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IIT-Kharagpur to help GRSE build ships


He's Dean of Media and Cultural Studies, btw.

HeHe, Joe; I do not know Yusuf personally, but I do know of him. I am an admirer of his documentation work in Music esp Sufi Music. And one of my inspirations for some projects that I am doing for some time in documentation of Music and Musicians. Its not so easy for me since I've been an Old Salt and had to teach myself some new skills in audio and videography as well as researching the subjects. Its fun and as I'm finding out; even an Old Monkey can learn New Tricks!
As my wife says, it helps to keep me out of mischief! ;)

But seriously I do hope to connect with him sometime and attend the Basant Festival in Delhi in memory of Khwaja Nizamuddin and Amir Khusro.
I feel very excited about it, and have just got off the mail with some of my new colleagues, planning to go to the north-east to talk to potential students, and to go to the IIMs to hire faculty for the management school.

The new univ. will have seven schools to start with: Technology, Management, Commerce, Information Technology, Media and Cultural Studies, Law and Education. I am involved with them to organise their placement, to teach management classes and to coordinate the humanities faculty.

If I may ask, how are you and your colleagues planning on raising the funds required for such a venture?
Hi @Joe Shearer

Could you please mail me at jumpingjack2012@rediffmail.com? I cant reply to PMs. Btw, checked out your univ website :D


Oh my sainted aunt!

My cover is blown.

HeHe, Joe; I do not know Yusuf personally, but I do know of him. I am an admirer of his documentation work in Music esp Sufi Music. And one of my inspirations for some projects that I am doing for some time in documentation of Music and Musicians. Its not so easy for me since I've been an Old Salt and had to teach myself some new skills in audio and videography as well as researching the subjects. Its fun and as I'm finding out; even an Old Monkey can learn New Tricks!
As my wife says, it helps to keep me out of mischief! ;)

But seriously I do hope to connect with him sometime and attend the Basant Festival in Delhi in memory of Khwaja Nizamuddin and Amir Khusro.

Cappie, how did you know that Yousuf was in this university? How did you know I was in this university? How did you connect the dots? How come you are figuring out all this sitting in Canada?

If I may ask, how are you and your colleagues planning on raising the funds required for such a venture?

Funded by a combination of private endowments by a powerful group of charities, and public sector banks' finance.
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If you do not mind, could i start a thread on Indian education, it's problem and solutions. I am asking because it is originally your idea and it would be impolite to start a thread without intimating you and it would take at least a day wort of collecting material and typing to make a proper thread.
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If you do not mind, could i start a thread on Indian education, it's problem and solutions. I am asking because it is originally your idea and it would be impolite to start a thread without intimating you and it would take at least a day wort of collecting material and typing to make a proper thread.

Brilliant idea!
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Sir, what is the name of your university?

Excellent! A worthy cause! But some Photographs and pointers to your introduction on the website would have been very satisfying, Sir.
Cappie, how did you know that Yousuf was in this university? How did you know I was in this university? How did you connect the dots? How come you are figuring out all this sitting in Canada?

HeHeHe, Joe I'm smart but not THAT smart. About your connection, I knew about it just as I knew about your whiskers! :)
About Yousuf's connection; I knew about it since he notified all of us on his mailing-list. I could've done that in Timbuctoo also. Connecting the dots, I mean.
So I put 2 and 2 together. But I can only count upto 4; don't worry. ;)
You lads could just post the website link here, there is no need to be cryptic.

If you do not mind, could i start a thread on Indian education, it's problem and solutions. I am asking because it is originally your idea and it would be impolite to start a thread without intimating you and it would take at least a day wort of collecting material and typing to make a proper thread.

Absolutely .. please do go ahead!!!!!
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Excellent! A worthy cause! But some Photographs and pointers to your introduction on the website would have been very satisfying, Sir.

My cover, my cover!!

Imagine the Internet Hindus getting through.
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