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IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

Oil money8-)

Between Norwegians, Swedes, Finns and Russians who likes cold best ? Must be Russians right?

Not Sweden... maybe Denmark in their place? Danish Grønland? Very cold there.

Obviously I'm going with Norway. Blizzard? Time to surf:D:


Russians are pretty hardy too, but Finns? When they get cold they flock to the nearest sauna. Bunch of wimps:


Nice place to meet people though:bunny:.
Oil money8-)

Not really,see the image in the OP.Contrary to popular beliefs Norway was rich even before oil discovery in its waters-it had one of the biggest commercial fleets in the world and a good industry.I guess you guys are smart that way.You were the richest Euro country in 1938 (without oil),now you're the 2nd,behind Switzerland,excluding micro states.
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Woah 2015 Philippines is richer than 2016 moldova, I always thought whole of Europe is rich.
Woah 2015 Philippines is richer than 2016 moldova, I always thought whole of Europe is rich.

Moldova is not a country ,it's an enclave where the population (remaining one as 50% fled) is held hostage by two mafia organisations,one pretending to be pro Russia,the other one pro West.In fact they're just robbing the country dry.A few months ago a billion dollars dissaperead,and they have a 6 billion $ GDP.Ofcourse,nobody know "nuffin'.
Syria from Factbook:

The World Factbook

Reconcile your statements of private consumption with 50% of the country in some "need" or another and over 10% refugees.

Furthermore, if you would have scrolled down the page you would see data directly at odds with your statements of increased gdp/capita

$5,100 (2011 est.)
$5,100 (2010 est.)
$5,200 (2010 est.)

If you would perhaps have been more experienced in data mining you could have come to the inevitable and quite logical conclusion that data in there isn't worth that much as meaningful data collection has been stopped for the past 4 years and whatever there is there are mere estimates, which like outlined above are difficult to reconcile with objective things that are happening in the country.

Additionaly, once you go a little deeper in into "infrastructure of the report" you find such admissions:

The World Factbook

So, rough approximations from academia in their ivory towers done at a time of war when noone relevant in making of those assumptions even visited.

Why is it that every single post of yours feels the need to attack my person or skills or knowledge.

Most GDP figures are estimates.

We are never certain because of multiple factors. Hell, the IMF even states multiple times they estimate the GDP of countries as they never have clear access to figures. How do you think we know North Korea's GDP? We don't, we're estimating what it might be.

The IMF estimates that Syria's GDP has went from $60 billion (2010) to $77 billion (2014), If you feel you are more competent and intelligent than a group of International Economists, then please feel free to contact the IMF and let them know how you feel.

List of IMF ranked countries by past and projected GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^ Wikipedia article discussing IMF estimates & projections. (Simple version)

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
^ difficult IMF version, all values converted to 2015 dollars.
Why is it that every single post of yours feels the need to attack my person or skills or knowledge.

Most GDP figures are estimates.

We are never certain because of multiple factors. Hell, the IMF even states multiple times they estimate the GDP of countries as they never have clear access to figures. How do you think we know North Korea's GDP? We don't, we're estimating what it might be.

The IMF estimates that Syria's GDP has went from $60 billion (2010) to $77 billion (2014), If you feel you are more competent and intelligent than a group of International Economists, then please feel free to contact the IMF and let them know how you feel.

List of IMF ranked countries by past and projected GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^ Wikipedia article discussing IMF estimates & projections. (Simple version)

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
^ difficult IMF version, all values converted to 2015 dollars.

As in the October 2014 WEO, data for Syria are excluded from 2011 onward because of the uncertain political situation.

World Economic Outlook Database April 2015

Even the link which you call "difficult" (it's just a chart) has missing entries from 2010 onward and you want to argue?

Why is it that every single post of yours feels the need to attack my person or skills or knowledge.

You found something on wiki, saw IMF tagged to it, came back here all triumphant how i surely cannot know more than a group of economists (let's leave that aside, if economists knew anything a crisis or two might be averted- if you're an economist and this is insulting, it's meant to be)
Now, me knowing the situation in Syria from 2011 onward, i was pretty sure no data collection was being gathered (if embassies evacuate, there wil be no IMF paper pusher calculating anything on the ground), so i decided to look a bit deeper into your links and voila, no data.

Summa summarum, IMF estimates are invalid by their own admission and with it, everything you've based on them and presented in this thread.
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Moldova is not a country ,it's an enclave where the population (remaining one as 50% fled) is held hostage by two mafia organisations,one pretending to be pro Russia,the other one pro West.In fact they're just robbing the country dry.A few months ago a billion dollars dissaperead,and they have a 6 billion $ GDP.Ofcourse,nobody know "nuffin'.
Why are those two mafias so interested with Moldova, the population is too small plus there's nothing much going on in there?
Why are those two mafias so interested with Moldova, the population is too small plus there's nothing much going on in there?

Because they're local mafias living on the back of 3 million suckers ?
World Economic Outlook Database April 2015

Even the link which you call "difficult" (it's just a chart) has missing entries from 2010 onward and you want to argue?

You found something on wiki, saw IMF tagged to it, came back here all triumphant how i surely cannot know more than a group of economists (let's leave that aside, if economists knew anything a crisis or two might be averted- if you're an economist and this is insulting, it's meant to be)
Now, me knowing the situation in Syria from 2011 onward, i was pretty sure no data collection was being gathered (if embassies evacuate, there wil be no IMF paper pusher calculating anything on the ground), so i decided to look a bit deeper into your links and voila, no data.

Summa summarum, IMF estimates are invalid by their own admission and with it, everything you've based on them and presented in this thread.

I called it difficult referring to navigating it xD The Wikipedia article is a simple version of the Chart that i refer to often.
I'm not an Economist yet, i'm studying to become a Developmental Economist.

What is official Syrian government spending? We have a rough estimate including the Iranian/Russian donations/support. How much of this is spent within Syria?

What is the typical Syrian salary? 50% unemployment, then 50% of the labor force is spending the average wage month after month. Some Syrians might receive money from relatives abroad, how much is this?

How much is Russia investing in its new Mediterranean military base? What about the Syrian government, any new roads or military bases?

We have a rough estimate of Private consumption, Government spending & Investment. Exports & Imports are easier.

Refer to the formula i posted above and voila: Syria's GDP.

Why are you so angry that the IMF has said that Syria's GDP increased?
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