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Imran khan disqualified

Am coming to Pakistan next week do you want to meet me at the airport?

Nice. I am sure your trip will be interesting, to say the least. Please do not do anything rash, that is all I give as friendly advice.

There was no evidence of envelopes before however the perception from the general public was clear that it was a proper public support to IK.

We shall soon see this time around, too.
Nice. I am sure your trip will be interesting, to say the least. Please do not do anything rash, that is all I give as friendly advice.

We shall soon see this time around, too.

Only in Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif can be acquitted
Maryam Nawaz can be acquitted
Asif Zardari can be acquitted
Shahbaz Sharif can be acquitted
Hamaza Shahbaz can be acquitted
Shahrukh Jatoi can be acquitted

But Imran Khan is guilty. 😂🤣

There is evil brewing in Pakistan
Unanimous Decision


Don't lie man. One signatures are missing. First 2 members were against it.
One buckled under pressure and threats to the family an took part in the decision under duress, which is illegal by itself.
The 2nd one still has not signed, it is said that he is off sick. We all know the excuses. He has already said that certain people came to see him, and put pressure on him and his family.
This decision is going to backfire big time, mark my words.
They are neither braindead, nor simpletons. They are fundamentally criminals and traitors. As simple as that.

And thank God that Imran Khan (and people similar) have woken up millions upon millions of Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis to the chors-in-chiefs. Imagine, what the state of Pakistan would be today if people were still asleep?

Bajwa still playing games, the scoundrel strikes back.

PTI need to relax and don't get into a kneejerk reaction and attacks EC or start a long march on this pretext.

Imran called off protests until later.

Those paid "journalists" were told to make Shah Mehmood to slip up and say, "yes, I am the current chairman" in order to use it against Imran Khan in court as a form of admitting to the ECP's decision. These PDM chors stoop to new lows every single day.
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یہ جانے سے پہلے حاجی کی آخری پین یہکی تھی کہ کسی طرح حالات کو کنٹرول سے باہر ہوتا دکھا کر ہاتھ مارا جائے ۔ لیکن عمران خآن نے حاجی کے پچھواڑے میں تن دیا حاجی کا پلان ۔
I knew how you will spend your evening till night :laugh: 35 pages now
Sure thats why Biden gives statements against Pakistan's nuclear assets which are under PA just after visit of PA COAS. If that makes you think that PA or COAS are acting on behalf of USA then good luck to you and keep thinking as you want. Also, keep dwelling in your insecurities that PA is behind this fiasco since you found your scapegoat in PA.

My man, this is how the west has always treated people who are subservient to them. They use them like tissue paper, as Imran Khan points out. You've seen this in the Soviet-Afghan war and in the NATO-Afghan war. Bajwa is treating the USA and the west like a daddy and he's being treated as such. Beggars cannot be choosers.
No one can fully understand the collusion between courts both lower and higher courts and generals.
How can one explain judicial murder of ZAB?
One SC judge Safdar Ali Shah had to flee the country. Verdict was 4-3 for hanging.
With Justice safdar it would be 4-4 so no hanging. Got it?
The way you put it is wishful thinking actually but lets hope for the best.

No doubt from bajwa.
I also expect KHAKI Verdict from SC in a khaki envelope.
Whatever rows your boat Mate.

Some PTI people are saying they purposely want chaos, violance so they can impose martial law/ caretaker government for a year or 2 (supported by PDM in general and PMLn specifically cause thier politics is dead and they're fearing a clean sweep in general elections so they'll support the set-up to save their politics)

they're actively looking for violence to use it as an excuse

Did IK called off the protests cause of it?
Sure thats why Biden gives statements against Pakistan's nuclear assets which are under PA just after visit of PA COAS. If that makes you think that PA or COAS are acting on behalf of USA then good luck to you and keep thinking as you want. Also, keep dwelling in your insecurities that PA is behind this fiasco since you found your scapegoat in PA.
Pak army is pretty much behind every bad thing that happens to Pakistan - probably 80-90%

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