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Importance of Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline



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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Importance of Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline

If the news is true that Iran, Pakistan and India have agreed on a formula for setting a rate for Iranian gas, today could be a red-letter day for Pakistan. The top official of the National Iranian Oil Company says the agreement was reached in Tehran and now the three countries have a month in which to confirm it at the governmental level, after which the pipeline is a done deal, promising to transform Pakistan and change the strategic significance of the region by guaranteeing peace instead of war!

The project was stalled for so long since 1994 that its cost must have reached $7 billion by now, but it is still worth having for a number of reasons. It will run for 1,500 miles across Iran and Pakistan, and will supply gas to India too. Pakistan will look after the pipeline for India and will get some rental, with which it will be able to improve the lives of the Baloch through whose territory it will pass. It will also be a project to transform Pakistan and reinvent its foreign image as well as its self-image. We have few energy options on the table and need the pipeline more than India.

The pipeline was obstructed by the usual drag of India-Pakistan relations, which nose-dived after 2001 as India returned with its consulates to Afghanistan and Pakistan began to blame it for fuelling the rebellion in Balochistan. In 2004 peace diplomacy restarted the talks on the project, but soon India began to drag its feet on the pipeline after becoming America’s strategic ally with attractive contracts for nuclear power production. Also, it could fall back on its fleet of ships for transporting Liquefied Petroleum Gas and there were lobbies in India that cast doubt on Pakistan’s ability to achieve internal peace long enough to actually ensure India a regular supply of gas.

Pakistan has been talking about pipelines since 1990. It first thought it would get gas from Turkmenistan and become a transit country for it because the real customer would be India. But it couldn’t change itself radically from a warrior nation to a trading one that looked forward to developing normally as an economy with an ensured supply of energy. Because of its other activities, it was barred from acquiring nuclear power plants to produce the electricity it needed; and there was internal rejection of the idea of big dams for hydel energy.

It is, of course, still possible that Pakistan may be dreaming an unrealistic dream, but if it signs an international contract it will be forced to quieten down and not think of jihad and jihadi militias and low-intensity wars.

The glitches came first from India and then from Iran. India is still involved in a kind of arm-wrestling over its agreement with the United States and may be using the Iranian pipeline as one of the counters in that. But once it signs — which will become clear in a month — it will have to participate in the region’s first attempt to revolutionise itself. The other glitch came from Iran, which began having second thoughts from a mixture of approaches, one purely market-related and the other emanating from its habit of self-isolation as a means of attaining honour. India was not willing to pay more than $4.50 per million British Thermal Units (BTU) and Iran was quoting over $7, on the basis of forecasts that international gas prices would skyrocket.

In this three-way deal, Pakistan’s position was the weakest. It had no alternative options because of weaknesses abroad and at home. Some measure of how important it thought the pipeline was can be seen in the fact that Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz did not apply the conditionality of Kashmir to it, which he has so unwisely attached to opening up trade with India. When India seemed to drag its feet the prime minister announced that if India was not willing, Pakistan would go it alone. The Iranian impediment was probably removed by a weakening of the aggressive hold of Iran’s warlike President Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the project.

What Iran gains is far more than just a good reliable source of income. It makes a breakthrough in a region where everyone is keen to establish an economic foothold. It lessens its own isolation and wins regional friends that won’t let it down during crises. It has got India to invest heavily in Iran despite American sanctions — punishing with boycott any company investing more than $40 million in Iran — and also got China to buy its oil futures. Breaking out of isolation also means a willingness to take fewer risks and establish a stake in regional peace. Iran’s isolation has pushed its oil production back to pre-Revolution level, 4 million barrels a day. Now it can potentially become a powerful economy in the region by reaching out to its neighbours. *

Agreement on IPI gas pricing

Saturday January 27, 2007

The auspicious news of Iran, Pakistan and India arriving at agreed price for gas delivery to Pakistan and India from Iran opens up a whole new chapter of energy relations between the three Aryan nations. The news has added impetus bonus of a whole new peace equation being formulated in Tehran for the people of south Asia.

Iranian gas is best fit suited for south Asia due to easy land route through much shorter distance. The gas reserves of India and Pakistan are between 25-30 trillion cubic feet each and would barely meet the demand in future. Iran's current reserves of over 1000 trillion cubic feet plus some more new discoveries adding up daily are the best hope for energy starved south Asia as well as China.

Gas will be desperately needed for fertilizers production in India and Pakistan.

Iran is planning to triple its gas production from 2.8 trillion cubic feet per year to over 8 trillion cubic feet per year over the next six years. Given the capacity of 1.8 trillion cubic feet per year, IPI will transport 150 million cubic meters per day.100 million cubic meters per day or 1.2 trillion cubic feet per year will be on some what low side for 56 inch diameter world class pipe line. This pipe line will join the ranks of Alliance pipe line between Canada and US or Alaska pipe line or the pipe line transporting gas from Russia to Europe.

