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Imran promises to constitutionally ban military operations inside Pakistan

i like ik but he is saying too much these days and i doubt he is gonna do anything ...........maybe he is gonna do everything he said

its clear we are broke we dont have money but ending military operations is like going back in early 2000s and those fc**k taliban are gonna do all the things over and over again
So CJ is traitor so what do you call the actual traitor ?? Zardari!!!

AZ= A smart criminal Conspirator!
CJ = a factual conspriator with a criminal vission, which made arsalan billionre?
batmannow; If you can solve the problem in 10 Years be my guest 5 Years for Pakistan and 11 Years US-NATO nothing solved nothing materialized, that is why Pak Army has decided no Operations until They feel necessary. I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation Operations is not the only solution I explained a few times US-NATO Failed with 10-11 Years of brief WOT. If you still don't get it then you failed to grasp the situation, Army plainly refused rest of the lot is just jumping up and down.

Don't defame pakarmy, here just for the sake of IK theory right!
Or bring any ISPR statement refusing to act against terrorism or terror?
Still they r in the WOT , to defend their mother land!
If u r a IK,s Fan boy so be it, but don't think whole world will think him same , as u may think sorry, he is too scared to even give any statment against TTp, wht else I can say & with his vision of surrender he can't be a primminster or a president of pakistan in comming 100 years!
He can save his good looks for someother rich Jemiama!
the type of people we have...when the police will conduct a major operation against........it will turn into 'punjabi' police

the grey suit wearing guys were under the tag of "warden" mostly seen directing traffic
Don't defame pakarmy, here just for the sake of IK theory right!
Or bring any ISPR statement refusing to act against terrorism or terror?
Still they r in the WOT , to defend their mother land!
If u r a IK,s Fan boy so be it, but don't think whole world will think him same , as u may think sorry, he is too scared to even give any statment against TTp, wht else I can say & with his vision of surrender he can't be a primminster or a president of pakistan in comming 100 years!
He can save his good looks for someother rich Jemiama!

Don't take IK seriously its just a matter of hours when he will take another U-TURN.
Don't defame pakarmy, here just for the sake of IK theory right!

See you did not grasps my posts, read it again I did not defame Pak Army I said Pakistan Army refused They will go in and commit to operations They when feel necessary, Pak Army-IK are in sync, you wouldn't understand anyway.
Taliban Khan is an example of desperado willing to please everyside for some votes - even terrorists..
Have to lose all respect for this man now!
only police should be allowed inside the cities and villages, army should only be on the borders
But the police are not competent to take on the likes of the TTP as they're neither trained for this kind of job nor do they have the will to take them on. Can anyone imagine them fighting the TTP in the towns and villages in NW? :blink:
^^ All the best for mission impossible.

IK ranks are infiltrated by anti state elements... like Hasmi and Qureshi.

This is hillarious - anti-state? Hashmi has a clean record and Qureshi - well we know hes the ONLY guy on record to have blocked Raymond Davis' release and publicly announced Raymond Davis had no immunity. He was with the people of Pakistan. Lets not also forget that he was the one who did some behind the scenes work to prevent Zardari granting Americans access/control to our nuclear arsenal - which resulted in the Army chief ensuring the nuclear Command and Control buttons don't remain with the President.

If anything these guys have a past record of exceptional service to Pakistan.
Does Pakistan fit that description, Asim?

Why resign to third-class standards for ourselves? What Imran Khan is saying is WISE and IS the better standard. We should not forget the default presumption that whats happening in Pak right now, what its description is, its probably not for the best - probably not wise.
Well that shouldn't be too tough seeing as he just has to convince the KPK assembly to revoke article 246 under which the Pakistan Army was called to establish peace by "Any and All Means Necessary", in the other provinces the articles remains revoked, thus no internal military operations. I'm pretty sure the FC will be able to hold off the Taliban if they try and enter through Afghanistan but if they do manage to break the lines, Imran should probably start looking for a fresh vote bank because the reprisals against the locals will be brutal at minimum.
That is wrong and misleading. What about TTP and Maoists on both sides of the border. They are 'our' people only. But then they are also the enemies of the state.

Imran is treading a dangerous line here.

TTP are criminals. There are plenty of people in Pakistan who share at least 50% of their ideology but never go violent, they are trying to win votes and then implment the same rules the terrorists want to do. The problems they are creating are already covered under laws of murder, genocide. If the police caught them, if the police inhibited their activities, what more would be needed?
Well that shouldn't be too tough seeing as he just has to convince the KPK assembly to revoke article 246 under which the Pakistan Army was called to establish peace by "Any and All Means Necessary", in the other provinces the articles remains revoked, thus no internal military operations. I'm pretty sure the FC will be able to hold off the Taliban if they try and enter through Afghanistan but if they do manage to break the lines, Imran should probably start looking for a fresh vote bank because the reprisals against the locals will be brutal at minimum.

I'm sure there is a time frame and quality of service aspect to this. Imran is not arguing to make a vaccum of security first and then fill it up. Please remember the military intervention is basically ongoing in all parts of Pakistan since September 11, this was evident when Mullah Baradar was caught by Pakistan in Karachi, I really doubt police officers were used in any capacity larger than cordoning off a much larger perimeter.
You people are moving in circles those who support only operations have to clarify/justify and huge Costs associated with it and give Guarantees if prolonged Operations will be the only way forward to eliminate the problems Pakistan is facing. So far that minority has no Answer!.

IK-PTI is confused or not Political Parties have to come forward discuss it to death in Parliament before any decision is reached...for that you all will have to wait after until after Elections.

This is not a war Pakistan can avoid based on the economics of it. This war is at your doorstep and it has to be fought it till the end.

As to what IK says, Pakistan's constitution already sort of bans 'military operations inside Pakistan'. No constitution of the world gives a free ride to its army to conduct military operations against its people. Also there are probably NO constitution which DOES NOT allow their army to handle a situation. India has it. USA has it. Army is called whenever there is a situation. So there is no point banning military operations in Pakistan either. It is a matter of fact that Pakistan had too many emergencies(a few were over reactions by military rulers). Now what exactly is IK going to change? Is Punjab police going to be able to storm the next Lal Masjid?

He can change nothing. There will be still clauses with exceptional cases in which army can be called.

What is the heroism in negotiating the one time you cannot afford to negotiate? How much of your values are you going to compromise for the peace IK is promising? Hasn't it been already tried?
So CJ is traitor so what do you call the actual traitor ?? Zardari!!!

Without support of CJ, Zardari would have been in jail!
Both traitors are complementing each other.
This one eyed CJ is the biggest fitna, who brought Pakistan to its knees, with support of other evil partners.
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