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Imran Khan's discourse on the tribal-Taliban connection is ridiculous.


Sep 5, 2012
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Talks with Taliban always proved disastrous: Farhat Taj

Friday, 15 March 2013 19:44by Adnan Farooq

Any durable solution to Taliban terror requires that Pakistan gives up the use of religion in state affairs. Also, it should give up Islamist proxies as foreign policy tools in Afghanistan and India

‘Imran Khan’s discourse on the tribal-Taliban connection is so ridiculously wrong that it does not deserve serious attention. Even the Taliban do not take Imran Khan seriously,’ says Dr. Farhat Taj in an interview with Viewpoint. Author of Taliban and Anti-Taliban, Dr Farhat Taj frequently writes on Taliban militancy and Pashtun resistance to Talibanisation. Read on:

Should Pakistan government hold talks with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)?


Suppose there are talks. What conditions would you suggest for such a dialogue?

The government should have no negotiations with the Taliban from its present weak position. First, the Taliban must be bled to a certain level of weakness through targeted operations, eliminating/arresting the key leadership and damaging their terror infrastructure to a greater extent. There has never ever been any targeted operation against the Taliban in Pakistan (save the Swat operation). All the operation launched in FATA were half-hearted, ill-defined, ill-conceived.

Secondly, talks with the militants should abide by the Constitution of Pakistan, allowing a possibility of rehabilitation to rank-and-file militants who agree to give up violence. They must be helped, in order to rehabilitate them, [of course, on the condition of de-radicalisation] by providing suitable employment opportunities and so on.

Such measures are vital for a durable peace, pluralism and religious tolerance in the society. Forces of extremism can not be subdued without sending them single-mindedly strong message: ‘the state will not tolerate their violence’.

Moreover, the families of people who have been killed by the Taliban deserve justice. Accommodating Taliban in the socio-political power structure without redressing the grievances of Taliban victims will be cruel. Taliban leadership must face trials for war crimes.

How do you view the stand taken up by politicians like Imran Khan?

Imran Khan’s entire discourse on the tribal Pashtun society and the process of terrorism in the tribal area is simply flawed. He views the Taliban terrorism as an indigenous phenomenon essentially emerging out of tribal society while the Taliban, in his myopic view, are some sort of ‘Pashtun nationalists’ taking revenge from people and the state of Pakistan for joining the US-led ‘war on terror’. His simplistic solution is: disengage from the ‘war on terror’ and Taliban will be deprived of any legitimacy. In the next utopian phase, he wants to reach out to the tribes to convince their militant young men to forgo violence. In his ill-informed view, the tribal people are armed to teeth and they would somehow defeat the Taliban and permanent peace will be restored.

There is no tribal-Taliban nexus in the tribal areas. If there is any popular and indigenous Pashtun resistance in the tribal area, it is anti-Taliban resistance. Many tribes have raised anti-Taliban lashkers through the tribal consensus and without any outside help. The Salarzai tribe in Bajaur and Turis in Kurram have defeated Taliban and Al-Qaida. Similarly, Orakzai’s Ali Khel tribe [it consists of both Shias and Sunnis] scored a victory over the Taliban. However, the state intervened and balance was tipped in the favour of the Taliban.

Over 1000 anti-Taliban tribal leaders have been killed all over FATA. This has led to the collapse of the tribal socio-political order in the tribal area. The tribal people have been displaced. For many years they have been queuing up in a disgraceful manner for humanitarian aid. If they are as close to Taliban as Imran Khan assumes, why don’t they go and join the Taliban who pay good salaries to their ranks and files. The tribal people have suffered and continue to suffer multiple genocides at the hands of the Taliban. There has been a cultural genocide (attacks on symbols of Pashtun culture: jirga, hujra and shrines), educational genocide (attacks on schools, teachers and students), economic genocide (destruction of public and private economic infrastructure in FATA), and of course literal genocide (killing of the tribal women, children and men). The Taliban in connivance with the Pakistan army, have perpetrated these genocides. What more do Imran Khan and people like him want from the tribal people to prove that they are not pro-Taliban? Tribal people have no power whatsoever over the Taliban and that they are the biggest victims of the Taliban. Before anyone else in Pakistan, these unfortunate tribals deserve justice and state protection against the Taliban.

