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Imminent War between USA and North Korea

Amateurish view on how US-SK waging war against DPRK. Can't blame you guys though since most of you probably never heard of a defence treaty between China and DPRK. ANY ATTACK ON DPRK, CHINA WILL NOT HESITATE A MOMENT TO JOIN IN.


The Korean War is a testimony, that was even before signing a defence treaty. It was first signed in 1961 and automatically renews every 20 years. When DPRK detonated the first nuclear explosion China warned US not to cause problems in our backyard and since then DPRK detonated a couple of nuclear tests. Not only Obama didn't dare do a thing even Trump lacks balls to do it. US Generals all agree, every decision regarding DPRK is about CHINA as they know China ain't bluffing when it comes to that defence treaty.
Obviously the USA is never going to fire the first shot, I wasn't even arguing that. I just said that no nuclear attack would be needed to take out the North.
You think China is going to defend NK if they would be the agressor? I doubt it. The only reason why China would ever defend NK is to protect their borders. USA even said they don't seek regime change and that the Chinese could even handle that issue themselves.
The USA is only going to react if an attack would be imminent or an attack would actually be happening. Of course they are not stupid.
You're citing a defence treaty, will China defend NK if they could be called the agressor? Furthermore can you really call the Korean war a 'testimony'? It happened in the early 50's, with MAO, things were completely different then, the USA was in a full 'better dead than red' mode then, for example. In fact the Chinese only intervened when their border was under threat.
You could even argue that relations between NK and China aren't all that great.
Obviously the USA is never going to fire the first shot, I wasn't even arguing that. I just said that no nuclear attack would be needed to take out the North.
You think China is going to defend NK if they would be the agressor? I doubt it. The only reason why China would ever defend NK is to protect their borders. USA even said they don't seek regime change and that the Chinese could even handle that issue themselves.
The USA is only going to react if an attack would be imminent or an attack would actually be happening. Of course they are not stupid.
You're citing a defence treaty, will China defend NK if they could be called the agressor? Furthermore can you really call the Korean war a 'testimony'? It happened in the early 50's, with MAO, things were completely different then, the USA was in a full 'better dead than red' mode then, for example. In fact the Chinese only intervened when their border was under threat.
You could even argue that relations between NK and China aren't all that great.

what age are you living in? there is no aggressor in modernday realpolitik, and there is no aggrieved. sometimes the defenders must act preemptively, and sometimes the aggressor chooses to goad the defender into action. I thought in being repeat roadkill victims in franco-german wars you humble, miserable chocolate makers know this simple political truth from your own experience (or probably not, seeing that you witlessly walked into the last peninsular conflict).

the Chinese position on korea has been clear for millennia: the misbehaving bonzi must receive a beating from nobody but the celestial court, and southern bonze are no less prone to misbehaving than their northern siblings. that is why we knocked your teeth out the last time around.
what age are you living in? there is no aggressor in modernday realpolitik, and there is no aggrieved. sometimes the defenders must act preemptively, and sometimes the aggressor chooses to goad the defender into action.
Oh yes, you can definitely say that the USA has provoked conflicts several times and you should know as a defender of real politik that not only the USA is guilty of this.
However, for me it is hard to defend the North Koreans when they are actively stating "we're going to nuke the USA" and then proceed to say that they are 'provoked', in this case the USA is beign provoked and is right to act.
(or probably not, seeing that you witlessly walked into the last peninsular conflict).
We knew exactly what we were doing here, following orders from Uncle Sam for protection, prestige, economical benefits,... in return. We didn't have much of a choice, did we? You should see this, considering you know so much about real politik.
the Chinese position on korea has been clear for millennia: the misbehaving bonzi must receive a beating from nobody but the celestial court, and southern bonze are no less prone to misbehaving than their northern siblings. that is why we knocked your teeth out the last time around.
First you call me out for not beign 'humble' after beign a repeated 'roadkill' and 'miserable chocolate maker', but you yourself seem to be ignoring the 'real politik' when it comes to China, the Chinese never gave a crap about North Korea, it only intervened when their own interests were under threat and this is not an isolated case.
When the USA is pursuing its interests, they are a 'misbehaving bonzi', how about China?
If you stand by what you said earlier:"there is no aggressor in modernday realpolitik, and there is no aggrieved. sometimes the defenders must act preemptively, and sometimes the aggressor chooses to goad the defender into action.", then why are you not applying your own critisism here?
Oh yes, you can definitely say that the USA has provoked conflicts several times and you should know as a defender of real politik that not only the USA is guilty of this.
However, for me it is hard to defend the North Koreans when they are actively stating "we're going to nuke the USA" and then proceed to say that they are 'provoked', in this case the USA is beign provoked and is right to act.

