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Imran Khan becomes first person to openly take on LeJ, the Shia Killers

Yes u r quite right?
Idiots thought, that its real issue,they still think its not cheap publicity stunt of IK?
Well it is?
Cause that's why IK never push for any militry opreation against terrorist in FATA?
How can it be possible, that let the mother of problems talibans live along & kill the child LeJ ?
Sorry its just idiotic thinking at its best?
Don't u think?lol lol lol

Tell me this then,who would you rather see lead Pakistan at this point? Do you have a choice in this matter at all? Don't even think about saying Musharraf, his time is long gone...and don't even bother saying the army,those days are over.

And for the sake of PDF read over your posts once before posting, it seems as if your writing in some undeciferable code.
Blatant lie.. it has always been P.Musharaf who condemned all attacks not selective like Imran Khan.

IK should have also condemn, killing of Peshawar people, when 100 - 200 die monthly and Karachi killing where daily 10-20 die daily.Why IK did not condemned the killings of our soldiers by hindu army?

Please, explain why attack on political office not condemned by Imran Khan ?

IK is taking U turn and i have the feeling that this attack was orchestard to give IK and CJ new political life.
This is why media is crediting IK with fake records.

every one watching the open bigotry of every one for not following deaths in Peshawar!

Here is what Musharaf said Quetta attacks:
'I vehemently condemn this massive attack targeting Hazara Shias in Quetta. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is a banned outfit that cannot and should not be allowed to act with impunity. The people of Quetta deserve better. PM'

Here is what Musharraf said for Peshawar attacks:
'I condemn the suicide attack on the political agent's office in Peshawar. The Government cannot and should not fail to ensure the safety and security of the people. The People of Pakistan deserve better. PM'

Here bigots can see condemnation of every single tragedy in Pakistan and compliments on good jobs:
Well, what I don't understand here is that on one side IK wants talks with TTP and says 'no' to Military operation against terrorists. And on the other side, this statement, what exactly does he want? God forbids he becomes the PM of Pakistan. He's confused as hell. Will invite even more disasters for Pakistan.
Tell me this then,who would you rather see lead Pakistan at this point? Do you have a choice in this matter at all? Don't even think about saying Musharraf, his time is long gone...and don't even bother saying the army,those days are over.

And for the sake of PDF read over your posts once before posting, it seems as if your writing in some undeciferable code.

A grand marshall revolution, just hope ur undeciferable mind can get that?lol lol lol
Its a great gesture to see IK advocating a stance against these scumbags who love to kill innocent people. However clearly Sharif and his party is shielding these leaches from the gallows. The SC or the Army needs to be more forceful.

For those who are confuse in IK policy of not intervening and talking through negotiations, must understand the concept of Sun Tze who riposted the idea "that a great general is one who avoids 100 battles and goes for one precise battle".

IK together with TUQ should destroy the opposition and there militant wing.
What is one precise battle for pakistan today?
If democracy pick & chose in what is good terrorism & what's bad terrorism thn nothing wouldbe achived & state will keep failing?

Its simple & clear there should be one voice & single agenda with out any political intersts ?
& it is a dedicated fight against terror, face it & fight it?
Quetta killings: PTI to hold nationwide protests – The Express Tribune

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan has announced country wide protests against the killing of members of the Shia Hazara community in Quetta.

Addressing a press conference, the PTI chief asked President Ali Zardari to tell the nation how many times he had visited Quetta to express solidarity with the victim families of the Hazara community.

“[President] Zardari is enjoying life in a Rs500-million palace, whereas innocent citizens are being butchered on the roads,” said the PTI chief.

According to a press release, Imran said that the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi had accepted the responsibility for the blasts ‘in the name of Islam,’ which, he said, was damaging the image of Islam as well as of the country.

“Sectarian killings in the name of Islam are shameful,” said PTI chief, adding that even after the promulgation of governor’s rule in Balochistan, the government had failed to provide safety to the people. He held the Balochistan governor responsible for Saturday’s blast in Quetta, and said that the government should announce financial support for the aggrieved families. He had also demanded the chief justice to take suo motu notice of the incident.

Imran further said the army could be deployed in Quetta in compliance to the demands of the victim families of Hazara community. Since Governor’s Rule in the province had failed to deliver, there was constitutional provision for deployment of armed forces under Article 245 of the constitution, he said.

The PTI chief further said, “Had the government held mid-term elections, the country would not have been going through such crisis.” He also condemned the brutal killing of a former consultant of Shaukat Khanum Hospital, Dr Haider Ali, and his 12-year-old son, in Lahore on Monday.

The doctor also belonged to the Shia community.

Meanwhile, Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Monday called the leader of the Hazara community Mehdi Musa and offered condolences on the massacre of members of his community in Quetta. Mehdi Musa is the son of former Balochistan governor General Musa Khan.

Altaf said that the MQM was establishing contacts with scholars of every shade of religious persuasion so that terrorism and oppression against innocent people could be universally condemned. “I am talking to the religious scholars to play their part to condemn senseless killings of innocent people, and help promote peace,” he said.

Musa thanked Altaf for raising a forceful voice against the continuing persecution of the Hazara community and said that no other leader in the country has spoken so loudly for Shias in the country.

(With additional reporting by our correspondent in Karachi)

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2013.

Imran's statements are not just lip service but he has backed it with action. Nobody else even had the guts to speak against this wave of killing.

I think this issue will bring to light who are Pakistan's friends and who are friends of killers.
hope he really means it, and is not just motivated by elections.
no offence, but looking at the scenario in Pakistan, I think even his life is in danger now.
Was it just me,or was anyone else worried that IK's stance may habe put his life and PTI's survival at risk?
dont talk stupid !!


already a thread on it.......... merge both !!

why stupid.

nobody so far spoke against LeJ due to same fear of getting target.

Imran s
named LeJ directly and if you dont know LeJ has strong link with TTP as well.
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi showing enmity towards Islam, says Imran Khan - thenews.com.pk

This is a massive statement ladies and gents, brave and the need of the hour.

I hope it translates into setting the direction for the near future politics of Pakistan.
Yes Army needs to protect Shias even if LEJ considers them Non Muslims than they should know even Non Muslims in Muslim state can't be attacked nor their places of worship and Army or FC and Police can at least provide protection two one town in Hazara all the people of Hazara in Quetta lives there

dont talk stupid !!


already a thread on it.......... merge both !!
He is right they will come after him specially after this statement
why stupid.

nobody so far spoke against LeJ due to same fear of getting target.

Imran s
named LeJ directly and if you dont know LeJ has strong link with TTP as well.

well sorry, I just dont like to think about it. I want him to serve the country for another 40 years !!
What is one precise battle for pakistan today?
If democracy pick & chose in what is good terrorism & what's bad terrorism thn nothing wouldbe achived & state will keep failing?

Its simple & clear there should be one voice & single agenda with out any political intersts ?
& it is a dedicated fight against terror, face it & fight it?

I agree brother, but Pakistan must try to implement a policy where we can isolate groups by first negotiating with them and then weed out those who are at the root cause of the problem. War is never good but we need to use it to eliminate the leadership, however at the same time bring some groups into mainstream Pakistan, which have been affected by the drone attacks. Fighting 100 battles costs money, time and man power, so its imperative that we fight intelligently. Regardless if IK does come to power he will then have a bigger picture because he would be briefed by the intelligence bureau. I just want to see a safe Pakistan and to achieve that we must follow Deng Xiaoping's example "Does not matter if a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice"
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