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Imran Khan's should get a Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Imran Khan's high time to get Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.

Foreign policy, A country's foreign policy, also called foreign relations or foreign affairs policy, consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations. The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other countries. With Pakistan unfortunately due to traitors of likes of Zardari to Nawaz there was no minister set in last 33 years era specifically in last 10 years of pmln.

Indian lobbying in USA.
The Economist referred to USINPAC in May 2015 as "the main political lobby for Indian-Americans in Washington." USINPAC is involved with the annual US business delegation to India to meet with Indian politicians, businesspeople, and newsmakers. There are numerous Indians lobbyists inside Washington from India where we Pakistani don't even have considered yet for position.
Founder: Sanjay Puri
Wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_India_Political_Action_Committee

Pakistani interests in America's capital :
One major country such as important as Pakistan needs to have a voice in Washington DC. Without it the concerns of Pakistani government establishment won't be been heard.

It doesn't matter if China Pakistan relations are strong, okay, you always need US Pakistani friendship at all costs. Even at a time of America leaving Afghanistan scenerio. You cannot afford to lose America at any time.

Let's say you as Pakistan minister in Islamabad wants to get your point over some subject across to Washington DC but you don't have Pakistani lobbyist there? What do you do? You don't just approach from your Pakistani ambassador in Washington DC to make that action possible because he is not capable of reaching out to jurisdiction of all levels of government inside Washington. He is only civil servant at the most.

This is exactly where lobbyist is needed. Let's say we want to reach out to Pompeo and only way possible is through political lobbying and even that doesn't guarantee but it's way possible for anything concrete. So I rest my case for Pakistan for not even having a minister yet alone lobbyist, it is high time for Imran Khan Pm to reconsider a political Pakistani origin lobbyist as permanent position in Pakistan diplomatic channels.
The US will find us if they need us. I am afraid we start heading in the wrong direction again.

Somewhere I read IK is quite a miser fellow!!! I am pretty sure he won’t spend a dime on the lobbyists....
You are damn wright. He has spent almost a month in Malakand with us, wine dime every thing. when we visited Banigala he did not offer a glass of cold drink. He is a classical miser.
Lobbying without any local support is pathetic and wastage of taxpayer money. Right now Imran Khan is piling taxes on food items like sugar. To waste money in a thankless nation that has been a problem for you than a partner is tupid.

The most important lobbying in US is done by the diaspora by building image.
Where are those APPNAs, so-called Pakistani Americans? Does Pakistan need any lobbying in Britain?
British Pakistanis take care of everything.

Pakistani Americans are beghairat and bunch of munafiqs even though they as community are better off and earn more than British Pakistanis. Neither or their children have the ability to represent Pakistan as these selfish jokers have been too involved with themselves marrying their daughters off to non-Muslims there.

Instead their children will be used against the interests of Pakistan to shame and embarass us so that we could not question American's policy of massacre against Muslims in West Pakistan and rest of Muslim world.

No need to waste on lobbying firm when your own people are being annihilated by IMF program. This pathetic Pakistani mentality of sucking up to the Americans has resulted in US decimating our economy since the 90s.
Imran Khan's high time to get Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.

Foreign policy, A country's foreign policy, also called foreign relations or foreign affairs policy, consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations. The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other countries. With Pakistan unfortunately due to traitors of likes of Zardari to Nawaz there was no minister set in last 33 years era specifically in last 10 years of pmln.

Indian lobbying in USA.
The Economist referred to USINPAC in May 2015 as "the main political lobby for Indian-Americans in Washington." USINPAC is involved with the annual US business delegation to India to meet with Indian politicians, businesspeople, and newsmakers. There are numerous Indians lobbyists inside Washington from India where we Pakistani don't even have considered yet for position.
Founder: Sanjay Puri
Wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_India_Political_Action_Committee

Pakistani interests in America's capital :
One major country such as important as Pakistan needs to have a voice in Washington DC. Without it the concerns of Pakistani government establishment won't be been heard.

It doesn't matter if China Pakistan relations are strong, okay, you always need US Pakistani friendship at all costs. Even at a time of America leaving Afghanistan scenerio. You cannot afford to lose America at any time.

Let's say you as Pakistan minister in Islamabad wants to get your point over some subject across to Washington DC but you don't have Pakistani lobbyist there? What do you do? You don't just approach from your Pakistani ambassador in Washington DC to make that action possible because he is not capable of reaching out to jurisdiction of all levels of government inside Washington. He is only civil servant at the most.

This is exactly where lobbyist is needed. Let's say we want to reach out to Pompeo and only way possible is through political lobbying and even that doesn't guarantee but it's way possible for anything concrete. So I rest my case for Pakistan for not even having a minister yet alone lobbyist, it is high time for Imran Khan Pm to reconsider a political Pakistani origin lobbyist as permanent position in Pakistan diplomatic channels.

Pakistan Embassy, top US lobbying firm sign contract in Washington

July 20, 2019


Pakistan Embassy in Washington and top US lobbying firm Holland & Knight have signed a contract in Washington for lobbying services.

The firm will assist Pakistan Embassy in Washington to expand bilateral ties and further strengthen them keeping in view political landscape of the United States.

On the occasion, leading Republican from New York, former Congressman and representative of Holland & Knight firm Tom Reynolds held a meeting with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Speaking on the occasion, the Foreign Minister said Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to the United States will usher a new era in Pakistan-US relations.

He expressed confidence that Holland and Knight firm will fully assist Pakistan Embassy to promote Pakistan-US ties.

