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Impacts on Ukraine war on Pakistan

Will Russia invade Ukraine in Late January 2022

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 57.4%
  • Partially invade till Niper river

    Votes: 12 22.2%

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  • Poll closed .
It seems the Russians have backed off since the US equipped the Ukrainians with Javelin anti tank weapons…but maybe I’m wrong.

The Russians lost their chance by dilly dallying. They could have got this over and done with in November before the west had a chance to intervene with military supplies.

The Russian aim seems to have been to seize land upto the Dnipier river thereby seizing eastern territory and block Ukraine’s (and Nato’s) access to the Black Sea.

on the other hand the 10,000 troops returning could be a ruse. From recent analysis, the Russians always leave their weapons behind when they have ‘drills’. There’s still a possibility that the Russians invade Eastern Ukraine but there will be blood
Seems more like deception. They have over 100K soldiers there already and withdrawing 10 means nothing. Not to mention the Poland-Belarus crisis created by Lukashenko with Putin's blessings.

Russia deploying or withdrawing it's troops on its own territory does not amount any deception. Any country on earth, deploying troops on its own territory has every right to do so.

On the other hand, NATO expansion on territory that is traditionally not a Western territory, constitutes as a provocation. NATO warships in the Black Sea are also a provocation.

Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic region have historically been not part of the West. Dating as far back as the 18 century, these regions have been outside the Western sphere.
It seems the Russians have backed off since the US equipped the Ukrainians with Javelin anti tank weapons…but maybe I’m wrong.

The Russians lost their chance by dilly dallying. They could have got this over and done with in November before the west had a chance to intervene with military supplies.

The Russian aim seems to have been to seize land upto the Dnipier river thereby seizing eastern territory and block Ukraine’s (and Nato’s) access to the Black Sea.

on the other hand the 10,000 troops returning could be a ruse. From recent analysis, the Russians always leave their weapons behind when they have ‘drills’. There’s still a possibility that the Russians invade Eastern Ukraine but there will be blood
Russia has withdrawn 10000 of 120000 troops (based on Ukrainian Estimates) that is a reduction of 8%. This is just a gesture rather than any significant reduction in forces. I believe that Russia when it is ready to attack would deploy 175k troops so another 55 k troops could be deployed by Russia even after the strikes begin. Russia is not afraid of 70 odd Javlin launchers with 200 rockets……. We in Paksitan have over 20000 launchers for baktar shikan with over 60000-80000 k missiles yet we still consider Indian 4000+ tanks a threat where 1200 are t-90s.

Russia has a massive Air Force,. Artillery , long range cruise missiles , massive Black Sea fleet and armored fighting capability. It would take Russian a maximum of 1-2 weeks to reach Kyiv and the nippier river. At this point 80% of Ukrainian forces be depleated. From there Russia could decide to cross or just install a truly democratic goverment in Ukraine 🇺🇦.

Ukraine may strike Russia first at West's behest – MP
Published: 27 Dec 2021 | 14:28 GMT

FILE PHOTO. © Reuters / Yannis Behraki
By Jonny Tickle

Opposition politician Mikhail Delyagin claims that Kiev is preparing to attack Russia.

At the behest of the West, Ukraine may strike at Russia in February 2022 and launch an offensive in several directions, including in Crimea, an opposition MP in the Russian State Duma claimed on Sunday.

According to RIA Novosti, the unlikely claim from Mikhail Delyagin suggested that, contrary to what has been reported by many Western publications, Russia could actually be the target of a military assault early next year.

“There is a real threat of an attack on Russia. They are being prepared for it,” Delyagin claimed. “Things are hard enough for them [in Ukraine] to keep people in line. The only way is war.”

According to the MP, the risk zone for invasion will be somewhere from early February to the end of March, and the Ukrainian troops could attack Crimea, as well as Rostov-on-Don, Belgorod, or Bryansk, three cities near the frontier.

