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Imran Khan Exclusive Interview With Kamran Khan


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Imran Khan Exclusive Interview With Kamran Khan | Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Sath​

September 12, 2022


The PTI Chairman said that there has been a lot of destruction during the flood, due to the rains, the flood occurred from the side of Mount Sulaiman, the rice crop was destroyed due to the standing water in Sindh, going forward food security.

There may also be a problem, the whole nation will have to help the flood victims, Pakistan needs internal and external aid at this time, no dam has been started in the country in 50 years, I am proud that 10 dams have been started for the first time in my government. Gone, the waters of Mount Solomon caused more destruction, due to climate change, the whole world is being destroyed, that is why our government launched the Billion Tree Tsunami, the old forests were destroyed in the country, the country was brutally destroyed.

Forests have been destroyed, 10 billion trees are very important, water drainage will have to be built, if water is not given way, it will cause destruction. Leave the water.

Political stability in the country can only come from elections

He said that the greater the flood test, the more the test is coming regarding the economy. Pakistan's bond has reached 50% today, Pakistan is going towards default, the price of electricity, petrol, diesel is going up, I am afraid. Until political stability comes, economic stability cannot come. If economic stability does not come, I am afraid. I am afraid that lending countries will weaken our national security. Political stability in the country can only come from elections. If Pakistan defaults, more problems will arise.
Not a single thing was done against the constitution and law

Imran Khan said that he has been in politics for 26 years and has not done a single thing against the constitution and law. Exports are falling, unemployment in the country will increase, electricity has become expensive, people cannot pay electricity bills, IMF is saying that the situation in Pakistan is going towards Sri Lanka, the best option at this time is clean and transparent elections.

He said that whoever is involved in overthrowing the good government has committed a great betrayal of Pakistan. Two dynasties have been ruling for thirty years. Later, two families increased the debt of the country by four times, those who brought them by conspiracy, are they not all responsible? In our government, these people used to protest against inflation, today the records of inflation have broken in the country, whoever comes next government will leave mountains of problems, if the government comes for 5 years, then economic stability It will come, what is being seen, all Pakistanis are worried, the value of the rupee is continuously falling, there is fear wherever Pakistan is going, the situation will get out of everyone's hands.

There is an option to resign from your provincial governments

PTI Chairman said that he could not imagine that Allah would give me such popularity, I have not seen such enthusiasm and enthusiasm of people in big cities, I am benefiting from every effort of the government, Musharraf era. I too have not seen such cruelty, fascism, people are being intimidated, people are getting calls from anonymous numbers, cable operators were threatened in a telethon yesterday, my popularity is increasing but I am afraid of economic conditions. If they would have brought stability to the country, they would have waited. IMF is saying that the people of Pakistan can come out like Sri Lanka. According to the organization, the price of gas is going to increase by 250% in winter, the best option is to hold elections in the country to bring political stability, we have the option to resign from all our governments.

The former prime minister said that thousands of our workers were tortured on May 25, cases are being filed against me on a daily basis. 1100 billion have been forgiven, I can take the nation out on the streets whenever I want, people come to the streets on my two-hour call, the condition of the common man is bad, now it is not a difficult task to evacuate the people, the country has decided by itself. I am, peaceful protest and go home, lava is fired, this movement can be turned out, it is not difficult to make the situation like Sri Lanka.

Rawalpindi, Muzaffargarh seats were lost to us by rigging

He admitted and said that a big mistake was made by accepting the name of the Chief Election Commission, the establishment had given a guarantee, but the Chief Election Commissioner leaves no chance against us. The VM machine was sabotaged by the Chief Election Commissioner, if there is to be a transparent election in the country, voting must be done with a machine, the Chief Election Commissioner openly opposed the voting machine.

Imran Khan said that intellectuals like Ayaz Mir were humiliated, two TV channels were closed, he asked Shahbaz Sharif, are you doing all this, if Shahbaz Sharif is not closing the channels, then tell me who is. Despite the rigging, they lost the by-elections of Punjab, all the parties in Swat also lost the election badly, they are afraid that they will lose whenever the election is held. We have two or three ideas and we will push them within the constitution, tell us about one thing that has improved since this government came.
The former prime minister said that nations that are developing have a better merit system, the main reason for China's development is the merit system. Not qualified, Nawaz Sharif fugitive, Zardari's corruption has been recognized globally, his only thought is to save his money, he saved 1100 billion by bringing down my government.

How can a fugitive with 85 seats select the army chief?

