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Jun 11, 2014
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Nowadays Pakistan is passing through the most critical times of our history. Our country has been confronted with problems due to subsequent mismanagement as well as lack of vision of our Governments to correctly set the course which we should have taken in our international relations viz a viz the big powers of the world and our neighbors.

Not only our Western as well as Eastern borders are so vulnerable and facing constant threats from India Afghanistan and the United States of America which has occupied the later since 13 years , but at the same time our economy has also been ruined and now has been given once again in the clutches of the IMF by our current leadership making the debt burden unbearable for our people.

In the opinion of this writer , the main reason of our pathetic state of affairs is the unnecessary closeness as well as reliance of our present as well as past Governments on the United States of America . In doing so we have alienated ourselves with our most tried and tested friend China which has been the biggest mistake being made by our leaders. May be it is a deliberate effort of our leaders themselves to take Pakistan away from China and keep us a slave of the West and get personal rewards . In any case this has done a great harm to our progress as well as security.

At the same time we see that our arch enemy India has used its highly cunning but effective diplomacy and always manipulated super powers including Soviet Union in the past and at present, United States as well as Israel for its security as well as hegemonic designs in South Asia. During 1971 war with Pakistan Soviet Union's provided full scale military cooperation to India where as our Western Allies including United States ditched us like always and it resulted in the lost of our Eastern wing.

Since the breakup of Soviet Union , India has entered into a solid military and strategic relationship with the USA as well as Israel which is directed against Pakistan and the result of this un holy alliance is seen not only in terms of Israeli military as well as intelligence experts in the Indian soil but also the alarming presence of the Indian consulates as well as troops within Afghanistan .

This all is being done at a time when Pakistan has been left practically alone and without solid and strategic backing of any super power.

One has to salute the clear cut vision and the sharp efforts of the Indian leadership against Pakistan . They have always succeeded in cornering Pakistan and alienating us even from our friends and allies and always been sincere to their country where as our leaders have always been busy in protecting self interest and ‘waging their tales’ to their Americans and ‘gora’ masters.

In recent times every country needs some solid backing and specially a smaller country like ours, which is surrounded by enemies like India and the pro Indian Afghan Government , we will find most difficult to survive without the help of a super power . The superpower on which we have always been relying on , i.e. the United States , has a history of back stabbing not only Pakistan but also its other so called 'friendly' countries and can never ever be relied upon . Same is the case of other Western powers including the EU which has never come to the help of Pakistan and their NATO is now in direct conflict with us in Afghanistan.

As far as Russia is concerned , no doubt it has re emerged as super power to counter the West specially by backing Syria and now its role in the Ukraine crisis but in our case we can not rely on Russia mainly as it has long standing and deep rooted relations with our arch enemy India and we can never expect Russia to ever help Pakistan at the expense of India . Even supplying us Mi-35 helicopters can just be a move to woo India back to Russian block away from the USA.

Our Islamic friendly countries may be able to provide us some kind of financial help but are not developed enough to answer our security concerns.

It is only and only China which seems the only reliable as well as strong enough country which is also a military superpower which seems the best choice for Pakistan to align itself for its security as well as economic concerns. USA is now on decline where as China is on the rise . Future is with China and not with the West . And it is our good luck that China is still our friend and always ready to help us all the time . It is most unfortunate that in the past as well as present , our leaders have never made serious efforts to built a real strategic relationship with such a tried and tested super power and instead we have aligned ourselves with the unreliable USA and all the time get stabbed in the back by them.

What we need to do is not to waste any more time now and immediately approach China and form a bilateral military and strategic alliance and a Mutual Defense Pact for the security of the two countries. This has become now hour of the need after the coming of hardliner like Narindra Modi in India as leader with his anti Pakistan policies.

It is most logical alliance as both Pakistan and China face the common enemies including India and USA which are also bound to destabilize both the countries by fueling the separatist movements within each. Just as insurgencies in FATA , Baluchistan , Sind and Karachi are backed by our enemies similarly the same enemies are also responsible for trouble in Tibet as well as Xinjiang provinces of China . I am surprised that why not Pakistan and China has so far not made any military alliance and develop a common front against our enemies.

As part of solid and meaningful strategic relationship , I humbly like to suggest that our three military services should make our defense plans as well as training and strategy with the assistance of Chinese military services . Also our Intelligence agencies can make joint efforts with the help of Chinese military intelligence and try to counter the intelligence operations of CIA , RAW , Mossad and all other anti Pakistan forces within and outside Pakistan. We should also keep in mind that Chinese Army has proven itself in rugged mountain warfare against India in the Aksi Chen conflict . Since our Army has been in past involved in the Kargil as well as Siachen high altitude warfare with India why not to train them with the Chinese and adopt their tactics.