We knew exactly what we were doing here, following orders from Uncle Sam for protection, prestige, economical benefits,... in return. We didn't have much of a choice, did we? You should see this, considering you know so much about real politik.

First you call me out for not beign 'humble' after beign a repeated 'roadkill' and 'miserable chocolate maker', but you yourself seem to be ignoring the 'real politik' when it comes to China, the Chinese never gave a crap about North Korea, it only intervened when their own interests were under threat and this is not an isolated case.
When the USA is pursuing its interests, they are a 'misbehaving bonzi', how about China?
If you stand by what you said earlier:"there is no aggressor in modernday realpolitik, and there is no aggrieved. sometimes the defenders must act preemptively, and sometimes the aggressor chooses to goad the defender into action.", then why are you not applying your own critisism here?

northern bonzi got a long list of grievances against the US, all somewhat plausible, some even reasonable. to begin with, why the heck are American troops still garrisoned on the peninsula? Belgians/thais/Frenchmen long withdrew theirs; Chinese troops, the only conceivably justification for American presence seeing that Chinese and American armies were the primary antagonists in the war, also withdrew in the 50's. American garrison - the occasional aerial and naval incursion into the north and the constant mind games - rightly stoked northern fear. we are talking about Americans' messing with kim's family and toying with their assassination or destruction for three generations! this all dates back to a time when northern bonzi were seen as economically competitive and politically rational; by comparison, Belgium at the time was colonising congo, destablising its nascent democracy, assassinating its founding leaders, all with CIA help that Belgium possibly procured with the political goodwill with uncle sam that, like you said, accrued through Belgian participation in the korea war.

most people will know the more recent part: the kim family descended into this paranoia about the west, a paranoia heightened by the famine in the 90's and by the economic ruination by the collapse of its major trading partners in the warsaw pact countries and isolation by the west. by contrast, having gotten rich off its plundered riches from congo and now living in the diplomatic security that it purchased by selling itself off to the US and the economic security that it stole with american help, a tiny belgium can gracefully itself from the crueler aspects of realpolitik and eloquently profess to a belief in global justice and marvel at korean hysteria that belgium helped engineer in the postbellum years.

if there is anything for a belgium to hold to heart, it is this bitter irony: that six decades ago, belgium pulled a realpolitik move that secured the good favor of the angloamericans who in turn helped your avaricious and murderous former king and colonial operatives loot the belgian africa by butchering africans and assassinating their liberation leaders. belgium got richer and safer when korea got poorer and more insecure. you bought your wealth and security with the steady impoverishment and destablisation of korea - and with your soul. if international politics knew any justice, the korean ICBMs should aim at brussels, i would say.