In response to a question during the interview, Imran Khan said that how can the army chief select a fugitive with 85 seats? These people came under external conspiracy, if they bring mandate through vote, they can select, only if they win the election, the new army chief should be appointed. Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif appointment of new army chief are not qualified and according to the lawyers there is such a provision, the current Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa should remain in his post until the next election.

It should be noted that Pakistan Army had confirmed that General Bajwa will retire in November this year.

He said that in the world those nations go up in which there is merit. Merit is important for the success of any organization in the world. If there is no merit in the society, we cannot compete with other countries. China has a merit system. I said the position of Army Chief is important, it should be on merit. Neither Asif Zardari nor Nawaz Sharif are qualified to determine merit. Their priority is to save their money, not merit. I again say that the Army Chief should be appointed on merit. The lawyers said that the scope can be made (for the appointment of General Bajwa till the election).

The former prime minister said that the country is facing an extraordinary situation. In this period we should think about what should be done. I am ready to talk, first someone should talk whether they are ready to hold elections or not. If Free and Fair is willing to talk about elections, I'm always willing to talk with them.

He said that I don't have any property abroad and I don't want to run abroad. They live in expensive areas of London. I live and die in Pakistan. The longer the government stays, the worse the situation will be. How many years will it take to bring the country to the country? Without them, political stability cannot come. If they are ready to hold free and fair elections, then they are ready to talk. There is a flood in Sindh. If they win this election, then select the army chief, then there is no problem. No one knows the thinking of the western world more than me, Shahbaz Sharif was talking strange things in the conversation with the Secretary General, 60% of the Prime Minister's cabinet is on bail, Fact Eye Panel has revealed that the world's research elite steals money and sends it to Western countries.

I want good relations with America

The former prime minister said that I had a very good relationship with Donald Trump, I have no problem with America, we were humiliated by participating in America's war, I want relations with America on mutual respect, relations with Washington should be good. We have a very powerful community in America, I want good relations with America, only Pakistan should not be used in anyone's war, we should not lean towards anyone, I want friendship with America, not slavery. After the war started, the tension started here, after the visit to Russia, the Russia-Ukraine war started, what did I know that the Russia-Ukraine war will start, bilateral relations have highs and lows and the problems are solved. Pakistan will benefit when there is trade with America.

Imran Khan said that I had very good relations with the European Union, I had very good relations with Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. I am not anti-American, my job is to protect the interest of Pakistan.

In response to a question, he said that if he had given me a chance in the court, he would have said whatever he wanted. Shehbaz Gul was kidnapped and beaten and thrown out. It was said, give a statement against Imran Khan, after seeing the footage of Shahbaz Gul on TV, he said that legal action should be taken against those who sent him back to remand. After this statement, a case of terrorism was made against me. Is it terrorism? I have served the jail for independent judiciary, I have always respected the courts, I will give my answer in the court, I can never insult the judiciary.

Imran Khan said that expressing regret and withdrawing words on the contempt of court issue is the only way to ask for forgiveness. The judiciary probably wanted more than expressing regret on the contempt of court issue. The country cannot move forward until the reputation of the judicial system is improved. In the 26-year political period, the court summoned me for contempt twice. In 2013, it was said that there should be an investigation on the election of returning officers. .

PTI Chairman said that I am benefiting from the current situation, there is no rush for elections, the country is going downhill fast, if the country defaults, then the situation will go out of everyone's hands. The situation will not be handled by anyone, no one has any option but election. Political privilege from election
This was good interview and the right questions in benefit to Imran Khan were asked. Good to see Kamran asking transparent questions as he normally sides with the establishment, but not this time.
Develop an alternative economic plan, Imran Khan's directive to the party

Addressing the party meeting in Islamabad, Imran Khan said that the country is in the grip of the worst economic crisis, the country's economy has reached the brink of collapse.

Imran Khan said that Tehreek-e-Insaf should immediately prepare an alternative economic plan, it is necessary to put its proposals before the nation for a strong economy.

In the meeting, former finance minister Shaukat Tareen informed the leadership about the currency situation. Imran Khan directed the leaders to prepare a strategy for economic recovery.

Imran Khan was briefed in the meeting and informed that the country's economy will face a serious situation in the next few months. In the meeting held in Bani Gala, the country's political situation, economy and other important issues were discussed.

PTI leader Asad Umar while giving a briefing said that Pakistan has to repay loans of about 30 billion dollars, the loan received from IMF is only 2 billion dollars.

In the briefing, it was said that the bond market of Pakistan has been completely destroyed due to political instability, when the government of Tehreek-e-Insaaf was terminated, the bond was at a discount rate of 4 percent.

Asad Umar said in his briefing that the bond is now available at 50% discount rate, this situation shows how far Pakistan has gone on the threshold of bankruptcy.

