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Imran khan disqualified

I am proud of Pakistan Army and I will always be, but this isn't an emotional decision. I choose to talk to people working with in the military, bureaucracy and Government departments rather than get brainwashed by media, as if considering it my duty to watch every video posted online and believe it without talking to the people working with decision makers of Pakistan.

You can curse and abuse Pakistan Army as much as you can, who cares. Army doesn't care, neither do I.

That day is not far when people of this nation enters the GHQ and drag these Generals out of their safe houses and kill them on road and bury this curse once for all. We shall be free from the clutches of these tyrants sitting in GHQ.
That day is not far when people of this nation enters the GHQ and drag these Generals out of their safe houses and kill them on road and bury this curse once for all. We shall be free from the clutches of these tyrants sitting in GHQ.
You can wish all you want, living in that fantasy world of yours. You can keep blaming GHQ and Generals till you breathe your last breath, but the world out there is very different.
So they disqualified a person who recently won 6 constituencies and got a massive vote from the people of Pakistan. But wait - how dare the people of Pakistan.
Well in Japan corrupt or criminal prime Ministers are forced to quit. Being in the top position doesn't give you a license to cheat.
Military itself helped IK to come into power as the country was dwindling through N and PPP. When military became neutral in politics, IK lost. The stupidity of IK lies in his emotional nature and lack of diplomacy. His opponents are seasoned players. PTI may have literate members under IK but again in PTI, capable men led by an emotional brat.

Probably IK was the last experiment that military did to join with him in order to put Pakistan on the correct path. After getting non allied with military, all IK can do is blame and curse them. That’s not diplomacy, or politics, a survival point in Pakistan’s leadership.

People may disagree with you but the fact is the military establishment supported IK and Dr Tahir ul Qadri to bring a third force in to Pakistani politics. General Musharaff also talked about this and its the same experiment that was carried on to weaken PmlN and PPP. During Darnas Pti and Pat had full support, they praised army and judiciary but slowly over the years they had disagreements, this made Dr Tahir ul qadri leave politics because he doesn't want to fight against the military/ISI but IK is still trying to get his way.

The Military wants to use diplomacy to deal with world powers because they're very powerful and Pakistan is weak, they don't want to have a confrontation but use diplomacy and play politics. IK is a celebrity and he will not compromise or allow the world to use Pakistan as a scapegoat. The Military on the other hand doesn't mind being used as a tissue paper, like the drone attacks, fake Osama assassination, keep licking up Usa for a decade and still don't recieve anything.

Its the Pakistanis who need to decide. Do you want to live with honour and dignity or stay slaves and be used all the time just so you can survive.

We should keep in mind the situation of Iran, Turkey and Russia, look at their inflation. Pakistanis would be complaining after 1 month if we were in their situation. The Generals know this but unfortunately politicians haven't got a clue.
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Pti will still remain pacifist and people will still remain asleep.

You cannot change a corrupt system by working in the system.
Pakistan ka aik hi ilaaj...Inqilab Inqilab...

Woh bhi khooni...

Imran khan still has to come clean on tosha khana case. He had setup a high moral bar but took these gifts home irrespective he spent on bani gala roads.

Second he also erred on process of taking it.

Tosha khana gifts and resigning from NA were two of his blunders, one personal other political.
He didn't take them for free, he paid for them per proper protocols in place. As opposed to previous leaders who took them without basically paying anything...
People may disagree with you but the fact is the military establishment supported IK and Dr Tahir ul Qadri to bring a third force in to Pakistani politics. General Musharaff also talked about this and its the same experiment that was carried on to weaken PmlN and PPP. During Darnas Pti and Pat had full support, they praised army and judiciary but slowly over the years they had disagreements, this made Dr Tahir ul qadri leave politics because he doesn't want to fight against the military/ISI but IK is still trying to get his way.

The Military wants to use diplomacy to deal with world powers because they're very powerful and Pakistan is weak, they don't want to have a confrontation but use diplomacy and play politics. IK is a celebrity and he will not compromise or allow the world to use Pakistan as a scapegoat. The Military on the other hand doesn't mind being used as a tissue paper, like the drone attacks, fake Osama assassination, keep licking up Usa for a decade and still don't recieve anything.

Its the Pakistanis who need to decide. Do you want to live with honour and dignity or stay slaves and be used all the time just so you can survive.
I think if we take the nation into confidence, tell them the real situation

We'll be ready to face the hardships that comes with Free FP, but leaders have to inspire confidence and "communicate" with the people

Our region is, was, will be geopolitically a hotspot

We have to figure out how to move forward- you need a smart foreign policy to survive and thrive in this region
We should keep in mind the situation of Iran, Turkey and Russia, look at their inflation. Pakistanis would be complaining after 1 month if we were in their situation. The Generals know this but unfortunately politicians haven't got a clue.
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Things are right on track.

