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IL-78 stuck in Michigan?


May 12, 2009
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Intrigue Idles Soviet-Era Jet In Michigan
JULY 12, 2010

MARQUETTE, Mich.—One morning last July, a Russian-made military plane landed at an airport near this Lake Superior town.

Nine men with foreign accents disembarked. Some went off to eat and shop. When they returned, a flock of federal agents and local police were waiting. Five men were taken to jail.

The plane, an Ilyushin IL-78, had come from Texas, bound for Pakistan. "All of us were trying to figure out what they were picking up or smuggling," says Cheryl Hill, assistant prosecutor of Marquette County. Capt. David Lemire of the Marquette County Sheriff's Office says, "People to this day still ask, 'What's up with that plane?"'

Not much. Nearly a year later, the 231-ton Cold War leftover remains at Sawyer International Airport, leaking fuel and luring birds.

It's an albatross of sorts for this Upper Peninsula county, which owns the airport and went months without being paid almost $4,000 for storage and maintenance.
[Plane] Marquette County Sheriff's Office.

At 231 tons, a Russian-made Ilyushin IL-78 is one of the bigger planes to have landed at Sawyer International Airport in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Ms. Hill and others here still aren't sure why the plane wound up in their backyard, but now, she says, "I can't get rid of the damn thing."

The Soviet Union used similar Ilyushins in its 1980s war with Afghanistan. The tankers are equipped to refuel jets in midair and can be converted for carrying cargo or fighting fires.

The aircraft stranded in Michigan was built in 1988, says Gary Fears, a Boca Raton, Fla., entrepreneur whose family trust controls Air Support Systems LLC, which bought the Ilyushin for about $4 million in 2005.

Mr. Fears, 64 years old, has helped develop casinos in Illinois and Florida and has been involved in real-estate development, steak houses and an auto-body repair business. He envisioned retooling the Ilyushin for fire fighting after living in fire-ravaged California in the early 2000s.

The plane is "breathtaking in terms of its capabilities," he says, adding that it can spread fire retardant "across five football fields in one pass."

The plane sat idle at a Grayson County, Texas, airport for three years without a job. Last year, North American Tactical Aviation Inc., a privately held concern in Newark, Del., that buys and sells used military aircraft, leased the plane.

NATA planned to fly it to Pakistan and court the military as a customer, company president Dwight Barnell says.

On July 16 last year, the Federal Aviation Administration granted a "ferry permit" for the plane to leave Texas. The next morning, the Ilyushin took off with a crew of Ukrainians and others hired by NATA.

Originally, the plane was to fly directly to Iceland and stop briefly before proceeding to Pakistan. But it left Texas without securing U.S. Customs and Border Protection permission to leave the country. It stopped in Michigan to finalize that, Mr. Barnell says.

The Ilyushin landed on Sawyer's 2.3-mile-long runway, set amid vast stands of jack pine. The airport, about 17 miles south of Marquette, is itself a Cold War relic, a former Air Force base built in the 1950s to defend against Soviet attack. Budget cuts closed it in 1995, but it reopened as a commercial airport and today handles about 400 flights a month.

Airport officials snapped photographs as the Ilyushin swooped in. The crew had called ahead to order more than $45,000 of fuel.

A different call came to the county Sheriff's Office: A Texas lawyer claimed the Iluyshin had been stolen, police say. Documents showed a Texas judge had ordered the plane grounded because Mr. Fears' company owed $62,400 to a maintenance firm for fuel, repairs and storage at the Texas airport.

Mr. Fears disputes owing anything to the firm, Air-1 Flight Support Inc., and says he and the crew were unaware of the judge's order.

Air-1 owner Victor Miller says he informed Mr. Fears and the crew of the order. After the plane left Texas, Mr. Miller tracked it on the Internet and had his lawyer call Michigan. "If that airplane left the country, I was never going to get anything out of it," he says.

Up in Michigan, Ms. Hill, the prosecutor, told police they lacked jurisdiction; the plane could buy fuel and go. But most of the crew had scattered to nearby stores and restaurants.

Chatting with two crew members who spoke English, Sheriff's Detective Lt. Stephen Kangas learned the plane was going to Pakistan. But the men weren't clear on what they planned to do there, Lt. Kangas says. He called the local FBI.

Soon the airport was swarming with agents from the FBI, FAA and Transportation Security Administration, while Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents drove over from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

Inside the plane, police saw gauges marked in Cyrillic script, packages of ramen noodles, an American flag and a stringer of dried fish. Nero the drug-sniffing dog found nothing illegal.

Sometime after midnight, Customs Enforcement agents cuffed five Ukrainian crew members and took them to jail for having expired visas. Several days later, the men were allowed to return to Ukraine. The others, including two U.S. citizens, left town.

Efforts to interview the crew members were unsuccessful.

At the airport, gawkers cruised the perimeter seeking a glimpse of the plane. One man wrote on a television news website, "I wonder how these bozos can have free access to U.S. airspace with a heavy aircraft, and I am not allowed a few simple carry-on items?"