but i am but a chinese and a realist at that. i say that you bloody belgians screwed the bonzi and the congolese for your own benefit, and there is no higher moral doctrine than raison d'etat in foreign policies, and as a chinese i also say that any foreign force that tries to whip the bonzi will be whipped by us because by the sheer logic of realpolitik we have never sat on our hands watching anyone else spank the bonzi, no matter what crimes the bonzi committed. so i say the bonzi shouldn't attack belgium for its historic crimes against asians and africans, but if they did, i must ask you to let it go because china will not let belgium retaliate for bonzi accidentally wiping out the whole of flanders. there is no justice or injustice in belgium screwing korea and congo; no justice or injustice in bonzi nuking half of belgium; and no justice or injustice in china nuking off the other half of belgium if belgium wants to do anything about losing its first half. we live in a jaded world where your moral beliefs are but a recent invention - and fiction - and chinese interest in and dominance of the korean peninsula live far longer than your christian religion and know fiercer jealousy than your old testament god.
Obviously the USA is never going to fire the first shot, I wasn't even arguing that. I just said that no nuclear attack would be needed to take out the North.
You think China is going to defend NK if they would be the agressor? I doubt it. The only reason why China would ever defend NK is to protect their borders. USA even said they don't seek regime change and that the Chinese could even handle that issue themselves.
The USA is only going to react if an attack would be imminent or an attack would actually be happening. Of course they are not stupid.
You're citing a defence treaty, will China defend NK if they could be called the agressor? Furthermore can you really call the Korean war a 'testimony'? It happened in the early 50's, with MAO, things were completely different then, the USA was in a full 'better dead than red' mode then, for example. In fact the Chinese only intervened when their border was under threat.
You could even argue that relations between NK and China aren't all that great.

Little boy, when will you reach adulthood? You want to argue DPRK is the aggressor, the one who will start shooting first and as a result the US can easily defeat DPRK (doesn't matter whether conventional or nuclear) while China is standing by doing nothing. This is why i call you a rookie in analyzing East Asian Affairs. You don't know sh!t.

Why is DPRK the aggressor? Please explain. Do you know history? Do you? DPRK and ROK exists because of the Cold War mentality right after WW2. If there was no such issue, there would no be division. So do not talk like a complete idiot using the word aggressor. It shows you are an ignorant person who doesn't know history or not bother to read more of it. What DPRK wants is unification. Imagine Belgium got split into two parts if the other part starts a unification battle would it be right for the rest of the world starts labeling the attacker as aggressor? Even South Koreans don't call DPRK as aggressors and a Belgian idiot is, you need to check your brains kid. Learn proper terminologies and historical facts if you want to discuss serious issues here.
northern bonzi got a long list of grievances against the US, all somewhat plausible, some even reasonable. to begin with, why the heck are American troops still garrisoned on the peninsula? Belgians/thais/Frenchmen long withdrew theirs; Chinese troops, the only conceivably justification for American presence seeing that Chinese and American armies were the primary antagonists in the war, also withdrew in the 50's. American garrison - the occasional aerial and naval incursion into the north and the constant mind games - rightly stoked northern fear.
The reason why the Americans are in South Korea is because the South Koreans asked them to stay, now tell me wich side is constantly trying to 'unify' Korea under communism? The South Koreans have just as good reasons to fear the north.
we are talking about Americans' messing with kim's family and toying with their assassination or destruction for three generations! this all dates back to a time when northern bonzi were seen as economically competitive and politically rational
Ever heard about the blue house raid? North Koreans have been doing the exact same thing, don't pretend the North is innocent here.
by comparison, Belgium at the time was colonising congo, destablising its nascent democracy, assassinating its founding leaders, all with CIA help that Belgium possibly procured with the political goodwill with uncle sam that, like you said, accrued through Belgian participation in the korea war.

most people will know the more recent part: the kim family descended into this paranoia about the west, a paranoia heightened by the famine in the 90's and by the economic ruination by the collapse of its major trading partners in the warsaw pact countries and isolation by the west. by contrast, having gotten rich off its plundered riches from congo and now living in the diplomatic security that it purchased by selling itself off to the US and the economic security that it stole with american help, a tiny belgium can gracefully itself from the crueler aspects of realpolitik and eloquently profess to a belief in global justice and marvel at korean hysteria that belgium helped engineer in the postbellum years.

if there is anything for a belgium to hold to heart, it is this bitter irony: that six decades ago, belgium pulled a realpolitik move that secured the good favor of the angloamericans who in turn helped your avaricious and murderous former king and colonial operatives loot the belgian africa by butchering africans and assassinating their liberation leaders. belgium got richer and safer when korea got poorer and more insecure. you bought your wealth and security with the steady impoverishment and destablisation of korea - and with your soul. if international politics knew any justice, the korean ICBMs should aim at brussels, i would say.
Very cute, now you're trying to drag Belgium in it. 2 can play that game. Belgium has killed many people in Congo, everyone knows that. Mao has murdered many millions of Chinese people, more than Belgium ever has in Congo. China has been murdering and extorting it's weak neighbors like Tibet or Buthan. Why don't you recognize the will of Taiwanese people and give their freedom? Why are you trying to steal the Senkaku islands? Since the communist revolution, China has killed more than anyone on this planet if we start counting from 1949. If there's one country that deserves to be nuked many times over, it is communist China.
You are in no position to point your finger at Belgium, you rightfully pointed out the Belgian crimes, but you're acting like a complete hypocrite when it comes to China's crimes.