Tom Reynolds of firm has assured that his firm will extend full assistance to Pakistan Embassy for expansion in Pak-US ties on the basis of mutual interest and respect.

If you are open to accepting honest advice:

The frustrations and its no secret, among US policymakers and diplomats around Pakistan, is what kind of nation do you want to be?

Do you want to be a modern, vibrant democracy at peace with its neighbors and the world, an unwavering spear against terrorist groups, willing not just to hear the root causes for the predicament Pakistan is in with the West but also be ready to make almost a 180-degree change in the direction. Do you want investments pouring in or bad loan terms and Aid? Till then - no lobbying firm is going to be the golden ticket in the US. These lobbying firms will advise you to change more often than change our policymakers mind.
No need to waste money, in the past same lobbyists have taken money from both Pakistan and India at the same time and pushed the cause of the nation that pays more.

Imran Khan's high time to get Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.

Foreign policy, A country's foreign policy, also called foreign relations or foreign affairs policy, consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations. The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other countries. With Pakistan unfortunately due to traitors of likes of Zardari to Nawaz there was no minister set in last 33 years era specifically in last 10 years of pmln.

Indian lobbying in USA.
The Economist referred to USINPAC in May 2015 as "the main political lobby for Indian-Americans in Washington." USINPAC is involved with the annual US business delegation to India to meet with Indian politicians, businesspeople, and newsmakers. There are numerous Indians lobbyists inside Washington from India where we Pakistani don't even have considered yet for position.
Founder: Sanjay Puri
Wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_India_Political_Action_Committee

Pakistani interests in America's capital :
One major country such as important as Pakistan needs to have a voice in Washington DC. Without it the concerns of Pakistani government establishment won't be been heard.

It doesn't matter if China Pakistan relations are strong, okay, you always need US Pakistani friendship at all costs. Even at a time of America leaving Afghanistan scenerio. You cannot afford to lose America at any time.

Let's say you as Pakistan minister in Islamabad wants to get your point over some subject across to Washington DC but you don't have Pakistani lobbyist there? What do you do? You don't just approach from your Pakistani ambassador in Washington DC to make that action possible because he is not capable of reaching out to jurisdiction of all levels of government inside Washington. He is only civil servant at the most.

This is exactly where lobbyist is needed. Let's say we want to reach out to Pompeo and only way possible is through political lobbying and even that doesn't guarantee but it's way possible for anything concrete. So I rest my case for Pakistan for not even having a minister yet alone lobbyist, it is high time for Imran Khan Pm to reconsider a political Pakistani origin lobbyist as permanent position in Pakistan diplomatic channels.
No need to waste money, in the past same lobbyists have taken money from both Pakistan and India at the same time and pushed the cause of the nation that pays more.

FYI- Pakistan nor India uses the same lobbying firm. It would be a conflict of interest and both countries know better.

I know you guys hate to hear this because you think you are being picked on unfairly. The success rates are in favor of India because of its policies, reputation, aspirations of being a responsible leader on the world stage.
Responsible? Really?

Is that why Modi was banned from visiting US, btw are you an Indian disguised as an American?

FYI- Pakistan nor India uses the same lobbying firm. It would be a conflict of interest and both countries know better.

I know you guys hate to hear this because you think you are being picked on unfairly. The success rates are in favor of India because of its policies, reputation, aspirations of being a responsible leader on the world stage.
Responsible? Really?

Is that why Modi was banned from visiting US, btw are you an Indian disguised as an American?

I thought you were interested in Pakistan's lobbying plan in this thread. Getting upset at me or Modi meme's is an unnecessary distraction.
I am a straight forward and blunt person and I like people who are straight forward and blunt, but disguising as someone you are not makes you a dishonest person, and there is no point in discussing anything with a dishonest person. If one can lie about who he is, then how can you objectively discuss anything without thinking that he might be lying about it too?

I thought you were interested in Pakistan's lobbying plan in this thread. Getting upset at me or Modi meme's is an unnecessary distraction.
I am a straight forward and blunt person and I like people who are straight forward and blunt, but disguising as someone you are not makes you a dishonest person, and there is no point in discussing anything with a dishonest person. If one can lie about who he is, then how can you objectively discuss anything without thinking that he might be lying about it too?

You are not coming across a blunt person, you are coming across as refusing to believe what your eyes have read and ears have heard from the West on what ails Pakistan relationship. It's easy to know if there is truth in my statements. Pay attention to the substance and think for yourself if it's radical in nature or statements you've heard before. Every bit of what I said, you've heard from US policymakers, diplomats and Presidents too.
Are you an Indian?

You are not coming across a blunt person, you are coming across as refusing to believe what your eyes have read and ears have heard from the West on what ails Pakistan relationship. It's easy to know if there is truth in my statements. Pay attention to the substance and think for yourself if it's radical in nature or statements you've heard before. Every bit of what I said, you've heard from US policymakers, diplomats and Presidents too.
I remind when nawaz Shareef hired one of the top american lobbying firm.
In 2017 when panama leaks burst the back of nawaz family & international media was declaring nawaz the most corrupt leader of the world. Then he hired the lobbying service of vin Roberti global to defame Pak Army in order to divert the attention from his countless corruption. But when God decides to defame some one, no one can escape & that's what happened when ICIJ confronted with lobbying firm. He made the lobbying firm ashamed.

Nawaz hires Roberti Global to defame Pak Army

@Dubious @Patriot786b2 @Cash GK @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem @American Pakistani @zulu
What do you guys think about promoting Pakistan is better then looting Pakistan is right or wrong?
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