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Imran Khan 'symbolic successor' of Allama Iqbal, says poet's grandson


Apr 25, 2012
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LAHORE: “I am the grandson of Allama Iqbal but the real symbolic successor of Iqbal on the political horizon of the country is Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan,” said Waleed Iqbal at the launch ceremony of PTI’s Youth Policy at Expo Center Lahore on Sunday.
Waleed said this while addressing the gathering at the ceremony, which was attended by Imran, PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi and PTI President Javed Hashmi. Hundreds of youth supporters and PTI leaders from across the country attended the ceremony.
Waleed had earlier said the same during a recent interview, when on being asked whether he would spread Iqbal’s poetry after joining PTI, he had replied, “There isn’t a need to spread Iqbal’s message to common people now as PTI Chairman Imran has already done so.”
Commenting on Imran’s reference to Iqbal in his autobiography, Waleed had added that the autobiography not only had a chapter dedicated to Iqbal but Imran had repeatedly mentioned throughout the book on how he had learnt from Iqbal.
At the ceremony, Waleed also recited verses from Iqbal’s famous poem ‘Saqi Naama’.

Imran Khan ‘symbolic successor’ of Allama Iqbal, says poet’s grandson – The Express Tribune
This is a huge statement.

We all pray to Allah to solve our problems, and when he sends us a solution many start critisizing it.

I believe Imran is GOD sent, to solve our problems, to revive our lost honour and glory. This is our last chance. Don't miss it, please.
Dare I say it, if Imran is allowed to do what all he wants to do, he will far surpass all founding fathers of Pakistan.

I kid you not, I don't push this line of thought as its too soon and might be considered disrespectful but the rule of law principle of Imran Khan is so fundamental to the survival and progress of Pakistan that if he is elected and manages to do all that hes set out to do, he will then definitely go down in history as having served Pakistan greater than any other.
Imran is The Great Leader, his regime if came Can change the fate of this country, :pakistan:
Dare I say it, if Imran is allowed to do what all he wants to do, he will far surpass all founding fathers of Pakistan.

That's a VERY Clever statement. In essence, you've exonerated Imran Niazi of all the ills of governance before he ever came into power. Now should he ever fail to deliver to deliver, ya could easily say ''Oh it wasn't Imran but the corrupt opposition who wouldn't let him implement his manifesto''.

Get real, guy. Do ya think Asif Sahab was given a free hand throughout PPP's term?
Did he not have Opposition, Judiciary, Media, Military and foreign Powers opposing him at every step?
And that's not limited to Asif Sahab, look at Junejo's term, Mian Sahab's second term. The Pakistani History is full of such examples where Elected Chief Executives were severely hindered.
This is a huge statement.

We all pray to Allah to solve our problems, and when he sends us a solution many start critisizing it.

I believe Imran is GOD sent, to solve our problems, to revive our lost honour and glory. This is our last chance. Don't miss it, please.

Allah would not solve your problems if u can not solve yourself s. One can ask for Barkat.
he may take some bold steps but calling him successor of Iqbal is just silly

See the problem with Iqbal and Jinnah wrt service to Pakistan was that they died, one before Pak was formed, one just after. I'm sure they would have done enormously more in terms of impact had they lived on for 10-15 years, but life and death are in no ones control.

Imran seems to be in good health and if elected next year and remains in power for the next decade, I'm sure he'd have a chance to leave a much bigger positive impact on Pakistan.
Success or failure starts with intentions. His intentions are right. His thinking is right. Successor failure depends on too many factors. and No its not going to be an easy task with the negative political culture and shitty positin we are in.

At least he can give us a start in the right direction. it takes at least 15/20 years to start seeing the results of changes on country level administration, provided same policies with same honesty and zeal are followed and implemented.

That's a VERY Clever statement. In essence, you've exonerated Imran Niazi of all the ills of governance before he ever came into power. Now should he ever fail to deliver to deliver, ya could easily say ''Oh it wasn't Imran but the corrupt opposition who wouldn't let him implement his manifesto''.