if there is anything for a belgium to hold to heart, it is this bitter irony: that six decades ago, belgium pulled a realpolitik move that secured the good favor of the angloamericans who in turn helped your avaricious and murderous former king and colonial operatives loot the belgian africa by butchering africans and assassinating their liberation leaders.
You know what I find bitter irony? China was for a while nothing more but a colony of western countries, when they finally gained their independence, you would think they would be advocates of peace? A big no, China has been invading and murdering since 1949.
There's one key difference between China and Belgium: at least Belgium admits their crimes, at least Belgians admits they are living in a country with a history full of cowardice and murder, we're blaming no one but ourselves, while China is blaming 'western agression' like the cowards they are.
The big irony here is that you're that you're claming to be a believer in 'real politik', but when it comes to China or NK, you're always blaming someone else for your problems.

but i am but a chinese and a realist at that. i say that you bloody belgians screwed the bonzi and the congolese for your own benefit, and there is no higher moral doctrine than raison d'etat in foreign policies, and as a chinese i also say that any foreign force that tries to whip the bonzi will be whipped by us because by the sheer logic of realpolitik we have never sat on our hands watching anyone else spank the bonzi, no matter what crimes the bonzi committed. so i say the bonzi shouldn't attack belgium for its historic crimes against asians and africans, but if they did, i must ask you to let it go because china will not let belgium retaliate for bonzi accidentally wiping out the whole of flanders. there is no justice or injustice in belgium screwing korea and congo; no justice or injustice in bonzi nuking half of belgium; and no justice or injustice in china nuking off the other half of belgium if belgium wants to do anything about losing its first half. we live in a jaded world where your moral beliefs are but a recent invention - and fiction - and chinese interest in and dominance of the korean peninsula live far longer than your christian religion and know fiercer jealousy than your old testament god.
Real Politik does not care about morals, not USA, not Belgium, not China. China has murdered like everybody else, pretending like evryone else as well. Your theory of real politik applies to everyone, including China, I hope you know that.

Little boy, when will you reach adulthood?
Whenever you reach adulthood along with me.
You want to argue DPRK is the aggressor, the one who will start shooting first and as a result the US can easily defeat DPRK (doesn't matter whether conventional or nuclear) while China is standing by doing nothing. This is why i call you a rookie in analyzing East Asian Affairs. You don't know sh!t.
I never claimed to be an expert, I will not be pointing fingers to everyone and call them a rookie and saying they don't know sh!t, I am not that much of a hypocrite.
Why is DPRK the aggressor? Please explain. Do you know history? Do you? DPRK and ROK exists because of the Cold War mentality right after WW2. If there was no such issue, there would no be division. So do not talk like a complete idiot using the word aggressor.
Yes, North and South only excists because of the cold war mentality pushed by the USA, Soviet Union and Communist China. But tell me, who invaded who? Who has been yelling that they would nuke USA many times over? Who has been wanting to unify Korea under communism, against the will of the people from the south? I am very aware of the politics going on, Usa and Belgium only care about their own interests, atleast I admit that. You honestly think that China gives a crap about North Korea? You honestly think that Kim Jong Un cares about his own people, or does he only want the nukes to secure his position? You be the judge.
Thus,you can assume South Korea and the USA have just as many reasons if not more to call North Korea the agressor.

