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Implementation of the Shari'ah? - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi


Feb 2, 2012
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A very interesting debate by one of my favourite scholars :

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And not only that we called him kaffir. There were other scholars too. Doctor Mohammed Farooq Khan was killed because of his liberal Islamic views.

Another victim of Taliban brutality Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan

On October 3rd 2010 the Nation suffered a major blow with the death of one of its most prestigious individuals. Doctor Mohammad Farooq Khan was a scholar who had written many books about Religion, was a psychiatrist who ran his own clinic in Mardan and had also written many articles. He was also the Vice Chancellor of Swat Islamic University and had briefly had a political career. His colleagues describe him as a practicing Muslim and a patriotic person who was proud of his Pashtun identity.

He was murdered at around 1:30 pm in his clinic when two armed individuals who are suspected of having ties with the Taliban entered Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan’s clinic in Mardan and shot him along with his assistant Mohammed Saleem. After the brazen murder the assailants evaded capture and escaped.

The suspected reason for the murder is his brazen criticism of terrorist activities such as suicide bombing and murder of innocent civilians. The name of his latest book is “Jehad and Qatil” which goes on to explain the difference between Jihad (struggle for rights: peaceful or by arms) and Qatil (murder).

Omer Farooq a spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigade which is linked to the Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan made a call to the press club and claimed that they had committed the murder because of the scholar’s outspoken criticism of terrorist activities and suicide bombing. They made it clear that instead of learning about Islam from a scholar who had given it a good name they would rather spread bloodshed in the region by claiming to be good Muslims.

Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan was indeed an asset to the Nation and he will surely be missed. By gaining martyrdom and standing valiantly in the path of traitors to both our religion and our Nation he has achieved what many of us could only wish for. May his soul rest in peace and may he enter paradise.

If you do not know about Dr Mohammed Farooq Khan or for further information about some of the work he has done please visit his profile. Dr Mohammed Farooq believed in 10 fundamental values that should be honoured in order for a religion, society, nation or ethnic group to succeed:

• Human equality and democratic culture

• Justice

• Honesty

• Merit

• Hard work and thorough struggle

• Law abiding mentality

• Wisdom and patience

• Education

• Health

• Strong and well-coordinated welfare institutions for the down trodden classes.

May his work inspire others and create a thousand more individuals like him because this man was truly an asset to the Country.

Another victim of Taliban brutality Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan
the matter shariah and liberalism is very debatable, these scholars know that how much pakistanis hate america and its inflicted war which is killing many pakistanis and brining violance inour country, even though i hate they had to move to other place for instance ghamdi(i dont have a very kind regard for this guy though), speaking of liberalism is synonymous to being pro american and anti islamic

all liberals should concentrate on their energies not to make pakistan ideology controversial but they should raise their voices against human slaughter in FATA through american drones which is also a direct violation of our soverignty, in this manner what ever they will say being proliberals will be heard with more tolerance

i simply as a common pakistan dont hate to listen their POVs but given the situation, their liberal ideologies is just acting pouring oil in the fire

Many Pakistanis call him "Kaafir" and also threatened his life. He had to go to Malaysia. What a shame.
the matter shariah and liberalism is very debatable, these scholars know that how much pakistanis hate america and its inflicted war which is killing many pakistanis and brining violance inour country, even though i hate they had to move to other place for instance ghamdi(i dont have a very kind regard for this guy though), speaking of liberalism is synonymous to being pro american and anti islamic

all liberals should concentrate on their energies not to make pakistan ideology controversial but they should raise their voices against human slaughter in FATA through american drones which is also a direct violation of our soverignty, in this manner what ever they will say being proliberals will be heard with more tolerance

i simply as a common pakistan dont hate to listen their POVs but given the situation, their liberal ideologies is just acting pouring oil in the fire

I think demonizing liberals is not the solution. Some liberals like Nadeem Paracha and his cohorts make all liberals look bad and sometimes it seems we are all like that when it is completely untrue.

I am for one, a liberal who has strongly condemned drone strikes and other American actions against Pakistan and also was a ex leader of a Nationalist front.

I think there is a differing logic that liberals think along than the conservatives. Liberals believe that if they do not point out the problems in their country there will be no one to solve them. If we don't identify our problems and make efforts to solve these problems and end them how are we ever expected to advance? How can we solve a problem when we aren't even willing to accept it. Instead we're calling the person who points out the problem-the problem instead?

For example take the case of terrorism in Pakistan. Even if it is being supported by USA or India why are our people being sold, why are they such fanatics that they can be used in such activities. These questions need to be answered. Once we answer them we can find solutions. We have to look at ourselves too. At our problems. At what we did.

I think the liberals see more things as "problems" but also have an approach of identifying and solving problems instead of letting them fester as the conservatives thinking goes. Ghamidi has done only good for Muslims and Pakistanis. Accept him as a person who is trying to solve our problems in a different way than you. We need people like him.
For example take the case of terrorism in Pakistan. Even if it is being supported by USA or India why are our people being sold, why are they such fanatics that they can be used in such activities. These questions need to be answered. Once we answer them we can find solutions. We have to look at ourselves too. At our problems. At what we did.

the problem is not any extremism or fanaticism, thats the findamental difference between a conservative and a liberal. where as liberals see the 'growing fundamentalism' as the source of terrorism, conservatives think that its because of pakksitani policies, its servant type attitude towards americans which is making people angry, we just see how drones have killed many pakistanis but our government is secretly making drone deals with americans that they will protest in public just tomakepakistanis fool

if anybody kills my son, my next reaction will be to take revenge, thus people are trying to make violence as a protest, why we bring religion into this is because the war was started by americans on the basis of religion and people naturally think americans are the devils who are acting like dajjals, any religious people would think like that..

and then the matter of terrorism is not very simple, we all know the different agencies are involved in this carefully planned game plan, this is simply not religious fundamentalism, in order to create peace, w need to track the specific elements who are working against our nation and who are instigating these troubles.. manyliberals were not trying to except the presence of black water till issue of davis came out, and pictures of americans posing as talibans with long beards have come out

bringing law and order and keeping check on people is also very important
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