The most drone-hit areas in Waziristan are the areas inhabited by Waziris and Dawars. None of these tribes has been displaced. If the tribes are as strong as Imran Khan believe, he and his followers should have managed to go to Waziristan with the support of these tribes. Imran Khan claims that he has support of the tribes, if so, why did he and his ‘drone-fun-ride’ to Waziristan end up in Tank :azn: ?

Post 9/11, FATA has been controlled by the militants and Pakistani military. People in the region have suffered greatly from the violence from both sides and therefore dislike and fear both as the recent Amnesty International report, The Hands of Cruelty, shows.

Talib or fauj yu da (Taliban and army is one and the same entity) is a common refrain in FATA and KP. Tribal people live in the permanent fear of both. They are not safe even when they move to the safety of settled areas. Those expressing their honest views on the military and the militants have been target-killed even in Peshawar.

Therefore, I think Imran Khan’s discourse on the tribal-Taliban connection is so ridiculously wrong that it does not deserve serious attention. Even the Taliban do not take Imran Khan seriously. They demanded guarantees for negotiations with the government from PML (N) leader Nawaz Sharif and JUI (F)’s Fazl ur Rahman instead of Imran Khan.

There have been ‘peace deals’ between TTP and Pakistan army. How has been the past experience regarding such deals? Many commentators believe that TTP always exploited such deals to extend its influence. Your comments.

Yes, the previous peace deals were disastrous for the people in FATA and KP. They undermined the state writ and the militants extended their writ. This is what happens when states strike deals from a position of weakness.

How would the USA react to such talks? Also, when the USA is holding talks with Taliban, what moral authority does it has to oppose talks with Taliban in Pakistan [an objection often raised by Media Mujahideen]?

The US is pursuing its own interests in this region. If making deals with the Taliban is in its interest, the US would not pay any attention to the adverse humanitarian consequences of such deals on the people of Pakistan or Afghanistan. So, we do not have to blindly follow the US. Secondly, the Afghan Taliban’s network is based in Pakistan. We have to see what is in the interest of our people. Taliban are a threat to the people and the state of Pakistan. This threat has to be eliminated regardless of what the USA does.

The Afghan terror network is based and nurtured in Pakistan. This is a key problem obstructing peace in Afghanistan. Thus if someone in Afghanistan is holding talks with the Afghan Taliban with the view to encourage them to give up their connections with the military establishment of Pakistan, or to give up violence, talks with Afghan Taliban can be justified. But here too we have to remember that Afghan Taliban have committed gross human rights violation in Afghanistan. Are the Afghans ready to forgive and forget? This is an issue that Afghanistan has to deal with while negotiating with the Taliban.

Pak army has curiously been evasive on the issue of talks with Taliban following recent offer by TTP. What do you think is Pak army’s view on talks with Taliban?

This question should be put to ISPR.

But this evasiveness speaks volumes about military’s conduct vis-à-vis Taliban. Khakis are not evasive in the case of Baluch nationalists killed everyday. When the khakis want to do something, they just do it. It is misleading that the military looks to the civilian leadership for dealing with the Taliban. If so, when did they ask the civilian leadership about the state atrocities inflicted on the Baluch people. If the military wants to eliminate the Taliban, they know how to do it. They do not want it. The Taliban- some may be ‘bad’ among them- are by the end of the day military’s strategic assets for Afghanistan.
Seriousness, decisiveness and the civil-military agreement are needed the most. Pakistan has suffered terrorism for years. Country’s anti-terror law, the National Counter Terrorism bill, was approved by the parliament early this month only. This shows there is simply no anti-terrorism strategy.

All post 9/11 operations of Pakistan army against the militants in FATA have been poorly targeted or outrightly ‘fake’, in the view of many local people. The operations have led to large-scale human displacement and destruction of public and private infrastructure in FATA. Previously cleared areas have been retaken by the Taliban. Hence, intelligence-based targeted operations against the militants are needed.

