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Imran Khan owns/owned offshore companies

You understand Mariyam Nawaz just offshore company is the most lethal one because she was very young when it was bought in case a powerfull commision is developed she could maintain trouble and Nawaz can even be in trouble if they're able to confirm unlawful transactions
He has declared everything and since 2004 he had nothing to do with that but still PML N or any one else is free to take him to court but we all know they won't
correction , he declared the flat in 2002, but offshore company is still hidden and holds 10,000 shares with transactions , it it all black money . He closed it 7-8 months back . One of the directors is Aleema khan , and she holds companies in UAE too . This will go the JC and will be investigated along with Tareen offshore companies , Aleem khan offshore companies as well. JC will decide it .

You understand Mariyam Nawaz just offshore company is the most lethal one because she was very young when it was bought in case a powerfull commision is developed she could maintain trouble and Nawaz can even be in trouble if they're able to confirm unlawful transactions
what was her age in 2005. 2006? was she an infant then?

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