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Imam khomeini space center

Comments in presstv.ir



Iran should not allow non muslim countries to get any of your science, they want it for themselves, they steal muslim science and stop muslims from progressing. iran should do the same.

jamshed kharian-pak

its pleasure to read new satellite launch base Named after the Great Muslim Reformer of 21rst century the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini space launch center Long Live Islamic Republic Of Iran

An Iranian citizen

And Do not forget your promise Mr.Vahidi , according to your promise we must be able to put 1000kg satellites into orbit from this space center , Good Luck!

Any pictures of the space launch station?

Is this Iran's only or second space launch station? coz i thought they had already launched few satellites...

In December 2010 it was announced that due to geographical limitations of first space center in injecting satellite into orbit, studies have been carried out for setting up a second (satellite) launch pad.[68] The new national spaceport of Iran, named after Imam Khomeini,[69] is being built in south east of the country in Sistan and Baluchestan Province. This new port is to be used to launch all future Iranian space missions similar to American Kennedy Space Center or the Baikonur Cosmodrome.[70][71][72] In March 2011, Jane's Information Group reported on the basis of its satellite imagery analysis of Iranian space launch sites that Iran is aggressively building complex facilities with very rapid pace showing the nation's inclinations towards space readiness.[73]

Iranian Space Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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