The gathering systems or pipe lines and the gas purification plants will be in Iran, and Pakistan and India will have the clean 56 inch dia sales gas pipe line bringing Iranian gas. Pakistan and India will have the easy pipe maintenance protection job of caring about the external of pipe through pipe coating and cathode protection.

The pricing agreement is in the interest of all three nations as they embark on gas energy alliance. This will not only cement the three nations together for common peace through cohesive buttressing with each other by the three nations. The status of peace between India and Pakistan has already been exercising quantum jumps into positive and safe territory. This gas energy marriage between the three nations will bring them more closely and also impart the sense of resolving any outstanding issues through peace and peace only.

Iran will have technical challenges as the job will be massive. And Iran, with the help of Shanghai accord, will have to keep out any new rules imposed by certain parties, who are always looking for excuses to blot out the scope of the soft nature of recent sanctions, which have no reason to interfere in this IPI project. Some sanctions regime is feeling not happy by putting all the eggs into the agreed upon soft sanctions and has hinted of finding a new basket, which should really not exist at all.

The gas price is right, the propensity of consumption and demand is there along with mega supply, and the peace mood is there between all three parties. There simply is no room for the spoils or the spoilers.

Development capital can come from China with its biggest cash reserves in the world. Even Europe is interested in supplying the development capital. The world's best gas technology is in Germany and not in America, though Americans are the best and biggest in refinery business with their companies like Fluor, UOP, Foster Wheeler, Bechtel and others. But for gas industry German Linde and others are the best in the world.

The gas price at 4.5 USD per 1000 cubic feet or million BTU, the gas sales will be over 8 billion USD annually for IPI pipe line. Let’s assume that gas price is between 4 to 5 USD per 1000 cubic feet and the exact numbers will soon be flashed out to make them public from confidential.

And Iran will have to grapple with challenges pertaining to development capital and engineering, which is much softer in nature compared to oil refining. Through my some experience for Qeshm energy in Iran, where the world's largest gas field is, I found from field data that Iranian gas is much less sour than north American or Russian gas. The gas is much easier to purify with lesser of hazards due to very low hydrogen sulphide in it.

But, time factor is always there. You cannot do every thing overnight. Even Alliance pipe line job for transporting gas from western Canada to America's industrial heart at Chicago took years before the Americans saw gas from Alliance pipeline.

There is required more of good will between the three friends to sustain it all as some Kaidos(of epic Heer Ranjah story) will be hovering around.

But, there is help around and lots of it is there from Shanghai accord to sail the project smoothly. Most important, India and Pakistan are singing peace together.

IPI is peace energy project that will stress relieve the moods and modes of frictional flux from elsewhere.

The time is around the corner when the nations sharing much in ethnicity, culture and history will sing peace through the gas energy marriage.

The world can join us for global peace.

Indian leader against IPI pipeline via Pak
Press Trust of India

Chennai, February 2, 2007

Opposing the proposed Indo-Iran gas pipeline through Pakistan, Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy on Friday said the project would make India's energy supply "hostage" to Islamabad.

India would become dependent on future governments of Pakistan, which would be a wild risk, Swamy said in a statement here.

"When it (Pakistan) could not protect its own pipelines, how could it protect a Shia-Hindu pipeline," he asked.

"It was better to lay an underwater pipeline through the sea, even if it took more time," he added.

External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee is visiting Iran next week and the pipeline issue is likely to figure prominently in talks.

Here you have it Adux, there are mixed feelings about the IPI in India.
Exactly the same counter arguments as posted by me in some other thread. :agree:
Yes, its one of the Major concerns. But i there were reports earlier that GoI had cut some sort of agreement with Iran that should Pakistan cut off gas supplies to India in case of a war or anything, then Iran would cut off supplies to Pakistan.
This is apart from the security concerns of the gas pipeline in Pakistan.
Indian leader against IPI pipeline via Pak
Press Trust of India

Chennai, February 2, 2007

Opposing the proposed Indo-Iran gas pipeline through Pakistan, Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy on Friday said the project would make India's energy supply "hostage" to Islamabad.

India would become dependent on future governments of Pakistan, which would be a wild risk, Swamy said in a statement here.

"When it (Pakistan) could not protect its own pipelines, how could it protect a Shia-Hindu pipeline," he asked.

"It was better to lay an underwater pipeline through the sea, even if it took more time," he added.

External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee is visiting Iran next week and the pipeline issue is likely to figure prominently in talks.


Pakistan cannot protect its own pipeline due to interference in Balochistan by very many of the same neighbors who would economically be tied together by the IPI. Sometimes you need to have an economic interest in order to avoid conflict.

