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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

The PTI leadership are A grade idiots too.

Even a 6 year old would know that when they get inside Zaman Park, they would plant weapons and sharab ke bottlain.

They should have had CCTVs installed before at concealed spots with streams to catch these duffers in the act.

اگر ان کی بات مان لیتے تو کم سے کم بابری مسجد تو نہیں گرتی

پاکستان بنا کے کون سا تیر مارا ہے ہم نے

A few got filthy rich.
patwaris openly abuse them...... some even began to hate pmln for standing with the army....... nobody has any respect for them now
Don't worry guys, Patwari PDM and their handlers are standing on their last leg.

the world will never believe their narrative.

There's nothing more than can do at this point other than making fake headlines against IK.

Every illegal and state terrorist move they make, they're only digging more and more.

These videos and pictures will haunt them around the world forever.

When a sick elephant dies it still kicks and makes noise.
The PTI leadership are A grade idiots too.

Even a 6 year old would know that when they get inside Zaman Park, they would plant weapons and sharab ke bottlain.

They should have had CCTVs installed before at concealed spots with streams to catch these duffers in the act.

You think these bastards wouldn't have destroyed the CCTVs?
The PTI leadership are A grade idiots too.

Even a 6 year old would know that when they get inside Zaman Park, they would plant weapons and sharab ke bottlain.

They should have had CCTVs installed before at concealed spots with streams to catch these duffers in the act.

A few got filthy rich.

Even if they would have installed CCTV police would have removed them

It is useless
مجھے باقی لوگوں کا نہیں پتا لیکن میں ذہنی طور پر 71 جیسے کسی کارنامے کے لئے تیار ہوں ۔ یہ اس سے پہلے نہیں رکیں گے مجھے اب اس بات کا یقین ہے
Egypt Model is in Implementation .... PDM want Martial Law, bastards in uniform want Martial Law .....
Farq sirf itna hai ke 1971 main yeh Woh nahi chahtay thay Jo hua, aaj yeh chahtay hain ke Pakistan ke 4 tukray hon.

Anyway, I don't care now. I think it's better for the residents too. If this is the way Allah has adopted to break the power of establishment in Pakistan, let that be.

don't get disheartened this is not what Allah subhan-o-tala want but it is the desire of the false gods of Establishment.

IF Allah wanted this as fate for Pakistan then he would have not granted the sense of resistance to the common Pakistani people against the establishment. Allah has given us hope but with the testing times
Wtf is wrong with the PTI leadership? Can't they grow a pair and announce a nation wide agitation.
After so long time, Pakistanis have a focal point to gather around and resist but this pacifism is getting too much now.

And give them a excuse to ban PTI

I'm sorry that agitation aint gonna do shit
First of all not enough people gonna come out and second
They'll be clamped down by military

PTI is playing safe for elections next month

No agitation or any such thing will be successful without a large scale muting inside military
Only a moron will support the torture of Senators, kidnapping of countless political workers, filling FIRs and then murdering Arshad Shareef Shaheed, torture of Swati & Gill, banning of raw material / LCs required for export industry, total collapse of economy, only a moron will support this fascist PDM govt installed by military.

From record exports, record remitts, record GDP, record textiles, record agriculture, stable + economy to this fall.... Only morons will kept their heads burry in sand just because of personal likes / dislikes and their personality defects to unable to see & recognize honest leader.

Pak was leading region in regional politics too, doing NSAs meet of all important countries, doing OIC and bring China in it. Now even imported govt has accepted that Saudi & Iran agreement was first initiated by Imran khan in Islamabad last year. These all were the reasons that US wanted so badly Imran khan to go.
Ooo really, Pakistan had exemplary relations with China, Saudis, and Uncle Sam. CPEC was about to get completed under Imran Khan's era and Chinese ambassador and Chairman CPEC were spreading lies that CPEC is frozen solid....:welcome: IMF opened up it's arms to Imran Niazi with most friendly conditions to hand over details of CPEC, along with other Chinese military investments inside Pakistan. This so called record growth went sooo historical high that current account deficit crossed over 17 billion dollars along with the 76% loans of the total added from 2018-2022. While former Chairman FBR Shabbar Zaidi that Pakistan is bankrupt already and the Imran Khan was making false claims during his address to Hamrdad University audience on 16th December 2021.....!!

For the issue of LC's not opening up, you guys should ask some serious questions from Imran Niaziiii as well, that why he broke the in written signed agreement with IMF regarding fuel/electricity prices by which he got billion after 7th review of his own IMF program? Do you really think that wasn't a land mine ? Do you really think IMF wouldn't have trust issues with Pakistani authorities irrespective of Niazi or PDM thugs after this spectacular display of Chutiya Pan shown by Niazi? But you expats wouldn't care....All you guys wanna see this cult leader back into power who will again select Pervez Ellahi or Usman Buzdar as CM Punjab, while Transparency International which dragged downed Pakistan ranking from 116 to 140 in Niaziii's era will push it beyond 150....Chinese being reluctant after the worst experience of dealing with another Niazi for whatever he did with CEPEC, Biden for not calling him ever, MBS will again ask him to wait on Jeddah Airport for another3 billion dollar package to stabilize deteriorating reserves. Pakistan was done and dusted already. Niazi knows what he did to this poor nation. That's why he is precisely propagating about country's future.

You guys need a program same as one called "de Nazifcation"...!! Pakistan has no hope if he comes back again. And that is the reality. Whether this pisses you off or not. Don't care at all.
I hope for betterment but I don’t trust PTI leadership have what it takes to carry this fight without Khan. In my opinion their response to all this is an epic failure.
And give them a excuse to ban PTI

I'm sorry that agitation aint gonna do shit
First of all not enough people gonna come out and second
They'll be clamped down by military

PTI is playing safe for elections next month

No agitation or any such thing will be successful without a large scale muting inside military
You know the turkey coup in 2016
It wasn't just Turkish public

Only a group of military was deserted while rest of military was with public

Their premier agency MIT was the main reason for failure of coup and but here ISI is the reason for terror

So it has to be military
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