However, according to Delyagin, Kiev does not actually want a war with Russia, but the leadership is being pushed into it “very strongly by the West,” and the country is now in a situation of “absolute hopelessness.”

Delyagin is a member of the opposition party “Fair Russia – For Truth,” and was elected earlier this year. In the early 1990s, he worked as an expert under Boris Yeltsin, the then-chairman of the Supreme Soviet, before Yeltsin was later elected as the first president of Russia.

Delyagin’s comments follow multiple claims from Western media outlets and politicians that Moscow has begun to concentrate troops on its border with Ukraine, with the view to launching an offensive in the near future. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated that it has no plans to attack, while Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has suggested Ukraine is more likely to ramp up the conflict.

Last month, Lavrov suggested that Moscow is not ruling out the possibility of Kiev conducting a military operation in Donbass, in eastern Ukraine.

“Significant units and military equipment of NATO countries, including those of the US and the UK, are being deployed closer to our borders,” he said. “We simply have no way to exclude that Kiev’s regime will launch a military venture.”

Last week, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Alexey Danilov, claimed that Russia has deployed 122,000 servicemen within a 200 kilometer distance from the border, with another 143,500 within a distance of 400 kilometers.

Ukraine may strike Russia first at West's behest – MP
Published: 27 Dec 2021 | 14:28 GMT

FILE PHOTO. © Reuters / Yannis Behraki
By Jonny Tickle

Opposition politician Mikhail Delyagin claims that Kiev is preparing to attack Russia.

At the behest of the West, Ukraine may strike at Russia in February 2022 and launch an offensive in several directions, including in Crimea, an opposition MP in the Russian State Duma claimed on Sunday.

According to RIA Novosti, the unlikely claim from Mikhail Delyagin suggested that, contrary to what has been reported by many Western publications, Russia could actually be the target of a military assault early next year.

“There is a real threat of an attack on Russia. They are being prepared for it,” Delyagin claimed. “Things are hard enough for them [in Ukraine] to keep people in line. The only way is war.”

According to the MP, the risk zone for invasion will be somewhere from early February to the end of March, and the Ukrainian troops could attack Crimea, as well as Rostov-on-Don, Belgorod, or Bryansk, three cities near the frontier.

However, according to Delyagin, Kiev does not actually want a war with Russia, but the leadership is being pushed into it “very strongly by the West,” and the country is now in a situation of “absolute hopelessness.”

Delyagin is a member of the opposition party “Fair Russia – For Truth,” and was elected earlier this year. In the early 1990s, he worked as an expert under Boris Yeltsin, the then-chairman of the Supreme Soviet, before Yeltsin was later elected as the first president of Russia.

Delyagin’s comments follow multiple claims from Western media outlets and politicians that Moscow has begun to concentrate troops on its border with Ukraine, with the view to launching an offensive in the near future. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated that it has no plans to attack, while Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has suggested Ukraine is more likely to ramp up the conflict.

Last month, Lavrov suggested that Moscow is not ruling out the possibility of Kiev conducting a military operation in Donbass, in eastern Ukraine.

“Significant units and military equipment of NATO countries, including those of the US and the UK, are being deployed closer to our borders,” he said. “We simply have no way to exclude that Kiev’s regime will launch a military venture.”

Last week, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Alexey Danilov, claimed that Russia has deployed 122,000 servicemen within a 200 kilometer distance from the border, with another 143,500 within a distance of 400 kilometers.

Ukraine be like :suicide:

NATO preparing for war, Russia claims
Published: 27 Dec 2021 | 18:50 GMT
NATO preparing for war, Russia claims

NATO tanks fire during the night shooting demonstration at Iron Spear 2021 military exercise in Adazi training grounds, Latvia on October 20, 2021. © Reuters / Ints Kalinin

The US-led military bloc’s posturing has fuelled Russian fears of conflict.

Speaking during a briefing for military attachés and other foreign diplomats, in Moscow, on Monday, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin accused NATO of readying up for an all-out war with Russia.