Pakistan and India do not have to remain at each other's throat if some understanding can be reached on the Kashmir issue. If that happens, then why would Pakistan threaten its own revenues (close to a $1 billion for transit fees alone) by stopping the flow of oil to India?

The BJP guys is off on his usual anti-Pakistan rhetoric. There is mutual inter-dependence here which actually acts as a deterrance to war and conflict. The more economic relations, the lesser the chance of conflict. This is something that has been proven as a fact all over Europe and even in SE Asia.
Pakistan cannot protect its own pipeline due to interference in Balochistan by very many of the same neighbors who would economically be tied together by the IPI. Sometimes you need to have an economic interest in order to avoid conflict.

Pakistan and India do not have to remain at each other's throat if some understanding can be reached on the Kashmir issue. If that happens, then why would Pakistan threaten its own revenues (close to a $1 billion for transit fees alone) by stopping the flow of oil to India?

The BJP guys is off on his usual anti-Pakistan rhetoric. There is mutual inter-dependence here which actually acts as a deterrance to war and conflict. The more economic relations, the lesser the chance of conflict. This is something that has been proven as a fact all over Europe and even in SE Asia.

Blain, in case of a war, Pakistan would cut off the supplies by the IPI line, the first thing, so as to stop energy flow into the India, its the first thing any nation would do incase of war. Cut off their supplies. Pakistan would not get the transit fees, but it would still get the gas, and India would not. This is a major issue and not something to be taken lightly. However this has been resolved, incase supplies to India is cut off by Pakistan. Iran will cut off supplies to Pakistan.

And tbh, India is no longer dying to get this gas, due to many many recent discoveries a LOT of gas basins have been found. In fact it is now predicted India will become a gas surplus nation. Even Kashmir has huge gas reserves found just recently. That is one of the reasons govt is not so keen. Though i still hope it goes through. Getting gas at cheap price is always good. Plus it will help in geo-politics. Trade is a huge binding factor.
Blain, in case of a war, Pakistan would cut off the supplies by the IPI line, the first thing, so as to stop energy flow into the India, its the first thing any nation would do incase of war. Cut off their supplies. Pakistan would not get the transit fees, but it would still get the gas, and India would not. This is a major issue and not something to be taken lightly. However this has been resolved, incase supplies to India is cut off by Pakistan. Iran will cut off supplies to Pakistan.

And tbh, India is no longer dying to get this gas, due to many many recent discoveries a LOT of gas basins have been found. In fact it is now predicted India will become a gas surplus nation. Even Kashmir has huge gas reserves found just recently. That is one of the reasons govt is not so keen. Though i still hope it goes through. Getting gas at cheap price is always good. Plus it will help in geo-politics. Trade is a huge binding factor.

malaymishra123 If you believe that boy do i have a deal for you on Brooklyn bridge.:rofl:
malaymishra123 If you believe that boy do i have a deal for you on Brooklyn bridge.:rofl:

LOL, nah mate. I read in some reports, that India would have a surplus of gas in due time. There have been HUGE finds all over the country in gas and oil. I did not say oil, i said gas.

But anyways, i am all for the IPI line.

@ Neo!
However this has been resolved, incase supplies to India is cut off by Pakistan. Iran will cut off supplies to Pakistan.

that's the first time i've heard that, do you have some links of an official agreement between the two countries?
Blain, in case of a war, Pakistan would cut off the supplies by the IPI line, the first thing, so as to stop energy flow into the India, its the first thing any nation would do incase of war. Cut off their supplies. Pakistan would not get the transit fees, but it would still get the gas, and India would not. This is a major issue and not something to be taken lightly. However this has been resolved, incase supplies to India is cut off by Pakistan. Iran will cut off supplies to Pakistan.

And tbh, India is no longer dying to get this gas, due to many many recent discoveries a LOT of gas basins have been found. In fact it is now predicted India will become a gas surplus nation. Even Kashmir has huge gas reserves found just recently. That is one of the reasons govt is not so keen. Though i still hope it goes through. Getting gas at cheap price is always good. Plus it will help in geo-politics. Trade is a huge binding factor.

With so many economic interests tied together with each other, why would either side want to go to war if the Kashmir issue is resolved?? Aside from Kashmir, there is nothing left to spill blood over.

The less said the better it is about your second paragraph ;)
Energy needs of both Pakistan and India are growing fast and even new gas finds are not enough to meet the projected demand. The pipeline is therefore essential for the continued growth of both the South Asain economies; only if it is allowed to be built.

US is very strongly against it and the carrot of cheap Turkmenistan gas some time in the future is being dangled to frustate Iran gas pipeline project. Let us wait and see.
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