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Imran Khan in 2006 predicted about Election Clean Sweep in 2013


Sep 7, 2010
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waooohhh.... man he is so damn clear about his goals...

remember in 2008 elections APDM decided to boycott, the major party PMLN betrayed, but IK proving himself as man of his words, stood by the decision taken in APDM...

so its other way around that made him "well placed" after 2008 elections by exposed both PPP and PMLN to the whole Nation...

now 2013 will be a sweeping victory for PTI... InshAllah ... and that too in the best interest of the Nation and Pakistan ....:pakistan:
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but when has he clean sweeped :lol:,doesnt have even half of pmlq lotas and still claiming
I remember watching this whole program and the Indian youth was like in love with Imran Khan... and at the end of the program everyone quickly gathered around him just to shake hands :)

no wonder this man rules hearts !!
seems like "Leader" spends all his day searching for videos of Imran Khan :lol:

Good to see his prediction being somewhat successful. But the elections are yet to come and who knows if the people decides not to change their loyalty towards the existing parties and vote for the same candidates once more? Elections are still to be held so we can't say anything for sure
So what does this mean? If Imran khan predicted about Election Clean Sweep in 2013 does it mean he is some kind of 'Peer Baba' now? :lol: :rofl:
Wait so now Immi Khan is now some messiah? He can predict the future, he can solve any mess no matter how big even though he doesn't have a logical solution. What's next Immi has magical powers?
This is Imran Khan's Political Life and Decisions:

- Imran to Public "We should follow British system"
- I Hate MQM. "Altaf Hussain you are going to jail"
- To Babur Ghauri " Tum haray jasay Africa mill jayn gay"
- To Nawaz Sharrif " Ao Cricket kayl thay hain bhai"
- To Nawaz Sharrif " I hate you"
- I love MQM. "We are good friends now"
- To India. "I want good relations with you"
- Imran Khan in India when Benazir gets assassinated "Ah bohoth acha Tan kar lee ya hain"
- To India. "Kashmir issue should be solved by next generation"
- To India. "Stop getting involved in Baluchistan issue"
- To U.S. "Go America Go!"
- Imran "Pakistan will change when PTI comes to power"
- Local people "We don't want any landlords or old faces"
- Imran Khan's new PTI "Ajao Shah Mahmood (land lord, former PPP member), Ajao Kasuri (former Musharraf puppet), Ajao Javed Hashmi" (former N-Legue member)
- Imran Khan to Public "We should be like Scandinavian countries"
- To People: "Our system works democratically in the party"
- To Hashmi "Today i'm making you President"
- Imran in India " We will clean sweep 2013 Elections" :lol:
Actually, all PTI followers feeling the heat NOW and this shows clearly in their posts as well ….No doubt their Jalsas politics is still very attractive; especially to youth who attends it in droves to see the glimpse of IK, Music, Phondyyyy etc.…this is their strong point no doubt about it, But they are poor in other areas and which are biting them at this moment gravely, I will tries to explain some briefly at below.

Imran’s wrong assumptions

I have no doubt in my mind that since 30th October, 2011 imran led his campaign on wrong assumptions i.e. Govt would be toppled soon, there will be provisional set up under military rule, So no needs to indulge “election politics” under this government but emphasis on “Resignations” and force PMLN too to follows the course nonetheless. PMLNs are Shroud, they understand it quite well and to the Exact, they not only step back from memogate but refrain from resigning as well on top of it they get into attacking mode by devising various development schemes under their government on war footing.

Bad Press

PTI’s media men are slow and lack experience to be exact. For year its unelected PR manager is columnist Haroon Rasheed who defends IK / PTI remarkably and no one cand does it in previous years but the tussles between Haroon Rasheed and Hamid Mir damges its repu quite badly. His personal relationships with Kayani are damaging, then there is simply no need for HR to defend and praise continuously Kayani, Pasha and imran in one go and criticize his colleague on the same pretext as well, opponents exploits it to their own meanings quite rightly. In the end IK force to abandon HR (even for time being) and hugs HM and SS to defuse it somehow. This episode leaves bad impression on everyone specially in media.

Constituancy Politics

Since elections to be held on each constituent level, strong contenders with influence in local politics and over Baradry are necessary to win the seat but PTI still short of strong electables and majority who joining now a days are only 3rd tier politicians in their respective constituencies. Since the demise of Pasha No big name like SMQ, JT, JH, QRi joined after it. Marvi’s, Muqam’s about course hearts to the core.

