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Imran Khan says, "let by gones be bygones " to Army!!!

new propaganda by noonis... they are desperate to have PTI and Army clash.. Imran is choosing to stay within the constitution and putting pressure on establishment. Smart play.
Imran Khan says he is ready to let go of attack on him and treatment to Azam Swati and Shehbaz Gil.
Crimes of Military Inc are not by a person against a person, it was the retaliation of the most powerful organization against people, press, and elected government and every part of it was illegal, illicit, and unconstitutional.
Accountability of the institution is imperative for the survival of the country and cleaning up of the institution is in the interest of the institution itself.

Sometimes Imran Khan needs to stop talking and saying silly things - this sounds of desperation.

The sole reason why Imran has such a high level of support is due to principled stand - and one of them - has to be to fix the Pakistani Army problem and assert civilian control over the army and cut down to size their facilitators in the "establishment as a whole"..
Very unfortunate that he will do this just for the sake of power.

Meanwhile the widow and mother of Arshad Sharif are being dragged around in courts and no lawyer is able to take up their case.

What a sad situation !
Imran Khan says he is ready to let go of attack on him and treatment to Azam Swati and Shehbaz Gil.
Crimes of Military Inc are not by a person against a person, it was the retaliation of the most powerful organization against people, press, and elected government and every part of it was illegal, illicit, and unconstitutional.
Accountability of the institution is imperative for the survival of the country and cleaning up of the institution is in the interest of the institution itself.

why the change of heart? is he asking again for the kind of unconstitutional intervention that favors him?
I always wondere what kind of person will take whats wriiten in Geo then my questions are answered
Imran Khan says he is ready to let go of attack on him and treatment to Azam Swati and Shehbaz Gil.
Crimes of Military Inc are not by a person against a person, it was the retaliation of the most powerful organization against people, press, and elected government and every part of it was illegal, illicit, and unconstitutional.
Accountability of the institution is imperative for the survival of the country and cleaning up of the institution is in the interest of the institution itself.

MIR owned GEO NEWS enough said!
What if it’s already been done and this is the public theatre to set the stage?
there are rumors that the establishment elements in the PTI party have finally succeeded in cutting a deal with the army. Imran has been kind enough to suspend his diatribe against Pakistan military while these backdoor meetings were happening.

give it some time and suddenly the praise for Pakistan military sacrifices for the country will start coming out of PTI media accounts, then you and I can place a bet that the deal has been sealed.
The 'revolution' ended the day IK clarified that he was 'not anti-American' , and only fired back at the establishment. That is classic incongruence, like how can you let go the 'boss' and only go after the 'manager' , according to your allegations?? His people are not dumb but educated who would want IK at the helm, but ofcourse would question this too. Also too many PTI people have vital interests abroad.
Anybody is free to put their words in other people's mouth. Pakistanis are adept at this. Some do maliciously, some just have to do it.
who stalked and beat the crap out of that little youtuber wannabe journo for making a lewd remark about arshad sharif's wife and was not charged with a crime?

who kept saving fat fawad for thumping so-called journos again and again?

who ordered the arrest and beating of another self-styled journo for insulting Murad Saeed's mom?

who got that bong loving patwari hamid mir fired?

who helped fat chor escape to London?

on whose recommendation did the kpk judges free terrorist convicted in military courts?

on whose behest them terrorist judges convict Gen. Musharraf of treason (for removing the fat chor/fighting FATA terrorists)?

there are 100+ more serious crimes (worse than the above-mentioned) committed by the imam e ahzam and his cohorts and minions.

are they all gonna be tried, convicted and punished?

How can beating someone up, getting someone fired, helping some fat guy escape be anywhere near attempted assassination and assassination.
And other than that what option he had? :lol:
Law has to take its course.
He may be saying this to appease security establishment.
Also dont underestimate his capabilities, IK can take U-Turn any time 😉
.....besides, despite...can't be denied he stood up against the full force of state machinery. That's memorable.

Sometimes Imran Khan needs to stop talking and saying silly things - this sounds of desperation.

The sole reason why Imran has such a high level of support is due to principled stand - and one of them - has to be to fix the Pakistani Army problem and assert civilian control over the army and cut down to size their facilitators in the "establishment as a whole"..
Military and securiry establishment devilish character has come out brazenly naked. Genie won't go back.
There shall be immense pressure to reform the gods of pindi and abpara.
There won't be a default. IMF it is. This is where the establishment steps in. Even if PDM believes taking the IMF program is a political suicide for them, the establishment will orchestrate taking on the IMF program one way or the other.

The impact of PDM's political suicide is not equal to Pakistan defaulting. Not even close from the establishment's perspective.

PDM was GHQ's stunt for IK. The rest is history. IMF reforms won't be possible without strong gov, which is not gud for 12th graders.

Again, that is nothing new for Pakistan, and we still need to wait and see how things evolve financially for Pakistan. As I have said before, it is simply not in the international community's interest to let a radicalized nuclear armed nation descend into chaos. Just keeping it on continued life support would be smart, and hence likely.

I disagree, what interest will pak serve west if its nuclear? given that india is the new darling. And for India to face china it needs to free up its western front. Only hope is ksa and china. But right now they are also not interested bcoz of double games of GHQ, and extreme political uncertainty.
Just imagine why israeli zionists were hunting Nazi's all over the world!?

Just imagine a PDF thread that stays on topic without whataboutery. :D

Pakistani politics is based on principles.


Of course. Sell to the highest bidder and bow to the one with the biggest danda. Very clear principles, I agree. :D

I disagree, what interest will pak serve west if its nuclear? given that india is the new darling. And for India to face china it needs to free up its western front. Only hope is ksa and china. But right now they are also not interested bcoz of double games of GHQ, and extreme political uncertainty.

Do you think USA will trust India without the reassurance of an attack dog in reserve? After all, it was US trained personnel that formed the core of Pakistan's nuclear program back in the day.
why the change of heart? is he asking again for the kind of unconstitutional intervention that favors him?
IK has defeated them, the criminal military Inc and orher parts of the establishment. But no Pakistani wants army to be weakened though army is its own enemy and criminal elements within army should be punished for army's own good. You yourself had said bajwa was involved in personal vendetta against a Lt. General sentenced for espionage where two others were already hanged.

Let's see, IK The Statesman.
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