While the feds investigated, a Marquette County Circuit judge and Customs and Border Protection separately ordered the plane held. Workers blocked it with dump trucks and a snowplow. When fuel started leaking from the wings, Ms. Hill worried winter snow and ice might collapse a wing and cause a costly spill.

Customs and Border Protection released the plane in February and fined Mr. Fears' company $2,500 for lacking a license to take the plane out of the country. The Marquette judge awarded the Ilyushin to Air-1, the Texas maintenance firm.

Last Friday, Mr. Fears' attorneys asked the judge to put yet another hold on the plane, alleging Air-1's Mr. Miller recently sold it to Temco Industries Inc. of Wilmington, Del., for $60,000, "a fraction of what the Aircraft is worth." Temco couldn't be reached; Mr. Miller didn't respond to calls or emails Monday.

Starlings are nesting in the Ilyushin's tail and pigeons flutter in and out of an engine. Ms. Hill says she'd love to see the plane leave Michigan, although, "If they want to donate it to us, we'll take it."

Write to Bryan Gruley at bryan.gruley@wsj.com

Here are some of the pics from the slideshow:-

There's some old buzz on forums if you search the aircraft registration since the presence of a Russian plane amazed the people on the tarmac.

Picture taken by another person:-

**No point

Looks like it was going to Pakistan to Join Pakistan Airforce:police:

But a currupt company stopped it in middle to make profit from it by claiming fuel charges and then selling it for 60,000

Another awesome day in lives of custom and border patrol operations

A sane person would have let the plane fly out after the checks were completed

Lets hope our 18 F16 A and B that went for Red flag don`t get stopped for fueling
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Why is Pakistan quiet, if it is their plane and intended for joining them.

Its really strange.

It has clearly 3 stations for the refueling probe equipment installation.

Why did it went to the US in the first place.
Why is Pakistan quiet, if it is their plane and intended for joining them.

Its really strange.

It has clearly 3 stations for the refueling probe equipment installation.

Why did it went to the US in the first place.

Same Question in my mind..... ub har cheez unko dekha kar kareedengay hum ? We are dependent or Independent ?
I think it must have been going thru renovation or upgrades .... probbly they were trying to save $$ to get it done thru a company there little did that know , for 60,000$ alleged the plane could be sold to local theif running a deserted airport:tdown::tdown::tdown:
now what we can do ? if some thing we have to do it ASAP
now what we can do ? if some thing we have to do it ASAP

Few thing there are three parties involved

A) Pakisan Airforce
B) Local US company handling transfer
C) Airport Maintenence

***Need 2 lawers 1 in city/juristdiction where the hold was passed (Alleged)
***Need 1 lawyer in city where the plane is sitting

***Written cheque of $60,000 should be with lawyer to close the proceedings

***Get approval from Court to grant 30-60 days for Pakistani airforce to fly out the
stranded Ilyushin if indeed that was the case.

The plane should not be under hold/resale etc

An Alternative airport should be located with honest management and plane should be flown there at once

Step 1:
Pakistan has to formaly put in request that the asset belonged to it The company that has to pay the fuel cost party B , should pay the $60,000. You can't arbitrarily confiscate a plane and sell it for $60,000. It did not belong to it it was property of Pakistan Airforce

Its like F22 raptors stops in Pakistan for refueling and we confiscate it because the pilot did not had a visa for pakistan. And then charge 12 month of landing fees

Step 2:
The Local Airport company should demonstrate that they called Pakistan airforce and also demonstrate via documentation , telephone and paperwork that they indeed were in touch with Pakistan Airforce

Step 3:
If $$$ were due they are due from the local US company , which can be collected via normal collection procedures.

You can't take property belonging to third party and sell it.

The issue of maintence fee is between two local US companies - nothing to do with Asset belonging to Pakistan.

So any hold/restrictio on plane should not have effected the plane to fly out of Airport

Step 4:
Also if any judgement was put on plane , on what grounds on the plane the judgement should have been placed on the company's financial assets not on plane belonging to third party. Not by just randomly selecting something that values 500 million something and selling it for $50,000

I am sure if initiative was taken it would have costed $1,000-$8000 in lawyers fee.


Also, since the asset belonged to Pakistan Airforce we should be able to send our own pilot to fly it back to Pakistan , if we can bring 18 F16 in and out , why is flying our own refueller an issue ???

Just take an extra pilot in the F16 and have him fly the plane back out of US airzone
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we have any danger of lose this bird? just for 60000 $ what the hell is this its refuler of millions of dollers.
Whats the proof that this aircraft is for PAF ?
Whats the proof that this aircraft is for PAF ?
I hope you read the article. NATA clearly states that it was bound for Pakistan. There's the high probability that we wanted to buy it at such a cheap price but as it got stuck, we cut out of the deal.
I read more on the company it seems that it was goingto demonstrate the plane to Pakistan Forces and try to get a deal done

But the plane got stuck on airport -

(Alledged posting)

No one really knows if it was sold or lease or anything at the point but I am sure if it was for our Air force Pakistan would have acted:pakistan:

We have 4 ordered for our refueling needs we need 1 US refueler now another Ilyushin is not a requiremnt urgently but if this plane is ours we should bring it back

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