Imran Khan's interim bail extended till September 20 in the case of threatening a female judge

The Anti-Terrorism Court has extended Imran Khan's interim bail till September 20 in the case related to threats against Additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry.

The case related to ex-prime minister Imran Khan's threat to female judge Zeba Chaudhry was heard by Judge Raja Jawad Abbas of the Anti-Terrorism Court, while Chairman PTI himself appeared in the court.

Prosecutor Raja Rizwan Abbasi told the court that the petitioner has not yet joined the investigation, while Imran Khan's lawyer said that the investigating officer has Imran Khan's statement.

The special prosecutor said that the JIT sent three notices to Imran Khan to appear for investigation.

Babar Awan said that in the section of the law that the prosecutor is referring to, witnesses are mentioned, not the accused.

During the hearing, the judge remarked that Imran Khan's presence is necessary to read section 160, on which the special prosecutor read out section 160.

Babar Awan said that I also want to read the same section, it says that the investigation can call witnesses, Imran Khan is not a witness in this case, the law is made by the assembly, no one can add anything to it. He wrote the statement which was not brought on record, this court has the authority to punish the policemen for faulty investigation, why did they not write in the supplementary that the lawyer of the accused came and submitted the statement.

Earlier, Imran Khan's lawyer Babar Awan appeared in the Anti-Terrorism Court in the case related to the intimidation of Additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhary.

Babar Awan requested the court to allow Imran Khan's car to come to the judicial complex, to which the judge said that if you had told this earlier, we would have given permission earlier.

The judge asked Babar Awan whether Imran Khan was involved in the investigation. On which Babar Awan said that Imran Khan has been involved in the investigation, the investigating officer himself had told that the investigation was done by the lawyer.

Imran Khan's lawyer further said that the Islamabad High Court has received a notice on the request for dismissal of the case. Do it.

The investigating officer told the court that 3 notices were sent to Imran Khan but Imran Khan has not yet joined the investigation, a statement came through the lawyer asking him to appear himself.

Anti-Terrorism Court Judge Raja Jawad Abbas remarked that the statement reached you which you did not make part of the record, it proves your malice.

The court directed the prosecutor to guide the court to constitute a JIT on the matter, how many days did it take to register the FIR and why was the JIT constituted late? The crime you are referring to is a matter of speech, why do you need a personal accused for it?

The assistant prosecutor said that the investigating officer has to answer questions from the accused, the accused should come, join the investigation, if called by the investigating officer, the accused must appear.

The judge of the anti-terrorism court asked Imran Khan's lawyer that do you have any difficulty in recording the statement in the JIT? To which Babar Awan replied that many leaders including Liaquat Ali Khan have been killed, Imran Khan also has security concerns.

After hearing the arguments of the parties, the anti-terrorism court judge extended Imran Khan's interim bail till September 20 and said that the next hearing will be held at 2 pm so that people do not face difficulties.

On the other hand, strict security arrangements were made on the occasion of the appearance of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, a heavy police force was deployed around the Anti-Terrorism Court, and barbed wire was installed on the roads leading to the Anti-Terrorism Court. The persons concerned were barred from entering the court.

Terrorism case against me is a joke with law and country: Imran Khan

Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and former Prime Minister Imran Khan said
KK: Khan Sahib you are great, you have conquered the hearts, you are the most honest person on earth, you have excellent relations with all world leaders, you have unparalleled support from the army and judiciary due to your charisma bla bla bla bla bla bla bla .....

IK: I totally agree with you, Kamran.

KK: Khan Sahib you are great, you have conquered the hearts, you are the most honest person on earth, you have excellent relations with all world leaders, you have unparalleled support from the army and judiciary due to your charisma bla bla bla bla bla bla bla .....

IK: I totally agree with you, Kamran.

At this moment, necessary for IK to keep himself active in the political arena.
It seems to be mostly the overseas Pakistanis who are most passionate about IK
Yeah I guess his jalsas are photoshopped...
tamasha dekhn to sab sab aa jate hai..

is forum pe it sure does seem ki comfortable vilaat m sattld waalon ko zyada gum hai IK ke ouster ka..


also, India ki so celled "Farmer" rallies pe bhi nikle the log.. a small minority can make a big show.

the rattle of the empty can..
tamasha dekhn to sab sab aa jate hai..

is forum pe it sure does seem ki comfortable vilaat m sattld waalon ko zyada gum hai IK ke ouster ka..

Tumaray observations zo india se bet ke de re ho bohat keemti he. Sukria bhai zaan.
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