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Grand Son of Allama Iqbal to conest Election Against Nawaz Sharif



i dont want to waste my energy on you i told you guys earlier Ameer ul moomineen Mian Nawaz Sharif is the only leader in whole pakistan who can make good policy and plans for this nation and we will become super duper nation like we use to be in PML N's Past Tenures :rolleyes:


:omghaha: :rofl: :rofl:

Nawaz Shareef is looking PI$SED OFF in this pic... :D
First they ask you to decide between grandson of Alama Iqbal and NS and then they say how it is family politics ??? :lol:

And talking about his qualification I think we have forgotten Shaukat Aziz :rolleyes:

LL.M. Harvard Law School – 1997
LL.B. University of Punjab – 1994
M. Phil Pembroke College, Cambridge – 1990
B.S. Econ. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania – 1988

Advocate, High Courts of Pakistan – 1996
Advocate, Pakistan – 1994
State of New York – 1998
Roll of Solicitors of England and Wales – 2004 (currently maintaining non-practicing status)

L O L a proud son of pakistan plus qualified ouch this is going to hurt
LL.M. Harvard Law School – 1997
LL.B. University of Punjab – 1994
M. Phil Pembroke College, Cambridge – 1990
B.S. Econ. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania – 1988

Advocate, High Courts of Pakistan – 1996
Advocate, Pakistan – 1994
State of New York – 1998
Roll of Solicitors of England and Wales – 2004 (currently maintaining non-practicing status)

L O L a proud son of pakistan plus qualified ouch this is going to hurt

Dear read the second part of my post
There are extremely well educated people, with stellar credentials, who advocate socialism. Others advocate extreme laissez faire capitalism.

Credentials, by themselves, do not make any statement about a person's policy preferences. I also tend to favor technocracy over a dynastic oligarchy, but I still want to see policy papers outlining a candidate's proposed roadmap for core issues.

Family lineage may make a difference to some people, but it makes ZERO difference to me. If you want to be "reminded of Iqbal", I suggest you read his works.

Replacing "jiay Bhutto" or "jiay Sharif" with "jiay Iqbal" may be progress to some, but not to me.

Wanting to see his position on core issues is not an attack on his credentials. It should be a standard prerequisite for all candidates.

so you think either ideology can be right?? To me as long as the person in question is honest, visionary, hard working, truthful, his ideology matters nothing.. give a chance to a person who is capable by its credentials than to have people with experience but no credentials !! thats a choice in hand right now....

P.S. being Iqbal's son and being a good one, definitely add up :tup: and thats exactly what Waleed Iqbal is...
Maybe i told you that i like PTI's agenda we all want change

PTI is an anti status quo party and committed to change via its policies, did you care to read ANY of the half a dozen policy papers published [written by hired professional policy makers].

our youth including me

PTI is going to allocate 25% tickets to youth, who else has the guts to do that?

is family politics se fade up hain and imran khan has some vission but hez also using same cheap tactics and track so ye bht disappointing hain

By cheap tactics you mean conducting elections all over the WORLD to have ELECTED representatives instead of darbaris?
Or you mean allowing Rikshaw drivers and Street vendors to contest elections?.
Please describe SPECIFICALLY what EXACTLY do you mean by Cheap tactics?

btw you are i havent read these books

It means you don't have 80% the knowledge about PTI's manifesto,ideology and agenda. If you haven't read those books you cannot understand the psyche of PTI leadership.

and by mentioning the name of such books you can't defendant what IK has done.

I have NEVER wanted to defend IK, i have just shown you what you KNOW and what you don't.

No need to answer me

But you do.
Its astonishing how little Fanboys know and laughable how much they think of themselves!

IK's ex-lover Yousaf Salli is Iqbal's blood too... blood means nothing! As I stated in another post Quid-e-Azam's daughter stayed back in India so would IK Fanboys now PULLLEEZZZ follow her example and get the hell out of Pakistan!!!!!!!

Why the hell are you crying kid, grow up and be mature, This land is not yours to kick people, go get some life.

by the way its exams time don't waste your time on forum go and study.
shukat aziz was imported Prime minister with having millions of dollar property out side pakistan just like nawaz sharif but here Waleed Iqbal lives in his own country and he is proud citizen of pakistan ;)

and was one of the most qualified and respected person in the field of economy in USA!!!
when ppl run out of answers :rolleyes:

no i was just making point dude :D ..... i have just one thing to say waleed iqbal dont have his property out side pakistan and he is not having foreign nationality like shaukat aziz feel the difference ;)
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