What DPRK wants is unification.
Under communism, under the authoritarian rule of the Kim family, against the wil of the South.
Poor little North Korea, right?
Imagine Belgium got split into two parts if the other part starts a unification battle would it be right for the rest of the world starts labeling the attacker as aggressor?
Many in Belgium would be happy to be split. A supa dupa smart guy like yourself should have known about the division between Flanders and Walloons.
Even South Koreans don't call DPRK as aggressors and a Belgian idiot is, you need to check your brains kid. Learn proper terminologies and historical facts if you want to discuss serious issues here.
South Koreans don't call the North agressors? They do not fear them? huh, that's weird.
Never claimed to be Einstein, I am here to learn and have my ignorance corrected. You're not the one correcting it, however. You're attacking 'a Belgian idiot', you're the one acting immature.
@Cell_DbZ I'm pretty sure you are a false flagger, most likely an Indian or an American. Therefor there's no need to debate further with an idiot. Don't pretend to be a Belgian, you are insulting that country and its people.
The reason why the Americans are in South Korea is because the South Koreans asked them to stay, now tell me wich side is constantly trying to 'unify' Korea under communism? The South Koreans have just as good reasons to fear the north.

Ever heard about the blue house raid? North Koreans have been doing the exact same thing, don't pretend the North is innocent here.

Very cute, now you're trying to drag Belgium in it. 2 can play that game. Belgium has killed many people in Congo, everyone knows that. Mao has murdered many millions of Chinese people, more than Belgium ever has in Congo. China has been murdering and extorting it's weak neighbors like Tibet or Buthan. Why don't you recognize the will of Taiwanese people and give their freedom? Why are you trying to steal the Senkaku islands? Since the communist revolution, China has killed more than anyone on this planet if we start counting from 1949. If there's one country that deserves to be nuked many times over, it is communist China.
You are in no position to point your finger at Belgium, you rightfully pointed out the Belgian crimes, but you're acting like a complete hypocrite when it comes to China's crimes.

You know what I find bitter irony? China was for a while nothing more but a colony of western countries, when they finally gained their independence, you would think they would be advocates of peace? A big no, China has been invading and murdering since 1949.
There's one key difference between China and Belgium: at least Belgium admits their crimes, at least Belgians admits they are living in a country with a history full of cowardice and murder, we're blaming no one but ourselves, while China is blaming 'western agression' like the cowards they are.
The big irony here is that you're that you're claming to be a believer in 'real politik', but when it comes to China or NK, you're always blaming someone else for your problems.

Real Politik does not care about morals, not USA, not Belgium, not China. China has murdered like everybody else, pretending like evryone else as well. Your theory of real politik applies to everyone, including China, I hope you know that.

Whenever you reach adulthood along with me.

I never claimed to be an expert, I will not be pointing fingers to everyone and call them a rookie and saying they don't know sh!t, I am not that much of a hypocrite.

Yes, North and South only excists because of the cold war mentality pushed by the USA, Soviet Union and Communist China. But tell me, who invaded who? Who has been yelling that they would nuke USA many times over? Who has been wanting to unify Korea under communism, against the will of the people from the south? I am very aware of the politics going on, Usa and Belgium only care about their own interests, atleast I admit that. You honestly think that China gives a crap about North Korea? You honestly think that Kim Jong Un cares about his own people, or does he only want the nukes to secure his position? You be the judge.
Thus,you can assume South Korea and the USA have just as many reasons if not more to call North Korea the agressor.

Under communism, under the authoritarian rule of the Kim family, against the wil of the South.
Poor little North Korea, right?

Many in Belgium would be happy to be split. A supa dupa smart guy like yourself should have known about the division between Flanders and Walloons.

South Koreans don't call the North agressors? They do not fear them? huh, that's weird.
Never claimed to be Einstein, I am here to learn and have my ignorance corrected. You're not the one correcting it, however. You're attacking 'a Belgian idiot', you're the one acting immature.
weird-odoured chocolate maker, you got my point and then pretended not to: we don't give a damn about what did what for what reason. I told you from the very beginning that china feigns no moralism in staking its claim in korea - and I am telling you Belgium is not one to claim such phony moralism given its black hands in Africa and in korea. and if it dips its fingers in korea again, we will cut your balls off for it. bonzi are annoying pets who deserve a regular kicking and whipping, but they are our pets and heavens be damned if someone else dared to come in and spank them
I'm pretty sure you are a false flagger, most likely an Indian or an American. Therefor there's no need to debate further with an idiot. Don't pretend to be a Belgian, you are insulting that country and its people.
No I am not an Indian or American, I am in fact a Belgian, born in the city of Geel, Flanders. Because I am saying something you don't like doesn't make an 'Indian' or 'American', you have showed your immaturity
I am partly Russian however, but I consider myself Belgian. I simply will not take it that you attack my country for the crimes it has done in the past and when I do the same, you're acting all that offended.
If you want me to prove it, I can write a little text in correct dutch.

