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Impact of stand at UN on Indian MMRCA


Aug 18, 2019
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United States
What is the impact of the stand taken by Countries at UN on their future participation in the Indian MMRCA tender?

1) Sweden and UK overtly went against India
2) US and Russia took a balanced approach at best

Only France seems to have supported India. Does this mean India has decided to go with Rafales for the MMRCA tender?
if they really want to ignore Kashmir then i think time has come for the West to stop lecturing rest of the world on Human Rights and Freedom of Speech.
West never respected Human rights of people living in other countries. Look at Afghanistan. More civilian have died in Afg from US bombings than from those of Talibans. Look how they massacred innocent people in Iraq. 90% of the people who died in US's drone attacks in Pakistan were innocent and the price for that was paid by Pakistani people in form of bomb blasts every other day. There are many countries in west where women can not wear what they want (muslim women can not wear hijab or burqa). West is hypocrite. Muslims will keep suffering as long as they will be kept divided by the likes of Iran and Saudia Arabia. These two countries are the real murderers of muslims throughout the world. They fund and support and create 90% of the terror groups and these groups slaughter innocent muslims in Islamic countries. Shame on Saudies and Iranians. Shame on these murderers of Ummah.
West never respected Human rights of people living in other countries. Look at Afghanistan. More civilian have died in Afg from US bombings than from those of Talibans. Look how they massacred innocent people in Iraq. 90% of the people who died in US's drone attacks in Pakistan were innocent and the price for that was paid by Pakistani people in form of bomb blasts every other day. There are many countries in west where women can not wear what they want (muslim women can not wear hijab or burqa). West is hypocrite. Muslims will keep suffering as long as they will be kept divided by the likes of Iran and Saudia Arabia. These two countries are the real murderers of muslims throughout the world. They fund and support and create 90% of the terror groups and these groups slaughter innocent muslims in Islamic countries. Shame on Saudies and Iranians. Shame on these murderers of Ummah.

Can non-Muslim even bring idol/worship their Gods in Saudi? Can all sects of Muslims have freedom to pray in their mosques in Pakistan? Can Kadyani/Ahmadi are treated fairly though they too are Muslims.....does your all whether friend China allows Muslims to even keep beard, pray or keep Rozas in Ramadan? are all the above happen in West?......stop playing victim and whining....our problem is we just look at wrongs in others....and irony is people like you live in West (assuming from your flag) but curse them at the same time.
Can non-Muslim even bring idol/worship their Gods in Saudi? Can all sects of Muslims have freedom to pray in their mosques in Pakistan? Can Kadyani/Ahmadi are treated fairly though they too are Muslims.....does your all whether friend China allows Muslims to even keep beard, pray or keep Rozas in Ramadan? are all the above happen in West?......stop playing victim and whining....our problem is we just look at wrongs in others....and irony is people like you live in West (assuming from your flag) but curse them at the same time.
You are wrong. People can take their Idols in Saudia Arabia (plus I have already mentioned that Saudia is an extremist country supported by west despite the fact that western countries know that this country spreads terrorism). Non-muslims can not worship their idols in Makkah because almost all of Makkah is a kind of Musjid. And no, you can not worship an idol in a masjid because it will kill the very purpose of Masjid.

The sectarianism which Iran and Saudi Arabia used to spread in Pakistan has been mostly taken care of (although its roots are strong and still present in many areas). this sectarianism and hatred between Muslims is the very reason for our situation today and I have mentioned it earlier.

No. Qadianis are not Muslims. You can ask any Muslim cleric from any country. If you have read Qur'an then you will know that Qur'an has clearly mentioned Muhammad (PBUH) the last prophet of Allah. And a person who does not believe even in a single word of Qur'an can not be Muslim. Its simple logic. let the Qur'an and Muslim ulema decide who is Muslim and who is not. Those who don't believe in Qur'an have no right to declare someone Muslim or non-muslim.

I am not playing the victim. just stating the fact. Hope you cand understand. Now you stop being a hypocrite and start accepting the facts.
You are wrong. People can take their Idols in Saudia Arabia (plus I have already mentioned that Saudia is an extremist country supported by west despite the fact that western countries know that this country spreads terrorism). Non-muslims can not worship their idols in Makkah because almost all of Makkah is a kind of Musjid. And no, you can not worship an idol in a masjid because it will kill the very purpose of Masjid.

The sectarianism which Iran and Saudi Arabia used to spread in Pakistan has been mostly taken care of (although its roots are strong and still present in many areas). this sectarianism and hatred between Muslims is the very reason for our situation today and I have mentioned it earlier.

No. Qadianis are not Muslims. You can ask any Muslim cleric from any country. If you have read Qur'an then you will know that Qur'an has clearly mentioned Muhammad (PBUH) the last prophet of Allah. And a person who does not believe even in a single word of Qur'an can not be Muslim. Its simple logic. let the Qur'an and Muslim ulema decide who is Muslim and who is not. Those who don't believe in Qur'an have no right to declare someone Muslim or non-muslim.

I am not playing the victim. just stating the fact. Hope you cand understand. Now you stop being a hypocrite and start accepting the facts.

Very good info.I learnt something new today.

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