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IMF pegs India's GDP growth for 2012-13 at 7%


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IMF pegs India's GDP growth for 2012-13 at 7%

BS Reporter / New Delhi Mar 21, 2012, 00:31 IST

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Tuesday said India was poised to grow at seven per cent in 2012-2013, while China would grow 8.5 per cent.

She lauded India’s efforts towards taking fiscal consolidation measures and reforming the tax code. “Our forecast for growth in China are very significant percentages applied to expanding economies,” Lagarde, who is visiting India for the first time as IMF chief, told reporters here.

“Clearly, developing economies are growing at a fast pace. It is a little less than what we were used to but it is plenty, given that the demand in a country like China has clearly reduced.... In India, the fact that there will be support for capital investments, there will be an asset into developing infrastructure, is critical in our view to unleash the potential for growth that this country has.”

During her two-day visit that concluded on Tuesday, Lagarde met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Commerce and Industry and Textiles Minister Anand Sharma. “We are encouraged to see a continued path towards fiscal consolidation, that there is determination to reform the tax code and to cap subsidies at two per cent. All of those are good and I am confident the finance minister would pursue and be delivering on those commitments,” she said, while lauding the measures proposed in Budget 2012-2013 unveiled last week.

On the global scenario, Lagarde said prices of crude oil could rise 20-30 per cent in the backdrop of the sanctions on Iran. “If there was a major shortage of export of oil out of Iran, it would certainly drive prices up, at least for a period of time. We believe it could be 20-30 per cent while other countries adjust to supply the shortage in order to mitigate the problem. So, it is necessary that rebalancing takes place rapidly. But our hope is that the geopolitical tensions can be addressed properly,” she said.

Addressing a round-table on India and China earlier in the day, Lagarde reiterated the IMF was eager to implement the required quota reforms ratified by India and China, which will give more voice to countries not properly represented in the fund.

“Quota reforms (are something) we want to implement in the IMF. Both India and China have ratified the formal proposal for quota reforms. Change is in the air,” she said.

The quota for a country at the IMF refers to its voting rights. India has a voting share of 2.34 per cent.

On the euro zone crisis, Lagarde said the global economic situation was gradually improving and was much better now than three months earlier. “The situation is not as grim or as dire (as it used to be) …. We are really away from the abyss,” she said.
IMF pegs India's GDP growth for 2012-13 at 7%
Lagarde this woman is fiercely selling its EU savage plan.

don't take too much credit when someone has an agenda behind her.
kya agenda?

He will have to check with his book club and the book " India obsessed society": Chapter 1 " conspiracies we can promote about India and Lagarde"- and get back to you. ;) .

On a serious note: OPEN THAT RETAIL sector and pass the bill and you will get 1% points plus to the GDP for sure! ...
On a serious note: OPEN THAT RETAIL sector and pass the bill and you will get 1% points plus to the GDP for sure! ...
haha. it's like committing suicide...
we know well that these giant malls dont sell cheap.

it will be just like of past.
British cheaply produce stuffs here.... process it in britain... sell it to us itself with 200% extra cost...

hope the city dwellers aren't wise enough to fell for that trap :)
IMF, Which just is for EU and American, they suck the money from other countries to feed the greedy developed countries!!
He will have to check with his book club and the book " India obsessed society": Chapter 1 " conspiracies we can promote about India and Lagarde"- and get back to you. ;) .

On a serious note: OPEN THAT RETAIL sector and pass the bill and you will get 1% points plus to the GDP for sure! ...

it's obviously up on board. Lagarde is trying to convince "India" to send more taxpayer's money to saving the downing continent named Europe, if you call that obssess.....
haha. it's like committing suicide...
we know well that these giant malls dont sell cheap.

it will be just like of past.
British cheaply produce stuffs here.... process it in britain... sell it to us itself with 200% extra cost...

hope the city dwellers aren't wise enough to fell for that trap :)

Opening retail sector is a must for India to grow further. More FDI is more growth. Or be happy with 6-7% growth

it's obviously up on board. Lagarde is trying to convince "India" to send more taxpayer's money to saving the downing continent named Europe, if you call that obssess.....

Last I checked, they were convincing China, not India
Opening retail sector is a must for India to grow further. More FDI is more growth. Or be happy with 6-7% growth
i suppose FDI flow will boost growth to double digits.
well. i say we want to beat china growth rate...
I doubt. China is smart to dodge the bullet, but Indian political figures are eager to show their big ego, what a national pride, for them.

Not a chance. We dont have the money to bail out eurozone. China may eventually take the bite
i suppose FDI flow will boost growth to double digits.
well. i say we want to beat china growth rate...
It is just the time of matter, all chinese know that, we can't except too much, more than 30 years high growths, we want upgrade our economic structure!!
I think before 2015, china growth rate will still higher than that of india!! then india surpass china in growth rate!!
Opening retail sector is a must for India to grow further. More FDI is more growth. Or be happy with 6-7% growth

Last I checked, they were convincing China, not India

FDI in retail is welcome but with some safeguards atleast..lest we don't become the another chinese dumpground..we should have our own manufacturing industrial base so that those retail giants can source it from here it self rather then sniffing around ...quite like the chinese model they opened it up but they had all the resources to fill those retail stores and that on large scale with cheap prices...so utmost care is required in there..my 2 cents.
FDI in retail is welcome but with some safeguards atleast..lest we don't become the another chinese dumpground..we should have our own manufacturing industrial base so that those retail giants can source it from here it self rather then sniffing around ...quite like the chinese model they opened it up but they had all the resources to fill those retail stores and that on large scale with cheap prices...so utmost care is required in there..my 2 cents.

Retail FDI must be in....
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