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Impact of dual impulse , Air breathing and scram-jet technology on Indian missile program.


Aug 5, 2013
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Hi Friends,

India is currently developing lots of new technology in rocket science and missile. It includes,

1) COmposite motors (Like the one india used in A4 and onward missiles.
2) Scramjet engines which india is developing at present.
3) New high energy explosives mixed fuels like india used in Pinaka MK2 rocket to enhense its range by further 60%
4) Air breathing technology which india is going to test this month.
5) Low weight components to substitute matel parts in rockets such as fuel pumps etc which is going to decrease the weight of rocket a lot and increase the speed.
6) Dual pulse motors.

When these technology starts getting mature and finds its way in indian missile program, india is going to take a giant stride in missile technology. This will reduce the size and weight of indian missile by half and double the speed. We can expect A4 size ICBM of india in next decade. These are very interesting technologies. Let us discuss the impact of these technologies on the missile program of india.

One such thread is there on some indian forum also. Let us discuss this here also. It will be interesting as well.
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