After Zardari I don't see Bilo rani surviving, Mariam after Nawaz won't be able to exercise the authority she has been enjoying for some time now (by the way this is her doing and her lapdog Rana). The people within these parties must be praying for Zardari and Nawaz to die soon, this benefits them.

As far as end result ....... well there is no more image rebuilding after this for Army, hard to recover from Bajwa's baymisal incompetence. When the young children start questioning your integrity and intentions then it is time and signs that you have lost it finally.
Jis tarah poori army mein saaray beghairat zeheeni ghulam chor commanders hain iss hi tarahan saari partiyon mein apnay chotay chotay khudaoN ka wafadar pujari bhi...Poori zindagi Zardari or Nawaz Harami ki pooja kartay rahain gay....Waisay bhi dono Zardari aur Gainda Nawaz itnay aaram say nahi marni waalay...
Proponents of the establishment always argue that it’s them that brought up the PTI.

There is a difference in supporting and bringing PTI up.

You are discounting the fact that Imran Khan worked his way up for a good 2 decades before coming into position of power.

Also take into consideration what establishment did to deny PTI 2/3 majority.

I am sure the establishment have gamed the system of vote rigging, arm twisting politicians. Dig deep down into your conscience whether the establishment should be involved in these adventures.

Only when the establishment is being taken to the cleaners, due to their misadventures, their proponents are crying wolf. Why?

You treat politicians like dirt, rig elections, meet opposition leaders without approval from PM, let PTM traitors in, talk against Pakistan’s agreed policy towards Russia, interfere in government matters outside your constitutional limits, throw tantrums when you dont get your way with ISI chief, your ego is hurt when IK sticks with Buzdar, then be prepared for a blowback.

Do a survey of Bajwa’s reputation on the streets, you’ll get your answer. It is unfortunate his actions is tainting the military institution, we hold so high.

Imran Khan would have been just fine after Bajwa’s ego was hurt after ISI chief appointment circus. Not for Bajwa’s collusion with opposition leaders, then over time a sudden awakening of PDM from wilderness and a bit of push from the US and this is the result.

Now everything has blown up on your face. Your pawns that you installed are in total disarray. You are being scolded by the public and ironically IK’s popularity has shot up.

Spread corruption and evil in society and Allah (SWT) works in his ways to bring one down.
So we have been sold out by Bajwa.
We get out of grey list, allowed to upgrade our F16’s and Bajwa and co get some millions.
Pak military has had its hands in this all along.
Pak military has lost all credibility and respect.
Unless Bajwa faces treason charges, the disconnect between the army and public will only get worse. We no longer trust the army.

I think Bajwa and the Pakistani army don't care about the public sentiment. They did this with full intent.

Laughing won’t change ground reality. This online forum is different from real world where decisions of Pakistan are made.

Public - the expert on conspiracy theories 😀

Bro, you have truly gone mad, haven't you?
People may disagree with you but the fact is the military establishment supported IK and Dr Tahir ul Qadri to bring a third force in to Pakistani politics. General Musharaff also talked about this and its the same experiment that was carried on to weaken PmlN and PPP. During Darnas Pti and Pat had full support, they praised army and judiciary but slowly over the years they had disagreements, this made Dr Tahir ul qadri leave politics because he doesn't want to fight against the military/ISI but IK is still trying to get his way.

The Military wants to use diplomacy to deal with world powers because they're very powerful and Pakistan is weak, they don't want to have a confrontation but use diplomacy and play politics. IK is a celebrity and he will not compromise or allow the world to use Pakistan as a scapegoat. The Military on the other hand doesn't mind being used as a tissue paper, like the drone attacks, fake Osama assassination, keep licking up Usa for a decade and still don't recieve anything.

Its the Pakistanis who need to decide. Do you want to live with honour and dignity or stay slaves and be used all the time just so you can survive.

We should keep in mind the situation of Iran, Turkey and Russia, look at their inflation. Pakistanis would be complaining after 1 month if we were in their situation. The Generals know this but unfortunately politicians haven't got a clue.
The biggest hypocrisy of members against Military is that - when IK came in power, then Military was powerless but Military became political and evil and exited IK from power. So Military is accused to be corrupt since 75 years but for 2-3-4 years (2018 to 2022) Military was angelic and composed of pious Generals since IK was in power.