weird-odoured chocolate maker, you got my point and then pretended not to: we don't give a damn about what did what for what reason. I told you from the very beginning that china feigns no moralism in staking its claim in korea - and I am telling you Belgium is not one to claim such phony moralism given its black hands in Africa and in korea.
Heh, well at least you're not accusing me of beign a false flagger, that's something I guess.
China like any country does pretend to be the moral party, isn't that the basics of foreign policy? China will never say that North Korea is it's whipping boy, like the Usa will never say Belgium is it's little slave. China will always claim that it is defending from an agressor. China used the moral excuse of 'defending itself from the American agressor' in Korea too, you may say this is legitimate, but if the USA would be going into the North now, I would argue it is also for a legitimate reason (nukes), just like when they went in to to 'defend' South Korea from the invading North.
Yes, Belgium talks about 'democracy' and we know all that this is just a ruse to stay relevant for the Americans, I never said I like this, but I have to accept this.
You should accept that China is not a hair better than Belgium, at least Belgiums admits it's crimes.
and if it dips its fingers in korea again, we will cut your balls off for it. bonzi are annoying pets who deserve a regular kicking and whipping, but they are our pets and heavens be damned if someone else dared to come in and spank them
Lol, that's never going to happen, if anyone is going to take abuse from China, it will be the Americans, not Belgium, we're never going to lead the war against the North.
If America goes in, it will probably be because the North would have attacked or is going to, before that, this 'conflict' means nothing but talk.

weird-odoured chocolate maker, you got my point and then pretended not to: we don't give a damn about what did what for what reason.
The only 'reason' we're playing the moral card is because we actually don't have any imperialistic claims whatsoever, this is just to stay relevant, everyone knows this.

we don't give a damn about what did what for what reason.
If you don't give damn what you did, then wy are you attacking Belgium?
China, Russia and Europe should give to Mexico some technical guidelines to develop nuclear weapons and ICBM technology, maybe that would stop USA from their "smart" plots to "save" us from NK and Iran. :rofl:

Trump could easily order a preemptive nuclear strike against North Korea. If it were me I would have hit Pyongyang on April 18th

you take fat boy and 99% of his commanders out in a millisecond and along with NK most loyal and well trained soldiers.

you also hit the air and naval bases. you hit the underground depots holding the nukes,biologica, and chemical weapons.

I am just waiting for Trump to say the U.S are abandoning the no first strike policy. that will have NK and China crapping their pants.

If war is so simple then US could have preemptive nuke everyone include China and Russia so it could permanently eliminate their adversaries. Push nation to be on their last stand, US will harvest more harm that good, imagine if Kim still remain few nukes to strike back on US cities, is that considered as acceptable lost?
Because NK leader don't care about NK's future, and he is on a suicide mission. China should prevail on NK to stop provoking the US with nuclear tests and missile tests. Already people of NK have suffered enough from sanctions and their idiotic 'leader' .
they care and that's why they are making their defence stronger to avoid any massacre and carpet bombing of north korea being repeated in future.
Trump could easily order a preemptive nuclear strike against North Korea. If it were me I would have hit Pyongyang on April 18th

and who gave you right to do this !?

Because NK leader don't care about NK's future, and he is on a suicide mission. China should prevail on NK to stop provoking the US with nuclear tests and missile tests. Already people of NK have suffered enough from sanctions and their idiotic 'leader' .

They saw what American did to Iraq , Libya and Syria ....
and who gave you right to do this !?

They saw what American did to Iraq , Libya and Syria ....
we have always reserved this right. especially when NK is threatening to nuke us first.
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