In the Naval scenario the defense of Karachi and Gwadar has always been vulnerable to Indian threats . We can try to get assistance from China by offering them bases in our coastal areas to protect our sea lanes . This will also be for benefit of China to protect its shipments from Indian as well as Western Naval powers.

We can also try to get as much help for our Air Force from China in terms of training equipment specially since now China is much advance in developing high tech fighters such as Stealth and also new missiles which can counter Western threats.

I would like to emphasis again that we are facing a multiple threat from very big enemies who are out numbering our small nation in quality as well as quantity of their equipment . It is not advisable to try to handle defense of our country alone and expect that we can defeat our enemies like USA and India . We need to align ourselves with China . We should also take advises of China vis a vis our policy towards India , Afghanistan and our relations with USA as well as Western World.

In return to the cooperation in defense and security of Pakistan we can offer China a lot . Already China and Pakistan are involved in Energy Corridor Project which can give China shortest land route of Chinese oil from Middle East . China can become part of exploring and developing natural resources like Thar Coal Reservior as well as Riko dec and Saindak Copper and Gold reserves. We can offer Chinese companies to invest in Pakistan and make use of cheap land and labor . No doubt that such involvement will face lot of security risk for the Chinese as the Indians and the USA would try their best to sabotage our bilateral relations but with joint sincere efforts the two countries can over come such hurdles .

Once our leadership decide to align itself with China then it is most important to make ourselves distant from the United States of America . We should remember that Pak- China Energy Corridor cannot be successful if we keep allowing USA to infiltrate our country with its spies and agents.

A strategic partnership which is developed sincerely is most beneficial for both Pakistan and China for future. This relationship should not be confined to rosy words and half hearted efforts as has been the case until now . It should be evident in sincere actions .

It is the need of time that Pakistan and China enter into a Mutual Defense Pact to counter the common enemies facing both of these countries. Our top leadership should not waste any more time and approach the Chinese leadership as further delay can bring more disaster from hands of our enemies to our country .

God save Pakistan!!!
Pakistan must develop its relations with China at every level i.e. Economic, Defense and Strategic levels. Alliance with China must be our highest priority and nothing should come in the way of this Strategic Relations.

However, that does not mean that we cannot protect our National Interests Viz. a Viz. other friends. Even China has taught us that just because we are close to one Nation does not mean we cannot be close to other Nations. Our close ties with China should not impede Economic ties with the US and Europe.
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At the same time we see that our arch enemy India has used its highly cunning but effective diplomacy and always manipulated super powers including Soviet Union in the past and at present, United States as well as Israel for its security as well as hegemonic designs in South Asia.

Is there something in the Pakistani mentality or ambience, that makes them see the world in a dog-eat-dog fashion? Or that every relationship must have someone who 'wins' at the cost of the other.

India and Soviet Union were partners who saw mutual benefit in helping each other out in many ways and multiple fields.

Soviet Union never said India 'manipulated' them.
Neither did India ever say that Soviet Union 'manipulated' India.

So why is it that Pakistani's are always the ones who talk and see everything as 'cunning diplomacy' and 'manipulation'? Is this a cultural thing in Pakistan? Seeing everything from a kill or be killed perspective?
Did you write this yourself? Nice one. :cheers:

The truth is that China came late to the party, by the time we got our act together, the world had already been divided into the American-led West, the Soviet bloc (now the Russian sphere of influence) and the Non-aligned nations.

America and Russia were both industrialized superpowers. China in comparison was (and still is) a developing country, the only way for us to one day compete at the top level, is to become developed, hence our enormous focus on economic development.

And due to starting at a much lower level than industrialized superpowers, our best policy was (and still is) "non-interference". This policy is necessary, because we still need 10-20 more years to reach an acceptable level of national power.

For Pakistan, the reality of world politics is that power matters.

Pakistan has the 6th largest population in the world, abundant natural resources and a highly-educated middle class. There is NO reason why Pakistan should not eventually become at least the 6th most powerful country in the world, and that is an important goal to move towards.

Pakistan needs economic reforms, like China carried out in 1978, and like we are still carrying out today. When Pakistan starts to accumulate large amounts of national power, that will be the best possible way to improve Pakistan's geostrategic position in the world.

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