Abondoning Core Strength

The core strength of PTI “WAS” their slogan of “Change” by accepting turncoats of “every level” they simply abandons it, That dejected a lot of people to support PTI vehemently as usual. This is a major shortcoming in every argument made on streets now a days.
Actually, all PTI followers feeling the heat NOW and this shows clearly in their posts as well ….No doubt their Jalsas politics is still very attractive; especially to youth who attends it in droves to see the glimpse of IK, Music, Phondyyyy etc.…this is their strong point no doubt about it, But they are poor in other areas and which are biting them at this moment gravely, I will tries to explain some briefly at below.

Imran’s wrong assumptions

I have no doubt in my mind that since 30th October, 2011 imran led his campaign on wrong assumptions i.e. Govt would be toppled soon, there will be provisional set up under military rule, So no needs to indulge “election politics” under this government but emphasis on “Resignations” and force PMLN too to follows the course nonetheless. PMLNs are Shroud, they understand it quite well and to the Exact, they not only step back from memogate but refrain from resigning as well on top of it they get into attacking mode by devising various development schemes under their government on war footing.

Bad Press

PTI’s media men are slow and lack experience to be exact. For year its unelected PR manager is columnist Haroon Rasheed who defends IK / PTI remarkably and no one cand does it in previous years but the tussles between Haroon Rasheed and Hamid Mir damges its repu quite badly. His personal relationships with Kayani are damaging, then there is simply no need for HR to defend and praise continuously Kayani, Pasha and imran in one go and criticize his colleague on the same pretext as well, opponents exploits it to their own meanings quite rightly. In the end IK force to abandon HR (even for time being) and hugs HM and SS to defuse it somehow. This episode leaves bad impression on everyone specially in media.

Constituancy Politics

Since elections to be held on each constituent level, strong contenders with influence in local politics and over Baradry are necessary to win the seat but PTI still short of strong electables and majority who joining now a days are only 3rd tier politicians in their respective constituencies. Since the demise of Pasha No big name like SMQ, JT, JH, QRi joined after it. Marvi’s, Muqam’s about course hearts to the core.

Abondoning Core Strength

The core strength of PTI “WAS” their slogan of “Change” by accepting turncoats of “every level” they simply abandons it, That dejected a lot of people to support PTI vehemently as usual. This is a major shortcoming in every argument made on streets now a days.

Oh very deep.... now let us have the privilege of witnessing your sheer intellectuality ...Kindly enlighten us about your choice of PML (N) over PTI .....reasons? 5 Times government in Punjab ....results...failure. Pervez Elahi's government was better... 2 times national government....result...sheer incompetence....messed with Army both times...Both Shareefs are from mega rich family that can't understand the problems of normal Pakistani...Unlike Imran Khan , Shareefs never lived a life of 'normal' upper middle-class Pakistani...
Oh very deep.... now let us have the privilege of witnessing your sheer intellectuality ...Kindly enlighten us about your choice of PML (N) over PTI .....reasons? 5 Times government in Punjab ....results...failure. Pervez Elahi's government was better... 2 times national government....result...sheer incompetence....messed with Army both times...Both Shareefs are from mega rich family that can't understand the problems of normal Pakistani...Unlike Imran Khan , Shareefs never lived a life of 'normal' upper middle-class Pakistani...

Punjab Govt performance is best among all 5 federated units and its approval ratings amongst public as well. literally we have reasonable control in Mobile/Car Snatching, targeted killings, Bomb blasts in our part of territory compares to other provinces, further PMLN rules extensively in Punjab but here absolutely no “Bhatta Mafia” persists. Natural calamity like floods, dengu etc are tackled exemplary.

Both of PMLNs national terms although short but various important projects completed in it as well. I will state two important jobs which are far reaching effects not only at now but to generations to come.

1991 Unanimous Water Accord which is still in practice
1998 Atomic Bomb

having said that and as stated earlier their national terms are short with full agencies involvement and politics and that was marred in by BB government as well. From 1988 to 1999 both BB and NS uses as puppets against each other by establishment and they understands and accepts their mistakes as well. Their maturity comes in exile and so is mine in these years. Young mummy daday didn’t understands the wisdom of some of NS politcies in back drop of past experience he learned a lot. As for me IK is still in kindergarden whereas NS complete its PHds comprehensively a times back in past and that’s why I prefer anytime a reformed and progressive NS over a Kid like IK….!!
Punjab Govt performance is best among all 5 federated units and its approval ratings amongst public as well. literally we have reasonable control in Mobile/Car Snatching, targeted killings, Bomb blasts in our part of territory compares to other provinces, further PMLN rules extensively in Punjab but here absolutely no “Bhatta Mafia” persists. Natural calamity like floods, dengu etc are tackled exemplary.

Both of PMLNs national terms although short but various important projects completed in it as well. I will state two important jobs which are far reaching effects not only at now but to generations to come.

