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Imran Khan about Taliban TTP and challenges

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I broadly agree with your post except for one point:

TTP and Afghan Talibs have somehow similar ideology,

They dont. I dont agree with Afghan Talibs but they are genuine Islamists, TTP is just a bunch of criminals, who have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims or any kind of welfare for the citizens they (allegedly) represent.

Pak mil establishment will eventually have to overtly settle for a somewhat uneasy peace with them

ab covertly kya gameplan hai, ye to kisi no ni pata

tough stuff.. my sympathies to anyone trying to find a fix
TTP is not one big homogenous, monolithic group, ther are many splinter smaller groups or factions who works independently and joins together at their requirement.

Splinter, smaller factions or even a individial suicide bomber can be hired without the tacit approval of the main TTP. And that TTP main has denied they carried the Peshawar police line suicide bomb blast which killed more than 100 people and with 90 of them the KPK policemen.

Yes the TTP and Afghan Talibs have somehow similar ideology, but they, the Afghan govt. is not willing to settle the 40,000 something TTP people there who are from Pakistan, FATA.

And ideally dialogue and separating the hardcore terrorists from them should be the task.
Brother I agree with all of this, but why is no one addressing the elephant in the room?

I have seen people protesting and blaming the army in KPK, now don't get me wrong they can be blamed for countless things, but according to them, the army is behind this and targeting specifically Pashtuns.

Are we all going to act clueless as if large pockets of society especially in KPK don't explicitly give support to the TTP, they don't provide manpower and safe havens? I have seen this with my own two eyes, usually it is locals in KPK as well as Afghan migrants. That is how their networks are established.

The TTP is clearly an Afghan proxy continuing their dream of Loy Afghanistan. This is as clear as daylight. But people are pointing fingers elsewhere.

What's funny to me is this victim complex that the state has an evil plan to murder all Pashtuns, and TTP is a fake proxy. And Afghanistan is innocent.

I want to genuinely know if they believe this and if they're seriously this stupid.

They dont. I dont agree with Afghan Talibs but they are genuine Islamists, TTP is just a bunch of criminals, who have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims or any kind of welfare for the citizens they (allegedly) represent.
Afghan Taliban are not genuine Islamists, they are also Pashtun/Afghan nationalists.

I broadly agree with your post except for one point:

TTP and Afghan Talibs have somehow similar ideology,

They dont. I dont agree with Afghan Talibs but they are genuine Islamists, TTP is just a bunch of criminals, who have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims or any kind of welfare for the citizens they (allegedly) represent.


Yes I agree to it, TTP pretend to be of the same ideology as of Afghan Talibs and they use it to lure men and material from locals and get the desired recruits with that pretended Islamist, Mujahideen ideology.

Many splinter groups in TTP are simply mercenaries, and TTP as a whole are fighters for rent if not terrorists.

But their numbers at 40,000 men and with wives and children in Pak is quite big to be totally ambushed/decimated, many TTP people were brought in the mainstream earlier by engaging, and financial support to them( to stop they getting the finances for terror), so here many can be franchised into a normal life with counselling, rest can be neutralized.

I broadly agree with your post except for one point:

TTP and Afghan Talibs have somehow similar ideology,

They dont. I dont agree with Afghan Talibs but they are genuine Islamists, TTP is just a bunch of criminals, who have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims or any kind of welfare for the citizens they (allegedly) represent.


Here comes the good and bad Taliban.
Here comes the good and bad Taliban.
Despite your concerns there is good and bad Taliban.

Question is, when the Taliban turn bad (go on a innocent killing spree or hurt Pakistan’s interests) they need to face the wrath of the state.
Despite your concerns there is good and bad Taliban.

Question is, when the Taliban turn bad (go on a innocent killing spree or hurt Pakistan’s interests) they need to face the wrath of the state.

This is only called good and bad taliban. If they will kill someone in Afghanistan or work as proxy for Pakistan than it will be a called good Taliban.

But if they work against the Pakistan way, and create problem is Pakistan than will be called bad Taliban..

Bro, this way your thoughts will have no value because today might a good Talibani having a tea with you, tomorrow might some reason will go against And will become bad Taliban

You will be keep giving the Justification that yesterday was good and today he is bad.

The thought process of pakistani military leaders are the same and root caused of the issue.
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Taliban are not considered as a proxy. They don’t listen to Pakistan. Although the Taliban are a net liability for Pakistan, as they spread extremism which is a threat to Pakistan’s social fabric. But despite that Pakistan will and should not take on the Taliban. One should choose one’s battles wisely.
To be honest, only authoritarian/communist regimes like China/Russia have the ability to do this.
TBH honest. Nonody ever noticed but why is their almost no religious extremism in Sindh?
Thats your own country not even another country. And a very poorly administered area by very corrupt administration by All standards. Decoits rule in day lighy. Policemen are kidnapped for ransom.
All the mismanagement is there but how did Sindhis kept there society clean of this Religous extremism cancer meanwhile still being a relitively religious society with no woakism?
(Except very rare occasions in Karachi)

Why these Crackheads are exclusively sprouting in KPK and Pubjab?.
I will not give you the answer. And i dont want to start any controversy, Given the level of patience we have.

Us Pakistanis need to rethink whatever we are taught from our childhood. And Understand that Society Culture and social Values is the source of power and change.

Just give you a hint.
Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and Sachal Sarmast are celebrated at government level by the provincial government.
And people dont even know these days who were Baba Bulleh shah and Waris Shah and dont know any of there work.

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