“The military development of the bloc has been redirected in full to prepare for a large-scale, high-intensity armed conflict with Russia,” Fomin stated.

The preparation comes with the expansion of the bloc’s military capabilities, and is also reflected in NATO’s program documents where Moscow has been unequivocally named “as the main source of threats to coalition security,” Fomin noted. At the same time, older documents, including the 2002 Rome declaration, establishing that Russia and NATO do not regard each other as adversaries, remain in force, he added.

The persistently cold relations between Russia and the US-led alliance have gotten even worse in recent months. In October, Moscow said it would suspend all direct ties with NATO, shutting down its offices in Moscow in response to the expulsion of eight Russian diplomats from its Brussels headquarters. At the time, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the bilateral channels were used by the bloc for “whipping up propaganda and putting pressure on Russia” instead of meaningful dialogue.

Early in December, Russian President Vladimir Putin floated the idea of a comprehensive, legally binding security deal with the West. The suggestion has already materialized into two draft documents, one for the US and a separate one for NATO as a whole. The proposed agreement envisions a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion and contains guarantees on the non-deployment of certain weapons systems in Europe.

The draft deal was designed to serve both Russia and NATO, Fomin stated, expressing hopes the bloc will get ready to constructively discuss the security proposals soon enough.

“We believe that this agreement has been developed in the interests of both Russia and Europe as a whole. We are looking forward to a serious, constructive conversation,” he told the diplomats. “We are waiting for the alliance to provide a substantive reaction to our proposals and are ready to start negotiations at any convenient moment.”

Russia deploying or withdrawing it's troops on its own territory does not amount any deception. Any country on earth, deploying troops on its own territory has every right to do so.

On the other hand, NATO expansion on territory that is traditionally not a Western territory, constitutes as a provocation. NATO warships in the Black Sea are also a provocation.

Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic region have historically been not part of the West. Dating as far back as the 18 century, these regions have been outside the Western sphere.

I agree. Let's hope that NATO comes to its senses. Their fear is "what's next after Ukraine?", especially for the Polish, given their history with the Russians and the betrayal by British and the French after promising to protect them.
I agree. Let's hope that NATO comes to its senses. Their fear is "what's next after Ukraine?", especially for the Polish, given their history with the Russians and the betrayal by British and the French after promising to protect them.

History testifies that Britain, France and now America, have always worked by way of deception. They have a knack of exploiting internal issues of a state, historical grievances and distorting facts. When it was in their interest, Britain was allied with Russia against Napoleon. But when Russia dealt the Ottomans a crushing defeat in the Black Sea, the British and French ganged up with the Ottomans against Russia.

Where Britain had fought alongside the Ottomans against Russia during the Crimean War, 61 years later Britain plotted and brought about the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The British again displayed the same sinister plot during the Second World War, where Soviet Union, America and Britain fought against Nazi Germany. But as soon as Nazis lost the war, Britain had already set plans to encourage America to nuke the Soviet Union.

NATO's fears are Russia being powerful enough to challenge and check their rampant wars across the planet. The first check by Russia came in Syria. Until Syria, NATO was running amok with wars in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and economic sanctions as well as regime changes against Iran, Pakistan, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela and etc.

Poland needs to remember, the past does not reflect the future and Russia Federation is not the Soviet Union and Kiev is being directed by its Western handlers.

One ought to ask this question, what the reason for NATO's expansion? When Russia being one of the biggest trading partner of Europe, why would Russia go to war against Europe? What threat does NATO perceive in it's delirious mind?
History testifies that Britain, France and now America, have always worked by way of deception. They have a knack of exploiting internal issues of a state, historical grievances and distorting facts. When it was in their interest, Britain was allied with Russia against Napoleon. But when Russia dealt the Ottomans a crushing defeat in the Black Sea, the British and French ganged up with the Ottomans against Russia.

