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If it's not the TTP... ?

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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If it's not the TTP... ?
Published 2014-04-09 16:03:11

Men grieve the death of relatives at a hospital in Islamabad, after a bomb tore through a bustling market, killing at least 21 people. -AFP Photo

Could dialogue have saved the lives of the 21 people killed in the Islamabad blast today?

Apparently the government thought so – or perhaps still does. But then again, one may ask why should peace talks with the Taliban come under fire when the Tehreek-e-Taliban themselves have condemned today’s attackclaiming, "such attacks targeting innocent people are forbidden in Sharia and they are un-Islamic."

This statement by the TTP, if true, brings us back to the mysterious hidden hands then – the entity supposedly responsible for the recent attacks.

These hidden hands do not want peace. They never have. Apparently, it is always the hidden hands, which launch such attacks when the government and the Taliban initiate dialogue. It would seem thus, the bigger and perhaps scarier enemy then, are these hidden hands – the hidden hands with no name, no face but a clear agenda – derail peace talks and keep terror alive.

The common man is reading in the newspapers and watching on television the progress, or lack of, on the peace talks. He doesn’t care when the next round of talks will be and what terms proposed by either side are – all he cares about is security, and if these talks aren’t providing that, what is the point of going ahead with them?

The government is interested in reducing the level of violence in the short term and the TTP seems to be the obvious enemy at hand and hence, the bending over backwards to accommodate their terms continues. However, not to be the eternal pessimist and critic here, but it doesn’t take a lot of deep analysis to see this effort going nowhere.

We are perhaps talking to the wrong people. We are releasing their prisoners and pondering over their intolerant ideology while the real enemy is bombing innocent people at the sabzi mandi.

Any effort to create peace will go wasted if there is a more powerful enemy out there who seems to have a free reign, as its identity remains concealed. If anything, perhaps the first point on the government and TTP’s agenda should be to identify and take action against the group committing these crimes. Not only would it bring about some security for the common man, but it may also clarify TTP’s position.

Once the hidden hands are dealt with, dialogue between the government and TTP can continue on balanced, fair terms as opposed to having the latter dictate them. There is absolutely no point in investing energy and effort on a process that is futile to begin with.

Too many times have we seen Rehman Malik and Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan stare at the cameras wearing a mask of sincerity, telling us how the “hidden hands” and “third element” are coming in the way of peace and progress. Too many times failure has stared us in the face and taken far too many innocent lives.

All effort should now be channeled towards unveiling and capturing this hidden enemy instead and if the government or military lacks the capability to do so, it should clearly be stated so that there remains no doubt in their incompetency.

Currently, it seems that peace talks and ceasefires with the TTP may be able to save the lives of our government leaders and military men but they won’t be able to save the lives of the common man out on the street.

Who does the government plan to hold talks with about those lives?
Those who first created terrorists in this region in 1971 in Bangladesh.
I still don't understand why pakistan Gov: need peace talk with them?
It's our some ''beloved friends'' who can't see live us peacefully.
Just like our 'beloved friends' who are trying their darnedest to piss us off, but unfortunately for them we care a fook - because little pinpricks don't hurt! :P :lol:

Ok, seriously, there are a number of other militant groups under the TTP umbrella who are trying their best to stall the 'peace' talks with the government. Undoubtedly, it's them.
Most of those who are Shaheed in this Fruit Market Blast were from KPK

From Allah we Come and to Him we Will Return

This is giving me memories of the mass murder of Christians in Peshawar historical Church. Pakistani women and children BLOWN TO PEICES

Now, innocent fruit sellers BLOWN TO PEICES

They also bombed a train in Sibi, burning to death two women and 4 children

all Pakistanis

ok lets assume it is India....than what is solution.?.....day by day condition is getting worst .....
Yes day by day condition is getting worse for india it's true. This is not the first time we are in this mess, in 80s 90s it was worse than this. Solution is very simple as pakistan is doing prolong it. More delay means less space for india in Afghanstan. Yes in return we have to face some heat unfortunately.
Those who first created terrorists in this region in 1971 in Bangladesh.

If the indirect reference is to India, not a single one of BD guys ever joined your regional war which created the bunnies.

Mehsuds and various ullas are your darling guys, who with help of US and CIA trained to wage CIA's ego clash with USSR and KGB's by calling it Holy war and lot of chest thumpings followed and subsequent victory for US which you believe is urs.

Well these afghan war veterans and thousands of small foot soldiers are not graduates/undergraduates from, colleges who went to their regular job after the war is over. The know only to kill and kill only and they are doing it ever since without a cause.

It was Pakistan who brought America in region during Afghan war.
It was Pakistan who went all out ally with US against Russia proclaiming as its cold war ally.

Now all are busy pointing fingers around and India is the closest and a safest option for the blame game due to past bitter history.
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