1991 Unanimous Water Accord which is still in practice
1998 Atomic Bomb

having said that and as stated earlier their national terms are short with full agencies involvement and politics and that was marred in by BB government as well. From 1988 to 1999 both BB and NS uses as puppets against each other by establishment and they understands and accepts their mistakes as well. Their maturity comes in exile and so is mine in these years. Young mummy daday didn’t understands the wisdom of some of NS politcies in back drop of past experience he learned a lot. As for me IK is still in kindergarden whereas NS complete its PHds comprehensively a times back in past and that’s why I prefer anytime a reformed and progressive NS over a Kid like IK….!!

All of what you have mentioned above, even if true, does not gets them my vote and many others. Sorry.
Punjab Govt performance is best among all 5 federated units and its approval ratings amongst public as well. literally we have reasonable control in Mobile/Car Snatching, targeted killings, Bomb blasts in our part of territory compares to other provinces, further PMLN rules extensively in Punjab but here absolutely no “Bhatta Mafia” persists. Natural calamity like floods, dengu etc are tackled exemplary.

Don't give me this bullsh!t !!!!!!! What are other 'provinces' of Pakistan? Yeah right..a province that is DEVASTATED by war and bombing , other province that is completely dominated by waderas and that is kept backward for decades..Do I even need to mention Baluchistan? Are you comparing the 'performance' of punjab with such examples? For heaven's sake..... As I asked you...Pervez Elahi's term was way,way better than PML (N)'s term....Probably your just another teenager that is going at it hard like a kid..Putr , I have lived in Southern Punjab (Saraiki Belt) for well over a decade of my life. I know your PML (N) better than you can ever know...Ask ANYONE here..Pervez Elahi's term was better...

Both of PMLNs national terms although short but various important projects completed in it as well. I will state two important jobs which are far reaching effects not only at now but to generations to come.

1991 Unanimous Water Accord which is still in practice
1998 Atomic Bomb

What the .....????????? Are you really a kid or what? Atomic Bomb's credit does not go to Nawaz or PML (N) ... ANY government would've done "dhamakas" after Indian blasts...PPP actually started the program...BB and Zia helped it in every possible way. It was a national program and credit goes to everyone...not just your pml (N) ..Suppose if PPP was in power in 1998 ...do you really think they would not have done the dhamakas after the Indian dhamakas? C'mon

having said that and as stated earlier their national terms are short with full agencies involvement and politics and that was marred in by BB government as well. From 1988 to 1999 both BB and NS uses as puppets against each other by establishment and they understands and accepts their mistakes as well. Their maturity comes in exile and so is mine in these years. Young mummy daday didn’t understands the wisdom of some of NS politcies in back drop of past experience he learned a lot. As for me IK is still in kindergarden whereas NS complete its PHds comprehensively a times back in past and that’s why I prefer anytime a reformed and progressive NS over a Kid like IK….!!

You're calling IK as "mummy daddy" ? Nawaz a 'Ph.d' ? Calling IK kid and a kingergarden student doesn't add any weightage to your (weightless) argument...Pakistanis like you DESERVE to face the conditions like Pakistan is facing today. You worship your 'Ph.d leaders' and don't think about Pakistan....
All negative things about PTI are based on predictions as PTI was never in power before so lets see what happens when they come in power... I am not agaisnt PTI nor with PTI I support because I want them to be a strong party who can hold the other two corrupt parties.... So I want PTI to be in power to see whether they are like others or not...... Before time we cannot say..
I have seen the lives of people in rural punjab during Parvez Elaahi's term and in Shehbaz Sharif's term as well... Parvez elahi did a great job for rural punjab.. he started intitutes like 1122,petroling police,traffic wardens.... SS has not yet created a single organization he wants people to treat him like a king that's why he wants them to come to him for justice.... may be this public transport thing will help common people but constructing ring road, in my opinion , is just beneficial for the rich. but not a single institute or organization being developed in his tenure thats a bad thing
Oh very deep.... now let us have the privilege of witnessing your sheer intellectuality ...Kindly enlighten us about your choice of PML (N) over PTI .....reasons? 5 Times government in Punjab ....results...failure. Pervez Elahi's government was better... 2 times national government....result...sheer incompetence....messed with Army both times...Both Shareefs are from mega rich family that can't understand the problems of normal Pakistani...Unlike Imran Khan , Shareefs never lived a life of 'normal' upper middle-class Pakistani...

God, this is the problem with all of Pakistan. Do you have to choose from what is available to come to power? Why not just come out to street and bring a damn revolution? Why was there a a guy named 'Hitler' unknown to people ? and how on earth did he came to power from no where?

:lol: Come on give me a break. Do you know how big Imran's house is? its probably like 20-30,000 square feet. And Khan Sahab's life was around flop white (English) girls...

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