Get real, guy. Do ya think Asif Sahab was given a free hand throughout PPP's term?
Did he not have Opposition, Judiciary, Media, Military and foreign Powers opposing him at every step?
And that's not limited to Asif Sahab, look at Junejo's term, Mian Sahab's second term. The Pakistani History is full of such examples where Elected Chief Executives were severely hindered.
That's a VERY Clever statement. In essence, you've exonerated Imran Niazi of all the ills of governance before he ever came into power. Now should he ever fail to deliver to deliver, ya could easily say ''Oh it wasn't Imran but the corrupt opposition who wouldn't let him implement his manifesto''.

Get real, guy. Do ya think Asif Sahab was given a free hand throughout PPP's term?
Did he not have Opposition, Judiciary, Media, Military and foreign Powers opposing him at every step?
And that's not limited to Asif Sahab, look at Junejo's term, Mian Sahab's second term. The Pakistani History is full of such examples where Elected Chief Executives were severely hindered.

Sir, but deep down every Pakistani is like "THANK GOD, Asif 'sahab' never got to do what he wanted". Imran Khan's work towards implementation of law n order, justice, e-governance, are all things we want to see happen in Pakistan. What did AZ want? NRO. What did NS want? Become Ameer-ul-Momineen.
Success or failure starts with intentions. His intentions are right. His thinking is right. Successor failure depends on too many factors. and No its not going to be an easy task with the negative political culture and shitty positin we are in.

At least he can give us a start in the right direction. it takes at least 15/20 years to start seeing the results of changes on country level administration, provided same policies with same honesty and zeal are followed and implemented.

I'm not sure how're you aware of Imran's intentions since God says only I'm aware of people's intentions.
And I appreciate your rest of the post. At least you're realistic about any possible progress unlike stupid ''youth'', who believe in slogans of Change in 90 days.

Sir, but deep down every Pakistani is like "THANK GOD, Asif 'sahab' never got to do what he wanted". Imran Khan's work towards implementation of law n order, justice, e-governance, are all things we want to see happen in Pakistan. What did AZ want? NRO. What did NS want? Become Ameer-ul-Momineen.

Well, Neither I represent ''every Pakistani'' nor do I know what do they think ''deep down''. For all I know is PPP secured 125 seats in center with the help of these very same Pakistanis who deep down, as per you, Thank God for Asif failing to achieve his objectives.

And I, for one, am quite disappointed at educated people like yourself who say what has Mian Sahab and Asif Sahab given us. With that kind of attitude, you oughta ask yourself HONESTLY, What do we deserve?
I'm not sure how're you aware of Imran's intentions since God says only I'm aware of people's intentions.
And I appreciate your rest of the post. At least you're realistic about any possible progress unlike stupid ''youth'', who believe in slogans of Change in 90 days.

Well, Neither I represent ''every Pakistani'' nor do I know what do they think ''deep down''. For all I know is PPP secured 125 seats in center with the help of these very same Pakistanis who deep down, as per you, Thank God for Asif failing to achieve his objectives.

And I, for one, am quite disappointed at educated people like yourself who say what has Mian Sahab and Asif Sahab given us. With that kind of attitude, you oughta ask yourself HONESTLY, What do we deserve?

And we found out 60% of all votes were fraudulent. Easy to secure seats when you just have to make up votes for yourself. No human being deserves the punishment known as Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari.
thats true and Pakistan needs a man of vision now like Quad and Iqbal.
And we found out 60% of all votes were fraudulent. Easy to secure seats when you just have to make up votes for yourself. No human being deserves the punishment known as Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari.

Well, then don't vote for them. As for the votes, if they were fraudulent votes, why didn't PPP secure in 2/3rd Majority why only 125 seats? That's not even simply majority. The vote were unverified and not fraudulent.
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