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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

Oh please. Take your oh so righteous attitude and shove it where sun don't shine.

Same goes for you guys. If you think Nuclear terrorism is fine and holding your neighboring nations hostage .

The world will clamp Pakistan with sanctions, leaving Pakistan to mercy of overly being burdened or dependent on China, Iran and possibly Russia. Not an enviable position.
None of these doctrines are ever made public, Pakistan already probably has such a doctrine. India probably has one, China, US, and Russia as well. The only reason people know about the Zionists Samson Doctrine is because they have already threatened to use it before.

Maybe! I don't trust/believe the Indian/Chinese Govt no-first use policy. For any nation capability matters, which will judge the decision taken at the time of crisis.

Oh please. Take your oh so righteous attitude and shove it where sun don't shine.

It wasn't righteous, it was just logical. Think about it yourself.

If India or any nation does the same the UN will crucify than nation.
Maybe! I don't trust/believe the Indian/Chinese Govt no-first use policy. For any nation capability matters, which will judge the decision taken at the time of crisis.

Everyone knows the Indian no-first use is a farce, Indian generals have hinted at publicly removing the policy and there was even a thread on this forum about the policy itself which has loopholes that hint at a first use.

Same goes for you guys. If you think Nuclear terrorism is fine and holding your neighboring nations hostage .

The world will clamp Pakistan with sanctions, leaving Pakistan to mercy of overly being burdened or dependent on China, Iran and possibly Russia. Not an enviable position.

Pakistan has been holding India hostage and you guys know it, yet nobody has bothered to "clamp down" on Pakistan.
Pakistan has been holding India hostage and you guys know it, yet nobody has bothered to "clamp down" on Pakistan.

I don't think so, based on Musharraf's reaction to American diplomat's threat on bombing to stone age. He should have threatened to use India as hostage, though he didn't.
I don't think so, based on Musharraf's reaction to American diplomat's threat on bombing to stone age. He should have threatened to use India as hostage, though he didn't.

US interests had no use for India then, now they see India as a counter weight to growing Chinese stranglehold in Asia and the Pacific, cmon mate you know you know this. Besides Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is much more mature now and way more complex than a decade ago.
The days of nations going to war, especially those who have near parity in terms of arms are gone. There is simply too much to lose. The wars that have been fought in last couple of decades consist of a far more powerful nation beating the hell out of a weaker foe.
LGBs supplied by Israel during Kargil was certainly tremendous gesture on their part. Israel would have long ago killed their nuclear programme in it's very nascent stages by bombing their nuclear facility ,had only GOI coperated back then.

Really? What do you think Pakistan is? Iraq? :rofl: and FYI, India and Israel already had to plan to bomb the nuclear test sites. Pakistan sent a message to Israel along the lines of "we know how to deal with situations like these". Israeli airforce was even detected and siren went off, PAF was all around the nuclear facilities guarding it. on't take Pakistan as some kind of weak child.
As-Salam- Walikum..

Okay , this might be a stupid question.. but it doesn't hurt to ask..

Lets say..
khuda-Na-Khasta if Pakistan is under attack or goes to War, which countries would come in for support?.

Dont really want to name any country, just take it as a general enemy or anything.


The best friend of Pak will be our Nuclear threshold......Mind it!!!!!
Wisdom you speak. Where been have you?

@Armstrong, is that about correct "Yodish"?

The days of nations going to war, especially those who have near parity in terms of arms are gone. There is simply too much to lose. The wars that have been fought in last couple of decades consist of a far more powerful nation beating the hell out of a weaker foe.
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Ḥashshāshīn;3755656 said:
@Aeronaut, I didn't mean Chinese involvement in combat, but they will definitely provide assistance, like weapons and Intel on what Indian soldiers are doing.

With GCC, I meant extra Oil Supply, but as you said they are changing their direction. I still think KSA and UAE will provide some cheap oil during the period of war or help Pakistan economically during/after the war.

As for a NATO attack, Russia will most definitely supply missiles and other high tech weapons. Slowly all country are getting under control of the West and NATO is surrounding Russia. They will act.

Iran supported Pakistan during the '65 war. NATO is their current enemy and they will help to destroy it as much as possible.

in 1965 it was Raza Shah Pehlvi's Gov that helped us.
But since 1979's revolution, the revolutionaries will not help us in any real scenario.
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in 1965 it was Raza Shah Pehlvi's Gov that helped us.
But since 1979's revolution, the revolutionaries will not help us in any real scenario.

I'm talking about in case of Western attack. Iran doesn't want more NATO troops on its border, so it will assist Pakistan... I think.
Ḥashshāshīn;3756645 said:
I'm talking about in case of Western attack. Iran doesn't want more NATO troops on its border, so it will assist Pakistan... I think.

Let me make it very simple....
i partly agree n partly disagree!!

Irani gov of now a days is revolutionary gov right?
So revolutionary means its national interests will remain key for them just like in Chinese help case, right??

So if u think in a bigger way then their interests will not be only that they dont want western troops to encircle them only, right??
But it will be certainly more then that.....Also Iran had survived well when the Nato or Americans were in Iraq, then also they were circled by two sides but they managed well.
So that insecurity will not really be their biggest concern in that scenario too.
Im not totally rejecting yr claim but i believe if they did helped us or not, either way it will not be of one or two reasons but will be by reading the situation as a whole from their point of view.

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