The Pakistan army has been selectively targeting only those militants that are attacking the army and ignoring the activities of those who cross the Pakistan border for terror attacks inside Afghanistan. Banned ****** outfits are carrying out public activities, including recruitment and collection of donation, in the country. There are no arrangements to disarm the militant groups.

If you oppose talks, what would you suggest as a solution to TTP menace?

Any durable solution to Taliban terror requires that Pakistan gives up the use of religion in state affairs. Also, it should give up Islamist proxies as foreign policy tools in Afghanistan and India.[ There is nothing on the ground that indicates so, unfortunately.] This means a complete policy shift is needed whereby a welfare state replaces a security state.


Adnan Farooq has worked with daily The Nation, Lahore and daily Jang, Lahore. He has also volunteered for Milieudefensie, Amsterdam. Friends of the earth, Europe, on environmental issues. He has been working with ON FILE, an Amsterdam-based publication run by journalists from all around the world. He studied Conflict Resolution at University of Amsterdam. He is the editor.

[MENTION]Sher Malang[/MENTION] and @Monkey D Luffy, u guys will like this article, and i am sure you guys are in agreement with Farhat Taj's views, one of my favorite authors and authorities of FATA.
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I agree with her views. She correctly pointed out flaws in thinking of imran khan...she and many pashtun intellectual insist that talibans are not some kind of pashtun nationalists, most of their activities are against pashtuniyat....but it is also a fact that they are mostly ethnically pashtuns, so while dealing with them , their cultural background should also be kept in mind...forexample a pashtun wont surrunder his gun, it is an insult for him...so i dont think TTP would ever agree to surrunder....
They are derived from an extremist ideology of pakistani madrassas. I am always of opinion that if we control mullah, mosque and madrassa, then we can control talibans.
:laugh: we dont take her seriousely. A paid stooge who runs a proxy think tank with foreign money and had hired young lads to give her information no matter how concoted it is.

and FYI Taliban take Imran khan very seriously. It was for the first time that using modern tech the Taliban followed statements and other media -related activities of all these political parties and they rated PTI at top and worked for countering it as well.

And also the army had stayed back from any kind of talks with TTP. TTP terrorists have been trying hard to find nod of Army but it failed.

as far as the BLA terrorists are concerned they are terrorists and should be shot point blank

and ohhh STFU she is not authorities on FATA.
This is unfortunately something that many here & in the wider society of Pakistan simply don't seem to get.

There have been ‘peace deals’ between TTP and Pakistan army. How has been the past experience regarding such deals? Many commentators believe that TTP always exploited such deals to extend its influence. Your comments.

Yes, the previous peace deals were disastrous for the people in FATA and KP. They undermined the state writ and the militants extended their writ. This is what happens when states strike deals from a position of weakness.
Excellent analysis by Imran Khan of ground realities.

This is the issue, many idiots want to justify their ineptness to control the situation by terming ALL people in that region as Taliban.
Excellent analysis by Imran Khan of ground realities.

This is the issue, many idiots want to justify their ineptness to control the situation by terming ALL people in that region as Taliban.

even this lady's narrative about peac lashkars or aman lashkars proves Imran Khan's point

This is unfortunately something that many here & in the wider society of Pakistan simply don't seem to get.

Position of weakness may be somewhat suitable word in certain circumstances however you can not keep on bombing forever.

Talks are the way out at the end.

same was done in few cases in Northeast India
I find two points as to why the Taliban does not take Imran Khan seriously:-

1. Imran Khan had his "drone-fun-ride" stopped by the Army and not by the Tribal lashkars in Tank, which is in Waziristan which is far from being the hub of the Drones which is supposed to be North Waziristan ? This means the Army has been clearly protecting him knowing that they have scarce control over North Waziristan, where all bets are off once he enters there knowing that any bombing on his "Code Pink" retinue would have disastrous effects on his anti-drone campaign. This clearly signals an sleight-of-hand played out by the Army to protect him.

