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If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack


Jul 21, 2021
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If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack,
and the USA will choose 9 countries from the remaining countries to form an alliance for defense.

The use of nuclear weapons is not allowed.

10 countries VS 10 countries

How do you choose?

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I don't need 10 countries, I'd take Russia and launch every single nuke, in return America will launch its nukes as well and we all will die :)
1. China
2. Russia

Both of the above are the only military powers with the tech and the volumes to launch an attack on the US.

3. Mexico
4. Brazil

Need the land access and the manpower both of these could provide. Mexico especially has the manpower and cartel links in the US mainland to launch attacks to occupy security forces.

The Brazilian military would act as police against any South or Central American allies to the USA.

5. Turkey
6. Iran
7. Pakistan

All three nations with large militaries and lots of manpower. Iran is also key to disrupting the supply of oil to America and its allies. Turkey can also blockade the bosphorus and the Mediterranean stopping transit of ships and supplies into Europe, preventing potential allies from organising. They'd also help protect the European front from a counter attack.

Pakistan can provide lots of manpower and hardware to support the invasion.

8. France
9. UK

The world's Other two nuclear powers, both have good militaries and large navies with strategic access around the Atlantic. Also plenty of experience in occupying countries.

10. India. Controversial for PDF, but it would deny the USA a powerful ally in Asia and provide sheer volume to the occupying forces. Also lots of them already there as inside agents.
Hypothetical scenario:

Russia, China and Mexico, Cuba or Canada.

Russia for straight up brutal raw power. Mass hardware production and resources.

China for economic and Industrial might. Plus large pool of man power.

Mexico, Cuba or Canada for staging area and land access.

Realistically speaking: Any country (if) able to defeat US Navy, will win the war. 90% of US economy and population reside with in 1000 miles of shores. Modern land attack cruise missiles will be able to wipeout any military bases from the distance.

Pentagon and USN is aware of this vulnerability, that’s exactly why USN will sink any Chinese Navy try to cross the Hawaiian Island Chain.

From East, USN is keeping Tabs on Russia Navy, with the help of European allies.
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You don't need 10 countries. You just need 5 but of the population who are willing to die for their country and are not afraid of death. Here Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Russia and China play their role.

Russia and China also offers unlimited supply of industrial might, technologicaly advanced weapons and manpower...

Apart from them South Korea and India along Japan. So that they don't put hurdles to Chinese advances in South China sea and Malacca strait.

Brazil and Mexico yes. As pointed by @313ghazi . And from the Europe I will only need UK. They can take care of France and Germany.

These countries opposite to whole world will win.
You don't need 10 countries. You just need 5 but of the population who are willing to die for their country and are not afraid of death. Here Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Russia and China play their role.

Russia and China also offers unlimited supply of industrial might, technologicaly advanced weapons and manpower...

Apart from them South Korea and India along Japan. So that they don't put hurdles to Chinese advances in South China sea and Malacca strait.

Brazil and Mexico yes. As pointed by @313ghazi . And from the Europe I will only need UK. They can take care of France and Germany.

These countries opposite to whole world will win.
You are creating a World war scenario. I think he is asking about US by itself. In WW scenario NATO will side with US.
I don't need 10 countries, I'd take Russia and launch every single nuke, in return America will launch its nukes as well and we all will die :)

This ^^

The nukes will be flying before any major invasion.

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I would choose this:
1. China, Russia, France. Three countries with a complete defense industry have the ability to lead a sustained attack in one direction alone.
2. Canada. Provide land bases to attack the USA.
3. Japan, South Korea. For shipbuilding and the Navy.
4. Saudi Arabia, Iran, for oil.
5. Britain. For the engine.
6. Germany, for industrial capacity.
The 10 countries I selected are: China, Russia, France, Britain, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The USA can choose India, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey.

