this made them more depressed.

FOR this, very reason IMRAN & other 3rd rated political.....need KARACHI as a NEXT center for their voilent lawyers movement and for this they.... need karachi public support exactly.

IN.. KARACHI... without MQM...no.. movment can get succses, any how!.. this is the reality which , IMRAN and his QAZI + AITAZAZ &co already knows !..but the theory to bring the lawyers movment in KARACHI openly shows, that...these 3rd rated politicians had already planed to.. put GASOLENE ON THE BURNING FIRE!
its the only the only way.... in which...IMRAN & QAZI + AITAZAZ &co... can survive???
I have only one single question!

Imran says that he is filing a case against Altaf Hussain b/c his workers got injured on 12th may but MQM is a Karachi based party let’s suppose that they are bad and they have all the ammunition but why those political party workers who were coming from outside Karachi on 12th May brought so many weapons with them?
I have only one single question!

Imran says that he is filing a case against Altaf Hussain b/c his workers got injured on 12th may but MQM is a Karachi based party let’s suppose that they are bad and they have all the ammunition but why those political party workers who were coming from outside Karachi on 12th May brought so many weapons with them?

Gr8! what a breaking kick-off........................!:bunny:
imran khan with every breath shows he is a moron.
oxford must be crap.
ITS..... not OXFORD... is crap my dear, but its us... the people, i mean... imrankhan... like minded persons, who......doesnt respect others. political....mandate!
and cant find their place in mainstreem politics of pakistan, thts the reason they try to get their way... by targeting major political... figures?
He's been saying he's ready to file a case for almost a year now. He doesn't have a case pure and simple. Why cant he just stick to being a philanthropist?
I have only one single question!

Imran says that he is filing a case against Altaf Hussain b/c his workers got injured on 12th may but MQM is a Karachi based party let’s suppose that they are bad and they have all the ammunition but why those political party workers who were coming from outside Karachi on 12th May brought so many weapons with them?
LOL you know nothing about Karachi every Karachiate knows whats up with MQM. they dont let you live until you say Jiye Altaf or you dont give Bhatta.

And about weapons you hav't seen nothing yet, if ANP would have been brining weapons then you and every other Pakistani knows how much weaponary they have in NWFP. Noone was bringing nothing in Karachi 70 Percent people have weapons. Altaf did nothing for Mahajirs every true mahajir knows that all the gangster wannabes the only ones who are with him rite now just to be a badmash in their area.

If guns would not have come out from MQM noone would have been dead its all started from them no matter how much propaganda they do.
LOL you know nothing about Karachi every Karachiate knows whats up with MQM. they dont let you live until you say Jiye Altaf or you dont give Bhatta.

And about weapons you hav't seen nothing yet, if ANP would have been brining weapons then you and every other Pakistani knows how much weaponary they have in NWFP. Noone was bringing nothing in Karachi 70 Percent people have weapons. Altaf did nothing for Mahajirs every true mahajir knows that all the gangster wannabes the only ones who are with him rite now just to be a badmash in their area.

If guns would not have come out from MQM noone would have been dead its all started from them no matter how much propaganda they do.

Its cool:enjoy: I must appreciate such an accurate assesment abt gansters:tup:
God Bless Karachians and Pakistan too...........:pakistan:
LOL you know nothing about Karachi every Karachiate knows whats up with MQM. they dont let you live until you say Jiye Altaf or you dont give Bhatta.

And about weapons you hav't seen nothing yet, if ANP would have been brining weapons then you and every other Pakistani knows how much weaponary they have in NWFP. Noone was bringing nothing in Karachi 70 Percent people have weapons. Altaf did nothing for Mahajirs every true mahajir knows that all the gangster wannabes the only ones who are with him rite now just to be a badmash in their area.

If guns would not have come out from MQM noone would have been dead its all started from them no matter how much propaganda they do.

For your kind information I m a Karachiite and I know what happened that day.

On 12th May there were clashes; do you know the meaning of clash? And even MQM workers were shot down that day. Who did that?

Be unbiased brother!
If guns would not have come out from MQM noone would have been dead its all started from them no matter how much propaganda they do.

I think you need to be more informed about history. Have you ever heard about the attack of Gauhar Ayub Khan on Karachi in 1967 if you had knew it you would have not said this.

For God sake don’t spread hatred and believe that we all are Pakistanis.
Having lived for 10 years in Karachi, I have deep love for the city. I remember that incident. This happened after the Fatima Jinnah verses Ayub Khan Election. Gohar Ayub used to live in Karachi too (he owned Gandhara Industries). The action was directed against a vociferous anti Ayub element and limited to Lalu Khait area only and not against the whole of Karachi as you have implied.

Think you are inflating the incident out of proportion. Gohar Ayub with some of his Goondas came to Lalu Khait, (now Liaqatabad). He had support within Lalu Khait; chief supporter was a certain Mr Rizvi. Mr Rizvi was hounded out of Lalu Khait during the anti Ayub disturbances of 1968. The action was definitely wrong.
Having lived for 10 years in Karachi, I have deep love for the city. I remember that incident. This happened after the Fatima Jinnah verses Ayub Khan Election. Gohar Ayub used to live in Karachi too (he owned Gandhara Industries). The action was directed against a vociferous anti Ayub element and limited to Lalu Khait area only and not against the whole of Karachi as you have implied.

Think you are inflating the incident out of proportion. Gohar Ayub with some of his Goondas came to Lalu Khait, (now Liaqatabad). He had support within Lalu Khait; chief supporter was a certain Mr Rizvi. Mr Rizvi was hounded out of Lalu Khait during the anti Ayub disturbances of 1968. The action was definitely wrong.


I know my words might be wrong but I just wanted to mention that we have no pious political party here and when there is such condition than we should not criticize any single party only.

Hope you understand!
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