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Imran Khan's First Interview after Gen Bajwa's Retirement

so he wasn't a disgrace when he was a playboy? but now he is?

i don't think you understand the constitution and the law, buddy.

ha ha. such funny, much wow. so mir bajwa didn't get his way so he orchestrated a coup and engineered the political scene such that the only viable option for both IK and PDM was pervez ilahi. such a win. hardy fking har.
also note that the great bajwa is now slated to a life of ignominy, unless he manages to get a facelift on that mug and hides from overseas Pakistanis
Well a playboy has  value, but jaleebi attitude is just a disgrace. When he mentions disregarding Bajwa's advice on Buzdar matter, he sounds stupid by his own standards because he was the one who wanted to retain Faiz Hameed because he thought he knew the threats better than Bajwa. Buzdar was always hanging by a thread. If he was so right as a CM, why did Imran not feel confident enough to field him again?? The ones who voted for him would have voted for him again if Imran stuck with him, right?? 😄
how could he be even remotely qualified to advise Bajwa regarding DG ISI
Because the constitution gives the Prime Minister that authority, as is the case with the US President appointing people to run the CIA, NSA etc.

Of course this is something Army fanboys (and I used to be one), justifying all the treason and constitutional violations perpetrated by the Army leadership, will never understand.
Haha..... what a bloody disgrace this reformed playboy has become. If Bajwa wasn't qualified enough to advise him on Buzdar, how could he be even remotely qualified to advise Bajwa regarding DG ISI?? Also, funny thing, he removed Buzdar anyway, now Pervaiz Elahi is CM, so who was the more qualified one again ?? 😁😄🤣

Because that's what the law says bud.

PM can appoint DG ISI, COAS cannot appoint CM.
This part is not enough:

A public apology will be just more lies. Retrospectively put them all on trial, take away all the awarded privileges including pensions, plots etc. and teach ALL, not just the military, about them as traitors, including changing their titles to Ghaddar General. By Law. Oh, and mandate the death penalty by firing squad for any military person going against the Constitution.

The only problem is that it will never happen.
I completely agree that a public apology will not be enough and I should have been more clear - a public apology will be the start. Successful Civilian led reforms along the lines of what you have mentioned will be the true test of whether the Army will genuinely accept its role as an institution subservient to the elected government and the electorate.

Now Najam Sethi is telling that Bajwa had made plans against IK in 2019, which only got adjourned because of COVID.
Now that is very interesting ...
Because the constitution gives the Prime Minister that authority, as is the case with the US President appointing people to run the CIA, NSA etc.

Of course this is something Army fanboys (and I used to be one), justifying all the treason and constitutional violations perpetrated by the Army leadership, will never understand.
Because that's what the law says bud.

PM can appoint DG ISI, COAS cannot appoint CM.
He didn't refer to constitutional authority rather his 26 year political struggle. A general puts 37 years of blood and sweat into his job. Imran knows very well how big a douche Buzdar is, he just did not have any other yes man to replace him.
He was obviously ceded this space to offer this opinion. Why and in return for what?
What does that say about Bajwa then? The top most appointment in the army and he can't keep his dick in his pants? Ceded space? Why not respect democracy and just say no and mind your own god damn business and focus on what your job description is? But yeah we know there's money to be made and power politics to be played and the top most slot is used by the institution for petty personal gains.

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