2. The Pakistani Taliban wanted to negotiate with JUI and not with IK ; this means he has minimal grass-root support of the tribals there compared to Maulana Diesel.

The greatest point of concern is the systematic massacre of Pashtun tribes traditions by the Talibani jehadists along with the radical Mullah-Military group ; I have been reading of reports since mid 2007 about the Turris being targeted by the PA through their Taliban proxies on account of them being Shias. The Kalash tribe which has Greek origins has almost been wiped out by the TTP Talibastard proxies due to Pakistan Army's jehadi alliances with the Talibani groups. Some of the indigenous tribes which have been living for centuries in peace in FATA, have been radicalized by this Mullah-Military alliance. This is the gripe that Farhat Taj carries which has struck a chord with me.
Position of weakness may be somewhat suitable word in certain circumstances however you can not keep on bombing forever.

Talks are the way out at the end.

same was done in few cases in Northeast India
In NorthEast India, we never say to the Nagas or to the Mizos or to those ULFA terrorists that we will allow you to keep your arms. Nor do we say to them that you can have your own version of "NorthEastern sharia" law. Nor do we mount gunship helicopters and massacre them. All talks with them start with one and only one principle, talk within the ambit of the Indian constitution else all bets are off. This is not what Jinnah did, nor did the Pakistani state or Army has done at any point of time with the Tribals. That in essence, is the difference between the NorthEast and FATA.
Position of weakness may be somewhat suitable word in certain circumstances however you can not keep on bombing forever.

Talks are the way out at the end.

same was done in few cases in Northeast India

Without an bias against Pakistan, I offer this.

You simply cannot talk with someone who believes that he/they have the upper hand (even if that perception is disputed). It will be the Pakistan state surrendering its writ or part thereof. Very bad news and pointless, because it won't work. There will be more pushing from the militants if the state gives in even a little. There are not seeking physical territory, it is a fight for the soul of Pakistan i.e. the very essence of the Pakistani state. What will you negotiate on? Other than surrender terms? (that is what it will be regardless of the language use to couch it).

You touched upon India's own experience in the NE. Your point is not accurate. The Indian state only entered serious negotiations after militarily establishing its supremacy. That is the standard method that the Indian state operates. It deliberately seeks to avoid outright victory by crushing rebels simply because the Indian state realises that it is best to accommodate dissent rather than to crush it and risk it festering. However that accommodation can only happen after those who are fighting the state have more or less given up the ghost & are looking to save face. The Indian state makes no major compromise with the idea of the Indian nation. It is also made clear that the Indian state will not shirk from a fight & is willing to do it for decades, if necessary. Almost all deals have involved the accommodation of the militants into the main political stream which is the only concession that the Indian state gives. It is also important to understand that the militants of the NE have a define political/ethnic/state interest, they are not waging war against the very existence of the Indian state (the only exception would be the Maoists who don't get much mileage on their requests & only get increased state pressure). Kashmir is a good recent example. If you remove your understandably biased glasses, you will see that the Indian state's most important demonstration was one of will. Everyone who fights against the Indian state knows that there will be no compromises on the basic demand. It then leaves them only with the option of defeating the Indian state & most are quickly deterred by the Iron fist in velvet glove policy and violence fatigue in the face of determined & relentless opposition from the state.

The extremists in Pakistan want to change the very nature of Pakistan, what compromises could you make with them? You could conceivable make peace with Baluch separatists because their demand is amenable to compromise eventually but not the taliban. You risk losing everything if you do not make a stand. The militants smell fear & weakness, many Pakistanis simply seem to lack the will to fight(surprising), all offers for talks are based on the premise that the state may not win. There will always be a place & time to offer talks & one that might be gratefully lapped up but that time is a long way away & needs hard fighting to happen before that.
I find two points as to why the Taliban does not take Imran Khan seriously:-

1. Imran Khan had his "drone-fun-ride" stopped by the Army and not by the Tribal lashkars in Tank, which is in Waziristan which is far from being the hub of the Drones which is supposed to be North Waziristan ? This means the Army has been clearly protecting him knowing that they have scarce control over North Waziristan, where all bets are off once he enters there knowing that any bombing on his "Code Pink" retinue would have disastrous effects on his anti-drone campaign. This clearly signals an sleight-of-hand played out by the Army to protect him.