The European battlefield. France leads Germany, Britain VS Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.
The Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iran VS Turkey.
The Asian battlefield, China led Japan, South Korea and VS India, Australia and Indonesia.
Russia leads Canada VS the USA, Brazil, Mexico. Russia needs to hold on and wait for reinforcements from other directions.
I would choose this:
1. China, Russia, France. Three countries with a complete defense industry have the ability to lead a sustained attack in one direction alone.
2. Canada. Provide land bases to attack the USA.
3. Japan, South Korea. For shipbuilding and the Navy.
4. Saudi Arabia, Iran, for oil.
5. Britain. For the engine.
6. Germany, for industrial capacity.
The 10 countries I selected are: China, Russia, France, Britain, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The USA can choose India, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey.

The European battlefield. France leads Germany, Britain VS Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.
The Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iran VS Turkey.
The Asian battlefield, China led Japan, South Korea and VS India, Australia and Indonesia.
Russia leads Canada VS the USA, Brazil, Mexico. Russia needs to hold on and wait for reinforcements from other directions.
The 10 countries I selected are: China, Russia, France, Britain, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The USA can choose India, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey.
You need to balance out. Take out Canada and Mexico all the Invasion plans go bust and you need the oceans. The 10 countries you selected will not even cross the Pacific and/or Atlantic.
US allies except Mexico are too far away, they can fight little wars in their own continents.
This ^^

The nukes will be flying before any major invasion.

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I hate to burst this bubble but Russia will be smoked rather quickly and dispatched. I understand alot of people have Russian fetish on this forum but it is just not realistic. NATO who is already located in East Europe and neighbouring russia has a preparation advantage because they have all their main headquarters there.

Also another fallacy if all the nukes in the world are launched humanity will not die but we would enter instead severe nuclear winter 90% of crops dies but humanity will survive and live on.

So Russia doesn't provide much deterence to NATO just a little hurdle for them to bypass. The Russians don't have the necessary manpower or logistic might to take on NATO hack even China doesn't have it alone. Example China is 50 times stronger than Russia and hack even Pakistan is conventionally 4 times stronger than Russia and more formidble and the same with India is 4 times stronger than Russia if you remove their nukes. Russia will not be where NATO will face it's main stiff dog-fight.

If the Chinese could deploy to East Europe it would be a different story they have the manpower to really alter NATO's advantage there but I don't think China will ever deploy to East Europe meaning Russia will eventually get blitz and ended as an state in the short term future.

NATO will eventually be defeated but they will win their first war which will be against Russia in order for them to advance to reach second stage. likewise India will be defeated rather quickly in the east by a strong China coalition. China's coalition will defeat NATO in the finale ending WW3 and as consequence Americas and majority of West Europe being conquered.

Or another coalition will emerge out of nowhere in the long term future that is not born yet or on the map today that would defeat NATO in the Levent, Aegen sea, Italy meaning the fall of Rome, Balkan and finally central Europe fronts leading to the complete fall of Europe and occupation of the continent..

There is two solutions or two entities can get the job done

1. A Chinese lead bloc (With or without Russia doesn't make difference) Russia alone will not suffice China because their manpower is low and the Russian population is decreasing China needs more allies on top of Russia.

2. A whole new unknown bloc that has not emerged yet or on the map until the far future (Size wise bigger than NATO or equal size)

But one thing is for sure if NATO is defeated in East Europe or mediterranean whomever does that will conquer Europe and the Americas as prize and aftermath of WW3 as trophy.. It seems slightly far fatched but it is the victor who writes history and the rules.. Believe it or not West Europe and America serve as trophy if defeated whomever does that will take the trophies and completely put an stamp on that as the old world in order for a new world to be born..

It is like a lion when he takes over a pride he dispatches the old litter in order to ethablish his own. Taking the trophy would be the psychological end of an epoch and the stamp of a new age
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This ^^

The nukes will be flying before any major invasion.

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Even without nukes, American country side would be a nightmare to pass through, lots of crazies with a huge arsenal of weapons... just in case anyone wants to invade US give me some time to enjoy America :D
Na, Nukes are off in game mode.

Alaska aur Huwaii ki Kaaf se kachi hai ?
If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack,
and the USA will choose 9 countries from the remaining countries to form an alliance for defense.

The use of nuclear weapons is not allowed.

10 countries VS 10 countries

How do you choose?

You need Mexico and Canada to conquer USA. The problem is that USA can overrun Canada and Mexico before others can help them. It is pointless enlisting them as allies

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