Where Britain had fought alongside the Ottomans against Russia during the Crimean War, 61 years later Britain plotted and brought about the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The British again displayed the same sinister plot during the Second World War, where Soviet Union, America and Britain fought against Nazi Germany. But as soon as Nazis lost the war, Britain had already set plans to encourage America to nuke the Soviet Union.

NATO's fears are Russia being powerful enough to challenge and check their rampant wars across the planet. The first check by Russia came in Syria. Until Syria, NATO was running amok with wars in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and economic sanctions as well as regime changes against Iran, Pakistan, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela and etc.

Poland needs to remember, the past does not reflect the future and Russia Federation is not the Soviet Union and Kiev is being directed by its Western handlers.

One ought to ask this question, what the reason for NATO's expansion? When Russia being one of the biggest trading partner of Europe, why would Russia go to war against Europe? What threat does NATO perceive in it's delirious mind?

The new game seems as if the super powers want to influence or take the land back what they lost. For eg China taking back Taiwan, Dokhlam , Arunanchal , Russia already annexed crimea now wants Ukraine.
The new game seems as if the super powers want to influence or take the land back what they lost. For eg China taking back Taiwan, Dokhlam , Arunanchal , Russia already annexed crimea now wants Ukraine.

It may appear that way, but the reality is fomenting regime changes in Eastern Europe to deploy missiles and troops at Russia's doorstep. Or provide a blind and blanketed support for a country led by a fascist regime to tie China down. And to break up any Muslim country that could possibly challenge Israel through clandestine means by arming rebel groups employing terrorist tactics.

In all cases, when one digs deeper into any troubled part of the world, it becomes apparently that majority of the time, it is the West hand in the cookie jar.
Tense situation

The way things are, the Ukrainians are mentally fatigued and if/once the Russians roll in they won’t put much of a fight. However I do want the Ukrainians to give the Russians a bloody nose. Will be good to see how Russia fends off the toys gifted by the west.
History testifies that Britain, France and now America, have always worked by way of deception. They have a knack of exploiting internal issues of a state, historical grievances and distorting facts. When it was in their interest, Britain was allied with Russia against Napoleon. But when Russia dealt the Ottomans a crushing defeat in the Black Sea, the British and French ganged up with the Ottomans against Russia.

Where Britain had fought alongside the Ottomans against Russia during the Crimean War, 61 years later Britain plotted and brought about the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The British again displayed the same sinister plot during the Second World War, where Soviet Union, America and Britain fought against Nazi Germany. But as soon as Nazis lost the war, Britain had already set plans to encourage America to nuke the Soviet Union.

NATO's fears are Russia being powerful enough to challenge and check their rampant wars across the planet. The first check by Russia came in Syria. Until Syria, NATO was running amok with wars in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and economic sanctions as well as regime changes against Iran, Pakistan, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela and etc.

Poland needs to remember, the past does not reflect the future and Russia Federation is not the Soviet Union and Kiev is being directed by its Western handlers.

One ought to ask this question, what the reason for NATO's expansion? When Russia being one of the biggest trading partner of Europe, why would Russia go to war against Europe? What threat does NATO perceive in it's delirious mind?

NATO is no longer relevant in the post-Soviet world. They just exist to maintain the unipolar order. However, for the Polish people, it is not the same. They have been at the receiving end of both Russia and the Nazi Germany and for that reason do not trust the European powers any more. At this point, if Poland were asked to choose between an EU military alliance or having US forces on its soil, they will happily choose the latter.

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the country has been see-sawing between pro-Russian and pro-EU politicians with no pro-Ukrainian leaders coming forward. Zelensky is a Western puppet just as Poroshenko was. These leaders do not take the consideration of the majority of Ukrainians to have neutral ties with either side. Instead, they are under the illusion that the NATO will just accept them and they will be treated at par with the rest of the European Union countries. This is far from the truth.

Ukraine is a beautiful country; let's hope they do not go the way that Saakashvili government did in Georgia, forcing Russia to invade and ravage Tbilisi.

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