2. The Pakistani Taliban wanted to negotiate with JUI and not with IK ; this means he has minimal grass-root support of the tribals there compared to Maulana Diesel.

The greatest point of concern is the systematic massacre of Pashtun tribes traditions by the Talibani jehadists along with the radical Mullah-Military group ; I have been reading of reports since mid 2007 about the Turris being targeted by the PA through their Taliban proxies on account of them being Shias. The Kalash tribe which has Greek origins has almost been wiped out by the TTP Talibastard proxies due to Pakistan Army's jehadi alliances with the Talibani groups. Some of the indigenous tribes which have been living for centuries in peace in FATA, have been radicalized by this Mullah-Military alliance. This is the gripe that Farhat Taj carries which has struck a chord with me.

1. Drone dharna was for the people, not for Taliban

2. TTP is someone IK does not want to negotiate with either.
1. Drone dharna was for the people, not for Taliban
So you mean to say that this was merely an vote-bank gimmick, and he had no genuine affection for the Talibs whose sons and daughters had lost their limbs and lives ?
2. TTP is someone IK does not want to negotiate with either.
How do you know that ? Is there any source with expressly states that IK does not want to negotiate with the TTP ? His stated position, even with all those he has an disagreement against, is we will negotiate with every party involved in the conflict, which includes the TTP too.
I agree with her views. She correctly pointed out flaws in thinking of imran khan...she and many pashtun intellectual insist that talibans are not some kind of pashtun nationalists, most of their activities are against pashtuniyat....but it is also a fact that they are mostly ethnically pashtuns, so while dealing with them , their cultural background should also be kept in mind...forexample a pashtun wont surrunder his gun, it is an insult for him...so i dont think TTP would ever agree to surrunder....
They are derived from an extremist ideology of pakistani madrassas. I am always of opinion that if we control mullah, mosque and madrassa, then we can control talibans.

So my 'friend' the people you have in your avatar , wielding guns and swords with their faces covered are they a product of Pakistani madaris or pashtun culture that you associate yourself with ?, here in lies your confusion about the underlying issue and it would be interesting to see what you have to say here

as for Farhat Taj Anderson , Im guessing that those who follow pastun wali ( hence considered pashtun ) would not like to see a pashtun lady married to some guy named anderson ( most probably a jewish name ) speaking on their behalf , or did I get that part wrong ?
LOL @ OP - Before increasing font and make it red, did you thought that NS support Jihad in Kashmir :omghaha:
LOL @ OP - Before increasing font and make it red, did you thought that NS support Jihad in Kashmir :omghaha:
Of course i know Nawaz Sharif supported it ; Nawaz Sharif was after all a creation of the PakMil establishment, like PTI and JUI buttressed by the ISI and its cohorts. Heck, even Benazir supported Jihad, because they were power hungry, and only the Army+Establishment(ISI/MI) has true power in Pakistan, and therefore it is no surprise that Imran Khan sings the establishment tune to come to power ala NS and Benazir in the 90s.
By that respect, even your Prophet was born in a Idol-worshipping tribe, thereby technically he was a Hindu. And your "Tsunami-Khan" was also married to a Jew. So let us not go into who was what. What is important are their viewpoints and the consistency in upholding them. Farhat Taj is an authority in the history of Pashtun nationalistic movements and hence her perspective matters.

first you dumb indiot , DONOT make references to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in your vile posts

As for Farhat Taj Andersen , she is considered an authority by whom ? by Indians and their poodles ? .. based on the fact that she maligns the Pakistani state , our efforts against militancy and undermines the one Pakistani institution that makes india wet its pants ... Farhat Taj Andersen is just an interloper .. she cooks up imaginary narratives about life in the tribal area , her rants are not worthy of any serious discussions
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