So first point then why did military let IK come in power since military is supposed to be corrupt and anti-pakistan since 75 years. Second point, the so-called villain Bajwa let Imran Khan become PM in 2018 even when as a villain he shouldn't have, since he is supposed to do everything against Pakistan. Its like Bajwa didnt know that Imran Khan's political views at all.
Thirdly, Military is to be blamed since it didnt do anything when IK was ousted, so it actually has to be the Military which ousted Imran Khan and as a patriotic Army the Military should have kept the patriotic Imran Khan in power as IK is/was the best bet for Pakistan. Regarding this third point again, when the "political" Military lets Imran Khan come in power, all is good. Then the same COAS, same top brass at once changed and suddenly went from good to bad with in 3-4 years.

So how to judge Military on PDF ?

a. Military does nothing and PTI comes in power in 2018, then Military is good and pious and no blames on Military. Well, "does nothing" is not even applicable since Military is corrupt and continuously interfering in politics since 1947, right.

b. Military does nothing and PTI loses power. Now the blame has to come on military coz military is all-powerful entity in Pakistan and without its hand nothing is possible in Pakistan.

These blind fools are so frustrated, they have to blame someone or something, so lets blame Bajwa and Military.

I have seen enough confused people on PDF who are blinded by biasness and hate. They care about Imran Khan and not about Pakistan. Imran Khan will die someday, then someone from N and PPP will come up and rule Pakistan again, so then what ? These members are very short sighted. They worship cult personality of Imran Khan. They cant think or see beyond him. Its common in Pakistan that when a party loses, all its work goes down the drain, even the projects die and funds disappear.

The patriotism should be towards Pakistan, not a personality. In Military, the COAS cannot stay forever, even if he brings martial law, it ends eventually or he dies as a dictator, as seen in past. This is why a newer face comes in front as COAS and other Commanders, but the system of military keeps moving.

On top of that Imran Khan is an emotional brat without an ounce of diplomacy in his thick skull. One would wish he would come out as polished politician who is stronger and braver to calm the storm and win the day, but at the end of the day he is doing exactly what his followers are doing on PDF - blame opposition, blame Army, create division, create hatred.

Its heart breaking to say but Imran Khan acts like donkey most of the times, in a frustrated helpless victimized state. The diplomacy expected from him to handle all sorts of clowns in opposition is a far cry. He keeps making mistakes, then he apologizes. People say he is the one after Jinnah, but he is not even close to the dirt of Jinnah's shoes. Jinnah was a class act, a performing miracle worker who knew how to win before the game had started. He ventured into the storm fully knowing he will come out to be victorious in the midst of the storm. He made a decision and then ensured its the correct decision that he has undertaken already. Jinnah had readied his subordinates like Liaqat Ali khan etc and others already to take over the reins and to continue his struggle for existence of Pakistan.

The first major wrong concept is that Military is the evil villain, well stick with it if it helps you sleep at night and makes your life merry online on PDF, however, the British were more powerful, more resourceful and more cunning and sharp than Pakistan Army with an experience of managing the continents where sun never set. If a comparison is drawn, then Imran Khan acts such a victimized baby that he can't even tackle Military, where as he needs to tackle experienced political players like Zardari as well as mediocre ones like Sharif's and religious leaders.

Compare a speech of Jinnah with Imran Khan and you will see the difference I am talking about. Jinnah's speech shows a man with a plan and out there to succeed. Imran Khan's speech lacks all that depth which Jinnah's speech was over powered with.

As a bottom line, the burecracy and Military were always colliding heads due to stubbornness of Imran Khan as PM. Even the kings of old times were more wise and diplomatic as good leaders to lead their countries and thus continue their reign for decades. Imran Khan calls roti as "chochi" that he can't even continue his seat for his entire term and now has come in the ground to start blame games. He needed to keep everyone in line, including the accused Military and Bajwa. Imran Khan failed badly. He can win again but he needs to change a lot to win, including his strategy according to circumstances. Some in top level (civil) even think that IK thought he deserves PM seat and now he is free to do as he wants as a king of Pakistan, but he forgot the basic rules of premiership and how to continue his term. There are many things that people in Govt seats say about his stupidities, but at this juncture, the critical theme for IK is to start understanding how he lost the seat and make amends to get back in the seat and learn to tackle his adversaries.

As for the Military, at least the top brass were angels and non-corrupt from late 2018 to early 2022, just like 3 or 4 other COASs were angels in 90's and before in mid 70s without any meddling in politics. Then suddenly in 2022, Military decided to get corrupt again and threw IK out and we are back at square one with the confused lot of PDF lol.

Bro, you have truly gone mad, haven't you?
I tend to live on ground realities.
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